Abbildungen der Seite

Evening Song (Lanier), 616.

Evening Wind, The (Bryant), 15.

Eventide, At (Whittier), 347.

Excelsior (Emerson), 94.

Excelsior (Longfellow), 112.

Experience (Emerson), 77.
Expostulation (Whittier), 262.

Fable (Emerson), 73.

Fable for Critics, A (Lowell), 440.

Facing west from California's shores (Whitman),


Fairest of the Rural Maids (Bryant), 9.

Faith Poem, see Assurances (Whitman), 553.
Farewell of a Virginia Slave-Mother, The (Whit-
tier), 263.

Fiftieth Birthday of Agassiz, The (Longfellow),

Finale of Christus (Longfellow), 242.

First Dandelion, The (Whitman), 607.
First-Day Thoughts (Whittier), 285.
First Snow-fall, The (Lowell), 459.

Flag of Stars, thick-sprinkled bunting (Whit-
man), 580.

Flood of Years, The (Bryant), 33.

Follen, see Expostulation (Whittier), 262.

Foot-Path, The (Lowell), 499.

Footsteps of Angels (Longfellow), 105.

For an Autograph (Lowell), 499.

For Annie (Poe), 55.

Forbearance (Emerson), 73.

Foreign Lands, To (Whitman), 604.

Forerunners (Emerson), 84.

Forest Hymn, A (Bryant), 12.
Forgiveness (Whittier), 275.

For the Burns Centennial Celebration (Holmes),

For the Meeting of the Burns Club (Holmes),


'For this true nobleness I seek in vain' (Low-
ell), 410.

For Whittier's Seventieth Birthday (Holmes),


For you, O Democracy (Whitman), 561.

Fourth of July, An Ode for the (Lowell), 518.
Fragments on Nature and Life (Emerson), 90.
Fragments on the Poet and the Poetic Gift (Emer-
son), 92.

Franciscus de Verulamio sic cogitavit (Lowell),


Freedom, Stanzas on (Lowell), 414.

Friendship (Emerson), 73, 95.

Friendship, The Girdle of (Holmes), 402.

Fringed Gentian, To the (Bryant), 16.

From A Fable for Critics' (Lowell), 440.

From Alcuin (Emerson), 94.

From My Arm-Chair (Longfellow), 255.

From Paumanok starting I fly like a bird (Whit-
man), 571.

From the Flats (Lanier), 621.

From the Psalm of the West' (Lanier), 617.

From the Song of Myself' (Whitman), 533.
F-8 8. Od, To (Poe), 46.

Full of life now (Whitman), 564.

Gardener (Emerson), 94.

Garrison (Whittier), 348.

Garrison, To William Lloyd (Whittier), 260.
Garrison of Cape Ann, The (Whittier), 297.

Gaspar Becerra (Longfellow), 150.

General Grant, On a Bust of (Lowell), 530.
Giotto's Tower (Longfellow), 242.

Girdle of Friendship, The (Holmes), 402.

Give All to Love (Emerson), 85.

Give me the splendid silent sun (Whitman), 577.
Goethe, Written in a Volume of (Emerson) 65.
Good-bye (Emerson), 58.

Good-bye my Fancy (Whitman), 609.

Good Ship Union, Voyage of the (Holmes), 381.
Grandmother's Story of Bunker-Hill Battle
(Holmes), 389.

Grant (Whitman), 605.

Grant, On a Bust of General (Lowell), 530.

'Great truths are portions of the soul of man
(Lowell), 411.

Greek's Signal Flame, As the (Whitman), 607.
Green River (Bryant), 4.

Grisette, La (Holmes), 358.

Hafiz (Emerson), 95.

Hamatreya (Emerson), 83.

Hamish, The Revenge of (Lanier), 623.

Hampton Beach (Whittier), 266.

Hanging of the Crane, The (Longfellow), 243.

Harvard Commemoration, Ode recited at the

(Lowell), 490.

Haunted Palace, The (Poe), 46.

