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Finitis Orationibus claudatur sepulchrum,* ponente prius Sacerdote absolutionem super pectus defuncti, sic dicendo:

Dominus Jesus Christus qui beato Petro, et cetera ut supra, p. 90. Hic aspergatur tumulus aqua benedicta et incensetur, cantore incipiente Antiphonam: Hæc requies mea.

Psalmus. Memento Domine David (cxxxi.)

Finito Psalmo sequatur Antiphona: Hæc requies mea, et cetera ut supra, p. 99.

Qua dicta dicat Sacerdos Orationem cum Oremus.

Oratio. Deus, apud quem spiritus mortuorum, et cetera ut supra,

p. 99.

Alia Oratio cum Oremus. Oratio.

Tu, Domine Deus omnipotens, precibus nostris aurem tuæ pietatis accommodare digneris, tu miseris opem feras et misericordiam largiaris, et spiritum famuli tui vel famulæ tuæ N. vinculis corporalibus liberatum in pacem sanctorum tuorum recipias, ut locum pænalem et gehennæ ignem in regionem viventium translatus evadat. Per Christum.

Finitis Orationibus exsecutor officii terram super corpus ad modum crucis ponat, et corpus thurificet et aqua benedicta aspergat: et dum sequens Psalmus canitur, corpus omnino cooperiatur, cantore incipiente Antiphonam: De terra plasmasti me.

Psalmus. Domine, probasti me et cognovisti me (cxxxviii.)
Finito Psalmo, tota dicatur Antiphona:

De terra plasmasti me, Et carnem induisti me, redemptor meus, Domine, resuscita me in novissimo die.

Qua dicta dicat Sacerdos sine Dominus vobiscum, et sine Oremus. Commendo animam tuam Deo Patri omnipotenti, terram terræ, cinerem cineri, pulverem pulveri, in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Deinde dicat Sacerdos hanc Orationem, sine Oremus.

Oratio. Temeritatis quidem est, et cetera ut supra, p. 101.

Alia Oratio cum Oremus.

Oratio. Deus, vitæ dator et humanorum corporum reparator, et cetera ut supra, p. 101.

Finita Oratione incipiat cantor Antiphonam: Omnis spiritus.
Psalmus. Laudate Dominum de cælis (cxlviii.)

Psalmus. Cantate Domino canticum novum (xxlix.)

Psalmus. Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus (cl.)

Finito Psalmo, tota dicatur Antiphona, scilicet: Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum.

Qua dicta dicat Sacerdos sine Dominus vobiscum, et sine Oremus. Oratio. Debitum humani corporis sepeliendi officium, et cetera ul supra, p. 102.

+ Finita Oratione incipiat Sacerdos Antiphonam. Et intonetur Psalmus Benedictus, modo sequenti: totus Psalmus dicatur, et cantetur hic sollemniter, sicut ad Matutinas.

• MS. adds "vel pallio cooperiatur."

+ MS.-"Incipiat cantor Antiphonam. Ego sum. Iste Psalmus non cantetur hic sollemniter sicut ad Matutinas, sed hoc modo."

Antiphona. Ego sum.

Psalmus. Benedictus.

Finito Psalmo, tota dicatur Antiphona:

Ego sum resurrectio et vita, qui credit in me etiam si mortuus fuerit vivet, et omnis qui vivit et credit in me non morietur in æternum.

Qua dicta sequatur hoc modo:

Kyrie eleyson. Christe eleyson. Kyrie eleyson.

Hic roget Sacerdos orare pro anima defuncti, ita dicens:

Pro anima N. et pro animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum.
Pater noster.

Deinde dicat Sacerdos :

Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. Sed libera nos a malo.

Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine :

Et lux perpetua luceat eis.

A porta inferi:

Erue, Domine, animas eorum.

Credo videre bona Domini:

In terra viventium.

Non intres in judicium cum servo tuo, Domine:

Quia non justificabitur in conspectu tuo omnis vivens. Domine, exaudi orationem meam :

Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

Dominus vobiscum.

Et cum spiritu tuo.

Oremus. Oratio.

