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aloud, "Since neither the duke of Burgundy nor his son be with their army, we cannot gain much by battle: I therefore advise that we retreat, for these are soldiers only anxious for plunder, who have not themselves much to lose." The constable had already heard that Charlot de Dueilly and other captains were in great force toward Dammartin: therefore he made the king and his army retreat in order of battle toward Paris, ordering a sufficient number of his ablest combatants to his rear, to prevent the enemy from giving them any disturbance. Thus, without halting at any place, did king Charles and his constable, the count d'Armagnac, march back to Paris, to the great vexation of many of the Parisians, who murmured loudly against the constable.

Sir John de Luxembourg and the lord de Fosseux returned with their army to Pontoise, very much rejoiced to have accomplished their object without any considerable loss or inconvenience. It would take up too much time were I to detail all the skirmishes that took place suffice it to say, that very many on both sides behaved gallantly. The lord de Miraumont commanded the Picard archers, and, according to his orders, kept them in handsome array. When these lords had refreshed themselves at Pontoise, they all went to their different homes. They were very much esteemed for their good conduct and valour in this expedition by the duke of Burgundy, the count de Charolois, and by all of that party. The bastard de Thian, governor in Senlis, Troullart de Moncruel, sir Mauroy de St. Legier, and the other captains within the town during the siege, had repaired the towers and walls which had been much damaged by the engines of the constable, and then kept up a more severe warfare against the king's party than before.


DURING the time the duke of Burgundy resided in his duchy, he was visited by the cardinals d'Orsini and di San Marco, who had been sent by the pope to France to endeavour to make up the quarrels between the king, the queen, and the duke of Burgundy. The duke paid them every respect, and feasted them magnificently, and declared that he was ready to make peace with all who wished it, and for this purpose had sent ambassadors to Bray-sur-Seine to meet others from the king. On this the cardinals left Burgundy, and, passing through Troyes, went to Bray and Montereau, where they were handsomely received by the ambassadors from each party. Thence the cardinal di San Marco went to Paris, and in the presence of the king, his constable, and ministers, explained the object of his mission, and the infinite advantages that would result from a peace. After he had been much honoured by the lords of the court, he returned to the ambassadors at Montereau, where he and the cardinal d'Orsini remained the whole time of the negotiations, going daily to the church of La Tombe, wherein the conferences were held.

They laboured so diligently in this business that a treaty was drawn up and sworn to by the ambassadors, in the presence of the cardinals, on condition that the ambassadors should carry copies of it to their respective lords, and if the terms were not approved of by them, each party was to remain in the same state as before any negotiations were begun. Thus some of them went to Paris to wait on the king and constable, and others to Troyes to the queen and the council of the duke of Burgundy. These last, on being shown the treaty, very much approved of it, and sent it to the duke for his approbation,-who, having examined it with his ministers, returned for answer that he accepted it wholly without exception, that he would cheerfully swear to its observance, and cause all of his party to do the same.

In like manner the ambassadors from the king and the constable, on their arrival at Paris, laid a copy of the treaty before the king, the dauphin, some of the principal ministers, and most leading citizens, who were well satisfied that the king should sign it. But when it was shown to the count d'Armagnac, to the chancellor, the provost of Paris, and Raymonnet de la Guerre, they were highly indignant thereat, and said plainly that they would never

remain in the room where the king should sign it as it then was. The chancellor even declared, that the king might seal it himself, for that he never would. The bishop of Paris, many of the citizens, and several of the ministers of the king and dauphin, who were very desirous of peace, were thunderstruck on hearing these declarations, and advised the dauphin to call a meeting at the Louvre on this matter. He did so; but the constable would not attend, saying, that those who had agreed to such a peace, and those who advised the king to consent to it, were traitors. By these means the peace was prevented; all negotiations were broken off, and both parties remained in the state they were in before, without peace or truce. This, however, created very great hatred among the Parisians to the constable, who nevertheless ordered detachments against the castles of Montlehery and Marcoussy, possessed by the Burgundians, but who were obliged to surrender them to the king's forces. The constable regarrisoned them for the king.


