Abbildungen der Seite

who honored Milton with their attendance on that occasion, an additional evidence of the never-failing power of that mild preventive, the cow-pock, against small-pox infection; a blessing great, as it is singular in its kind; whereby the hearts of man ought to be elevated in praise to the Almighty Giver.

"AMOS HOLBROOK, Physician.

of the Committee on Vaccination."

On the reverse, were written these names, viz. Samuel Alden, Joshua Briggs, Thomas Street Briggs, Benjamin Church Briggs, Martin Briggs, George Briggs, Charles Briggs, Catherine Bent, Susanna Bent, Mary Ann Belcher, Ruth Porter Horton, John Smith. These twelve were the only individuals qualified by the town vote, who expressed a desire of being tested, out of 337 vaccinated at the town inoculation, July, 1809.


Mr. Gore did not gain inhabitancy in Waltham, merely by a residence for a time prescribed, or by paying taxes a certain number of years, as the law may then have been; but, in a public town meeting, soon after he purchased his estate in Waltham, he requested to be considered and accepted as an inhabitant. By a unanimous vote of the meeting, he was then made an inhabitant, and ever after freely gave his advice and lent his aid to advance the interests and honor of the town. attended town meeting, when important business was to be transacted, and frequently came from Boston, to put his vote into the ballot-box, on days of election, &c.



On resigning the office of President of the Evangelical Missionary Society, Mr. Gore sent to the Secretary the following letter.

"My dear Sir,

[blocks in formation]

"The last year, on receiving your notification of the honor conferred on me by the Society, I was induced to accept the trust, in the hope and expectation, that returning health would enable me to perform its duties.

"In this hope I have been altogether disappointed'; and however painful the reflection, I have only to remedy the evil, so far as is now in my power, by praying the Society to accept, with my grateful acknowledgments for their kindness, my resignation of the office of President, - assuring them, that nothing would have tempted me to ask their indulgence, but a conviction, that I am and shall be incapable of executing the duties of this high and respectable station. I should be quite unmindful of the obligations of the trust, were I to persist in attempting to retain the honors of a place, when ill health renders me incompetent to the discharge of its calls.

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Convinced, as I am, of the efficacy of religious and moral education in training youth to happiness and usefulness, and in confirming in persons of more advanced life, habits of virtue, order, and industry; and knowing, as I do, the disinterested and benevolent conduct of the Society in promoting these views; I pray the members to be assured of my earnest disposition to do all within my feeble powers to encourage and advance the purposes of their benevolent institution.

"With unfeigned respect, &c.

"To the Secretary of Erangelical

Missionary Society."


Extract from a discourse preached to the First Congregational Society in Waltham, March 11, 1829, on the death of the subject of the preceding Memoir.

"My hearers, it has been your and my happiness to know one, who lived with and among us for many years, whose enlarged and powerful mind, whose various and highly cultivated talents rendered him eminently useful in the most important stations in society; - whose amiable and benevolent disposition made him beloved by all, of every class, who were admitted to his acquaintance; - whose truly honorable and upright character gained him the respect and confidence of all; - whose virtues will long be cherished in remembrance, and in the light of whose example we may perceive the path of true honor and greatness. You have, no doubt, already anticipated the application of these remarks, to our late eminent fellow citizen and townsman, the Hon. Mr. Gore, whose recent decease has made a void in society, and in the relations of private life, which cannot easily be filled.

"I deem no apology necessary for deviating from my usual practice, and taking this public notice of the death of Mr. Gore - making his life and character the subject of the present discourse. For, as he was a man to be honored and esteemed while in life, so was he a man, in all respects, to be remembered after his death. He did not 'live to himself alone, neither will he die to himself.' Sure I am, that many of our fathers and friends, the contemporaries of Mr. Gore, who worshipped with him at this altar, and who, with him, are now worshippers of God in a purer, holier temple, - could their spirits mingle in the transactions of earth, would accuse me of injustice and want of respect for eminent worth, and ingratitude for repeated proofs of personal friendship and unreserved confidence, were İ to withhold this feeble tribute to his memory. To those of his contemporaries, who have yet a little farther to proceed on the journey of life, it cannot be unwelcome, to be reminded of the services and worth of one, whose life was so full of instruction, and incitement to every laudable work. To the younger part of the society, who knew Mr. Gore only by report, and are strangers to his early history, it must be interesting, to attend to a brief sketch of the life, character, and services of a man, who served his country with fidelity, his friends with the sincerest ardor, and his God with the most unbending integrity." R.


