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Vel communiter dicatur sic:

Dominus Jesus Christus per suam piissimam misericordiam te absolvat. Et ego auctoritate ejusdem Domini et domini summi pontificis et officii mihi commissi et indulti privilegii per ipsum pontificem concessi, absolvo te de omnibus tuis peccatis de quibus ore confessus et corde contritus existis et etiam oblitis; et in quantum totius universalis Ecclesiæ claves extendunt, et quantum secundum auctoritatem prænotatam possum aut debeo, te absolvo et pænam remitto. In nomine Patris.

Alia Absolutia.

Auctoritate Dei omnipotentis et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum et sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ et auctoritate domini nostri summi pontificis mihi in hac parte commissa et in quantum debeo, te absolvo a pænis tibi in purgatorio debitis propter culpas et offensas quas contra Deum commisisti; et in quantum mihi permittitur et claves sanctæ matris Ecclesiæ extendunt, restituo te illi innocentiæ in qua eras quando baptizatus fuisti.


Benedictio Dei Patris omnipotentis et Filii et Spiritus Sancti descensuper te et maneat semper. Amen.


Quo modo homo vel mulier includi debeat. Primo celebretur Missa festive in Ecclesia juxta quam includi debet et post Evangelium offerat professionem suam scriptam, et communicet loco suo, et induat habitum professioni congruum, quem cum Sacerdos benedictum et aqua benedicta respersum includendo dederit, dicat hanc Orationem :

Exuat te Dominus veterem hominem cum actibus suis, et induat novum, qui secundum Deum creatus est in justitia et sanctitate veritatis. Amen.

Finita autem Missa, sint duo parati qui Litanias sonore cantent. Sacerdos vero qui Missam celebraverit in Alba et Stola et Capa serica maneat. Finita Litania, incipiat ipse Sacerdos alta voce hymnum, Veni Creator. Et sic exeant in processione, præcedente cruce, incenso, aqua benedicta et ceteris pertinentibus, processionaliter usque ad locum. Hymnoque dicto incipiatur Antiphona, Asperges me vel Vidi aquam, prout tempus exegerit. Et interim Sacerdos aspergat domum intus et extra aqua benedicta. Post hæc incipiatur hæc Antiphona.

Domine, ad te dirigatur oratio mea, sicut incensum in conspectu majestatis tuæ.

Et iterum incenset Sacerdos domum intus et extra. His finitis, si homo vel mulier quæ ingredi debet virgo sit et literas nesciat, habeat juxta se clericum vel virginem qui pro eo vel ea incipiat Antiphonam:

Ipsi eum desponsata cui angeli serviunt, cujus pulchritudinem sol et luna imitantur.


Psalmus. Deus misereatur, totus Psalmus dicatur cum Gloria


See the corresponding form in the Use of York in the "Pontifical of Archbishop Bainbridge," Surtees Society, Ed. p. 81, and v., supra p. 38*.

Repetatur Antiphona. Hinc idem clericus incipiat aliam Antiphonam.

Annulo meo subarravit me Dominus meus Jesus Christus, et tanquam sponsam decoravit me corona. Amen.

Psalmus. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes cum Gloria Patri. Repetatur Antiphona. Tertio vero idem clericus Antiphonam. Dexteram meam et collum meum cinxit lapidibus pretiosis: tradidit auribus meis inestimabiles margaritas. Amen.

Psalmus. Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus: cum Gloria Patri.
Repetatur Antiphona.

His dictis accipiat eum vel eam Sacerdos per manum dexteram, et sic ducat in domum. Antiphona.

Introibo in domum tuam, Domine, et adorabo ad templum sanctum


Quos sequitur in eandem domum clericus qui pro eo vel ea Antiphonas incipit, et finita Antiphona idem clericus incipit Responsorium.

Regnum mundi et omnem ornatum sæculi contempsi propter amorem Domini mei Jesu Christi. Quem vidi, quem amavi, quem credidi, quem dilexi.

Vs. Eructavit cor meum verbum bonum: dico ego opera mea regi. Hoc Responsorio cantato pro eo vel pro ea ex toto choro cum Gloria Patri, sequitur benedictio super domum cum Oremus.

Adesto, Domine, supplicationibus nostris, et cetera, ut supra, p. 41*. Oratio. Exaudi nos, Domine, et cetera, ut supra ibidem. Sequitur alia Oratio cum Dominus vobiscum, et cum Oremus. Oratio. Benedic, Domine, domum istam, et cetera, ut supra ibidem. Sequitur Psalmus sine nota, Laudate Dominum omnes gentes. Psalmus. Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus cum Gloria Patri, et Psalmns. Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus cum Gloria Patri, et iterum Sacerdos cum clerico domum exeat. Vir vel mulier sola remaneat, et deforis domus firmiter claudatur. Tunc moneat Sacerdos præsentes orare pro eo vel ea, et ut dicant.

