Abbildungen der Seite

Martin II. recommends the crufade, 175

Maffacre of the Jews, 276

Matilda, neice to Edgar Atheling, married to Henry I

Matilda, or Maud, daughter to Henry II. married fö
to the emperor, 199-afterwards to the count of
Anjou, ib. her title rècognized by the English ba-
rons, ib.-lands in England, 207-takes poffeffion
of Arundel caftle, 208-retires to Bristol, 209-de-
feats Stephen and takes him prisoner, 210-crowned
at Westminster, 211-attempts to abridge the barons
power, ib.-her haughty and infolent conduct, 212
-flies to Winchester, ib.-is depofed, and flies to
Oxford, 213-paffes over to the continent, ib.
Mercia, kingdom of, converted to christianity, 53
Mife of Lewis, what, 373

Montfort, Simon, earl of Leicefter, attempts an in-
novation in the government, 362-engages. the most
powerful barons, 363-joins the prince of Wales,
368-concludes a peace with the king, 369-defeats
the royal army, 371-takes the king, his brother,
and the prince of Wales prifoners, 372-his rapacious
avarice, 373-calls a parliament, 374-releases prince
Edward, 376-pursues the duke of Gloucefter, ib.-
is totally defeated and flain, 379

Morcar, joins Edwin in a confpiracy against William,


Mowbray, Robert, confpires against William, II. 173
-dies in prifon, ib.


NORTHUMBERLAND, kingdom of, embraces
christianity, 52-inhabitants of, attack the Nór-
man garrifon in Durham, 146-put them all to the
fword, ib.-deftroy the Norman garrifon in York, ib.
-make themfelves mafter of the caftle, and deftroy the
whole garrifon, ib.

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ODO, bishop of Bayeaux, defeats the earl of Nor-
folk, 155-intends to purchase the papacy, 162
-is feized by his brother, ib.--fent prifoner to Nor-
mandy, 163-released from his confinement, 165-
efpoufes the intereft of Robert, 169

Offa, king of Effex, makes a pilgrimage to Rome, 54-
retires into a cloister, ib.

Oftorius, Scapula, fent into Britain, 17-defeats Ca
ractacus, ib.

Ordeal trial, what, 150-abolished by William I. 151
Otto, king of Mercia, deftroys Ethelbert at an enter-
tainment, 53-pays tythes to the clergy, ib.-makes
a pilgrimage to Rome, ib.-impofes the tax, called
Peter-pence, 54


PANDOLF, the pope's legate, comes over to Eng-
land, 319-tenders a remarkable oath to John, 320
-his deteftable infolence, 321

Paulinus, takes the isle of Anglesea, 20—defeats Boa-
dicia, 22-

Paulinus, bishop, converts Edwin to chriftianity, 52

Peter, the hermit, preaches up the crufade, 174
Peter, bishop of Winchefter, made protector, 350-
brings over many of the barons, 354

Peter-pence, first imposed by Otto, 54

Pembroke, earl of, fupports young Henry, 346-is
joined by many powerful barons, 347-made pro-
tector, ib-totally routs the French army, 348-
concludes a peace with Lewis, 349-his death, ib.
Philip, king of France, fets out for the Holy Land, 279
-joins Richard I. at Meffina, ib. becomes jealous of
that prince 281-arrives in Palestine, ib.-acts in
concert with Richard, 282-takes the city of Acres,
ib.declares his refolution of retiring to France, 283
-affifts John against his brother, 289-labours to pro-


long Richard's captivity, ib.-fuccours prince Arthur,
302-ftrips John of his continental dominions, 308
-collects a large force for invading England, 318
becomes the dupe of the pope's politics, 321



EGINALD, fub-prior of Chrift-church, elected
archbishop, 310-his claim vacated by the pope,


Richard I. furnamed Cœur de Lion, afcends the English
throne, 274-difcourages future difobedience, ib.-
treats his former companions with fcorn and neglect,
ib. retains in his fervice all the friends of the late
king, 276-releases his mother from confinement, ib.
-heaps favours upon his brother John, ib.-refolves
upon an expedition to the Holy Land, 277-fets up
to fale the manors and revenues of the crown, ib.-
his fhrewd reply to the advice of a priest, 278-sets
out for the Holy Land, 279-arrives at Verelay, ib.
enters into the moft folemn engagement with the
French king, ibis obliged by ftrefs of weather to
take shelter in Meffina, ib-quarrels with the Sicilian
king, 28.-is treated with great infolence by the Meffi-
nefe, ib.-is attacked by the Sicilians, ib.-affaults their
city and takes it. ib. difplays his ftandard on their
ramparts, ib.-his haughty reply to Philip, who re-
quefted him to take down his ftandard, 281-fets fail
again from Meflina for the Holy Land, ib-is a fecond
time overtaken by a ftorm, and his fhips driven upon
the coaft of Cyprus, ib.-his fhips pillaged, and his
feamen and foldiers thrown into prifon by Ifaac prince
of Cyprus, 281-difembarks his troops, and defeats
the tyrant, 282-enters the capital by ftorm, and
obliges Haac to furrender at difcretion, ib. marries
Berengaria, daughter to the king of Navarre, ib.—
arrives in Palestine, ib.-befieges the city of Acres, bi.

