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cf. Schol. ad Aen. 11, 721 accipiter

iépaέ dicitur, hoc est

sacer). Also accipitrem: acceptorem (IV 5, 31) ABSTR. (an Itala gloss, from Levit. 11, 16 non edetis acceptorem. In Vulg. accipitrem). alcyones: aves marinae (IV, 14, 33) ABOL. (a Virgil gloss, from Geo. 1, 399 pinnas in litore pandunt dilectae Thetidi alcyones). Also alcione: avis marina quae pelago nidum medio facit, cuius partus tertio die pullamina excluduntur, quarto cibo foventur, septimo volatui ostenduntur (a Virgil gloss. Cf. Schol.). anas, -tes:vñooa, -σai (II 17, 13 and 11) PHILOX. anser:xýv (II 18, 18) PHILOX. aquila: ȧerós (II 20, 34) PHILOX. (a Charisius gloss, from Gram. Lat. I 57, 20). ardea:ἐρωδιός, λάρος (ΙΙ 24, 22) PHILOX. (from a grammarian's, e.g., Charisius', Idiomata Generis). atricapillus: ueλаɣкóρvḍos, μeλáv0pış (II 22, 36) PHILOX. (a Festus gloss. Cf. Paul. Fest. 111, 28 Meλayкópuþol genus avium quae Latine vocantur atricapillae. Did Festus write atricapilli ?). attagena: ȧттаYην тò Ŏрveov (II 250, 30) PHILOX. (a Horace gloss, from Epod. 2, 54. Cf. Porph. cum attagenas feminino genere vulgo dicant, adnotandum quod masculino genere hic dixerit, etc.). auca: πτηνόν (II 25, 45), aucella: σrpovliov (II 25, 42) PHILOX. (from a grammarian's, e.g., Charisius', list). aucella: ortygometra (IV 312, 1). (Since the Abavus Glossary has a habit of reversing glosses, a habit perhaps due to its use of Greek-Latin sources, the true form is probably ortygometra: aucella. See below s.v.). avis tarda:τὶς τὸ öpveov (II 482, 56) PHILOX. (Philox. is not to be called a Spanish compilation on the strength of Plin. N.H. 10, 57 proximae iis sunt quas Hispania aves tardas appellat, Graecia ridas. That the bird had the same name in Italy, etc., is seen from Ital. ottarda, etc.; cf. Diez Wörterb. I s.v.). bardala (-alla): коpudaλλos öрveov (II 28, 25) PHILOX. (a marginal note in the now lost Satires of Sulpicia; unless 'sulpicia' was a name for the bird, which seems unlikely. Arch. Lat. Lexicogr. 9, 592 is not to the point. Is bardala, like alauda, a Celtic word, 'the singer,' from Celt. bardos 'bard'?). bubo: YλaûĘ, VUKTIKÓPAğ (II 31, 26) PHILOX. (perhaps yλaûş from a grammarian's, e.g., Charisius', list of Idiomata Generis; VUKTIKópa from an Itala gloss, on Levit. 11, 17). Also bubo : avis [vel] nocturna in (leg. vel?) palustris vel gufo [vel rurex silvester (leg. Bufo : sorex sil.)] (V 272, 40) ABSTR. (a Virgil gloss? Cf. Schol. ad Aen. 12, 863

noctuam dicit, non bubonem; nam ait 'alitis in parvae,' bubo autem maior est). buteo:ópvéov eldos (II 31, 52) PHILOX. (a Festus gloss. Cf. Paul. Fest. 29, 12 buteo genus avis qui, etc.). Also buteo: avis quae in auspicio servatur (IV 211, 15) ABOL.? (a Festus gloss. Or if it too is really PHILOX., then the full Philox. item was buteo: ὀρνέου εἶδος οἰωνοσκοπικοῦ. Cf. Paul. Fest. 3, 10 alites volatu auspicia facientes istae putabantur, buteo, etc.). caecuma (leg. cicuma): noctua (V 276, 18; IV 217, 5) ABOL. (a Festus gloss. Cf. Paul. Fest. 35 cicuma avis noctua). cardelus: ἀστραγαλίνος, ȧkavovλλís (II 97, 64; 222, 14) PHILOX. (a Virgil gloss? Cf. above, acalanthis). Also cardellus: genus avis cristati (V 274, 31). cavani: ululae aves (V 353, 39). Probably from Eucherius Instr. II (ululas: aves nocturnas quas vulgo cavannos dicunt), rather than a Virgil gloss from Ecl. 8, 55 (certent et cycnis ululae). Cf. Schol. ululae aves . . . . cuius deminutivum est ulluccus, sicut Itali dicunt; quam avem Galli cavannum nuncupant). charadriae: fulicae, sturni

