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Cf. supra, pp. 123 and 134.



Oremus, fratres carissimi, Domini misericordiam pro fratribus ac sororibus nostris ab oriente usque ad occidentem, ut et illi orent pro nobis unusquisque in diversis locis, per Christum Dominum nostrum.

Oremus etiam pro unitate ecclesiarum, pro infirmis, pro debilibus, pro captivis, pro pænitentibus, pro laborantibus, pro navigantibus, pro iter agentibus, pro eleemosynas facientibus, pro defunctorum spiritibus, et pro his qui non communicant, ut det illis Dominus dignam agere pænitentiam, per Christum Dominum nostrum.

Oremus etiam Domini misericordiam pro spiritibus carorum nostrorum pausantium ill., ut eis Dominus placidum refrigerium tribuere dignetur, et in locum quietis ac refrigerii sanctorum suorum intercessione eos transferat, per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum.

Offerimus tibi, Domine Jesu Christe, hanc orationem ab ortu solis usque ad occidentem a dextera usque ad sinistram in honorem et gloriam divinitatis Christi et humanitatis, in honorem et gloriam omnium graduum cælestium, Michaelem Gabrielem archangelum, in honorem et gloriam patriarcharum prophetarum apostolorum ac martyrum, pro omnibus virginibus fidelibus pænitentibus, pro omnibus matrimoniis, pro bonis non valde, pro malis non valde, pro omnibus merentibus orationem et deprecationem nostram.



Dutan pe gebiddan god ealmihtigne heopena heah-cyning sca Capianealle godef halzan þ pe moton zodef Elmihtiger pillan zepуncan pa hpile pe on pyffan lænan life punian hy uf zehealdan & gefcyldan prò ealɲa feonda costnunga zefenelicpa and ungefenelicna. Pater noster.

Putan pe gebiddan foɲ uɲne papan on nome J Fon uɲne cýning Foɲne anceby Foɲne ealdoɲman J Fon ealle pa pe uf gehealdað Frid Freоndfeype on reopen healpe into pyffe halzan ftope For ealle pa če uf Foɲe gebiddað binnan angelcynne butan angelcynne. Pater noster.

Putan pe gebiddan for uɲe godfÿbbaf foɲ une cumpeðran For une gildan gildfpeoftna eallef þæf Folcef gebed pe par halgan ftope mid ælmefan feced mid lihte 7 mid tizedinge for ealle pa pe pe æƑɲe heoɲa ælmessan befonde pæɲon æɲ life and ærten life Pater.

Bidde pe.

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Fon por ppef faule bidde pe Pater noster Foɲ mæl mere faule 1 Fon ealle pa faula pe rulluht underrengan on crist gelyfdan fram adamef dæge to pyfumdæge. Pater noster.



Et statim post aspersionem vertat se Sacerdos ad populum et dicat preces in lingua materna in ecclesia Sarum hoc modo:

Se schullen stonte vp and bidde goure bedes to oure Lord Ihu Crist, and to oure ladi seint Marie, and to alle pe compaine of heuene for pe stat of holi chirche and for oure modur chirche of Rome, for oure lord pe pope, for pe patriarke of Ierusalem, for the cardenals, for pe archebischop of Canturbury, for al archebischoppes

* The following are the English forms in this MS. in the office for Matrimony :

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"Godemen and wymmen, as for the most party of gow fat here beth, habbup y herd of banes that habbep ben yasked solempneliche here as the lawe of holichurche wol for wuche banus askyng no lettyng nis git y founde, bote for more sykernesse of gow and eke of me git y aske be banes by twixt N. and N., wiche mon hath y spoke with here to habbe here to his wyf as te lawe of holichurche wol and perfor Ich amonische and comaund gow by auctorite of holy churche bope men and wymmen, that here bup apon ke perel of oure soulus as ge wol ons were at te dai of dome, that gif þer be eni man or wommon that kuowep any letting by twene hem as by wey of kinred or eny con

and bischopes, and nomeliche for pe bischop of N., for pe patron of pis chirche, and for youre gostliche fadur, and for prestus and clerkes that herin seruep or haue i serued, for al men and wymmen of religion, and for al oper men of holi chirche, and for al pilke pat habbep stat of holi churche in kepinge, pat God for his mercy graunte hem suche grace so hit meinteyne and kepe pat God be perwip apaid. Se schulleb bidde for the holi lond and pe holi cros, pat God send hit in to criston men hond wen his wille is.