Hawthorne (Longfellow), 239.

Heavenly Death Whispers of (Whitman), 588.

Hebe (Lowell), 428.

Height of the Ridiculous, The (Holmes), 356.
Helen, To (Poe), 41, 52.

Heri, Cras, Hodie (Emerson), 95.
Heroes, see, in the Song of Myself (Whitman), 541.
Herons of Elmwood, The (Longfellow), 251.
Hesperus, The Wreck of the (Longfellow), 107.
Hiawatha, The Song of (Longfellow), 158.
Hills, Among the (Whittier), 330.

History, Motto to the Essay on, see The Informing
Spirit (Emerson), 73.

Holidays (Emerson), 73.

Holmes, To Oliver Wendell (Whittier), 353.
Holmes, on his Seventy-fifth Birthday, To (Low-
ell), 523.

Hound, The (Lanier), 611.

How Love looked for Hell (Lanier), 626.

How the Old Horse won the Bet (Holmes), 392.
Hudson, The (Holmes), 365.

Hudson, To the (Hellman), 365, note.

Humble-Bee, The (Emerson), 63.

Hushed be the camps to-day (Whitman), 585.

Huskers, The (Whittier), 278.

H. W. L., To (Lowell), 496.

Hymn (Poe), 45.

Hymn, A Sun-Day (Holmes), 377.

Hymn, The Bohemian (Emerson), 96.

Hymn for the Celebration of Emancipation
(Whittier), 313.

Hymn of the City (Bryant), 17.

Lakeside, The (Whittier), 281.

Hymn of Trust (Holmes), 377.

Hymns of the Marshes (Lanier), 622, 628, 629.
Hymn to Death (Bryant), 7.

Hymn to the Night (Longfellow), 105.

'I ask not for those thoughts, that sudden leap'
(Lowell), 411.

Ichabod (Whittier), 282.

I dream'd in a dream (Whitman), 563.

I hear America singing (Whitman), 560.

I hear it was charged against me (Whitman), 562.
In a copy of Omar Khayyám (Lowell), 529.
Incident in a Railroad Car, An (Lowell), 413.

In clouds descending, in midnight sleep, see Old
War Dreams (Whitman), 586.
Inconnue, L' (Holmes), 357.

India, Passage to (Whitman), 590.
Indian-Summer Reverie, An (Lowell), 424.
Informing Spirit, The (Emerson), 73.

In Memory of John Greenleaf Whittier (Holmes),

In School-Days (Whittier), 337.

Inscription, see One's-self I sing (Whitman), 587.
Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood (Bryant),


Inscription proposed for a Soldiers' and Sailors'
Monument (Lowell), 524.

International Copyright (Lowell), 524.

In the Churchyard at Tarrytown (Longfellow),


In the Twilight (Lowell), 498.
Invita Minerva (Holmes), 407.
Iron Gate, The (Holmes), 397.
Ironsides, Old (Holmes), 355.

I saw in Louisiana a live-oak growing (Whitman)

I saw Old General at Bay (Whitman), 573.
Israfel (Poe), 41.

'I thought our love at full, but I did err' (Low-
ell), 430.

Jacquerie, Song for the (Lanier), 611.
James Russell Lowell (Whittier), 353.

James Russell Lowell, 1819-1891 (Holmes), 407.
James Russell Lowell, To (Holmes), 402.

J. D. R. (Holmes), 380.

John Greenleaf Whittier, In Memory of (Holmes),

Jonathan to John (Lowell), 478.

Joy, Shipmate, Joy! (Whitman), 596.

Jugurtha (Longfellow), 256.

June (Bryant), 14.

J. W., To (Emerson). 80.

Keats (Longfellow), 246.

Keats (Spingarn), 246, note.

Keats, To the Spirit of (Lowell), 411.

Killed at the Ford (Longfellow), 241.

Killingworth, The Birds of (Longfellow), 235.