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(V 445, 17). Also caritrius [which Professor Thompson rightly corrects to Carystius]: genus avis; et est album, et pinna eius non exuritur (IV 252, 21) ABSTR.? Also calatrio: ruλás iodos (leg. ǹwdós ?, leg. todus?) . . . . on (leg. öpveov?) (II 509, 51) PHILOX. (an Itala gloss, from Levit. 11, 19 caladrionem? In Vulg. charadrion [Acc. Sing.]). chelidon: hirundo Graece (IV 33, 2) ABSTR. ciconia: TEλaρyós (II 400, 46) PHILOX. (a Charisius gloss, from Gram. Lat. I 57, 20 ciconia: Teλaрyós). columba : TEPLOTEрá (II 102, 32) περιστερά PHILOX. corax: corvus (IV 38, 28) ABOL. cornicula : κορώνη (II 353, 56) PHILOX. cornix: kopávn (II 116, 46) PHILOX. Also cornices: corniculae, aves lascivae [iocosae] (in the English group of glossaries). corvus: Kópa (II 116, 47) PHILOX. cygnus. The gloss cygni: poetae [dicti a suavitate cantionis] (IV 35, 23; 218, 55) ABSTR. comes from a scholium on Virg. Ecl. 9, 29. Also cicinus: ol[l]o<r> (IV 318, 16) (see below, olor). dryocolaptes: avis quae in capite suo in modum galli cristam habet, quae ore suo arborem fodiens ibidem sibi nidum facit. (Notes taken from the lectures of Placidus were published in the form of a glossary. This is one of them.) ficedula, -lae:ovкaís, -des (II 71, 50-51) PHILOX. fringillus: orivos à σтpovlós (II 435, 48) PHILOX. (a Festus gloss? Cf. Paul. Fest. 19 fringilla avis dicta quod frigore cantet et vigeat;

unde et friguttire). fulica:λάρος (ΙΙ 74, 13): φαλαρίς (ΙΙ 74, 13): ἐρωδιός (ΙΙ 315, 2): αίθυια (ΙΙ 220, 27): πελεκανὸς, θαλάσσιον ὅρνεον (II 400, 47) PHILOX. The first seems a Charisius gloss, from Gram. Lat. I 57, 20 fulica:λápos. The rest, Virgil glosses on Geo. 1, 361–364: quom medio celeres revolant ex aequore mergi clamoremque ferunt ad litora, cumque marinae in sicco ludunt fulicae, notasque paludes

deserit atque altam supra volat ardea nubem.