Ar this season, as has been before noticed, king Henry of England was in great force in Normandy, where he conquered towns and castles at his pleasure; for scarcely any resistance was made against him, owing to the intestine divisions of France. He thus easily gained possession of the towns of Evreux, Fallaise, Bayeux, Lisieux, Coutances, Avranches, St. Loth, and many more. Through fear of king Henry, the count de Harcourt had retired within his castle of Aumale, with all his dependants; whither on a certain day, under the appearance of a visit to pay his compliments, came his cousin sir James de Harcourt, attended by about sixty combatants. He purposely dismounted at the gate of the castle, which, on his being recognised, was instantly opened, and every honour was paid him by the officers of the count. Part of his men entered with him, and he went to the count, who joyously received him, saying, "Fair cousin, you are welcome." Sir James had ordered the remainder of his men to come to the castle when they had put up their horses in the town; and shortly after some conversation together respecting the wars now going on in France, seeing the opportunity was proper, sir James took the count by the hand, and said, “My lord, I make you a prisoner in the king's name." The count, much astonished, replied, "Fair cousin, what do you mean? I am the king's man, as you know, and have never acted to his prejudice." However, in spite of his protestations and claims of kindred, or any other excuses, he was detained a prisoner and placed by sir James under a secure guard. On the morrow, after sir James had seized on all the moveables within the castle, and appointed a part of his men for its defence, he departed, and carried the count with him to the castle of Crotoy.

Sir James by these means got from the count a beautiful chesnut horse with a short tail, which was afterward famous as a war-horse. After that day the count remained prisoner to his cousin, but he was frequently transported from one castle to another; and it was commonly reported that he was thus kept prisoner with the consent of his son, John de Harcourt, count of Aumale.


You have already heard how the Parisians were much discontented with the count d'Armagnac and others of the king's ministers, because they would not accept of the treaty of peace that had been made with the duke of Burgundy. They were much afraid of this duke and his army, and saw clearly that if he was not reconciled to the king and the dauphin they must remain in their present uncomfortable state for a long time. Numbers of them were strongly attached to him, and wished him to have the government of the

kingdom, but in fact they knew not how to accomplish it, for they were very narrowly watched, and dared not hold any meetings to communicate together, because the ministry had always ready a body of men-at-arms to punish them on the slightest appearance of rebellion. Notwithstanding this, some daring youths of the commonalty, who had formerly been punished for their demerits, adventured to have a conference with the lord de l'IsleAdam at Pontoise, where he was in garrison. These youths were six or seven in number; and the principal were, Perrinet le Clerc, son to John le Clerc, Ferron, John Thiebert, son to Michael Thiebert, butcher, Perron Bourdechon.

The lord de l'Isle-Adam concluded a treaty with them, that he would assemble as great a number of men-at-arms as he could, and, on the 29th day of May ensuing, would march them to the gate of St. Germain des Pres at Paris, which they engaged to have opened to him. On this they separated; and the lord de l'Isle-Adam collected, as privately as he could, about eight hundred men-at-arms, among whom were, le veau de Bar, bailiff of Auxois, the lord de Chastellus, the lord de Chevreuse, Ferry de Mailly, Louis de Varigines, Lionnet de Bournouville, Davoid de Guoy, and others. These the lord de l'Isle-Adam led to the appointed rendezvous on the day fixed on, where he found Perrinet le Clerc, who had stolen from behind his father's pillow the keys of the gate of St. Germain, to whom they had been intrusted, and the aforesaid youths. The gate was opened according to their promise, and some of the Parisians came out to speak with the lord de l'Isle-Adam and the others they assured them that they might enter the town in security, and that they would conduct them whithersoever they pleased. Upon their report, the Burgundian lords and tueir men, armed ready for battle, entered the town on horseback. It might be about two hours after midnight; and Perrinet le Clerc, seeing them within the town locked the gate and flung the keys over the wall.

