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Teaching not taught; the childhood shows the man,
As morning shows the day. Be famous then
By wisdom; as thy empire must extend,
So let extend thy mind o'er all the world
In knowledge, all things in it comprehend:
All knowledge is not couch'd in Moses' law,
The Pentateuch, or what the Prophets wrote;
The Gentiles also know, and write, and teach
To admiration, led by nature's light;
And with the Gentiles much thou must converse,
Ruling them by persuasion as thou mean'st;
Without their learning how wilt thou with them,
Or they with thee hold conversation meet?
How wilt thou reason with them, how refute

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Of worth, of honour, glory, and popular praise.

The gradation also in the several allurements proposed is very fine; and I believe one may justly say, that there never was a more exalted system of morality comprised in so short a compass. Never were the arguments for vice dressed up in more delusive colours, nor were they ever answered with more solidity of thought or acuteness of reasoning. Thyer.

230. Ruling them by persuasion as thou mean'st;] Alluding to those charming lines, i. 221.

Yet held it more humane, more heav'nly first

By willing words to conquer willing hearts,

And make persuasion do the work of fear.

But Satan did not hear this; it was part of our Saviour's selfconverse and private meditation.

Their idolisms, traditions, paradoxes?

Error by his own arms is best evinc'd.

Look once more e'er we leave this specular mount Westward, much nearer by southwest, behold Where on the Ægean shore a city stands

234. Their idolisms, traditions, paradoxes?] Idolisms is, I believe, a word of Milton's fabrication. It seems to mean not so much the idolatrous worship of the Gentiles, as the opinions with which they might endeavour to 'defend it. Our author has idolists, Sams. Agon. 453.,

-and op'd the mouths Of Idolists and Atheists;

By traditions we may understand opinions collected from those philosophers who instructed publicly, without committing their precepts to writing; which was the case with Pythagoras, Numa, and Lycurgus. See the lives of the two latter by Plutarch. Paradoxes allude to the paradoxes of the Stoic philosophers, then in high repute. Evinced (v. 235.) is used in its Latin signification of subdued, conquered; in which sense it is more forcible and appropriate, than as we commonly use it for shewn, proved. Dunster.

236.this specular mount] This mount of speculation, as in Paradise Lost, xii. 588, where see the note.

237. Westward, much nearer by southwest,] This corresponds exactly to our Saviour's supposed situation upon mount Taurus. The following description of Athens and its learning is extremely grand and beautiful.


Milton's muse, as was before observed, is too much cramped down by the argumentative cast of his subject, but emerges upon every favourable occasion, and like the sun from under a cloud bursts out into the same bright vein of poetry, which shines out more frequently, though not more strongly, in the Paradise Lost. Thyer.

#177 17

This might be understood W. by S. that is, one point from west towards southwest; which is nearly the actual position of Athens, with respect to Mount Niphates. Or it may only mean, that as Athens was four degrees south of Rome, our Lord must now direct his view so much more to the southwest, than when he was looking at Rome, which lay nearly west of Mount Niphates. Dunster.

And the words much nearer seem also to shew that the description had reference to the position of Rome, which was more distant from the specular mount. E.

238. Where on the Egean shore a city stands] So Milton caused this verse to be printed, whereby it appears that he would have the word 'gean pronounced with the accent upon the first syllable, as in Paradise Lost, î. 746. and as Fairfax often uses it, as was there remarked. Built nobly, and Homer in his time

Built nobly, pure the air, and light the soil,
Athens the eye of Greece, mother of arts.

calls it a well built city, söxvisor
TOλ@gov. Iliad. ii. 546. pure the
air, and light the soil, Attica
being a mountainous country,
the soil was light and barren,
and the air sharp and pure, and
therefore said to be productive
of sharp wits. την ευπρασίαν των
τρῶν ἐν αὐτῷ κατιδουσα, ότι φρονιμω-
τατους άνδρας οισεί. Plato in Ti-
mæo, p. 24. vol. iii. edit. Serr.
Athenis tenue cœlum, ex quo
acutiores etiam putantur Attici.
Cicero de Fato. iv. Athens the
eye of Greece, and so Demosthe-
nes somewhere calls it as
Exλados, but I cannot at present
recollect the place; and in Justin
it is called one of the two eyes
of Greece, Sparta being the other,
lib. v. cap. 8'; and Catullus calls
Sirmio the eye of islands, xxxii.


