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In the Democratic Review for February, 1840, Mr. Sedgwick, then recently deceased, was made the subject of No. XVII. of the Series of Political Portraits. We expressed in the following terms the regret we entertained that it was not in our power to add an engraving to the biographical narrative and portraiture of character to which we were compelled to confine ourselves: "We regret that from the fact of no other portrait of him being left than that deeply impressed on the hearts of his friends, it is not in our power, in like manner, to accompany the present written sketch of his life and character with an engraved likeness of a countenance that well harmonized with the spirit of which it was the transparent expression." Since that period a portrait has been painted, chiefly from the faithful memory of the artist, an attached friend, aided by the suggestions of Mr. Sedgwick's family, from which we have procured the accompanying engraving to be copied by one of our ablest engravers. It will be recognized by the wide circle of friends who have not forgotten to lament the loss sustained in such a man, as a likeness full of the character which made him the object of so warm an attachment and so high a respect.

Inasmuch as there are some thousands of readers now taking the Democratic Review who did not take it at the period referred to, it is due to them, in thus presenting the present portrait, to accompany it with at least a slight outline sketch of Mr. Sedgwick's life

though at the necessary expense of a repetition, which will doubtless be readily pardoned by those who have the former more extended sketch at hand to refer to.

Mr. Sedgwick was the eldest son of Judge Sedgwick,who-(after rendering valuable service to his country during the struggle of the Revolution, and after having served his State, Massachusetts, in many representative capacities, at home as well as in the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States)-spent the concluding years of his life on the bench of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, till his death in the year 1813. Theodore, the subject of the present notice, was born in Sheffield, in that State, in December, 1780. When he was about the age of seven, his father removed his family to the village of Stockbridge, in the same State, which has since constituted their central residence and home. Mr. Sedgwick removed to Albany for the practice of his profession, the law, immediately on his admission to the bar, in 1801. He continued there, in partnership with Mr. Harmanns Bleecker, the late Chargé d'Affaires of the United States at the Hague, until the year 1821, when his impaired state of health compelled him to withdraw from the profession, of which he had been an honorable ornament. From that period the even current of his life flowed tranquilly on till his death on the 7th November, 1839-in the midst of a rare combination of the best elements of true happiness for himself,

and in the active diffusion of an enlightened beneficence to others in all directions within the sphere of his influence.

After his retirement to Stockbridge, Mr. Sedgwick applied himself, with all the active habits of his mind, to the cultivation and enjoyment of philosophical and literary pursuits, to the pleasures of society, and of a home as eminently blessed to him, as its kindly hospitality was agreeable to all who visited it,-to the various useful amusements of country life, and to the exemplary discharge of all the duties of his position, not only in the more private relations at which it is not for us here even to glance, but in every capacity in which it was in his power to do good to others, whether collectively or singly, as a man, a neighbor, and a citizen. One of his favorite objects was to promote, by his example, advice, and aid, the formation of a taste among his fellow-townsmen for the fine cultivation of the fruits of the field and of the garden. He was twice elected President of the Agricultural Society of the county. He also represented his town several times in the Legislature of the State. In the latter capacity, as early as the year 1827, after much examination and reflection, he introduced a project for the construction of a railroad from Boston to Albany; which, after several years of earnest effort, in which he had to encounter every obstacle of prejudice, timidity, and ridicule, he at last saw, by the impetus which he had given to it, carried successfully through. And though it was not permitted him to witness the full completion of this great measure, of which he may be regarded as the father, yet he lived long enough to see its partial accomplishment, the road having been opened but shortly before his death for more than half the distance with the universal favor of the public opinion, at first strongly hostile to it.

As an enlightened political economist and zealous philanthropist, Mr. Sedgwick could not be indifferent to the important subject of Politics. He took an especial interest in the great controversy of the Tariff; he was a member of the Free Trade Convention at Philadelphia in 1831; and notwithstanding the strong prevalence of a different public opinion, and imagined

sectional interest in his portion of the country, he was a strenuous opponent of the whole "American System." In fact the general direction of the political opinions to which his candid reflections and warm popular sympathies had by this time led his mind, were decidedly adverse to those of the party which supported Mr. Adams in the Presidential Chair. The reader will not, therefore, participate in the surprise which was felt by many of the old Federal friends of Mr. Sedgwick and of his family, on his coming out with his characteristic earnestness and fearlessness, in behalf of General Jackson's election to the Presidency. No man ever for an instant questioned the disinterested sincerity of Mr. Sedgwick's opinions; and his open accession to the Democratic ranks-then in hopeless minority in his native State-was received by the latter with warm welcome and congratulation. It is scarcely necessary for us to add, that Mr. Sedgwick ever after, by the unwavering consistency of his subsequent course, through all the darkest of the hours which ensued, amply justified and confirmed that confidence which his wellknown character and name at once unreservedly commanded from the Democracy of the State. He was more than once, we believe, the candidate of the Democratic party in Berkshire for Congress. His name, as the most popular that could be selected, was more than once united, on the gubernatorial ticket, with that of Judge Morton. At the election of 1839, at which the Democratic party succeeded in Massachusetts, by its celebrated majority of one, Mr. Sedgwick had declined the nomination for Lieutenant-Governor, which he was earnestly pressed to accept. Private circumstances alone influenced him to this course; for at no period were his convictions stronger, or his sympathies more warm, with the cause of his party than at the period here referred to, when principles were involved in it of which his sagacious understanding appreciated all the importance, to the object nearest his heart-the amelioration of the condition of the great mass of the people.