See schullep bidde also for pees of pis lond, and for oure lord þe king and for pe quene, and for dukes, erles, and barons, and for al pilke pat habbep pe pees of pis lond to kepe, pat God for his merci send hem gode conseil and grace per aftur to worche.

See schullep bidde for pe meir of pis toun, and for al pe communite, and for oure parchens pat beop here or elles were in watur or in lond, þat God for his merci graunt hem grace saf to goo and saf to come, and spede hem in alle here nedes.

See schullep bidde for pe gode mon and be gode wif þat þis day brougt pe loof and pe candul, and for alle thilk that furst hit bigan and lengust halt on.

And for alle wymmen pat bepe in oure lady byndes that God for his mercy so hem vnbynde as hit be best to lyf and to soule, and for alle pat dop trewliche her types and her offringes to God and to holichirche, and for alle pilke pat dop nougt pat God for his mercy send hem grace to com to amendement.

Se schullep bidde for alle the seke of pis pariche here or elles where and príncipalliche for alle pilke pat liggep in dedly synne y bounde, pat God send hem such helpe as hit beo best to lyf and to soule, and for alle po pat beop in good lyf pat God graunt hem grace to hold hem per inne, and pilk þat beop not to turne hem to


Se schulleb also bidde pat God for his mercy suche widdringes

tracte y made priueilich or oponlich of that ge know suggep now or elles neuur.

"Eadem monitio-Sacerdote docente:

"Ich N. take thee N. to my wedded wif for betur for wors, for richere for porere, in sekenes and in hele, til deth us departe, as holy churche us ordeinep, and per to y pligte the my treube: manum retrahendo.

"Deinde dicat mulier Sacerdote docente:

"Ich N. vndurfonge te N. to my weddud housbonde for betere for wors, for richere for porere, in sekenesse and in helthe, to be boxom to the, as holy churche us ordeynep, til dep us departe, and per to y pligt þe my treuþe: manum retrahendo.

"Wip this ring y the wedde, and this gold and suluere y the geve, and wip my body y the worschipe, and wip my worldliche catel iche pe sese.'

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vs sende on erbe pat pe fruýt pat is per inne thriue and is fort to don turne cristen men to help.

Se schulleb also bidde specialliche for al pat pis chirche helpup wip eny manner thing, wher God and seint N. bup pe feirur y serued and y worschepid.

Se schul also bidde for youre self, þat God for his merci graunt zow grace so zoure lif here to lede, hym fort to queme oure soule to saue, and pat hit mot so be for gow and for us and for alle christen people suggep a Pater noster and Ave Maria par charite.

Deus misereatur nostri et benedicat nobis: illuminet vultum suum super nos et misereatur nostri.

Ut cognoscamus in terra vitam tuam: in omnibus gentibus

salutare tuum.

Confiteantur tibi populi Deus: confiteantur tibi populi omnes. Lætentur et exultent gentes: quoniam judicas populos in æquitate, et gentes in terra dirigis.

Confiteantur tibi populi, Deus, confiteantur tibi populi omnes : terra dedit fructum suum.

Benedicat nos Deus; Deus noster benedicat nos Deus: et metuant eum omnes fines terræ.

Gloria Patri. icut erit.

Kyrie eleyson. Christe eleyson. Kyrie eleyson.

Pater noster. Et ne nos. Sed libera.

Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam. Et salutare.

Sacerdotes tui induantur justitiam. Et sancti tui.

Domine, salvum fac regem. Et exaudi.

Salvos fac servos tuos et ancillas tuas.

Deus meus.

Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine, et benedic hereditati tux. Et rege eos.

Domine, fiat pax in virtute tua. Et abundantia.

Domine, exaudi orationem meam. Et clamor meus.
Dominus vobiscum. Oremus.

Deus qui caritatis dona per gratiam Sancti Spiritus tuorum cordibus fidelium infundis, da famulis et famulabus tuis pro quibus tuam deprecamur clementiam salutem mentis et corporis; ut te tota virtute diligant, et quæ tibi placita sunt tota dilectione perficiant, et pacem tuam nostris concede temporibus. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Se schulleb kneling bidde for youre fadres soules, for oure modre soules, for goure bropur soules, for sustur soules, for youre godfadur soules, for godde modur soules, and for alle your kinnes soules.

Se schul also bidde for alle pe soules whos bones restup in pis chirche or chirchehey or in ený opur holi place, and for alle pe soules pat habbep gife in her lyf or by quepe eny manere good to pis place, wher for Godes seruice is pe feiror y do in pis holy stede.

Cf. supra, p. 134.

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