They began their march in silence toward the Châtelet, where they met about four hundred of the Parisians ready armed to join them: they then, with one accord, resolved to make attacks on the houses of the different ministers of the king, and ordered two parties to parade the streets, shouting, "that all who wished for peace must unite with them in arms." This cry brought great multitudes of the populace to join them; and they hastened to attack the houses of the ministers of state. One party went to the king's hotel of St. Pol, where they broke down doors and windows, and were not satisfied until they had spoken to the king, who was forced to grant them all their demands. They shortly after made him mount his horse, as well as the brother to the king of Cyprus, and ride with them through the streets of Paris. Another party went to the hotel of the constable to seize him; but he had been advertised in time of their intent, and had escaped in disguise to the house of a poor man adjoining his own. Some went to the hotels of the chancellor and Raymonnet de la Guerre, whom they arrested. Tanneguy du Chatel, provost of Paris, hearing the uproar, hastened to the hotel of the dauphin, and, wrapping him up only in a blanket, carried him to the bastille of St. Anthony, whither numbers of their friends had retired on the first appearance of the insurrection.

During this night and the two following days, the Burgundian lords, and the populace of Paris, plundered the houses of the ministers, and of their favourites and adherents, whom they robbed of everything. An infinite number of prisoners were made, and confined in the palace, the Louvre, the Châtelet, and in other places: among them were the bishops of Bayeux, Senlis, and Coutances, sir Hector de Chartres, sir Enguerrand de Marcoignet, and others. The lord de l'Isle-Adam went himself to the hotel de Bourbon, where he found Charles de Bourbon*, then about fifteen years of age, whom, having awakened, he demanded which party he was of: he replied, "Of the king's party;" upon which the lord de l'IsleAdam made him rise, and conducted him to the king, with whom he remained during all the time these sad events were passing.

Great part of the men-at-arms attached to the constable and to Tanneguy du Chatel had retired within the bastille of St. Anthony, and with them John Louvet, president of the parliament of Provence, master Robert Masson, with numbers of high rank. The cardinals de Bar and di San Marco, with the archbishop of Rheims, were also made prisoners, and

• Eldest sou of John, duke of Bourbon, prisoner in England.

their horses seized; but at the intercession of the bishop of Paris, and because they had advised peace, they were set at liberty, and had their effects returned to them. About eight o'clock on the Monday morning, the king, by sound of trumpet, dismissed Tanneguy du

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Chatel from the provostship of Paris, and appointed le veau de Bar*, bailiff of Auxois, in his stead. In short, all the king's ministers, the members of the different courts of justice, and all the citizens of rank who were attached to the Armagnacs, were plundered and made prisoners, or cruelly murdered. It was also proclaimed throughout the streets, in the king's name, by sound of trumpet, that all persons of either sex who should know of any of the Armagnac party being hidden or disguised must, on pain of confiscation of their property, instantly denounce them to the provost of Paris, or to some of the captains of the men-atarms. In consequence, the poor man, in whose house the constable was hidden, went to inform the provost of it, who instantly returned with him, and found the constable as he had said. The provost made him mount him behind him, and carried him to the palace with other prisoners.

While these things were passing, Tanneguy du Chatel sent away Charles duke of Touraine and dauphin, by the bridge of Charenton, to Corbeil, Melun, and to Montargis: he at the same time despatched messengers to the leaders of his party to hasten to his succour with as many men-at-arms as they could collect. The lord de l'Isle-Adam and the other great lords were not dilatory in summoning their party, from Picardy and elsewhere, to join them with speed in Paris; and in a few days very great numbers came thither. Early in the morning of the Wednesday following the capture of Paris, the marshal de Rieux+, the lord de Barbasan, and Tanneguy du Chatel, with sixteen hundred combatants, picked men, entered Paris by the gate of St. Anthony in hopes of conquering it. A party of them went by the back way to

*Named Guy de Bar in the list of officers of the Rieux and Rochefort, who died marshal in 1417. His brothers were, John III., lord de Rieux, Giles, and † Peter. marshal de Rieur, third son of John, lord of Michael, lord of Chasteauneuf.


