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of the same value to be at hir pleasur. And all the residue of all my manours which I had in Inglond, Caleis or Barwik I willed to my said broder Roger and to the heires males of his body, the remaynder therof to Richard Cholmeley and to the heires males of his body, the remaynder to my right heires, except londes of the yerely value of xx li., which I willed that Roger Cholmeley of Lincolns Inne, my sonne, shuld have to him and to his heires males, and for defaulte of issue to remayn to my said brother Roger, and also except londes to the yerely value of xij li., which I willed shulde be for to have a prest to synge for me, and to have an obite or anniversary kept. And forasmoch as sithe the same declaracion of my mynde and wille I have caused my feoffees to make estates by dedes to me and to my said wife of certeyn manours, and where I did covenant in consideracon of mariage betwene me and my said wife that my said wife shuld have the said manor of Thornton upon the hille for the terme of hir lyfe, therfor nowe I woll that my said wife shalhave as well all the same manours named in the said dedes and also the manor of Thornton, and after death of hir to the use of me and myn heires, and after hir death I will that my said brother Roger shalhave all the same manours, and for defaulte of issue to Richard Cholmeley, and for defaulte of issue to my right heires. Item, I will that estates be made to a citizen of London of my londes in the citie of London to thintent that he, by the advise of myn executours, geve the same to the maister and wardeyne of the chapell of our Lady of Barkyng besides the Towre of London, to thentent that they shall fynde a prest to synge and say masse in the said chapell to pray for my soule, my wifes soule, my frendes soules and all Christen soules, and to have an obite or anniversary there yerely yf the said maister and wardeyns agre with me or myn executours that I shall be buried in the said chapel on thoderside contrary where Sir John Rysley, knyght, lyeth buried in the said chapell. And yf the said maister and wardeyns will not agre, then I will be buried within the churche of the Crossed freres beside the Towre of London before the ymage of our lady, yf the priour of the same place will be so contented, orelles in some other convenient place within the same church, and that then the said priour and his covent shalhave the forsaid londes in London to theym and their successours by the devise of a citizen of London forever. In witnesse wherof I have sett my seale in the presence of Sir Richard Broke, knyght, and one of the justices of the Comen place, and Robert Laward, of the parishe of Alhalowen, Barking, with other moo.

[Proved 24 March, 1521.]


[Bodfelde, 16.]

1 Dec., 1522. Richard Andrewe of Kirkby in Kendall, Chapman. My body to be buried within the parishe church of the holy Trinitie in Kendall. To two prestes viij li. to mynister for my soule and all Christian soules in my said parishe church of Kendall the one half, and within the chapell of Alhalowes in Kirkby in Kendall the other half, the said ij prestes and places therfor appoynted as after folowes. To the payment of the coopes last bought iijs. iiijd. To Sir Robert Bellengham, knyght, my blak horse that is att Casterton and my bastard swerde. I will that Sir Robert Wilson, preest, shalhave for to synge for me one yere in Saint Georges lofte iiij li. of the said viij li. I will that Sir Robert Makreth shalhave that other iiij li. for to synge for me one yere in the said chapell of Alhalowes. To Henry Blande my best jaket. To Robert Dokwray my doblet that is foresleved with velwet. I will that my cosyn Thomas Warcop wife shalhave in rule and kepinge Alice my brother doughter: To John Andrewe my brother sonne my best horsse except that goeth to the church. To Thomas Warcop the next hors. Also to have in mynde that I leve in the handes of my said cosyn Thomas Warcop wife and there as I have assigned hir to take it up where it is owinge to me in maner and fourme folowinge to the full sume of xx li. that I receyved for John Andrewe and Alice my brother children of their barn partes of goodes which I will that she paye theym or make them to be paide whan they shall come to lawfull age in maner folowinge, that is to witt: To the said John xx marces and to the said Alice xxti nobles. Also I will that if one of them depart or they come to lawful age that that lyveth to have all the hoole sume, and also yf that both departe and goo to God than I will that the said sume of xx li. shall remayn to the said wife of Thomas Warcop and she to dispose it for my soule, their soules and all Christian soules. Also I will that the said Thomas Warcop wyfe shall receyve suche dettes of myn that is owyng to me for to fill out the sume of xx li. for my said brothers children, that is to witt, of John Batman, Chapman, xl s., of Hobson and John Michell iiij marces and also of Bryan Abbey xxxv s. Also I will that

