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Minister of St John's Church, Glasgow. No. 4. 1s. sewed.

A Charge delivered to the Grand Jury of the County of Stirling, on 23d June 1820; by the Right Hon. Charles Hope, Lord President of the College of Justice, published by request of the Jury..

Duncan's Itinerary of Scotland, with maps, &c. &c. Fourth edition, with im portant alterations. 12mo. 7s. 6d. bound in blue roan.

Leslie's Philosophy of Arithmetic. Se cond Edition, improved and enlarged, 840.





FRANCE. The Election Law, the discussion of which excited such interest throughout France, has at length passed both the Chambers, and received the Royal assent; not, however, until its original tenor was considerably modified. An amendment on the law was proposed on the 4th June, by M. Bain, which was carried by a majority of 185 to 66, and which was afterwards agreed to by the Ministry. This amendment was to the following effect: The Departmental Colleges are to consist of the electors paying the most taxes, equal to a fourth of the whole number of electors of each depart ment; these Colleges are to elect 172. deputies; the Electoral Colleges of Arrondissement are also to elect each a deputy; these Colleges are to consist respectively of all the electors having their political domicile in each arrondissement; and the fifth of the present deputies that are to be removed are to be elected by the Colleges of Arrondissement. The Chamber will thus consist of 430 instead of 258 deputies.

By the amended plan 172 Deputies will be returned to the Chamber by only one fourth of the existing body of electors. By thus diminishing the voters, a field is opened for the exercise of Ministerial influence, and if the Treasury succeed in appointing 172 Deputies, they will only have to gain over 44 of the Deputies chosen by the Electoral Colleges of the Arrondissement, in order to have a majority in the Chamber.

The project, however, is totally different from what it was originally. It enlarges the number of Deputies to the Chamber, and it gives the Ministers considerable advantages in controlling the elections of those additional members. But by the original plan they would have had a control generally over the whole elections, and no member who was not acceptable to them could have been appointed without a hard struggle. The present plan infuses into the Chamber an aristocratical interest; the former plan would have made it wholly aris tocratical-it would have left no other ad

verse interest in the Chamber, but would have made it merely an engine to clothe with authority the views and wishes of the executive.

During the discussions on this law, it ap-s pears that Paris was the scene of most vie lent contentions, to quell which the em ployment of troops was found necessary. When the adoption of the first article became known without doors, the populace assembled in groupes, exclaiming, "Long live the Charter," making at the same time menacing gestures to those who replied to them, by exclaiming," Long live the King." Between these opposite parties an affray quickly ensued, and the military interposing to restore order, they were insulted by the multitude. A law student attacked one of the soldiers, and endeavour ed to disarm him: the latter fired, and the ball entered the stomach of the rash youth, who was conveyed to the house of a neighbouring surgeon. The refractory populace being compelled to retreat, finally met in various parties at the Palais Royal, the gate of which was ordered to be shut. The coffeehouse Lemlin was closed by authority, and peace was maintained throughout the night by patroles of gendarmes. Marshal Oudinot, who directed the troops, received asevere contusion, which confined him some time to his chamber,

Trial and Execution of Louvel-The trial of Louvel, the assassin of the Duke de Berri, commenced before the Chamber of Peers on Monday 5th June. The pri soner heard the indictment read with the utmost sang froid. He was then interrogated by the Chancellor. When asked his reason for stabbing the Duke de Berri, he answered, that he had taken his life away, with the intention of destroying the Bourbon race, which, in his opinion, was a misfortune to the nation. He denied that he had any motive of personal enmity towards the Duke; and assigned as his reason for giving him the dreadful preference over all the other branches of the Royal Family, that he was a blockhead! He admitted, also, that he had entertained his horrid project since 1814, in which

year he went to Calais, expecting to meet some of the Royal Dukes on their return to France. To a question, Whether he had any religious principle; and if so, what rereligion he was? he replied, "I am a Catholic; but I have changed according to events; sometimes a Theophilanthropist, and sometimes a Catholic." No one had promised to favour his escape, and if he had succeeded in getting away, he declared that he would have continued his project of assassination against all those who had borne arms against, and had betrayed the country. He repeatedly denied having had any accomplices. M. Bonnet, his advocate, endeavoured to prove that Louvel was suffering under mental alienation. It was not that he considered the accused a fool, but under the dominion of that species of madness called monomania, which confined the thoughts of the patient to one object only, and in Louvel's case, it appeared that he had entertained the design of murdering the Bourbons for the last six years. Louvel then read his defence, The Court was then closed, and on reopening the President proceeded to read the sentence, which declared Louvel guilty, and condemned him to death.