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the hotel de St. Pol, thinking to take and carry off the king; but, on the preceding day, he and all his household had been conducted to the castle of the Louvre. The remainder, with displayed banners, marched through the streets as far as the hotel de l'Ours, shouting, "Long live the king, the dauphin, and the constable d'Armagnac!" This cry instantly brought forth a great number of the Parisians in arms, with the new provost of Paris, the lord de l'Isle-Adam, and all the other men at-arms within Paris, to offer them combat. A very severe battle took place; but in the end, from the multitudes of Parisians coming upon them on all sides, the marshal de Rieux and his men were forced to retreat toward the bastille, but not without heavy loss; for there remained dead on the field of battle from three to four hundred of his best men. On the side of the Parisians about forty were killed, and among them was a gentleman, called Harpin de Guoy, attached to the lord de l'Isle-Adam. After this, Barbasan and Tanneguy du Chatel, seeing their cause for the present hopeless, placed a sufficient garrison in the bastille, and departed; some to Meaux-en-Brie, others to Corbeil, to Melun, and to different towns that were under their obedience.

On the Thursday following, Hector and Philip de Saveuses arrived in Paris with two hundred combatants. The lords within that city were rejoiced at their coming, and quartered them at the Tournelles, and in different houses facing the bastille, wherein there was still a garrison of the Armagnacs. On the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and the eight ensuing days, the greater part of the captains of Picardy arrived at Paris with their men-at-arms; such as sir John de Luxembourg, the lord de Fosseux and his brothers, sir Janet de Poix, the lord de Cohen, and many more, expecting to find much gain in that city; but the majority were greatly disappointed, and were forced to pay their own expenses. Those of the Armagnacs who had fallen in battle were flung into carts, and carried by the public executioner out of Paris and buried in the fields, while the Parisians that had been slain were handsomely interred in consecrated ground.

All Paris now wore the badge of the duke of Burgundy, namely, a Saint Andrew's cross, which had of late been held in much contempt. On the Saturday, those within the bastille, seeing it was but lost time to remain there, entered into a treaty with the lord de l'IsleAdam and the other lords in Paris, that they would surrender the bastille if they were permitted to march away in safety. This was accepted; and, on passports being granted them, they departed. The lord de Canny, who had remained a prisoner in the bastille ever since his return from his embassy from the king to the duke of Burgundy, as has been before mentioned, was nominated governor thereof by the king and the duke of Burgundy.


ABOUT this time, by orders from the king, Hector and Philip de Saveuses, and the lord de Crevecœur*, were despatched with their men-at-arms toward Compiegne and the adjoining castles. On their coming before Compiegne, they concluded a treaty, that all who were of the Armagnac party should depart in safety with their effects; and that the other inhabitants of the town, who would swear allegiance to the king and the duke of Burgundy, should remain unmolested. In like manner were surrendered to them the town and castle of Creil, St. Maixence, Mouchy le Piereux, Pont-a-Choisy, and other places, in which they placed garrisons of their own men. Noyon submitted to the obedience of the king and the duke by means of the lord de Genly †, and le Plaisser by sir John de Roye‡. Laon, Corbeil, Soissons, Chauny-sur-Oise, and Gisors, also submitted.

In the town of Creil, a gentleman called le Begue de Groches was appointed governor; but only eight men entered that town. In the castle were, the count de Ventadour §, the ⚫ James de Crevecœur, lord of Thois, Thiennes, &c., Roye, mentioned by Froissart. gentleman to the duke of Burgundy, son of John, lord of Crevecoeur and Blanche de Saveuse, and educated to arms under Robert de Saveuse.

† Genly. Q. if not Genlis.

§ James, count de Ventadour, grandson of Bernard, in whose favour the viscounty was enlarged into a county. It was a very ancient family, descended from the viscounts of Combour of the tenth century, and the yet older counts

John III., lord of Roye, son of Matthew, lord of of Quercy

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