Mr. Sedgwick died at Pittsfield, about twelve miles from Stockbridge, on the 7th of November, 1839, by a stroke of apoplexy which attacked him while engaged in addressing a meet

ing of his political friends, on the eve of the election then about to take place. He fell thus nobly, "with his harness on." The following account of the occasion is from the pen of the physician who was present, and who tried vainly every expedient of his art to preserve a life so valuable to the community :

"Being requested to address the company, at about half past 8 o'clock he rose, and in a most solemn and impressive manner introduced the subject of his remarks. Among other observations, he said, that the principles he advocated and the sentiments he should advance were the result of much reflection and no inconsiderable observation; that under existing circumstances, and especially at his period of life, he should be pardoned for what otherwise might seem to savor of egotism -he could now have no object but so to speak and so to act, that his rapidly approaching end might be that of peace.

"His remarks bore the characteristics of feeling and sentiment of a disinterested friend and patriot, giving his parting admonitions. He adverted to the fact of the existence of a difference of political principles, of the grounds of that difference, and the causes which tended to its perpetuation; he spoke of the influence of wealth, both individual and corporate, as naturally hostile to democratic principles, and that the great security of a free and equal government rested with the great class of our community possessed of moderate property, and mainly on the industrious farmer and mechanic.

"The subject of the monetary affairs of the country occupied his chief attention. The conduct of the banks was arraigned and exhibited in its true light-the fallacy of their pretensions exposed, and the proper basis of the credit system presented, its importance admitted, and the folly of charging the Government with any attempt to destroy it. The credit system,' he said, we must have and shall have; the public ought not to suffer from bank suspension; they have yielded large profits, and if necessary they ought to make sacrifice, rather than that the public should suffer.'

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"He adverted to the state of parties in the country and commonwealth, aud exhorted the friends of equal rights to alacrity and perseverance, anticipating that their efforts would eventually be crowned with success. Every sentiment he uttered was from the heart, and dictated by the liberal spirit of a philanthropist.

"Near the close of one of the most im

pressive addresses ever delivered, it was evident, from his subdued manner and a slight faltering of his voice, that some change had come upon him. Fondly did we hope, as he sat down, that it was merely a temporary exhaustion, from

which he would soon recover. But alas! the citadel of life was attacked, and as he attempted, soon after, to leave the room, he fell partly down, and it was too evident he had received a paralytic attack, partially disabling one half the left side of the body. Still he retained the exercise of his intellectual faculties, and expressed a strong confidence of a speedy favorable result. The character of the attack was, however, gradually and more surely developing its real nature. All the aid which physicians and kind friends could render was unavailing. It only palliated and contributed to prolong life for a few hours. The affection of the head increased to a complete apoplexy, and between two and three o'clock he ceased to breathe.

"Till within a few minutes of his departure, he conversed freely with those about him, neither suffering bodily pain nor mental aberration. He died without the slightest convulsion, with a countenance placid even in death. Though perhaps himself not fully aware of his immediate danger, still he expressed a calm submission, by repeating the emphatic language, It is all right.'

"Thus is one suddenly removed from us, severing the tenderest ties of love and friendship. None who knew him but mourn his loss. An affectionate family are plunged in sorrow, and the community are deprived of one whose kindness and liberality will not soon be forgotten. When such men die, the country has reason to mourn. The Providence of God is inscrutable, but it is our strong consolation that infinite wisdom and infinite benevolence orders all events."

wick's sudden decease, elicited from The announcement of Mr. Sedgthe press, from many quarters, strong expressions of respect and regret. He was felt to be a great loss to the public, as well as to all who were brought in any way in private life within the circle of his influence. We conclude this very slight notice, which will serve as the necessary accompaniment to the portrait, with quoting again the closing words of our former article above referred to:

