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ferred obligations upon the other. You, gentlemen, have done both; a number of you, in the first place, as members of the Lewiston Convention, engaged in bringing to light the foul conspiracy against the liberties of your country, which robbed William Morgan of his liberty and life, and otherwise disgraced our annals: And all of you, in the second place, as the authors and signers of a REPORT Upon those unparalleled outrages, which does honor to your independence and integrity; and is eminently calculated to open the eyes of your fellow-countrymen, to the dangerous and destructive influence of all secret associations, upon their civil and political liberties.


In the execution of these imperative and portant duties, you have, in a generous spirit of humanity and patriotism, spent much valuable time and labour, and incurred many heavy expenses; and have suffered, at the same time,. much abuse, calumny and persecution, from a powerful and secret combination of midnight conspirators and assassins.

For all this, your fellow-countrymen owe you a debt of gratitude; and I feel it my duty, in part payment of my portion of that debt, to inscribe your names in front of this work, as those of public benefactors-of whom it is but just to say, in spite of all that can be said to the contrary, by editorial tools, and other unprinci

pled sycophants and knaves, that they deserve the undivided respect, and grateful remembrance, of the present and future generations.

With these sentiments, which flow from the heart, as well as the head; and the expression of which, in this place, and on this occasion, I have thought due to every principle of patriotism and justice--

I subscribe myself, Gentlemen,

Your friend and fellow-citizen,



The "Solemn Warning" pourtrays to the rising generation, in colours true, if not sufficiently vivid, the dangerous consequences to their temporal and eternal happiness, that may ensue from their joining an association, which ought never to have had existence in this free and enlightened country; and the existence of which cannot be preserved, without eventually destroying our civil and political liberties.

The reasons of the author for preferring to publish this work in a book form, are, that having been proscribed by the Order, in the first place, for simply PUBLISHING the TRUTH, he determined, on the other hand, to proscribe them as enemies and traitors to their country, her constitution and laws, for ATTEMPTING to SUPPRESS the TRUTH. He accordingly did commence, in his editorial department, to return proscription for proscription, with the conscientious conviction, at the same time, that while

their proscription of him was mean, dastardly, and at war with the constitutional rights and liberties of the citizen, his proscription of them and their works of darkness, was called for by every principle of honour, humanity, liberty, and law. He will, therefore, continue to proscribe them, in his editorial department, so long as it shall be the pleasure of Divine Providence to sustain him at the editorial desk in health of body and mind. But, independent of his editorial labours, he wishes to place on record his opinions of the Order, in a form that shall render them more likely to be handed down to future times, than that of editorial matter. He wishes to place in the hands of the rising generation, what he believes will have a tendency to preserve thousands of them from ruin, if they will but listen to the admonitions of truth and experience. To divert promising young men, to whom the God of Nature may have given fine talents, and generous and noble sensibilities, from plunging into paths, and pursuing steps, that "lead down to the gates of hell," is his object on the one hand; and he will not conceal, that on the other, he has no objection, under existing circumstances, to bring his humble talents into market, in a just and honorable cause, in the hope of no more than a fair remuneration for his mental labour. These are the considerations which have induced him to prepare this

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