The execution of Louvel took place on Wednesday the 7th, at six P. M. He persisted to the last in denying that he had any accomplices. The spectators at the execution are calculated at upwards of 200,000 persons; but they separated without any disorder. At night, however, the usual tumultuous assemblages took place, and paraded the streets, exclaiming, Vive la Charte, &c. until they were dispersed by the military. Similiar scenes occurred on the nights of Thursday and Friday, and, on the latter occasion, several of the mob were wounded, and one inan killed by the soldiers. These events gave rise to a succession of stormy debates in the Chamber of Deputies, the Ministers and UltraRoyalists representing them as the effect of a regular combination to overthrow the Bourbon Government, and their opponents recriminating, by asserting that the real authors of all the disturbances were police spies and emissaries, employed for the purpose of throwing odium on the popular party, and furnishing a pretext for a series of measures tending to the re-establishment of the ancient despotism.

Some popular disturbances have, it seems, occurred at Brest, of a character similar to that of those which agitated the capital; but at Brest, as at Paris, the active zeal and energy of the troops quickly dispersed the rioters and restored tranquillity. The towns of Caen and Rennes were also disturbed for some short time with the cries of Vive l'Empereur !-A bas Louis! Some persons have been arrest



French Clergy.-During the sitting of the Chamber of Deputies, on Friday the 22d June, the state of the clergy in France was made the subject of discussion, The estimates for the established clergy of the Church of Rome amounts to 22,600,000 francs, (L.941,000,) which was granted by the Chamber. The minister of the interior then demanded the sum of 60,000 francs (L.2500) for the Protestant clergy, and further required that the estimate should be augmented to the sum of 60,000 francs (L.2500) for the repair of Protestant Churches. He stated, that "the Protestant religion is organized in 50 departments of France: it is celebrated in 200 churches or places of worship, the greater part of which are in want of repair. There are many places where, for want of churches, the service of religion is celebrated in the open air." This estimate was granted without the slightest opposition.


BUENOS AYRES.-Accounts have been received from hence up to the middle of April. At that time Mr Saratea continued at the head of the Government, though things remained in a very precarious state. Albear, who some years ago was in the su preme command, and after his dismissal resided at Rio Janeiro and Monte Video, forming plans to turn out his rivals, had arrived at Buenos Ayres, when another struggle for power took place. Mr Saratea was, however, able to keep his seat, and the proceedings instituted against the late Administration continued going on. rera was forming a party to cause a re-action in Chili, where his friends are numer ous. The British are generally in favour of Mr Saratea, and consider him as the only man capable of restoring order, and conducting the affairs of the country with regularity. The large naval force in those seas, and the efficient protection given by the Admiral, render their interests perfectly secure; but the interior was in too unsettled a state to afford, for the present, any extension of trade.


The expedition preparing against Peru, under General San. Martin, fixed the general attention, which had been diverted from it during the struggles for ascendancy at Buenos Ayres. It was expected to sail from Valparaiso immediately after the arrival of Lord Cochrane from Valdivia. An offer, it is said, has been made to Lord Cochrane by the Viceroy of Peru, of a sum of money, amounting to three millions of dollars, as a condition of his abandoning the cause of the Patriots, but which was refused with indignation. The letter of the Viceroy and his Lordship's answer were both in circulation at Valparaiso, and had greatly increased the popularity before enjoyed by the latter.


Proposed New Monarchy in South America. A singular story is in circulation of a plan for erecting the South American provinces of Buenos Ayres, and others, into a monarchy, under a branch of the House of Bourbon. The Duke de Lucca, formerly the Prince Royal of Etru ria, and son to a sister of Ferdinand of Spain, was the Prince first mentioned with a view to this new dignity; but it is now said that the project was intended as an opening for one more nearly allied to the reigning Family of France. However this may be, there seems no doubt that some negotiation of this nature was going on, and that it had received the assent of some at least of the members of the late Government of Buenos Ayres, to the over

throw of which it seems to have led; and according to the documents lately received from Buenos Ayres, it appears that judicial proceedings have been instituted against such of the Members of that Government as have been engaged in this project for overthrowing the system established, and setting up a monarchy in its stead.

The negotiations were carried on through the Duke de Cazes with the French Government, to whom M. Gomez was sent as an envoy from Buenos Ayres. An official dispatch from this envoy has been published, along with various other documents, giving an account of the negotiation, and of the propositions of the French Govern ment on the subject.


[A considerable portion of the time of both Houses of Parliament for the last month has been taken up in discussions regarding the charges brought by Ministers against the Queen. These proceedings will, for the sake of connection, be noticed at a subsequent part of this Number, in the British Chronicle.]