Ladder of Saint Augustine, The (Longfellow),


La Grisette (Holmes), 358.
Lake, The (Poe), 659

Lakeside, Summer by the (Whittier), 286.
La Maison d'Or (Holmes), 404.

Lament for Sister Caroline, Brother Jonathan's
(Holmes), 378.

Last Eve of Summer, The (Whittier), 353.
Last Invocation, The (Whitman), 595.
Last Leaf, The (Holmes), 358.

Last Walk in Autumn, The (Whittier), 292.
Latest Views of Mr. Biglow (Lowell), 484.
Latter-Day Warnings (Holmes), 368.
Laus Deo! (Whittier), 312.

Lending a Punch-Bowl, On (Holmes), 359.
Lenore (Poe), 43.

L'Envoi: The Poet and his Songs (Longfellow),


L'Envoi: To the Muse (Lowell), 463.

Letter from Mr. Ezekiel Biglow of Jaalam to the
Hon. J. T. Buckingham, A (Lowell), 430.
Lexington (Whittier), 345.

Life, Fragments on (Emerson), 91.
Lifetime, A (Bryant), 31.
Ligeia, Song to (Poe), 40.

Light of Stars, The (Longfellow), 104.
Lincoln, The Death of (Bryant), 31.
L'Inconnue (Holmes), 357.

Lines to Ellen (Emerson), 59.

Little People of the Snow, The (Bryant), 24.
Living Temple, The (Holmes), 369.

Locomotive in Winter, To a (Whitman), 604.
L. of G.'s Purport (Whitman), 609.

Longings for Home, see O Magnet-South (Whit
man), 565.

Long, too long America (Whitman), 578.

Lords of Life, The, see Experience, (Emerson)


Lost Occasion, The (Whittier), 348.
Lost Youth, My (Longfellow), 210.
Love (Emerson), 91.

Lowell, James Russell (Whittier), 353.

Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891 (Holmes), 407
Lowell, To James Russell (Holmes), 402.
Lyre of Anacreon, The (Holmes), 403.

Magnet-South (Whitman), 565.
Maidenhood (Longfellow), 112.
Maison d'Or, La (Holmes), 404.
Mannahatta (Whitman), 565.
Marguerite (Whittier), 336.

Marion's Men, Song of (Bryant), 17.

Marshes of Glynn, The (Lanier), 622.

Marsh Song- at Sunset (Lanier), 628.

Masaccio (Lowell), 465.

Mason and Slidell (Lowell), 473.

Massachusetts to Virginia (Whittier), 270.

Master, Our (Whittier), 325.

Maud Muller (Whittier), 289.

Meeting, The (Whittier), 327.

Me Imperturbe (Whitman), 560.

Memorial Poems, Three (Lowell), 509.

Memories (Whittier), 265.

Merlin (Emerson), 81.

Merops (Emerson), 86.

Merrimac, The (Whittier), 264.

Mezzo Cammin (Longfellow), 113.

Miles Standish, The Courtship of (Longfellow),


Milton (Longfellow), 246.

Miner, The (Lowell), 496.

Minnisink, Burial of the (Longfellow), 103.
Miracles (Whitman), 552.

Mississippi at Midnight, Sailing the (Whitman),


Mocking Bird, The (Lanier), 620.

Molinos, The Three Silences of (Longfellow), 253.
Monna Lisa (Lowell), 528.

Monument Mountain (Bryant), a
Morituri Salutamus (Longfellow), 248.
Mother of a Mighty Race (Bryant), 21.

Mother with thy equal brood, Thou (Whitman),

Mountain and the Squirrel, The (Emerson), 73.
Mr. Hosea Biglow to the Editor of the 'Atlantic
Monthly' (Lowell), 486.

Muse, To the (Lowell), 463.
Music (Emerson), 96.
Musketaquid (Emerson), 86.
My Annual (Holmes), 383.
My Aunt (Holmes), 357.

My Autumn Walk (Bryant), 30.
My Birthday (Whittier), 338.

My Captain! (Whitman), 581.