Peninsularum Sirmio, insularumque

but the metaphor is more pro-
perly applied to Athens than any
other place, as it was the great
seat of learning.

238. I cannot discover the passage in Demosthenes referred to by Bp. Newton. Aristotle (Rhetoric. lib. iii. c. x. s. 3.) cites a passage from a speech of Leptines, in which he conjures the Athenians not to suffer Greece to become ετερόφθαλμος, deprived of one of her eyes, by the extinction of Sparta. The Greek poets frequently used opλuos in a metaphorical sense, for the lustre of superior excellence. As Aristophanes, Nub. 284. calls the sun σιδερος όμμα. Sappho describes

the rose as οφθαλμος ανθεων, (see


Achilles Tatius De Leucip. and Clitoph. 1. ii) and Pindar, Ol. 2. calls the ancestors of Theron Σικελιας οφθαλμος. The Latins have the same metaphor; as Cicero, Pro Leg. Manil. c. v. and in Catilin. iii. c. 10. and Velleius Paterculus, speaking of Pompey's defeat at Pharsalia. And so Ben Jonson terms Edinburgh,

The heart of Scotland, Britain's other eye. Dunster.

289. pure the air, and light the soil,] This is from Dio Chrysostom. See Spanheim on Callimachus, p. 444. De Attica cœteroquin dicit Dio Chrysost. Orat. vii. p. 87. aves yoę any xwear agatav, nai tov arga zovQov, esse enim regionem tenui solo, ac levem aerem, prout una voce λETTOYśws eadem Attica, post Thucydidem nempe, pag. 2. a Galeno dicitur,

GOTGETT. cap. 7. Aeris autem λɛSerm. Sacr. vi. p. 642. Athens πτοτητα eidem tribuit Aristides,

was built between two small

rivers, Cephisus and Ilissus; and hence it is called, in the Medea of Euripides, ἱερων ποταμων πολις. See the chorus at the end of the

third act. The effect of these
waters upon the air is very po-
etically represented in the same
beautiful chorus.

Καλλιναου τ' επι Κηφισου ῥοαις
Των Κυπριν κληΐζουσιν αφυ-
σαμεναν χωραν καταπνευσαι
Μετρίας ανέμων

Ηδύπνοους αυρας.

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And eloquence, native to famous wits
Or hospitable, in her sweet recess,

City' or suburban, studious walks and shades;
See there the olive grove of Academe,

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-mother of arts

And eloquence] Justin (1. v. c. 9.) terms Athens Patria communis Eloquentiæ. And (1. ii. c. 6.) he says, Literæ certe et facundia veluti templum Athenas habent. Cicero abounds in panegyrics upon this celebrated seat of learning and eloquence. See Cic. De Orator. 1. i. 13. ed. Proust. Brutus, s. 39, 26, 49. Orat. pro L. Flacc. 26. See also Roger Ascham, (English Works, Lond. 1771. p. 235.) Dunster.

242. -hospitable] So Diodorus describes the Athenians, T πατρίδα κοινον παιδευτήριον παρεχο μενους πασιν ανθρωποις. 1. xiii. c. 27. The Athenians indeed were remarkable for their general hospitality towards strangers, for whose reception and accommodation they had particular officers called govor. Whilst the Lacedæmonians were noted for their ξενηλασίαις, or driving all strangers from their city. Thus Pericles according to Thucydides, Hist. ii. c. 39. την τε πολιν κοινην παρεχομεν, και ουκ εστιν ότε ξενηλασίαις απειργομεν τινα η μαθήματος, η θεαματος. Dunster.