HOUSE OF LORDS.-June 13.-The Earl of ROSEBERY rose to move the second reading of the bill for regulating the right of voting at the election of Peers to repre sent the Peerage of Scotland.-His Lordship observed, that neither in the acts of Parliament relative to the election of Scotch Peers, nor in any of the resolutions come to at different times on that subject by their Lordships, was there any provision for the evil which the present bill was meant to prevent. The object of the bill was to guard against cases of unqualified persons assuming the right of voting, there being no power to reject their votes at the time. He appealed to the Noble Lords who knew the practice, whether it was not the fact, that scarcely an election occurred in which persons did not vote, who, in the opinion of every one present, were not entitled to give their suffrages. It was proposed by the bill to exclude from voting (with some exceptions) all persons who claimed as succeeding to deceased peers, until they had made out their titles. This would prevent the intrusion of individuals, who, from vanity or worse motives, often interfered in those elections. The right of petition and redress would of course be open to those who might consider themselves wronged. The inconveniences of which he had spoken would not occur at the election for the Peers of Scotland, if the same provision had been made respect

ing them as exists with regard to the Irish Peers. No Irish Peer, not even the direct descendant of a deceased peer, is allowed to vote at the election of a peer to sit in that House, until he has fully made out his title. His Lordship, however, did not mean to interfere with the claim to vote where the right was obviously undoubted. The bill, therefore, as far as regarded direct descendants, left the practice as it now stood, and only required collateral descendants to make out their titles. Earl CATHCART thought that the measure the Noble Lord had in view might be more conveniently obtained by a resolution of the House. He concurred, however, in the necessity of some regulation being applied to the practice which at present prevailed. Lord MELVILLE did not rise to oppose the bill, which, under all the circumstances connected with the elections of Scotch Peers, was entitled to their Lordships' approbation. How far the object could be obtained by a resolution he was not certain. He was afraid it could not; but if, on further consideration, their Lordships should think such a course practicable, it might hereafter be adopted. With regard to the clause of the bill allowing direct descendants to vote, he approved of it, but questioned whether it might not be advisable to give the same right to brothers of peers as to sons of peers. This he merely threw out for their Lordships" consideration. The Earl of LAUDERDALE approved of the object of the bill. Such was the practice at the election of Scotch Peers, that he could at any time procure fifteen or sixteen votes, whil would be good for the time, though "rotested against. did not think it competent to the House to attain the object of the bill by a resolution.


He believed it would not be necessary to insert the word brothers in the bill, as the brother of a peer must be also the son of a peer. (Lord Melville signified his dissent from this.)-As Scotch Peers could not be created, it followed that the brother would be the son of a peer. It could not be otherwise, unless the deceased peer had succeeded collaterally. He was fully of opinion that peers should make out their claim before they assumed the right of voting; but there was another class of claimants beside those to which the bill applied. Against two claimants of this description (he alluded to the cases of Ruther ford and another) the House had passed a resolution, directing the clerk register not to receive their votes until they made out their claims. He should, perhaps, on a future occasion, take upon himself to propose a resolution that no person should vote until they made good their titles. Lord MELVILLE, in explanation, observed, that the clause in the bill excepted the sens and grandsons of peers: but he still thought that brothers ought also to be ex cepted, because it might happen, from col. lateral succession, that the brother of a deceased peer was not the son of a peer. The LORD CHANCELLOR approved of the bill. The provision in the law respecting Irish Peers was extremely salutary, and he thought it might be extended to the Scotch. An English Peer must have a writ before he appears to take his seat in that House. It was also necessary to prove that he was the legitimate son of his father, to whom he succeeded; and, in cases in which there could not be the slightest doubt, this proof often required some time. -It might be worth their Lordships' while to consider whether a similar proof ought not to be required of persons claiming to vote at the elections of Scotch Peers. The Earl of LAUDERDALE remarked, that such proof was not necessary in Scotiand, from the nature of the law respecting mar, riage. The Noble and Learned Lord, he believed, knew very well by what simple proceeding marriage was conducted in Scotland. The LORD CHANCELLOR was aware that there were many modes of contracting marriage in Scotland. He had heard, he believed, three or four hundred ways pointed out by Counsel at their Lordships' bar, who descanted on subjects as learnedly as if they had three or four hundred wives themselves. The bill was then read a second time. Lord HOLLAND rose to bring in a bill to repeal an act of Parliament which passed in the 12th year of his late Majesty's reign, commonly called the Royal Marriage Act. According to the courtesy of the House, a bill was always allowed to be brought in, and to be read a first time as a matter of course, re

serving the period for observation or debate until the second reading. On this occasion, however, he wished to say a few words. The Noble Lord then briefly alluded to the several clauses of the act in question, arguing that it was calculated not only to create war abroad, but dissensions at home. If he was able to shew that the marriages of the descendants of George II. had been unhappy, it would then become

question, whether some measure ought not to be adopted by which the inconveniences of the Royal Marriage Act might be obviated. The Earl of LIVERPOOL had not any objection to the bill being brought in, but expressed his decided intention to oppose it in its subsequent stages. The bill was then brought in and read a first time.