"Such, then, was Theodore Sedgwick. The memory of his virtues, that gave their keenest poignancy to the first regrets

of his friends, affords too the most soothing balm to heal them; while the example left by the daily beauty of his life will long continue to exert a pleasant and a good influence, on all those whose fortune it was to be familiar with it. His death calm as an infant's slumber, and leaving upon his countenance, undimmed by any trace of physical or mental suffering, all the light of the transparent loveliness of one of the purest and kindliest of earthly spirits seems to our imaginations but a natural and happy transition from one mode of existence to another, without affecting the intimate ties of mutual sympathies and affections, which so strongly bound him to the numerous friends who mourn his departure from before the bodily vision and contact of the human sense. A singular presentiment appears to have brooded over his mind for several preceding months, that the close of his earthly way of life was very nigh at hand-a presentiment revealing itself on frequent occasions which the memory of various friends can now too distinctly recall and inteprret. To a mind thus pure from thought, feeling, or memory of evil

thus fortified with all the preparation of calm philosophical reflection-and secure in its reliance on the anchor of that religion whose essential truths were as deeply established in the convictions of his reason, as its spirit was seen of all men to be the animating principle of his whole character and conduct in lifesuch a presentiment wore no terrors for him, however it might at times cast a passing shadow of gloom over domestic and social affections peculiarly strong and tender; while in the actual mode of his death-its tranquillity, its freedom from distracting pain, accompanied with the full retention of his mental faculties— he was happy in realizing a wish always entertained and often expressed by him. Rarely has the hand of friendship had to record a death-rather, let us say, a departure, for a temporary and brief separation-in which a more emphatic meaning is felt, by all who knew him, to reside in the exclamation with which we conclude this imperfect tribute to his rare worth

'Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus
Tam cari capitis!" "

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THREE things I tell you of weight and might;
Though mouth to mouth may speak them,
Yet spring they not to the wide world's sight;
In the depths of the heart you must seek them.
And man of all that is dear is reft,

When no faith in these three things is left.

First, MAN IS CREATED FREE,—and when born,
Though fetters of iron bound him,

He need not be turned by the demagogue's scorn,
Or the clamor of fools around him.

For the slave, when the day of release is near,
But not for the freeman, let tyrants fear.


'Tis the same in sense and letter;

And though man stumble on treacherous ground,
He can still press onward to better.

And what seems folly in wisdom's eyes,
Is truth and light to the truly wise.


And THERE IS A GOD,-an Omnipotent Will,
However mankind may waver,

That weaves over Time and Space, with skill,
A system of thought for ever;

And though the revels of change ne'er cease,
Still reigns in all changes a spirit of peace.

These three things cherish with faith and might;
From mouth to mouth ever speak them.
And though they spring not to every one's sight,
In the depths of the heart you may seek them:
And never is man of all worth bereft,
So long as faith in these words is left.




"I WISH I was this simple flower,
Born 'neath the sky of May,
Brightly to bloom my little hour,

Then quickly pass away.

wish I was as low and small,
For surely none would mind at all,
Its destiny to prove;

Who did not mind to love.

I wish that I was guarded so,
From every cruel storm,
Mark how each taller plant doth throw

SHE was born on the 4th of February,
1816; she died on the 1st of August,
1841, of consumption. Through twen-
ty-five years, a gentle, thoughtful, and
modest maiden, the brightness and
blessing of a quiet little family circle, I
she lived in her daily walk all the poe-
try which she breathed from time to
time aloud, in most melodious music of
Such is all, in the way of inci-
dent or event of a character at all pro-
minent, that biography has to record of
her; as one might write the life of a
flower; springing, and dying; and
through the brief meanwhile between
those two bounding points, looking
ever up to heaven, and revealing the
sweet soul within it by that perfume
and bloom which constitute the lovely
life God has bestowed upon it. The
expression of the comparison has
scarcely passed from our pen, when the
recollection rises of some beautiful lines

of her own, " To a little wild flower,"
which would seem to have been prompt-
ed by a prophetic consciousness of her
own nature and its natural early fate.
We need not disclaim the suspicion of
having plagiarized the idea from her-
self, it was so obvious and fitting, that
it could scarcely fail to suggest itself to
any one who had ever given a thought
to the two objects of kindred loveliness,
the sweet flower and the sweet young

A shelter round its form.

And see ye not this little flower

Can fold its petals bright,
When storms do rise, or clouds do lower,
Or draweth on the night.

It only lifts its meek bright eye,


Through summer days and spring,
gazes ever on the sky;
Oh! 'tis a happy thing!
I wish that I could change my form,

And blossom on the plain,

Live wild and happy, though not long,

Then die ere Autumn came.

Or still more blest be plucked to cheer
Some heart in lonely hour,
That sick of human strife and fear,

Would wish to be a flower!"

Notwithstanding its length, we are tempted to add also the following, as

Poetical Memoirs of the late Lucy Hooper; collected and arranged by John Keese. New York: Published by Samuel Colman. 1842.

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