THE CLEARE SUNSHINE OF THE GOSPELL, Breaking forth upon the INDIANS in New-England. Much Honored and deare Sir, Hat glorious and sudden rising of Christ Jesus upon our poore Indians which began a little before you set saile from these shores, hath not been altogether clouded since, but rather broken out further into more light and life, wherewith the most High hath visited them; and because some may call in question the truth of the first relation, either because they may thinke it too good newes to be true, or because some persons maligning the good of the Countrey, are apt, as to aggravate to the utmost any evill thing against it, so to vilifie and extenuate any good thing in it: and because your selfe desired to heare how farre since God hath carried on that worke, which your owne eyes saw here begun; I shall therefore as faithfully and as briefly as I can, give you a true relation of the progresse of it, which I hope may be a sufficient confirmation of what hath been published to (p. 2.] the world before, having this as the chiefe end in my owne eye, that the precious Saints and people of God in England, beleeving what hath been and may bee reported to them, of these things, may help forward this work together with us by their prayers and prayses, as we desire to doe the like for the worke of Christ begun among them there. I dare not speake too much, nor what I thinke about their conversion, I have seen so much falsenesse in that point among many English, that I am slow to beleeve herein too hastily concerning these poore naked men; onely this is evident to all honest hearts that dwell neer them, and have observed them, that the work of the Lord upon them (what ever it bee) is both unexpected and wonderfull in so short a time; I shall set downe things as they are, and then your selfe and others to whom these may come, may judge as you please of them. Prince. town so called. 66 Soon after your departure hence, the awakening of these Indians in our Towne raised a great noyse among all the rest "An inferiour round about us, especially about Concord side where the * Sachim (as I remember) and one or two more of his men, hearing of these things and of the preaching of the Word, and how it wrought among them here, came therefore * An Indian hither to * Noonanetum to the Indian Lecture, and what the Lord spake to his heart wee know not, only it seems hee was so farre affected, as that he desired to become more like to the English, and to cast off those Indian wild and sinfull courses they formerly lived in; but when divers of his men perceived their Sachims mind, they secretly opposed him herein; which opposition being known, he therefore called together his chiefe men about him, & made a speech to this effect unto them, "viz. That "they had no reason at all to oppose those courses the English were "now taking for their good, for (saith hee) all the time you have "lived after the Indian fashion under the power and protection of "higher Indian Sachems, what did they care for you? they onely "sought their owne ends out of you, and therefore would exact upon you, and take away your skins and your Kettles & your "Wampam from you at their own pleasure, & this was al that they "regarded: but you may evidently see that the English mind no "such things, care for none of your goods, but onely seeke your "good and welfare, and in stead of taking away, are ready to give "to you; with many other things I now [p. 3.] forget, which were related by an eminent man of that town to me. What the effect of this speech was, we can tell no otherwise then as the effects shewed it; the first thing was, the making of certain Lawes for their more religious and civill government and behaviour, to the making of which, they craved the assistance of one of the chiefe Indians in Noonanetum, a very active Indian to bring in others to the knowledge of God; desiring withall an able faithfull man in Concord to record and keep in writing what they had generally * Teacher of agreed upon. Another effect was, their desire of * Mr. the Church of Eliots coming up to them, to preach, as he could find Roxbury, that preacheth to time among them; and the last effect was, their desire the Indians in of having a Towne given them within the bounds of Language. Concord neare unto the English. This latter when it was propounded by the Sachim of the place, he was demanded why hee desired a towne so neare, when as there was more roome for them up in the Country. To which the Sachim replyed, that he therefore desired it because he knew that if the Indians dwelt far from the English, that they would not so much care to pray, nor would they be so ready to heare the Word of God, but they would be all one Indians still; but dwelling neare the English he hoped it might bee otherwise with them then. The Town therefore was granted them; but it seemes that the opposition made by