HOUSE OF COMMONS.-June 1.-Lard CASTLEREAGH moved for leave to bring in a bill to continue the provisions of the Alien Act. The motion was strongly opposed by Sir R. Wilson, Mr Baring Wall, and Sir J. Mackintosh; and defended by the Solicitor General. The motion was agreed to by a majority of 86. His Lordship then moved for, and obtained leave to bring in, a bill to continue the Act for preventing Naturalization by purchasing Stock in the Bank of Scotland. He stated that it was not intended that the bill should possess retrospective powers, but merely to prevent similar rights being so acquired in future.

June 2.-The LORD ADVOCATE obtained leave to bring in a bill for the better regulation of the Court of Admiralty in Scotland, and certain proceedings in the Court of Session.

June 14.-The Budget. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER brought forward his plan for providing for the public service of the year. The sum required is L. 20,723,000, of which the sinking fund supplies 12 millions-a loan five millions, and the remainder is furnished by annual taxes, and a grant on the produce of the temporary Excise duties, continued since the war. The interest on the funded and unfunded debt amounts to nearly fifty millions per annum, which, with the current expences of the Government, amounting to above 20 millions, makes a sum of 70 millions. Deduct the money annually paid to the Commissioners for the sinking fund, amounting to 17 millions, and the remainder, 53 millions, is nearly about the sum which must be annually raised in order that our revenue shall meet our expenditure-whatever we have above is the real sinking fund which we have to trust to for the redemption of our debt.

The following recapitulation will perhaps more fully display the financial plan of the Right Hon. Gentleman :

Granted for 1819.


L. 8,782,470 Army 6,436,781 Navy 1,191,000 Ordnance 2,078,197 Miscellaneous

Estimate for

annual expence at L. 100,000. After some complimentary observations from Lord CASTLEREAGH, Sir J. MACKINTOSH, Mr L. 9,422,000 WILBERFORCE, and other leading Mem6,586,700 bers, leave was given to bring in a bill in 1,204,600 fartherance of the Learned Gentleman's 2,100,000 benevolent views, with an understanding, however, that it should be printed, and stand over till next session.

18,488,448 Total Supplies 10,313,300 1,570,000 Int, on Exch. Bills 1,000,000 430,000 Sink. Fund on do. 410,000

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June 17.-A discussion took place upon the third reading of the Mutiny Bill, when Lord NUGENT moved that the army should be reduced from 92,586 to 77,224 effec. tive officers and men. To this amendment Colonel DAVIES moved another, that, instead of 92,586 officers and men, 80,479 be inserted. The first amendment was ne gatived by a large majority, and the second was disposed of in silence.

June 28. Mr BROUGHAM brought for ward his promised motion on the education of the poor, and detailed his plan at considerable length. He stated the expence of building schools and houses for the teachers at about half a million, and the

June 30.-Lord CASTLEREAGH then appeared at the bar, and delivered a mes sage from his Majesty to the following ef fect : G. R.-The King acquaints the House of Commons, that part of the provisions formerly made for the different branches of the Royal Family ceased on the death of his late Majesty; the King, therefore, now recommends to the House of Commons to adopt such measures as will enable him to make such provision for his royal brothers and sisters as would make their incomes equal to what they were during the lifetime of his late Ma-> jesty." On the motion of Lord CASTLEREAGH, it was ordered that his Majesty's message should be taken into considera tion on Monday.

July 5.-Lord A. HAMILTON moved the reduction of the present tax on malt in Scotland, and to regulate the duty on the principle of the act of 1789, which provided, that only half the duty should be levied on Scots malt as was paid upon that article in England. The motion was supported by Sir G. Clerk, Sir J. Marjoribanks, Mr Kennedy, Mr Boswell, and Mr K. Dou glas. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER opposed the motion, but proposed a reduction of 6d. per bushel on bigg, which he thought would be of the greatest advantage to small distillers. On a division, the motion was lost by a majority of 10-there being 43 for, and 53 against it.-On Friday evening the CHANCELLOR of the ExCHEQUER proposed a duty of 2s. a bushel on malt intended to be brewed into beer in Scotland, and made from a particular species of grain; also a duty of 2s. 6d. a bushel on malt made from barley and certain other kinds of grain: both resolutions were agreed to.

The House, in a Committee on the Scots Fisheries Act, agreed to a resolution for taking off the existing bounties on cod fish imported into Scotland, and granting others in lieu thereof.

July 7.-Lord CASTLEREAGH stated, in answer to a motion of Mr Beaumont respecting the Coronation, that it had been determined to postpone that ceremony for the present. The period to which it is postponed, or the motive for the postponement, his Lordship did not explain; but he declared, that the delay was not in any respect connected with the prosecution of the charges against the Queen.

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