Deus, origo pietatis, pater misericordiarum, solamen tristium, indultor criminum, de cujus munere venit omne quod bonum est, et procedit, respice propitius supplicum preces. Et quamvis propria nos reputet indignos conscientia te nostris flecti petitionibus, pulsamus tamen quantulumcunque conceditur aures tuæ pietatis. Nam si omittimus, in utroque veremur esse rei, quoniam et te præcipis a peccatoribus exorari, nostroque, etsi non merito, hoc agendum, te præstante, tribuitur ministerio. Ergo te, Domine, sancte Pater, omnipotens æterne Deus, qui unicum Filium tuum Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum incarnari de virgine constituisti, quo vetustum solveret proprio cruore peccatum, et vitam redderet mundo, ipso opitulante, animam fratris nostri vel sororis nostræ N. ab ergastulo cœnolenta materiæ exemptam ab omnibus piaculis quæsumus absolvas. Nullas patiatur insidias occursantium dæmonum, propter quam misisti ad terras unigenitum Filium tuum. Libera et absolve eam ab æstuantis gehennæ truci incendio, collocans in paradisi amanitate. Non sentiat, piissime Pater, quod calet in flammis, quod stridet in pænis, et quod horret in tenebris: sed munificentiæ tuæ munere præventa mereatur evadere judicium ultionis, et beata requiei ac lucis æternæ felicitate perfrui. Per Christum.

Alia Oratio cum Oremus.

Tibi, Domine, commendamus animam famuli tui vel famulæ tuæ N. ut defunctus vel defuncta sæculo tibi vivat, et quæ per fragilitatem mundanæ conversationis peccata admisit, tu venia misericordissimæ pietatis absterge. Per Christum.

His dictis dicatur Psalmus Miserere, cum Antiphona.


Qua dicta, dicat Sacerdos in auditu omnium.


Pater noster: pro anima ejus N. et pro animabus quorum ossa in hoc cemeterio vel in aliis requiescunt, et pro animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum.

Deinde dicat Sacerdos:

Et ne nos: Sed libera.

A porta inferi:

Erue, Domine, animas eorum.

Ne tradas, Domine, bestiis animas confitentes tibi :

Et animas pauperum tuorum ne obliviscaris in finem.

Dominus vobiscum.


Oratio. Deus, cujus miseratione animæ fidelium requiescunt, et cetera ut supra, p. 102.

Postea reverentes clerici de tumulo, dicant septem Psalmos pænitentiales, vel Psalmum De profundis, cum Antiphona Requiem æteruam. Sequatur:

Kyrie eleyson. Christe eleyson. Kyrie eleyson.

Pater noster. Et ne nos: Sed libera.

A porta inferi:

Erue, Domine, animas eorum.

Anima ejus in bonis demoretur:

Et semen ejus hæreditet terram.

Credo videre bona Domini :

In terra viventium.

Non intres in judicium cum servo tuo, Domine.

Quia non justificabitur in conspectu tuo omnis vivens.

Dominus vobiscum.

Oremus. Oratio.

Satisfaciat tibi, Domine Deus noster, pro anima famuli tui N. fratris nostri, sanctæ Dei genetricis semperque virginis Mariæ et sanctissimi apostoli tui Petri omniumque sanctorum tuorum oratio, et præsentis familiæ tuæ humilis et devota supplicatio, ut peccatorum omnium veniam quam precamur obtineat, nec eam patiaris cruciari gehennalibus pænis, quam Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi pretioso sanguine redemisti. Qui tecum.

In fine omnium demissa voce dicatur sic:

Anima ejus, et animæ omnium fidelium defunctorum per Dei misericordiam requiescant in pace. Amen.

MISSA DE SANCTA CRUCE (Sarum Missal, Burntisland Ed., p. 748).

MISSA DE S. MARIA per totum Adventum (ibid, 761).

MISSA DE S. MARIA A PURIFICATIONE, usque ad Adventum (ibid, 779). EPISTOLA ET EVANGELIUM DE Trinitate (ibid, 736).




Godmen et wymmen, it is ordeyned by the counseil of al holy chirche: First of oure holy fader the Pope of Rome, and his cardinalis, and al his conceil, sithen of alle erchebisshopes bishopes and al the clergie, that everich man of holi chirche that hat soule for tho kepe, shulde shewe among hem foure sithes bi gere, the articles that ben writen in the general sentence, that is for to seyn, the poyntes that longen to the grete curs: that on is the first sonday of Advent, that other is the first sonday of Lenten, and the nexte sonday after Witsonday, and the firste sonday after the Assumption of oure lady.

Of thwo maner of cursynge, holichirche telleth that on is cal'd the lesse curs, that other is cal'd the more curs: and this moste openlich be taugt unto lewed men, that thei mowe knowe parfitliche the mischel therof, that no man shulde have materie to excuse hym by.

Werfor te shul understonde atte the bygynnyng that this worde, cursynge, is thus miche to seie: as a departynge fro God et alle goode werkes. That, we calle the lesse curs, is of this strenghte, that everich man and woman that falleth ther inne, it departeth hem fro alle the sacramentis that bent in holichirche, that they may none of hem receyue till that thei ben asoiled.