Pater noster. Et ne nos. Sed libera.

Ostende nobis. Fiat Pax.

Salvum fac servum tuum vel ancillam tuam, Domine.
Esto ei, Domine, auxilium.

Domine, exaudi.

Dominus vobiscum. Oremus. Oratio.

Deus, qui justificas impium et non vis mortem peccatoris, majestatem tuam suppliciter deprecamur ut famulum tuum de tua misericordia confidentem cælesti protegas benignus auxilio, et assidua protectione conserves, ut tibi jugiter famuletur et nullis temptationibus a te separetur.

Alia Oratio.

Rege, quæsumus, Domine, famulum tuum N. et intercedentibus omnibus sanctis tuis gratiæ tuæ in co dona multiplica, ut omnibus liber offensis et temporalibus non destituatur auxiliis, et sempiternis gaudeat institutis. Per Dominum.


My dere sone in God, you hiest fast thi wai to Godward; there thou shalt see alle thi former faderis, apostils, martiris, confessoris, virginis, and alle men and women that be sauid. And yerfor be of gode comfort in God, and thou must leyen a ston in the wal of cite of heuene, wit outen ani noise or strif. And therfore ar thou wenden out of this world, thou must make this ston redi, and than shalt þu nougt be lette.

The ston is thi soule wiche thou makest clene; the noise that pu must make here is the thinking of thi sinne, wyche thou must telle the prest; the stroke is penaunce, that thou shalt be sori for thi sinne and smithe thi self on thi brest: and whan thou hast made redi thus thi ston, then may thou go thi wai in God, and lai thi ston sykerlie wit oute noise in the citie of heuene; and therfor I counsail the fat fou schriue the clene, and make the redi. And this is nougt only to seke men but also to hole, for eueri dai a man nehieth his deth ner and ner; and of a man it is said, the more he wexith the more he unwexith; and perfor saith the gospel: Awake, for thu wost neuer whan oure God will come; and perfor look zu alwai be redi. And thu shalt wite, gode man, that God uisiteth mani man for his sinnes diuerslý; some wit prisonig, some wit diverse sekenes, and if the sinne were awai, than his sekenes shulde aslake. Hereof berith witnes the gospel, that God seith thus to ten mesels, whan he had helid hem of here lepre: Go, he said, and sinne no more, on aunter gow falle wors; as who seith: For gowre sinne ge had this sekeness. And therfor it is ordeined be the law that ther shal no leche given no bodili medicine to a scke man, till he be helid gostli; and that he haue take gostli medicine, that is to sai, schrift and housel; and if ge be wel schrive and ueraye repentaunt, I drede nougt that the sekenes shal a slake wiche he hath for sinne, or ellis it shal turne him to more blisse after his deth; and ferfor if his sekeness a ɛlake nougt thou shalt comfort him on this maner:

How thou shalt confort a man that he grucche nougt whan he is seke: Sone, loveste thou thi Lord God? He wil sai, ge. Than thus, git thou loue God, thou leuest that he doith, and he skorgeth the and perfor thou shalt gladli suffre it. Here of spekit Salamon and seith: Sone, speke nougt agen the chastising of thi fader, for it is no sone whom the fader chastisith nougt, and it a cordith wit commine maner of speche. Ffor if a man see anotheris child do schreudeli in his fader presence, and the fader chastised him nougt, than wold that othir man seie: It is nougt his sone, or ellis he loueth him nougt; for if he were his child or ellis loued him, he wold chastise him perfor be nougt euil afraide of thi Fadirs chastising of heuene. For he seith himself: Whom I loue, him (I) chastise. Also sekenes of bodi makith soule hele, and soule hele is nougt but of God: perfor despice nougt Godis scorge, but whan God ponissche the, thanke him and love him that he emendith thee and vndernemith the and blameth the and ponische the nougt in his wrath ne in his wodnes but in his grete mercy. Thank thi God, and thinke that his merci passeth alle his


grete wrethe: he is jugge, he wil nougt damne the, but he wil haue merci on the. Mercyfulli he chastise the, and ther thou hast deseruid for to haue his wrath and be damned for euer, he puttith ouer his veniaunce, and suffrith of his grete mercye, and ponische the here but a wile, and yerfor despice nougt his gerde of merci, ne grucche nougt ther agens, but suffre it glaldi, for al the domis of God ben rihtful. Now sethen sekenes of God is hele to the soule, and wille thou or nilt thou shal haue hit, gif thou grucche a gen God, and wit thi grucching thou makist thi soule more feble, and so thou profitist nougt to thi self wit thi grucching a gen thi Fadir, which is thi leche, but greuist thi self on diuerses maners: on is, that thou greuist thi God; another, thou shalt nougt haue so miche gostly mede, as thou shuldest gif thou suffred deth pacientliche. And thou shalt knowe that God Fadir of heuene ponische nougt o thing tuyes, and yerfor wit a glad hert thou shalt suffre sekeness that God hathe sent the here, for it shal alegge thee of the peyne of purgatorie, so that thou the more soner shall come to the kingdome of heuene. Thenke that if the king to whom thou hast be tretour forgeuith the thi deth and ponische the but a wile in esi prison, thou art michil hold to him: so thou art to God, to whom thou hast ben tretour, and he hath for give the everlasting deth, and ponischinge the wit a litul sekeness here.

