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" The Lars and Lemures moan with midnight plaint ; In urns and altars round A drear and dying sound Affrights the Flamens at their service quaint ; And the chill marble seems to sweat, While each peculiar Power foregoes his wonted seat. "
Paradise Regain'd: A Poem. In Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ... - Seite 267
von John Milton - 1707 - 457 Seiten
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Paradise regain'd, a poem. To which is added Samson agonistes; and Poems ...

John Milton - 1747 - 238 Seiten
...flude of tangled thicket* XXI. In confecrated Earth, And on the holy Hearth, Th' Lares and Lemxres moan with midnight plaint ; In Urns, and Altars round,...Affrights the Flamins at their fervice quaint ; And the,chill Marble feems to fweat, While each peculiar Pow'r forgoes his wonted feat. XXII. Ptcr and...
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Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ...

John Milton - 1753 - 374 Seiten
...thickets XXI. In confecrated earth, And on the holy hearth, i90 TheLars,andLemuresmoanwithmidnightplainti In urns, and altars round, A drear and dying found Affrights the Flamens at their fervice quaint ; And the chill marble feems to fweat, i95 While each peculiar Pow'r...
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The seraph, a collection of divine hymns and poems from the best authors

Seraph - 1754 - 294 Seiten
...of tangled thickets mourn, XXI. In confccrated earth, And on the holy hearth, The Lares and Lernures moan with midnight plaint; In urns, and altars round, A drear and dying found Affrights the Flamens at their fervice quaint; And the chill marble teems to fweat, While each peculiar power forgoes...
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An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Pope, Band 1

Joseph Warton - 1756 - 348 Seiten
...make one ftart and look around ; In confecrated earth,. And on the holy hearth, The lars and lemurs moan with midnight plaint ; In urns and altars round A drear and dying found Affrights the flamens at their fervice quaint ! Methinks we behold the priefts interrupted in the middle of the fecret...
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An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope ...

Joseph Warton - 1762 - 362 Seiten
...make one ftart and look around ; In confecrated earth, And on the holy hearth, The lars and lemurs moan with midnight plaint ; In urns and altars round A drear and dying found Affrights the flamens at their fervice quaint ! Methinks we behold the priefts interrupted in the middle of the fecret...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Band 5

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 324 Seiten
...ON CHRIST'S NATIVITY. 87 XXI. In confecrated earth, And on the holy hearth, 199 The Lars andLemures moan with midnight plaint ; In urns, and altars round, A drear and dying found Affrights the Flamens at their fervice quaint ; And the chill marble feems to fweat, 195 While each peculiar Power...
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Poems Upon Several Occasions: English, Italian, and Latin

John Milton - 1785 - 698 Seiten prefent recoHeft. XXI. In confecrated earth, And on the holy hearth, 10,0 The Lars, and Lemures moan with midnight plaint ; . In urns, and altars round, A drear and dying found Affrights the Flamens at their fervice quaint ; • And the chill marble feems to fweat, 195 While each peculiar...
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Bell's Edition, Bände 31-32

John Bell - 1788 - 630 Seiten
...tangled thickets XXI. [mourn. In confeerated earth, And on the holy hearth, 190 The Lars and Lemures moan with midnight plaint ; In urns, and altars round, A drear and dying found Affrights the flumens at their fervice quaint; And the chill marble feeras to fweat, 195 While each peculiar power...
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Poems Upon Several Occasions: English, Italian, and Latin, with Translations ...

John Milton - 1791 - 668 Seiten
...tangled thickets mourn. XXI. In confecrated earth, And on the holy hearth, 190 The Lars, and Lemures moan with midnight plaint ; In urns, and altars round, A drear and dying found Affrights the Flamens at their fervice quaint ; And the chill marble feems to fweat, 195 While each peculiar Pow'r...
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The Works of the British Poets, Band 5

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 738 Seiten
...of tangled thicket* mourn. XXI. In confecrated earth, And on the holy hearth, The Lars and Lemures moan with midnight plaint ; In urns, and altars round, A drear and dying found Affrights the fiamcns at their fervice quaint ; And the chill marble fecins to fwcat, While each peculiar power forgoes...
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