obliges that garrifon to capitulate, ib.-is deferted
by Philip, 283-befieges and fubdues the city of Afca-
lon, ib.-obtains a complete victory over Saladin the


moft renowned of the Saracen monarchs, ib.dif
appointed in his fcheme of attacking Jerufalem, 284-
is under a neceffity of coming to an accommodation
with Saladin, ib.-concludes a truce of three years
with that monarch, ib.-refolves to return to Eng-
land, furrounded with difficulties, ib.-takes
fhipping for Italy, and is wrecked near Aquileia,
285-puts on the difguife of a pilgrim, and travels
through Germany, ib.-is fufpected, and purfued by
the governor of Iftria, ib.-is obliged to take a bye-
road, and pafs through Vienna, ib.-is difcovered,
and arrefted by Leopold, duke of Auftria, ib.-is
imprisoned and loaded with chains, ib.→is delivered
into the hands of the emperor of Germany his in-
veterate foe, 286-is unable to make his diftreffes
known to his fubjects in England, ib.—is treacherously
ufed by his brother John, in conjunction with the
king of France, 289-is treated with the utmoft dif-
grace and cruelty by the emperor, 290-his fpirited
behaviour, ib.-is accufed by the emperor at the diet of
worms of many crimes, ib.-his noble vindication of
his innocence, 291-is restored to his liberty on pro-
mife of paying a confiderable ranfom, ib.-returns to
England, 294-enters London in triumph, ib.-is
crowned a-new at Winchester, ib.-convokes a ge-
neral council at Nottingham, ib.-confifcates all his
traiterous brother's poffeffions, ib.-fets fail with a
ftrong body of forces for Normandy, 294 -forgives
his brother at the interceffion of queen Eleanor, 295
takes the bishop of Beauvais prisoner, ib.-his re-
markable anfwer to the pope, who requested the bi-
fhop might be fet at liberty, ib.-attacks the caftle of
Chalus, 296-is pierced in the fhoulder with an ar-
row by one Bertram de Jourdon, ib.-his wound
proves mortal, ib.-makes his will, 297-orders the
archer to be brought before him, ib.--is aftonifhed
at his answer, and orders him to be rewarded, ib.-
his death, ib.his character, 298

Richard, brother to Henry III, his immenfe riches, 351
-refufes the kingdom of Sicily, 399

Dd 2


Robert, eldest fon to William, his jealousy of his two
brothers, 157-endeavours to furprise the caftle of
Rouen, 158--is joined by the nobility of Normandy,
&c. ib.-takes fhelter in the caftle of Gerberay, 159-
is befieged there by William, ib.-defeats his father
in fingle combat, ib.-is pardoned, 160-marches
against Malcolm, king of Scotland, ib.-his unpardon-
able indolence, 169-makes a treaty with his brother,
171-his kindness to his brother Henry, 172-en-
gages in the crufade, 175-mortgages his dukedom
to his brother, 176-his gallant actions in Palestine,
184 marries Sibylla, ib.-takes poffeffion of his
dutchy, 187-claims the English crown, ib.-re-
figns his pretenfions, 188-intercedes in behalf of his
friends, 189-defeated and taken prifoner, 192-
dies in prifon, 193

Roches, Peter de, perfuades Henry to invite over a
number of Poitevins, 353

Roger, earl of Hereford, forms a confpiracy against
William I. 152



ALADIN, fultan of Egypt, totally defeated, 283-
concludes a truce with Richard 1. 284

Saxons, an account of, 34-arrive in England, 38-
march against the Picts and Scots, ib.-defeat them,

Sigebert, king of the East-Angles, restores christianity,

king of Effex, embraces chriftianity, 54

the Good, reftores the chriftian religion in
Effex, 54
Stephen, afcends the English throne, 201-heaps fa-
vours upon his family, ib.-grants a new charter,
204-promises to obferve the laws of Edward the
Confeffor, ib.-grants the barons a right of fortifying
their caftle, 205-gains a victory over the Scots, ib.
obliges the the bishops to deliver up their caftles, 246
is informed of Matilda's landing in England, 207


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