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Honour dont doubt of your Complyance with his propositions. Your Humble Servant

Shall write you fully before I sail.




London, February 25, 1767.

THE Ship is almost compleated, and ready to come out of Dock, as she was only spiked and treeniled [treenail]; and to take in a load of Salt which is a weighty loading I thought propper to butt boalt her: I have used every Endevour to obtain Freight some way of other, but fruteless. Never was such times here before: therefore the only expediant is to dispatch away for Lisbon as quick as possable. shall obtain my men upon a reasonable Lay: there are 100 Sail new Ships for sail from 150 to 250 Tons butt will not sell: doubtless you have hered of the Death of Mrs. Cruger, which am affraid is a Detriment to Mr. Cruger; Mr. Haley, the Gent who has ben so good as to honour your Credit, is a Gentleman ben a long time in the American Trade, extreeme good Carracter [and] a large Cappitall they say £100 Thousands pos[sibly.] May be introductory to further dealings he is a Corespondent of Benj. Mason.1 I shall order £800 Insurance upon the Ship from here to Lisbon, and £1200 from thence to R Island, of which I shall before sailing give you notice. Compliments to Mrs. Lopez. Concludes me Your Humble Servant




Kingston, 26 Feb., 1767.

My last to you was by Captain Simmons. I therein wrote you at large, in particular on all subject, to which I must

1 Benjamin Mason (1728-1775), a merchant of Newport, who married in 1754, Mary, daughter of Daniel Ayrault, Jr.

referr. Since I am to give you the agreeable and joyfull news the Arrivall of the Brig Little Hart, Captain Newdegate, after a long Voyage of 37 days. I assure you we where under great Aprehensions for her Saftey. I expected a Confirmation of your favour, per said Brig, to have lighten her of part of hir Cargoe that might have proved saleable in this port, butt finding Captain Newdegate orders so positive to be deld [to] Mr. Ab. Lopez of Sav. lamarr, I thought would not have been prudent to land any part in this port, (tho' some articles could have commanded Cash,) and wish you good Success therein. All the Advice in my power to serve Captain Newdegate to your Interest have assisted him with. tho' his Pasage was long he lost butt some of his turkeys and sheep, the horses where landed safle, tho' poor in flesh. Captain Newdegate will sail for Sav. lamarr in two days. at his stay in this port, he made sale of the frame, etc., that was intended (for Handorus) for £100 this Currency, occasion'd by Two Vessill arrived from the bay and gave Captain Newdegate and myself infomation of that article being out of demand, as there where now three frames for sale cheap on Credit. on this Consideration he sold at a lower price, and had for Payment Two fine Nigroes to be sold for Mr. Is. Rod da Costa on his Account and Risque, and the Proceeds to be paid in Jam[aica] to him, with the Sale of said frame, I assisted in my Advice to Captain Newdegate as I am sure will be to your Interest. Considering Three Carpenters Maint[en]ance and Wagess till arrived at your port would run high, and make a difference of more then £20, as I find your orders to sell said frame in this place for £120, the Captain will get a discharge from the Carpenters, which I shall take care be done properly.

Captain Bradfield is now at Withywood with the Swansey takin her Load of Molasses. I hope she will sail 20 March next, except any Rains should prevent. by him I shall write you at large, with a particular Account of Sales of her Cargoe, etc. Youll excuse this, as wrote in a hurry, not having time, from the knowledge of this vessell departing. Accept my best Respects to you and good family, and Love

to my Brother Abraham and Miss Sally, as all my family joyns me, from, Sir,

Journing Buster


Dear Sir,

Henry CrugeR, JR. TO AARon Lopez

Bristol, March 23rd, 1767.

