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this relation as soone as the Sabboth was past the saide Mr. Ludlowe roade to new haven & there intended to take advice with them & soe to proceed to Conectecott, But when he came to new haven & procured Mr. Eaton Mr. Goodier & Mr. Damport [Davenport] to give him meetinge & opened thinges unto them they presently declared there was an Indian from Longe Iland that had declared the same to them verbatim with this that their Indian said and justified before the Sachems face that it was true & that Maantonemo had given them this token that when the designe should be putt in execution he would kill an Englishman & send his heade & handes to Longe Iland & they should send it abroade amonge the Indians, And that the Indians of Longe Iland should presently kill an Englishman with them & send the heade & the handes to them of Naragancetts & they would send to the Indians abroade & this would be a meanes to knitt them togeather, And after this conference the next day the saide Mr. Ludlowe jornyed to Conectecott & there alsoe was another Indian of noate that haveinge received some hurt that he was in danger of death & did nor doth thinke noe other but he shall dye pretended that he could not die before he had revealed some thinge to the english & soe sent for Tho: Staunton & declared the aforesaide matter unto him alsoe to the very same purpose as aforesaide soe that god hath as it were with a threefold testimony confirmed the thinge that the English may easily see it is a truth & soe to be considered of It was alsoe related which is above forgotten that the Massachusetts as Maantonemo saide to the rest of the Indians had of late possessed in the Naragancetts & to beginn to spreade themselves there alsoe that he thought ere longe they should have their Countrey possessed & they should be abridged of their huntinge & fishinge.

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[The following Letter is copied from the original, in the possession of Francis Bayard Winthrop, Esq., at New Haven. The handwriting of the Letter is that of Mr. Davenport; the superscription that of Gov. Eaton. Mr. Davenport generally, if not always, spells his name with a final e.]

"It may please the worthy and much Honored Governor, Deputy & Assistants, &, with them, the present Courte, to take knowledge that our desire of staying within this patent was Reall & strong, if the eye of Gods providence (to whom we have committed our waies especially in so important an enterprise as this, which, we confess, is farr above our Capacityes) had guided us to a place convenient for our familyes, & for our freinds. Which as our words have often expressed, so, we hope, the trueth thereof is sufficiently declared by our almost nine moneths patient wayting in expectacion of some opportunity to be offered us, for that end, to our great charge & hindrance, many waies.

"In all which time we have, in many prayers commended the guidance of our apprehensions, judgments, spirits, resolucons & wayes into the good hand of the onely wise God, whose prerogative it is to determine the bounds of our habitacons according to the ends for which he hath brought us into these countryes, & we have considered, as we were able, by his helpe, whatsoever place hath bene propounded to us, being ready to have, with contentment accepted (if by our stay any publick good might be promoved) smaller accommodacons, & upon dearer termes (if they might be moderately commodious) then, we believe, most men, in the same case with us, in all respects, would have done. And whereas a place for an Inland plantacon, beyond Watertowne was propounded to us, & pressed with much importunity by some, whose words have the power of a law with us, in any way of God, we did speedily, & seriously deliberate thereupon, it being the subject of the greatest part of a dayes discourse. The conclusion was, that, if the upland should answer the meddow ground in goodnes & desirablenes (whereof yet there is some ground of doubting) yet, considering that a Boate cannot pass from the Bay thither, nearer then 8 or 10 miles distance, & that it is so remote from the Bay, & from any towne, we could not see how our dwelling there would be advantagious to these plantations, or compatible with our conditions, or commodious for our familyes, or for our freinds.

"Nor can we satisfye ourselves that it is expedient, for ourselves, or for our freinds, that we chuse such a condition, wherein we must be compelled to have our dwelling houses so farr distant from our Farmes, as Boston, or Charlestowne is from that place, few of our freinds being able to beare the charge thereof (whose cases nevertheless we are bound to consider) & some of them that are able not being persuaded that it is lawfull for them to live continually from the greatest part of theyre familyes, as, in this case, they would be necessitated to doe. The season of the yeare, & other weighty considerations, compelled us to hasten to a full & finall conclusion which we are, at last, come unto, by Gods appointment & direction, we hope in mercy, & have sent letters to Connectacutt for a speedy transacting the purchase of the parts about Quillypieck from the Natives which may pretend title thereunto. By which Act we are Absolutely, & irrevocably ingaged that way, & we are persuaded that God will order it for good unto these plantations, whose love so abundantly, above our desarts, or expectacons, expressed, in your desire of

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