My Garden (Emerson), 100.

My Lost Youth (Longfellow), 210.

My Love (Lowell), 410.

'My Love, I have no fear that thou shouldst die'
(Lowell), 411.

My Mother, To (Poe), 55.

My Playmate (Whittier), 303.

My Psalm (Whittier), 301.

Myself and Mine (Whitman), 567.
My 71st Year (Whitman), 608.
My Springs (Lanier), 612.
Mystery, A (Whittier), 341.

Mystic Trumpeter, The (Whitman),
My Triumph (Whittier), 337.

Nature (Emerson), 77, 87, 90, 94.

Nature (Longfellow), 252.

Nature, Art and (Longfellow), 104.

Nature, The Worship of (Whittier), 327.

Nature and Life, Fragments on (Emerson), 90.

Nature in Leasts (Emerson), 95.

Nautilus, The Chambered (Holmes), 368.

Nearing the Snow-Line (Holmes), 386.

Night (Longfellow), 257.

Night, Hymn to the (Longfellow), 105.
Night and Day (Lanier), 611.

Nightingale in the Study, The (Lowell), 497.
Night in June (Emerson), 91.

Night on the Prairies (Whitman), 564.
Night-Songs, Wanderer's (Longfellow), 149.
Nobler Lover, The (Lowell), 528.

Noiseless patient spider, A (Whitman), 590.

Noon, see Summer by the Lakeside (Whittier),

Northman (Emerson), 94.

Norton, To Charles Eliot (Lowell), 500.

Not the Pilot (Whitman), 587.
Nuremberg (Longfellow), 116.

O Captain! my Captain! (Whitman), 581.
October (Bryant), 14.

Ode for the Fourth of July, An (Lowell), 518.
Ode, inscribed to W. H. Channing (Emerson), so.
Ode read at the One Hundredth Anniversary of
the Fight at Concord Bridge (Lowell), 509.
Ode recited at the Harvard Commemoration
(Lowell), 490.

Ode sung in the Town Hall, Concord (Emerson)

Ode to Beauty (Emerson), 76.

O fairest of the rural maids' (Bryant), 9.
Of that blithe throat of thine (Whitman), 606.
Old Age's Ship and Crafty Death's (Whitman),

Old Age, Thanks in (Whitman), 608.

Old Clock on the Stairs, The (Longfellow), 120.
Old General at Bay (Whitman), 573.

Old Ironsides (Holmes), 355.

Old Man Dreams, The (Holmes), 366.

Old Téméraire, Turner's (Lowell), 530.

Old-time Sea-fight, An, see, in the Song of Myself
(Whitman), 542.

Old War-Dreams (Whitman), 586.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, To (Whittier), 353.

O Magnet-South (Whitman), 565.

Omar Khayyám, In a Copy of (Lowell), 529.

'O moonlight deep and tender' (Lowell), 412.
'O mother of a mighty race' (Bryant), 21.
On a Bust of General Grant (Lowell), 530.
On Board the '76 (Lowell), 489.

'One-Hoss Shay,' The Wonderful (Holmes), 369.
One's-self I sing (Whitman), 587.

On Lending a Punch-Bowl (Holmes), 359.

On the Beach at Night (Whitman), 590.
Open Road, Song of the (Whitman), 547.

Origin of Didactic Poetry, The (Lowell), 465.

O Star of France (Whitman), 596.

Others may praise what they like (Whitman),

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Passage to India (Whitman), 590.

l'ast, The (Bryant), 15.

Return of the Witches, The (Holmes), 405.

Revenge of Hamish, The (Lanier), 623.

Paul Revere's Ride (Longfellow), 233.

Paumanok starting I fly like a bird, From (Whit-

man), 571.

Phillips, Wendell (Lowell), 414.
Phoebe (Lowell), 522.

Pine-tree, The (Whittier), 275.