By this conveyance of your Ship America, go duplicates of my last Respects to you.

none of the Pine Plank would pass for 2 inches, was oblig'd therefore to mingle all together and sell them for 20 inches only. this have done at 18/ per 100 feet. 2 inches would have sold for 3 or 4/ per Ct. higher. pray attend to the inclosed hints touching Plank; they will prove of advantage. the Oak Quarter is sold for 12/6 per 100 ft., the 29 Oak Plank of 4 inches, are sold at 47/ per 100 ft., 8 Do. of 3 inches, at 39/ per Ct. the Logwood is sold at £5.5 per ton. the Lignum vita was put up at Public Sale, but no body bid, have since sold it at 6 mos. Credit, for only £3.10. it is very plenty. don't send any more, it won't answer. this was very small poor trash. the Barrell Staves are sold at the same Credit for £3.5 per m by my next will render account Sales of these articles. The sale for Pott Ash is at present very slow. People have a notion large Quantities will be sent home, and the Price fall a good deal. I have sold only 2 or 3 Casks of yours yet, by way of Trial and at 27/ per Ct. Bristol lying so handy to Ireland (where so much is consumed) will always command as good a Price as any Port in England. Just now people are cautious how they buy, waiting to see how much will come home,

and wanting it down at £25 per ton. White Oil sold here last week at £26 per ton, Brown £24. Mahogany continues as per my last. should you incline to speculate in Corn, Wheat is 8/ to 9/ per Bushell, flour from 18/ to 20/ per Ct. and certainly will not be lower untill next Harvest is gather'd in.

Inclosed is Bill Lading and Invoice for a few articles I thought you'd stand in immediate need of, amounting to £73.13.10 Stg. also Cost of £600 on America to your Port, £16, both to your Debit. you are credited £18.17.9 as per particulars herewith. The Sail Cloth you write of, the person I bought it from seems positive it was parliament Cloth. do look it over again, for, if you persist that it is not, he shall make an Allowance of d per yard. you have Capt. Peters Rect. for £25.4. advanc'd for Ships Use. the Disbursements shall be sent with my next Respects; they will be very small. the frt. the Ship makes to New York, £633.4.7 Currency, will be paid there. I have insur'd on it £300 Stg. for fear of accidents, Cost £7.16 to your Debit. the freight to Rhode Island is paid here £56.8.7 Stg. to your Credit.

Capt. Osborne must account with you for £10.6 Stg. being for freight of Beer and Syder now on Board the America, belonging to him. I have consign'd the Ship to my Brother, John Harris Cruger, with whom hope it will be perfectly agreeable to you to correspond. this is all that at present occurs, save to wish the America a quick passage, and to assure you I am with hearty and unfeigned Regard, Dear Sir, Yours, etc.,


P. S. I have advanc'd to P. Ackland, a Sailor, 2 Gs. which please to stop out of his Wages, as it will be charg'd in the Disbursements.

[Memo.] rec'd per Jersey via N yk.



Graves End, March 31, 1767.

AFTER my utmost Endevour I am obliged to go to Lisbon in ballast. Coal from New Castle there would not produce the prime cost. There are Number of Cargoes unsold, a Freight back was not possable to obtain, a number of Vessells to Boston obligd to go away half loaded and some in ballast. there are above 100 Sails new Ships from America to sell no Buyers. when I heard of the Loss of Captain Cuzens Ship thinking there might be large Orders I applyd to Messrs Herford and Powell, but as no Letters were saved and no duplicates arrived could do nothing. had the Ship layd one six months more she would not have fetched 350 pounds. she is in very good order for sail or otherways as you shall judge necessary to employ her. the Shippers of Oyle have sunk a great deal of money as Mr. Haley enformed me, who him[self] has sold 5 hundred Tons. in expectation of seaing you I remain Your Humble Servant, J. OSBORNE

a sett of candle stick worth her £36 pounds I have on board from Enocks Mother for the Sinegoge.1



Jamaica, April 7th, 1767.

My last to you was per the Sally Brighton to which I confirm and to which must at present beg reference. Neither time nor my present melancholy Situation will admit of my enlarging farther than to acquaint you, your Brig Charlotte, Captain Newdigate, sail'd for the Bay the 12th last Month. The Amount of the Cargo supply'd him from me with

1"As to what you mention of Newport being a station for the men of war, it arose from some chit-chat of the local advantage of the harbor last summer in England; but as so much money has been expended at Halifax for docks etc., will not take place." J. Powell to Christopher Champion, April 6, 1767.

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