some of themselves more malignantly set against these courses, hath kept them froin any present setling downe: and surely this opposition is a speciall finger of Satan resisting these budding beginnings; for what more hopefull way of doing them good then by cohabitation in such Townes, neare unto good examples, and such as may be continually whetting upon them, and dropping into them of the things of God? what greater meanes at least to civilize them? as is evident in the Cusco and Mexico Indians, more civill then any else in this vast Continent that wee know of, who were reduced by the politick principles of the two great conquering Princes of those Countries after their long and tedious wars, from these wild and wandring course of life, unto a setling into particular Townes and Cities: but I forbear, only to confirme the truth of these things, I have sent you the orders agreed on at Concord by the Indians, under the hand of two faithfull witnesses, who could testifie more, if need were, of these matters: I have sent you their [p. 4.) owne Copy and their own hands to it, which I have here inserted. their own Conclusions and Orders made and agreed upon by divers Sachims and other principall men amongst the Indians at Concord, in the end of the eleventh moneth, An. 1646. 1. That every one that shall abuse themselves with wine or strong liquors, shall pay for every time so abusing them selves, 20 s. 2. That there shall be no more Pawwowing amongst the Indians. And if any shall hereafter * Pawwow, both he that shall Powwow, & he that shall procure him to Powwow, shall pay 20 s. apeece. 3. They doe desire that they may be stirred up to seek after God. * Pawwows are Witches or Sorcerers that cure by help of the devill. 4. They desire they may understand the wiles of Satan, and grow out of love with his suggestions, and temptations. 5. That they may fall upon some better course to improve their time, then formerly. 6. That they may be brought to the sight of the sinne of lying, and whosoever shall be found faulty herein shall pay for the first offence 5 s. the second 10s. the third 20 s. 7. Whosoever shall steale any thing from another, shall restore fourfold. 8. They desire that no Indian hereafter shall have any more but one wife. 9. They desire to prevent falling out of Indians one with another, and that they may live quietly one by another. 10. That they may labour after humility, and not be proud. 11. That when Indians doe wrong one to another, they may be lyable to censure by fine or the like, as the English are. 12. That they pay their debts to the English. 13. That they doe observe the Lords-Day, and whosoever shall prophane it shall pay 20s. 14. That there shall not be allowance to pick Lice, as formerly, and eate them, and whosoever shall offend in this case shall pay for every louse a penny. [p. 5.] 15. They will weare their haire comely, as the English do, and whosoever shall offend herein shall pay 5 s. 16. They intend to reforme themselves, in their former greasing themselves, under the Penalty of 5 s. for every default. A Wigwam is such a dwel- 17. They doe all resolve to set up prayer in their wigling house as wams, and to seek to God both before and after they live in. meate. 18. If any commit the sinne of fornication, being single persons, the man shall pay 20s. and the woman 10s. 19. If any man lie with a beast he shall die. 20. Whosoever shall play at their former games shall pay 10s. 21. Whosoever shall comınit adultery shall be put to death. 22. Wilfull murder shall be punished with death. / 23. They shall not disguise themselves in their mournings, as for merly, nor shall they keep a great noyse by howling. 24. The old Ceremony of the Maide walking alone and living apart so many dayes 20 s. * A Canooe is 25. No Indian shall take an English mans * Canooe a small Boate. without leave under the penaltie of 5 s. 26. No Indian shall come into any English mans house except he first knock: and this they expect from the English. 27. Whosoever beats his wife shall pay 20 s. 28. If any Indian shall fall out with, and beate another Indian, he shall pay 20 s. 29. They desire they may bee a towne, and either to dwell on this side the Beare Swamp, or at the east side of Mr. Flints Pond. Immediately after these things were agreed upon, most of the Indians of these parts, set up Prayer morning and evening in their families, and before and after meat. They also generally cut their haire, and were more civill in their carriage to the English then formerly. And they doe manifest a great willingnesse to conform themselves to the civill fashions of the English. The Lords day they keepe a day of rest, and minister what edification they can to one another. These former orders were put into this forme by Captaine Simond Willard of Concord, whom the Indians with unanimous consent intreated to bee their Recorder, being very soli |