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great mystery. But not only is Mary, thus high in influence as in dignity, the Mother of the Incarnate Word, the instrument of man's redemption, through Christ,— the link which joins men with God, but she is also, in a most true sense, our mother also, the mother of the elect; being, in very truth, the antitype of Eve, who was the mother of all flesh in the order of nature, as Mary is the mother of the new and spiritual generation in the order of grace,—of all those who form the mystical body of her Son. We partake of the corrupted nature of our forefather, Adam; his blood flows in our veins; and our soul becomes vitiated by its union to a corrupted flesh. Christ came to be the second Adam; and, by the virtue of His sacred humanity, which acts upon us, although in an invisible manner, in the Sacrament of Baptism, He infuses into us a new principle of life, His sanctifying grace, by which He transforms us into new creatures, makes us partakers of His own nature, children of God, and heirs of His eternal kingdom. This most sublime and wonderful mystery, by which we are really and truly regenerated to a new life by the power of Christ's most sacred humanity, is the principal bond which connects us with Mary as our mother; for the very humanity whereby we are renewed and regenerated was formed of the flesh of Mary,—and we, in our regeneration, were carried, as it were, in her womb: and thus it is that she is in a most true, though mysterious sense, the mother of the new generation,- of the elect children of God. And taken in connexion with this, is it not clear that our Blessed Lord must have spoken, as He always did, words of deepest meaning, when addressing from the

1 See St. Thoma Summa, 2. 2. 9. lxxxiii. De Oratione, art.

ii. xi.

cross the disciple whom He loved, who had lain on His breast at the Last Supper, and whom He had lately united to Himself in a yet more intimate manner in the Communion of His Body and Blood, and who was, be it remembered, the only disciple present of those who had thus been honoured, He said of holy Mary: "Behold thy mother;" and to His Mother: "Behold thy son?"" Thus, if the near relation of Mary to Jesus assures us of the power which her prayers have with Him, her near relation to us should inspire us with filial love and confidence, giving us the sweet assurance that she, who is the Mother of God, is our mother also.

Such being the case, what wonder if the Catholic Church has ever shewn to our Lady the highest possible love and veneration which can be given to a pure creature! what wonder if so many splendid churches and magnificent sanctuaries have been dedicated to God under her especial protection, or that so many solemn festivals have been appointed to her honour, wherein the faithful are called to testify to her their most ardent love and veneration! what wonder if so many holy sodalities and religious confraternities have been established to her glory in every part of Christendom; or that pious persons should vie with each other in paying the most profourd respect to her, whom God Himself has so much honoured!

But alas! how little is this understood in this unhappy country, where to invoke the aid of the most holy Mary has for 300 years been considered an act of idolatry; yet thanks be to God, happier days are beginning to dawn. upon us; the august and holy name of Mary is beginning, as of old, to be pronounced with reverence and honour; the few children of Mary scattered through the length and

I St. John xix. 26, 27.

breadth of this land seem now with one accord to unite in restoring that fervent piety and tender devotion to God's holy Mother, which heretofore animated and filled the breasts of their forefathers,-bright omen that God will have mercy on His people. For what greater proof can we have of God's approaching mercy than to witness an increase of devotion towards her who is the Mother of mercy, the Refuge of sinners, the Mother of fair love? Ah! let us all unite in honouring and loving her, and by this we shall secure the abundance of the Divine blessings upon this unhappy land. Let us take her for our mother, and fix upon her our whole heart and soul, and she will protect us against all dangers, and lead us to the port of salvation. Let us ever remember with that fervent lover of Mary, St. Bernard, that she is truly the star which shines forth by her brightness upon the tempestuous sea of this world; and that, therefore, to us it belongs to fix our eyes firmly upon her, if we would escape shipwreck, and reach in safety the port of salvation. 'O you,' says the holy Father, who find yourself exposed to the tempests of this world, turn not your eyes from the brightness of this star, if you would not be overwhelmed by storms. If the winds of temptations arise, if you are cast upon the rocks of tribulation, look up at the star,-call on Mary. If you are tossed by the waves of pride, ambition, detraction, jealousy, or envy, look up at the star,— call on Mary. If anger, covetousness, or lust beat on the vessel of your soul, look upon Mary. If you are beginning to sink in the gulf of melancholy and despair, think on Mary. In dangers, in distresses, in perplexities, think on Mary, call on Mary; let her not depart from your mouth, let her not depart from your heart; and that you may obtain the advantage of her prayers, never depart from

the example of her life. Whilst you follow her you will never go astray; whilst you implore her aid you will never sink in despair. As long as you think on her you will never wander; under her patronage you will never fall; under her protection you need not fear; under her guidance you will not become weary.'




Novena for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

1. O most amiable Virgin! who was from all eternity the object of the Divine love, obtain for us that you may become also the beloved object of our devotion. Ave.

2. O holy Virgin! whose conception was an especial grace of God, granted to the prayers, the longing desires, and the mortifications of the patriarchs, prophets, and all the just, obtain for us that, by similar means, we may be made worthy to share in the Divine favours. Ave.

3. O most privileged Virgin! by whose conception the barrenness of your parents was changed into wonderful fruitfulness, obtain that our sterile souls may become fruitful in good works and holy thoughts. Ave.

4. O immaculate Virgin! who alone amongst creatures was preserved from original sin, as well as from the slightest spot of actual stain, obtain for us that we may henceforth be kept from the least infection of sin. Ave.

5. O singular Virgin! who was not only preserved from sin, but from all tendency to evil, obtain for us that we may be enabled to keep so strict a guard over our senses, that, by mortifying our flesh, we may subdue those inclinations by which we become slaves to the law of sin. Ave.

6. O most fortunate Virgin! who was from_the moment of your conception confirmed in Divine love,

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