And the third may really refer to 'ardea' (v. 364), the fourth to 'mergi' (v. 361). By 'fulicae marinae' I understand Virgil to have meant (and the annotator of Virgil to have written) 'aves marinae quae fulicarum modo se immergere solent.' If so, glossary compilers have been misled into an attempt to identify the fulica 'coot' with some kind or other of sea-bird. (And the extraordinary Teλekavós may be due to a fanciful resemblance of sound.) To save the theory, Charisius' Xápos would have to be explained in the same way. That is, if he really wrote it; for while the Greek equivalents in his Idiomata are above suspicion, the same cannot be said of Xápos. It may be an interpolation. Keil brackets kóσσupos in the same sentence, since it stands, not in the text, but in the margin of our unique MS: merula an merulus [kóσovpos] dicendum sit quaeritur. Also fulicae: genus avis (IV 79, 25) ABOL. (a Virgil gloss, from Geo. 1, 363). Also fulica genus aviculae nigrae quam Graeci épwdiós vocant; quidam per h eam scribunt (V 203, 22) ABSTR. (a Virgil scholium. Cicero translates by 'fulix' Aratus' pwdiós). galbus (v.l. galucis): xλwρoσтpovliov (II 31, 57; V 502, 9) PHILOX. (from a grammarian's, e.g., Charisius', Idiomata Generis). gallina:ὄρνις [ἡ κατ ̓ οἶκον] (II 32, 9; 387, 14) PHILOX. gallina rustica: ȧTтayńν (-wv MSS), Tépôt (II 32, 11; 402, 2) PHILOX. gallus: åλekt pvwv (II 32, 14) PHILOX. Also gallus: pullus gallinaceus (V 24, 16) (taken from a marginal note on some passage in an early Republican author who used the word in the Nom. Sing. in this sense). ganta: χηναλώπηξ (II 32, 27) PHILOX. (from a grammarian's, e.g. Charisius', Idiomata Generis). gavia:λápos (II 358, 50) PHILOX. (from the same source). graculus (v.l. graulus): Koλolòs õpveov (II 34, 51) PHILOX. (a Charisius gloss, from Gram. Lat. I 57, 19 gragulus: koλOLÓS). grus (-uis): Yépavos (II 36, 15) PHILOX. hirundo:xeλidwv (II 68,

53) PHILOX. larus:λápos (II 358, 50) PHILOX. (cf. above, fulica). luscinia (-us):åndwv (II 125, 23–24) PHILOX. (a Charisius gloss from Gram. Lat. I 552, 11 luscinius: åndwv et luscinia). merguli: corvi marini (V 465, 31). (See the next item.) mergus: aïlvia, dúτns õpvis (II 129, 15; 282, 38) PHILOX. (a Charisius gloss, from Gram. Lat. I 552, 12 mergus: alvia). Also mergi: corvi marini (IV 538, 1) ABSTR. (a Virgil gloss, from Geo. 1, 361 quom medio celeres revolant ex aequore mergi). Cf. Adamnan's variorum Scholia: celeres pro celeriter; mergi, corvi marini, 'foilinn.' The last word is the common Irish (and Gaelic) word for seagulls, and shews us how recklessly a vernacular equivalent is produced by compilers or scribes for a Latin bird-name. meropes:πTηvŵv eidos (II 425, 39) PHILOX. (a Virgil gloss, from Geo. 4, 14 meropesque). Also meropes: aves apibus inimicae (V 310, 50) ABSTR.? (a Virgil gloss. Cf. Schol. ad Geo. 4, 14 et vocantur apiastrae quia apes comedunt). merulus (-la): Kóσσudos (II 129, 19; 519, 27) PHILOX. (a Charisius gloss, from Gram. Lat. I 57, 16). milvus:iKTîvos (II 129, 35) PHILOX. Also milvus: accipiter qui pullos rapit (V 311, 10) ABSTR. (an Itala gloss, from Levit. 11, 14). motacilla:σELOоπvyis (II 131, 1) PHILOX. (a Festus gloss? Cf. Varro L.L. 5, 76 sic galerites et motacilla, altera quod in capite habet plumam elatam, altera quod semper movet caudam). noctua: γλαύξ ὀρνύφιον καὶ νυκτερίς (ΙΙ 134, 16) PHILOX. (perhaps a combination of what was originally two items: one, let us guess, a Festus gloss, from Fest. 178, 30; the other an Itala gloss, from Levit. 11, 16). (IV 261, 38) ABSTR. (an Itala gloss). PHILOX. Also olores: cycnos[cos], id est cicones (IV 132, 21) ABOL. (a Virgil gloss, from Ecl. 9, 36 argutos inter strepere anser olores). Unless it can be shewn that *cico, -ōnis has left a trace in the Spanish peninsula, we have here (if the reading be right) cicònes, the actual ground-form which Romance philologists conjectured as *cicènes. Cf. Gröber, Arch. Lat. Lexicogr. 1, 545: die span., port. Endung stimmt besser zu 'cicen'. . . . als zu 'cicinus.' crotalus: genus avis est quod faciem gerat asini; nam stulta facies et obducta 'crotalus' dicitur (IV 264, 53) ABSTR. (an Itala gloss?). The word 'crotalus' is not found elsewhere (according to Thes. Lat.). ortygometra: genus avium, id est coturnices (V 36, 2) (a note from a