244. See there the olive grove

of Academe, Plato's retirement, &c.] Επανελθών δε εις Αθήνας, διετρίβεν εν Ακαδημία, το δ' εστι γυμνασιον, προαστειον αλσώδες, απο τινος ήρωος ονο

μασθεν Ακαδήμου, καθα και Ευπολις εν Αστρατεύτοις φησιν,

Εν ευσκιοις δρομοισιν Ακαδημου θεου.

και ετάφη εν τη Ακαδημία, ενθα τον πλείστον χρονον διετέλεσε φιλοσο φων. όθεν και Ακαδημαϊκη προσηγο ρεύθη ή απ' αυτου αίρεσις. returned to Athens from his Being journey to Egypt, he settled himself in the Academy, a gymnasium or place of exercise in the suburbs of that city, beset with woods, taking name from Academus, one of the heroes, as Eupolis,

In sacred Academus' shady walks.

and he was buried in the Academy, where he continued most of his time teaching philosophy, whence the sect which sprung from him was called Academic. See Diogenes Laertius, and Stanley in the life of Plato. The Academy is always described as a woody shady place, as here in Laertius, and in Horace, ep. ii. ii. 45.

Atque inter sylvas Academi quærere


but Milton distinguishes it by the particular name of the olive grove of Academe, for the olive was particularly cultivated about Athens, being sacred to Minerva the goddess of the city, and he has besides the express authority of Aristophanes, ÑQλα, act iii. scene 3.

Αλλ' εις Ακαδημίαν κατίων, ὑπὸ ταῖς μορίαις αποθρέξεις.

Plato's retirement, where the Attic bird

Trills her thick-warbled notes the summer long;

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Ludovicus de la Cerda in his notes upon Virgil observes, how often the ancient poets have made use of the comparison of the nightingale; Sophocles has it no less than seven times, Homer twice, and Euripides and several others: and we observed upon the Paradise Lost, how much Milton was delighted with the nightingale; no poet has introduced it so often, or spoken of it with such rapture as he; and perhaps there never was a verse more expressive of the harmony of this sweet bird than the following,

Trills her thick-warbled notes the summer long.

So that upon the whole I believe it may be asserted, that Plato's Academy was never more beautifully described than here in a few lines by Milton. Cicero, who has laid the scene of one of his dialogues there, De Fin. lib. v. and had been himself upon the spot, has not painted it in more lively colours.


244. Akenside has well sketched this Athenian scene in his Pleasures of Imagination, i. 715. The reader will find a good account of the Academy and of the other public gardens which were the resort of the learned at Athens, in Falconer's Historical view of the Taste for Gardening and laying-out Grounds among the nations of Antiquity, p. 30. The nightingale is with peculiar propriety introduced in the description of the Academe; in the neighbourhood of which (see Pausanias, 1. i. c. 30.) lay the scene of the Edipus Coloneus of Sophocles, and which he celebrates as particularly abounding in nightingales. Ed. Col. 17. and 703. Homer has a description of the song of this bird not unlike Milton's trills her thickwarbled notes;

-Πανδαρίου κουρη χλωρηίς αηδων

Ησε θαμα τρωπωσα χεει πολυηχία pany. Odyss. xix. 521.

scribes the nightingale singing It is remarkable that Milton dethe summer long, when it is commonly supposed to sing only in the spring. Sappho calls it, (see the Scholiast on Soph. Electr. 148.)

Ηρος δ' αγγελος ιμερόφωνος αηδων. And Pliny says that its song continues in its greatest perfection only fifteen days, "afterwards, as summer advances, it loses all its variety and modulation." (1.x. 29.) So Shakespeare describes it as ceasing to sing as

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