[Endorsed - "Sept. 13 '69" (= 1669) “Comrs of United Colonys, declaration of ye Injustice of ye R Islanders, in Narrag: affairs."]

[From W. T. Williams, Esq. of Lebanon, Connecticut.]

"Whereas complaint is made that sundry of his Maj: subjects y pprietors of the Narragansett and Pequotts Country, Contrary to all Justice & Equitye (being lawfully seized of their severall pprietyes) are now dispossessed by the violent intrusions of sundry of Rode Island people, and after all amicable meanes for a redresse they do still põsist therin, the wch Lands by his Masts Lets Pattent were put under y Jurisdictio of Conecticott Colony, the Coms now assembled do declare that this their intrusion is very unjust & unreasonable, & do com end unto their beloved Brethren y Gen" Court of Conecticott, that the Complayntes may be admitted to a full and orderly hereing of their case, and demand made of sat tisfactio fro those that have soe unreasonably oppressed them, in case that their complaint do appeare to be true, and in case of refusall to submit thereto, and to make reparatio, that notice thereof

[blocks in formation]

be given to yo severall Gen" Courts for their advice to a Just & righteous way for a redresse.

Simon Bradstreete.
Thomas Danforth.

John Tallcott.

J. Winthrop.

"Whereas much time hath been spent in debateing matters of difference that have arisen among the Coloneys whereby y Confederatio seemes to be Greatly weakened and at psent uselesse, The Com of y severall Coloneys now assembled do agree to Commend it to ye severall Gen" Courts, that against y Meeting of ye next Gen Court for ellectio in yo Massachusets Colony some meet psons may be chosen and sent fro y Colony of Plimmoth & Conecticott inuested wth full power to treat & conclude of such articles as they shall mutually agree upo for yo reestablishm' of y confederatio, between yo united



Simon Bradstreete.

J. Winthrop.
Thomas Danforth.
John Tallcott."


[A copy on the Massachusetts files agreed verbatim with the foregoing, except that Boston is inserted before "Sept. 13th" and Joseph Winslow's signature after Simon Bradstreete's at the close of the 2d document. The following is added, being the doings of Massachusetts on the subject.]

"18. Oct. '69. This agreement of the Commissioners being read in the Generall Court they doe concurr therewith. The Magistrates have passed this their brethren the deputies hereto consenting. (signed) Edw. Rawson Sec. The Deputies consent hereto provided nothing be concluded without the approbation of of Gen" Court, o' Honood Magist' consenting hereto.

(signed) William Torrey - Cleric.

21 October '69.

Consented to by the Magist*.

Edw. Rawson, Secret."


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Wherein you have the setting out of a Ship,
With the charges; The prices of all necessaries for
furnishing a Planter & his Family at his first com-
ing; A Description of the Country, Natives and
Creatures; The Government of the Countrey as
it is now possessed by the English, &c. A large
Chronological Table of the most remarkable
passages from the first discovering of the Conti-
nent of America, to the year 1673.

By John Josselyn Gent.

The Second Addition.

Mimner. distich rendred English by Dr. Heylin.
Heart, take thine ease,
Men hard to please

Thou haply might'st offend,

Though one speak ill
Of thee, some will

Say better; there's an end.

London Printed for G. Widdowes at the Green Dragon in St.
Pauls Church-yard, 1675.

[In the 12mo. volume from which this is printed, the title is preceded by a leaf, on the first page of which is the printer's device, viz. a dragon with the letters GW over it; and in the middle of the second page is "Licensed by Roger L'estrange, Novemb. the 28. 1673." The title-leaf (which is substituted for one cut out, doubtless to give the book the appearance of a second edition) is followed by two leaves, one bearing the dedication, and the other a list of Errata. The Dedication is as follows: "To the Right Honourable, and Most Illustrious the President and Fellows of the Royal Society: The following Account of Two Voyages to New-England, is most humbly presented by the Authour John Josselyn." The list of Errata is thus introduced: "To the Reader: You are desired by the Authour to correct some literal faults, which by reason of the raggedness of the Copy have been committed. G. Widdows." The "literal faults" specified in the list (a small part of those that exist) are corrected in this reprint.]

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