Mabell my wife shalhave the choyse whether she will have and stande to and be myn executrix and have half both of all her goodes and myn equally or she will stande to and have x li. and all hir billes that I had of hers at Southampton that lyeth

* Probably a brother of Brian Andrew, of Kendal, No. LXXIII.

with Thomas Holeway. I make myn executours Sir John Garnet, that dwelleth in the South, preest, and the said Alice my brothers doughter, and I geve to the said Sir John that he may pray for my soule v marces. Also I hertely beseche my goode maister Sir Roger Bellengham, knyght, or elles who he leves behynde him in his rome for the love of Almighty God as he hath ben speciall good maister to my fader, to me and to all my brethern that he will take the labour upon him to be supervisour of this my will, and to have for his labour fyve marces. I will Thomas Warcop and Thomas Striklande be supervisours with him, and either to have xx s. To the church werkes xls. All my goodes unbequethed I geve to John Andrewe and Alice, my brother children, and yf they both depart then the residue I geve to Thomas Strikland and Thomas Warcop wife. Hereof witnesse Christofer Sadeler, Robert Jopson, Piers Bateman, Thomas Dokwray and James Bradley, with other moo.

[Proved 28 Jan., 1523-4.]

[Bodfelde, 7.]

The xxij day of Aprill, 1523. I, Richard Rokeby, knyght, make my last will. First I bequeth my soule to Almighty God, to the glorious Virgyn Mary, and to all the company of hevyn, my body to be buried in the church or chapell of Saint John Baptist within the Savoy in suche place as shalbe devised by myn executours. Item, I bequeth towarde the belding of the churche or chapell of our lady in Beverley two hundred poundes, wherof I have delivered a certeyn sume of money to the use of the said church in partie of payment of the said two hundred poundes, as in the church bookes there more playnly doth appere. Item, I will that myn executours shal cause to be made a tombe in the hospital of Savoy aforsaid where my body shalbe buried after their discrecion by the advise of my supervisours. Item, I will that myn executours shall fynde a prest in the same hospitall of Savoy by the space of twenty yeres after my decesse, and the said prest to have yerely for his stipende tenne marces owt of my landes in Cotingham in Yorkshire. Item, I will that there be kept for my soule in the said hospital of Savoy the space of twenty yeres after my decesse an yerely obite the day of my buriall, and the maister, brethren and susters there for the

* Son of John Rokeby, of Sandal (Will Test. Ebor., v, 141), and brother of the Archbishop of Dublin. He was comptroller to Cardinal Wolsey. He was buried in the Savoy Chapel, as also was his wife. Stow says he died 27 April, 1523, and Dame Jane the 15th,

tyme beyng to have yerely during the same tyme for keping of the said obite xiijs. iiijd.,to be distributed amonges them by the discrecion of the maister there then and for the tyme being. Item, I will that all my landes in Cotingham after the decesse of Dame Jane Rokeby my wife shall remayne unto Richard Creke sonne of Robert Creke and to the heires of the bodie of the said Richard lawfully begoten, and for lak of heires of the said Richard to remayn to the said Robert Creke fader of the same Richard and to the heires of the said Robert Creke forever, provided alwey that out of the same landes in Cotingham be paide yerely aswell the said salary of tenne marces unto the preest that shall synge for me in the said hospitall of Savoye during the forsaid terme of twenty yeres, as also the xiijs. iiijd. for keping of the said obite yerely. Item, I make Dame Jane Rokeby my wife and Robert Creke, gent., myn executours. I make maister Bryan Hygdon, deane to the metropolitan church of York, and maister William Holgill, chaunter of the same churche of Yorke, supervisours. In the presence of maister John Ricarde, Doctour of Divinite and Deane of the cathedrall church of Dublin, maister Thomas Wadebosse, bacheler of Divinitie, Sir Richard Gerward, preest, Thomas Neve, notary, and John Wright, baker.