gif a man be nie the deth: speke to him on this maner and sai:

Man, gif thou thougthist and wel seie the mischeiuis of this world, thou shuldest desire to dye and be wit God: Holi writ seith, Blessed be thei, that die in God. Loke thi beginning of thi lif, care and sorwe; thi forthliuing travail and dene and disese, and so thu ledest thi lif. Now whether is it better die wel or lif euele Parde, die wel; thou maist nougt lif fulli wel be no wai in this wrecchid world, for holi writ seith: Everi man is a lier, that is to seie, sinful; and also it seith that sevene sithes in the dai fallith a rithfulman, and that seith Seint Poul, that no man liueth wit out sum defaute, as Catun seith: and seith thus to God, I desire to be dede, and be wit God for the wickidness of this world mai no man telle. Here is hunger and thirst, cold and hete; travail and werinesse, enuie and wrath, glotonie and lecherie, pride and slouthe, couetise and falsnesse, manslaugther and thefte, and many other; and there is no man wit oute alle these, that he ne hath som of these, for everi man is sinful, and yerfor these old filosophurs maden euer sorwe whnhere children were bore, and joie whan thei died and passid out of the wo of this world. And Seint Austin whan he shuld be ded, he spak to deth on this maner: A thou deth, end of alle wickidnes, thou deth, end of trauail, beginning of ese and alle ioie, what man mai be thenke the profitis, and the blisses that thou bringest wit the thou art desireful to me for a Cristin man may nougt euil die, but wel die, and lif wit Criste.

Whan thou hast told him alle this, or ellis gif thou have no time to sai alle for hast of deth, begin here, and speke to him on this maner whan thou seest that he neiheth the deth:

Brother, art thou glad that thou shalt die in Cristin feith? Resp. ge. Knowleche that thou hast nougt wel liued, as thou shuldest ? Resp. ge.

Art thou sori therfor? Resp. ge.

Hast thou wil to amend the, gif thou haddist space of lif? Resp. ge.
Leuist thou in God, Fader Almighti, Maker of heuene and of erthe?

Resp. ge.

Leuist thou in the Fader and Sone and HoliGost, thre persons and on God? Resp. ze.

Leuist thou that oure Lord Ihu Crist, Godis Sone, was conseuid of the HoliGost, and toke flesche and blode of oure ladi Seint Marie, and was borne of hir, she being modir and majde. Resp. ge.

Leuist thou that he suffrid pine and deth for oure trespas and nougt for his gilt vnder Pounce Pilate, and that he was don on the cros, and died for the on god Fridai, and was buried? Resp. ze.

Thankest thou him therfor? Resp. ge.

Louist thou that thou may nougt be sauid but thorw his deth ? Resp. ge.

Tunc dicat Sacerdos :

Wil thi soule is in thi bodi, put alle thi trust in his passion and in his deth, and thenke only theron and on non other thing: wit his deth medil the, and wrappe the therinne, nougt thinking on thi wif, ne on thi children, ne on thi rychesse, but al on the passion of Crist, and haue the crosse to fore the and sai thus: I wot wel thou art nougt my God, but thou art imagened aftir him, and makest me haue more minde of him after whom thou art imagened. Lord, Fader of heuene, the deth of oure Lord Thu Crist, thi Sone, wiche is here imagened, I set betwene the and my euel dedis and the desert of Ihu Crist I offre, for that I shuld haue deseruid and haue nougt. Sey agen: Lord, the deth of oure Lord Ihu Crist, the Sone which was bore of seint Marie, moder and maiden, I sette betuene me and thi wrath. And sai: Into thi handes, Lord, I betake my soule, for thou God of treuthe bougtist me, and sei so thries. Seinte Austin spake to God on this maner: A my Lord God, my mercy, my refute; the I desire, to the I fle, I hie to come to the; Lorde despice nougt me, thow I be wrecched and sinful, but be to me helper in theis my grete nedis, for I may nougt helpe and agen bie my self wit my dedis; but thou, Lorde, hast bougt me, thou bring me out of care and haue mercy on me. I trust nougt on my dedis, but despeir of hem: save it I trust more on thi merciis than in the dispeir of my wicked dedes: thou art my hope, thou art my God; thou art ful of mercy, agein the I haue sinned thorw my grete defaute. I come and knouleche to the; I be seche the of merci, wiche deniest to no man merci.

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