The more curs is miche wers, and is of this strenghte: for it deperteth a man fro God, and fro holichirche, et also fro the companie of all cristene folk, neuere to be saned be the passion of Crist, ne to be holpen by the sacramentis that ben done in holichirche, ne to haue part in preiere wither no cristene man, as witnesseth wel seynt Austyn.

Clerks seyn that a child bifore it be cristned, it hath a wikked spirid dwellinge in the soule. The wichde wikkede spirid is conjured, and cast out thorouh praiere of the prest, by fore the chirche dore whanne it shal be cristned: the wicher sacrament of bapteme is grount and bygynnyng of alle sacramentis, as was verely betokned in the passion of oure Lorde Jesu Crist; by water that ran out of his syde, whan al his blod was gon: so that by the sacrement of bapteme he his mad Godes child, et he recevith there part of the passion of Crist, and part of alle sacramentis and preyris that ben don in holichirche and also he receyveth part of alle gode dedis that be don among alle cristene folk et gif he holde unto God covenant that he maked there, for to have a dwellynge place for evere in the blisse of hevene: but what tyme he trespace ther so agen the lawe of God, that he his worthi to be acursed of holichirch, than is he depastir fro God et alle goode werkes. And he is thanne delyveret agen unto the fend of helle, for tho putte hym fro his synne in the peyne withouten hende. And ther fore is nothyng in al this world that a cristene man aughte sa gretli for


* This form of the Great Cursing, with the "Absolutions" that follow to page 96, is defective in the copy of Tynson. It is here taken from the edition of the Manual printed at Rouen, in 1510. The references to the "Extravagants" and other authorities are omitted.

to drede, as for to falle by any wey in to the sentence of cursynge, the which departeth hym fro God, that is Fader, and fro holichirche his moder.

Also cursynge is cleped the swerd of holichirche. For right as we se that the strok of the swerd, it fleth and departithir le lyf fro the body; ryght so the strok of this gostly swerd, it departeth et doth away god fro a man or a womman whichir that is acursed. That is, the lyf of here soules, that they and here werkis ben everemore dede after: bote gif they have special grace of God, for tho amende hem here. For as many clerkes prove that at the day of dome, wolde our lady Marie and seynt John the baptist, and alle that ben in hevyner, knele doun alle at ones byfore the face of God, they schulde nought mowe in that tyme thorough prayere of hem alle delyuere the soule of a man or of a womman that deyeth in any dedly synue. that were expresse ageynnes the holi gospelles, where Crist seith himsoluen, that he shal trewly geve everich man there right os he hath deserved here.


And gif the dai of dome shal be so hard with alle to that deye in any dedly synne, what shal thanne bytyde of hem en thath same tyme, that ben funden openly acursed of God et holichirche? In this _grete perils dampnation of soule, ben al tho men et wommen that I shal speke of.

So that first and formest, we denounse acursed, alle tho that holichirche falsly depriven of any right or profyt, either by lawe writen, or elles by good custum which that hath ben holden et used of old tyme: and in this poynt falleth .III. manere of folk: first alle tho that steleth holichirche goodes in what plache so they ben don for to kepe: Or elles that stelle unhalwed thynges out of holy place, or thynges that ben halwed out of place unhalwed, et alle to that wythyngli breken and destraye any poynt of fredam that longeth to holichirche: et this is nought al onli understande of the fredames that longen generaly to al holichirche, bote also of other special fredames, whicher that sum chirche hathe more on than an other, temperal or spiritual, whethir so it be.

The thridde poynt is, that alle tho ben acursed that purchache writes or lettres of ani lewed curt, for to lette the processe of the lawe of holichirche, of causes that longen skilfully unto Cristene court, the whichil shulde nought be demed by, non other lawe: et alle tho thatt lette erchebisshopes, bishops, or any other, that hath jurediccion and power by the lawe of holichirche: that they mowe nought visite here sogetes, or dur noght use here lawe for to amendet te soules of hem that they have to kepe; and alle tho, that falsly flen awey fro o place til an other, that holichirche may nought chastyse hem, ne reule hem as he sholde.

Also god and holichirche acurseth alle tho, that leye hand in violence on prest or on clerk, or on any man or womman of religion, bote gif it be that they nowe noght elles saue hem selven, or elles that it be in certeyn poyntes that the lawe gevith leue: and alle that mayn thene shuch dedes by counseil or by strengthe.

Also we denounce alle tho acursed, that maliciously stele or destroie the godes, that longether tho maneres, or to graunges of any men or wymen of religion, or of erchebisshop, or bisshop, other of any other

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