nycticorax: noctua avis olor: κύκνος (ΙΙ 138, 27)


lecture of Placidus, possibly on a Bible passage). Also ortygometra: coturnices (IV 134, 15) ABOL. (an Itala gloss?). ossifragus(-or): ὀστοκόπος, ὀστοκλάστης, ὀστοκατεάκτης ὄρνεον (ΙΙ 140, 22) PHILOX. (an Itala gloss). palumbes (-bus): páσoa (II 141, 15) PHILOX. Also palumbes: quae in arboribus degunt; Virgilius (Ecl. 1, 57) 'raucae palumbes'; Plautus aliter (Bacch. 51) 'unum expetitis' inquit 'palumbem' (V 128, 36) (from Donatus?). Also palumba: columba silvestris grandis (V 318, 44) ABSTR. I cannot prove the last to be a Virgil gloss, but seize the opportunity of quoting Adamnan's variorum Scholia on Ecl. 1, 57 palumbes, id est 'colmain', id est columbae quas vulgus 'tetas' vocat; et non dicuntur Latine, sed multorum auctoritas Latinum fecit; Cicero in elegia quae Talamasta inscribitur:iam mare Tyrrhenum longe penitusque palumbes reliquit. The concluding word should not be printed by editors of Cicero. It is merely a wrong expansion of the symbol rl or reli or the like, i.e. 'reliqua,' our ‘etc.' Adamnan cut short the citation at the end of the verse. parra: μύστης ὄρνεον [κορυδαλλὸς ἢ ἀστραγαλίσκος] (II 142, 6) PHILOX. The last three words I bracket, believing them to be a separate item, <cardellus): kopvdaλλòs i åσt payaλioKos, and the absurd kopudaλλòs to be due to the resemblance of sound with 'cardellus.' Also passa (leg. parra? leg. passer ?): eidos ópvéov (II 143, 1) PHILOX. passer:στρουθὸς σιτοφάγος (ΙΙ 142, 47) pavo: Taws (II 140, 29) PHILOX. perdix: πέρδιξ (II 402, 2) PHILOX. Philomela: luscinia (V 362, 34) ABSTR. (a Virgil gloss. Cf. below, Procne). pica: κίσσα τὸ ὄρνεον (ΙΙ 150, 26; 349, 52) PHILOX. (a Persius gloss, from prol. 13?). pica maritima:xaλkis eidos ópvéov (II 474, 63) PHILOX. (see above). picus: δρυοκολάπτης, δενδροκολάπτης (ΙΙ 150, 29): ἔποψ τὸ ὄρνεον (ΙΙ 313, 33) PHILOX. (a Festus gloss, from Fest. 228, 32?). pipio: τραγων(?) ἡ νέα περιστερά (ΙΙ 458, 10) PHILOX. (a Festus gloss ? Cf. Paul. Fest. 235, 11 pipatio clamor plorantis lingua Oscorum). Procne: hirundo (V 383, 13) ABSTR. (a Virgil gloss, from Geo. 4, 15 et manibus Procne pectus signata cruentis). Cf. Schol. nomen posuit pro nomine; nam Philomela in hirundinem versa est, pro qua Procnen vel quasi sororem posuit. regaliolus: orivos (II 171, 12): βασιλίσκος ὀρνύφιον (ΙΙ 171, 13) PHILOX. struthio:στρουθο Kaunλos (II 189, 39) PHILOX. (an Itala gloss?). Also struthio:


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