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The fifth annual dinner of the Association was held at The Antlers, Colorado Springs, at 7 p. m. of Wednesday, July 2, 1902, President Rogers presiding.

Messrs. William Travers Jerome, George Schurman, John Iselin and John Brisben Walker, all of New York City, were present as guests of the Association.

Frederick W. Lienau, Ralph Talbot, Robert W. Bonynge and William Travers Jerome responded.

At the close of the speaking the President-elect, Horace G. Lunt, was introduced and assumed the duties of his office. Sixty-six members and guests were present.


On Thursday, July 3, 1902, an excursion to Cripple Creek and return over the "Short Line" was given to the members and their families by the Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek District Railway Company.

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