[Proved 8 May, 1523.]


Forasmoche as the lyfe of man is in this wreched worlde short, uncerteyn, unstable and transitory, it is necessary and requisite for every good true cristenman to provide, foresee and to ordeyn for the lyfe everlasting in hevyn, I therfor, Edward Stanley, knyght, Lord Mountegle, of the order of the garter, being hole and good deliberate and parfite mynde and memory, and of clere understanding, lawde thankes and praise being to Almighty God, my maker and Redemer, remembring the good and swete intellect of these centences, 'Memento homo quod cinis es et in cinerem reverteris,' and of this, 'Domini tue quia morieris' (sic), willing while reason rulyth my mynde and quietnes in the membres of my body of my temporall goodes sumwhat for the helthe of my soule to dis

* Born about 1460, being the fifth son of Thomas Stanley, first Earl of Derby, by Eleanor, daughter of Richard Nevile, Earl of Salisbury. He was at Flodden, K.G. Summoned 23 Nov., 1514, as Lord Monteagle. He married first, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Vaughan; secondly, Ann, daughter of Sir John Harrington, knight, of Hornby Castle, who was slain at Wakefield. Whitaker mentions a report that he poisoned the male heir of the Harringtons. He died 6 April, 1623, and was succeeded by his son Thomas, second Lord Monteagle (see Dictionary of National Biography).

poase, ordeyn, make, dispoase and enstablisshe this my present testament and last wille the vth day of Aprill in the yere of our lord God a thousande fyve hundred and xiijti (1523), and in the xiiijth yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the viijth, in maner and fourme as hereafter is expressed and written. First and principally, I geve and bequeth my soule to Almighty God, the glorious and holy Trinitie, to our Lady Saint Mary, moder of mercy, Saint Margaret, & to all the saintes in hevyn, my body to be buried in the newe chauncell, to be made at my costes and charges, in and with all convenient hast, at the east ende of the chapell of Saint Margaret at Horneby. And I woll that myn executours undernamed bestowe and expende in and aboute the walles, byldinges, irenwerk, glasse and coveryng of the same newe chauncel the sume of an hundred marces, and more yf it shall be seen requisite to my executours. The same chapell to be dedycate in the honour of God and of the blessed virgyn Saint Margaret, and in case I departe this present lyfe before the holowing of the same chapell and chapell yarde, than my body to be for the tyme humate within the priorye churche of Horneby, and ferthermore will that on the next day after the dedycacion of the same chapell my body to be exhumate and transferred, with the consent and assent of the pryour there whiche hath granted me the same, the case happenyng in his daies, and of other having interest, and soe to be brought and buryed within the newe chapell forsaid. Also I will that my executours ordeyn and cause a convenient marbell stone to be laide upon me, with an ymage of cooper and gilt graven in the same, and with vj scochens of myn armys with scripture therunto necessary, orelles to lay my body in a standing tombe there with an image in groos cooper and gilt theruppon as shalbe most agreable and semyng to the chauncell, and myn helmet and armes to be sett upp, orelles this otherwise to be devised and ordered by my said executors and at their discrecion, and in asmoche as they may advoide the pompe of this wreched worlde, and for this same to bestowe the sume of an hundred marces more or lesse as shalbe seen to my said executours convennent. Also I will that my executours cause my funeralles to be ordered and doon after and in like maner and fourme as other barons of Englond being of the order of the garter have be used and accustomed to be buried, that is to sey avoyding pompe and vaynglory of this worlde, with blak gownes to my servauntes, my children and my frendes as shalbe by myn executours appoynted and devised the day of my buriall with dooyll and distribucions amonges pour folkes and other in almes the said day of my buryall, and for

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