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General Land Office, October 27, 1870.

SIR: In accordance with the requirements of the resolution adopted on the 28th July, 1855, by the Senate of the United States, the following is presented as an abstract of the accompanying annual report of this office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1870:

First. The operations of this branch of the service during the fiscal year ending on the 30th June, 1870, have been coextensive with the whole national domain, except Alaska; the new Territory of Wyoming having been organized into a district for surveys and disposal of land by the act of Congress of February 5, 1870.

Second. Statement showing that there are now seventeen different surveying districts, extending from Florida on the Atlantic to the Pacific, and eighty different land districts, each having a register and receiver for local convenience in the disposal of the public lands.

Third. Results of operations for the last year in the disposal of public lands, shown as follows, viz:

Cash sales, including a small amount of military scrip, received as money.

Locations of military bounty-land warrants under acts of 1847, 1850, 1852, 1855...

Homestead entries under acts of 1862 and acts supplemental.....

Agricultural college scrip locations .

Certified for railways under various acts of Congress...
Certified for wagon roads under statutory requirements.
Approved to States as swamp lands, and selected as in-
demnity for lands covered by adverse rights..
Indian scrip locations, Chippewa and Sioux

Total of lands disposed of during the year.
Aggregate of the previous year..

Increased disposal...


2, 159, 515. 81

512, 360. 00

3,698, 910. 05

192, 848. 21

996, 685. 28

36, 628. 01

481, 638. 31

16, 827.33

8,095, 413. 00

7,666, 151.97

429, 261. 03

Fourth. The cash receipts for ordinary sales, preëmption, (including a small quantity of military scrip received as money;) for the five-dollar and ten-dollar homestead payments; for commissions on homesteads; fees for locating agricultural scrip and military bounty-land warrants; for fees on preemptions, donations, railroad selections, and for certified transcripts, make up an aggregate of cash receipts during the said fiscal year ending June 30, 1870, of $3,663,513 90, being a decrease from the

preceding year, the reason of which is shown; yet, although the receipts in cash for the last fiscal year are not equal to those of the year previous, the quantity of land disposed of and opened to settlement is considerably in excess of that disposed of during the year ending June 30, 1869.

Fifth. Influence of the liberal policy in disposing of the public lands on immigration pointed out, and the value of the immigrant to this country in a financial point of view considered.

Sixth. The total area of the public domain stated as 1,834,998,400 acres; quantity disposed of to June 30, 1870, as 447,266,190.16 acres, leaving still in possession of the Government, as unsold and unappro priated, an area of 1,387,732,209.84 acres. A prospective view taken of annual disposals, and an increase anticipated much in excess of the present rates.


Seventh. Our territorial growth-its origin and progress traced; results presented as to the gradual acquisition by the United States of proprietary rights in the public domain.

Eighth. Liberal policy of our Government shown in regard to titles derived from foreign governments, when the latter were in possession of certain territory now within the limits of the republic. The legisla tive, judicial, and executive departments concurrent in securing to private individuals such titles of every grade, from complete grants down even to inceptive interests, where held in good faith; all such are surveyed and finally carried into patents by the United States, which are furnished to the actual owners.

Ninth. Indian usufructuary rights considered rulings referred to of the judicial tribunals.

Tenth. American land titles discussed; allodial tenures; early legis lation in this respect; effect upon social order and individual prosperity.

Eleventh. United States surveying system described; the ratio shown of the surface surveyed in each political division of the public lands; simplicity and efficiency of the system indicated.

Twelfth. Aggregate area of the public domain, as shown

in the tabular statements accompanying report-acres.. 1, 834, 998, 400 Of which there were surveyed during the

last fiscal year ending June 30, 1870, an extent equal to-acres.

To this quantity add the preëxisting surveys

18, 165, 278

509, 717, 674

527, 882, 952

Thirteenth. An aggregate surface of. acres, over which the lines of the United States surveys have been extended from the commencement in the year 1785 to the 30th June, 1870.

Fourteenth. The existing unsurveyed area is equal to


1,307, 115, 448

Fifteenth. Astronomical boundary line established under appropriation act of March 2, 1867, between California and Oregon, is 2123 miles in length; sketch given of the topographical features of the country which the line traverses; grandeur of its scenery.

Sirteenth. Boundary in like manner established between Nebraska and Colorado under appropriation act of July 20, 1868. Line running east and west equal to...

Seventeenth. That running north and south, in length equal to....

Eighteenth. The line between Nebraska and Wyoming running north and south, in length ..

Making an aggregate length of these lines of ...

Miles ch. I'ks.

104 72 07

68 79 59

138 22 67

312 14 33

which have been astronomically established. Nineteenth. Boundary between Colorado and Kansas estimated in length at 210 miles; survey not yet made; appropriation inadequate. The sum now required is $7,350, that heretofore appropriated having become inapplicable by operation of law.

Twentieth. Eastern boundary of Nevada, being a line on the west common to Utah and Arizona, and of an estimated length of 425 miles. A contract has been made for this survey by the surveyor general of Nevada, under appropriation act of July 20, 1868. Surveyors are in the field and the survey will be prosecuted to early completion.


Twenty-first. Pursuant to the directions of the Secretary of the Interior, in order to meet the requirements of the treaty of February 19, 1867, with the Sisseton, Wahpeton, and Cut-Head bands of Indians of Dakota, a contract has been made for the survey of their reservation, equal to 918,352.70 acres, payable out of Indian appropriations.

Twenty-second. Yankton Indian reservation in Dakota under treaty of April 19, 1858. In accordance with departmental orders, the survey of a portion of this reservation into 80-acre tracts fronting the Missouri River has been contracted for, the work completed, the returns whereof are soon expected.

Twenty-third. The Navajo Indian reservation, part in New Mexico, and part in Arizona; contract has been made pursuant to departmental instructions under the provisions of the treaty concluded June 1, 1868, with those Indians, the reservation embracing over three millions of


Twenty-fourth. Reservation in Idaho Territory for the Nez Percés; under treaty of August 13, 1868, with those Indians, a contract has been made for the survey of their reservation.

Twenty-fifth. Chickasaw lands in the Indian Territory. A contract has been made by order of the Department of the Interior for the survey of these lands into 160-acre tracts, and the surveyors have departed for the theater of their operations.

Twenty sixth. Outlines given of the public-land States and Territories, with reference to their several chorographic peculiarities; grand openings to individual enterprise now developing in the Great West; attractions for European emigrants, and for our citizens residing in the older States; sketches given of the several States and Territories according to the following order:


Twenty-seventh. Public-land States in this classification are situated on the Gulf of Mexico. Florida, (with a long line of Atlantic coast,)

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