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" And ever, against eating cares, Lap me in soft Lydian airs, Married to immortal verse, Such as the meeting soul may pierce, In notes with many a winding bout Of linked sweetness long drawn out With wanton heed and giddy cunning, The melting voice through... "
Paradise Regain'd: A Poem. In Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ... - Seite 194
von John Milton - 1707 - 457 Seiten
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The First Part of Miscellany Poems: Containing Variety of New Translations ...

John Dryden - 1716 - 424 Seiten immortal verfc Such as the meeting foul may pierce In notes, with many a winding bout Of lincked fweetnefs long drawn out, With wanton heed^ and giddy...running } Untwifting all the chains that ty The hidden foul of harmony. That Orphms felf may heave his head . , , -' . Fiom goldea flumbei on a bed ^ ^ Of...
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Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ...

John Milton - 1753 - 374 Seiten
...meeting foul may pierce In notes, with many a winding bout Of linked fweetnefs long drawn out, 34* With wanton heed, and giddy cunning, The melting voice...through mazes running, Untwifting all the chains that iy The hidden foul of harmony ; That Orpheus felf may heave his head 14.5 from golden flumber on a...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke: A vindication of natural ...

Edmund Burke - 1889 - 556 Seiten
...against eating cares, Lap me in soft Lydian airs ; In notes with many a winding bout Of linked sweetness long drawn out ; . With wanton heed, and giddy cunning, The melting voice through mazes running ;• Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony. . Let us parallel this with the...
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The art of poetry on a new plan, illustrated with a great variety of ..., Band 1

Art - 1762 - 290 Seiten
...immortal verfe, Such as the meeting foul may pierce In notes, with many a winding bout Of linked fweetaefs long drawn out, With wanton heed, and giddy cunning,...through mazes running, Untwifting all the chains that tye The hidden foul of harmony; That Orpheus felf may heave his head From golden flumber on a bed Of...
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The Art of Poetry on a New Plan: Illustrated with a Great Variety of ...

John Newbery - 1762 - 292 Seiten
...immortal verfe, Such as the meeting foul may pierce In notes, with many a winding bout Of linked fweetneis long drawn out, With wanton heed, and giddy cunning, The melting voice through mazes running, Untwifling all the chains that tye The hidden foul of harmony ; That Orpheus felf may heave his head...
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A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and ...

Edmund Burke - 1764 - 458 Seiten
...Lydian airs; In notes with many a winding bout Of linked fweetnefs long drawn out ; With wanton heedt and giddy cunning^ ^The melting voice through mazes running $ Untwifting all the chains that tye 7he hidden foul of harmony. Let us parallel this with the foftnefs, the winding furface, the unbroken...
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The Beauties of English Poesy, Band 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - 290 Seiten
...airs, Married to immortal verfe, Such as the meeting foul may pierce, In notes with many a winding bout Of linked fweetnefs, long drawn out, With wanton heed,...cunning, The melting voice through mazes running, Untwifling all the chains that tye The hidden foul of harmony ; That Orpheus felf may heave his head...
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The Beauties of English Poesy, Band 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - 294 Seiten
...foul may pierce, In notes with many a winding bout Of linked fweetnefs, long drawn out, With waiiton heed, and giddy cunning, The melting voice through mazes running, Untwifting all the chains that tye The hidden foul of harmony ; That That Orpheus felf may heave his head From golden flumber on a...
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A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and ...

Edmund Burke - 1767 - 368 Seiten
..... And ever agalnjl eating cares, • Lap me In foft Lydian airs ; In notes with many a winding lout Of linked fweetnefs long drawn out ; With wanton heed, and giddy cunning, The melting mice through mazes running; Untwifting all the chains that tie The hidden foul of harmony. Let us parallel...
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The Works of the English Poets: Milton

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 320 Seiten
...meeting foul may pierce In notes, with many a winding bout Of linked fweetnefs long drawn out, 140 With wanton heed, and giddy cunning, The melting voice...running-, Untwifting all the chains that ty The hidden foul of harmony ; That Orpheus' felf may heave his head 145 From golden flumber on a bed Of Of heapt...
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