Pioneers! O Pioneers! (Whitman), 569.
Pious Editor's Creed, The (Lowell), 435.
Pipes at Lucknow, The (Whittier), 299.
Planting of the Apple-tree, The (Bryant), 22.
Playmate, My (Whittier), 303.

Poem of perfect miracles, see Miracles (Whit-
man), 552.

Poem of the Road, see Song of the Open Road
(Whitman), 547.

Poem of Walt Whitman, see Song of Myself (Whit-
man), 523.

Poet (Emerson), 94.

Poet, The (Bryant), 29.

Poet and his Songs, The (Longfellow), 257.
Poet and the Children, The (Whittier), 350.

Poet and the Poetic Gift, Fragments on the (Em-
erson), 92.

Poetry, The Spirit of (Longfellow), 102.
Poets, The (Longfellow), 252.

Poets to come (Whitman), 560.

Poor Voter on Election Day, The (Whittier), 285.
Possibilities (Longfellow), 257.

Prairie-grass dividing, The (Whitman), 563.
Prairies, The (Bryant), 18.

Prairies, Night on the (Whitman), 564.
Prairie Sunset, A (Whitman), 608.

Prayer, Andrew Rykman's (Whittier), 307.
Prayer of Agassiz, The (Whittier), 342.
Prayer of Columbus (Whitman), 601.
Pregnant Comment, The (Lowell), 528.
Present Crisis, The (Lowell), 421.
Problem, The (Emerson), 64.
Problem, The (Whittier), 346.
Proem (Whittier), 280.

Programme (Holmes), 388.

Prologue, Songs in Many Keys (Holmes), 378.
Psalm, My (Whittier), 301.

Psalm of Life, A (Longfellow), 104.
Psalm of the West, From the (Lanier), 617.
Punch-Bowl, On Lending a (Holmes), 359.
Purport, L. of G.'s (Whitman), 609.

Quatrains and Translations (Emerson), 94.
Queen Mercedes, Death of (Lowell), 522.
Quicksand Years (Whitman), 580.

Rain, The Voice of the (Whitman), 607.
Rainy Day, The (Longfellow), 111.
Randolph of Roanoke (Whittier), 260.
Raven, The (Poe), 48.

Reconciliation (Whitman), 586.

Recorders ages hence (Whitman), 561.
Rendition, The (Whittier), 290.
Resignation (Longfellow), 149.
Response (Whittier), 346.

Return of Spring, The (Longfellow), 103.

Rex (Emerson), 92.

Rhodora, The (Emerson), 61.

Rhacus (Lowell), 415.

River, The (Emerson), 58.

Rivermouth, The Wreck of (Whittier), 310.
Robert Burns (Longfellow), 256.
Robert of Lincoln (Bryant), 23.
Romance (Poe), 40.

Rounded World, The, see Nature (Emerson), 77.
Rykman's Prayer, Andrew (Whittier), 307.

Saadi (Emerson), 74.

Sacrifice (Emerson), 95.

Sailing the Mississippi at Midnight (Whitman),

Saint Augustine, The Ladder of (Longfellow), 155.
Samuel J. Tilden (Whittier), 352.

San Blas, The Bells of (Longfellow), 258.
Santa Filomena (Longfellow), 212.
Saturday Club, At the (Holmes), 399.
School-Days, In (Whittier), 337.
Science, Sonnet to (Poe), 40.
Scottish Border (Lowell), 508.
Sea Dream, A (Whittier), 343.
Seashore (Emerson), 89.

Seaweed (Longfellow), 116.

Second Letter from B. Sawin, Esq., A (Lowell),

Secret, The (Lowell), 528.

Serenade, from The Spanish Student (Longfel
low), 111.

Seventieth Birthday, Bryant's (Holmes), 382.

Seventieth Birthday, For Whittier's (Holmes),

Seventy-fifth Birthday, To Holmes, on his
(Lowell), 523.

Seventy-fifth Birthday, To Whittier, on his
(Lowell), 523.

71st Year, My (Whitman), 608.
Seward, To William H. (Whittier), 303.
Shadows, The (Holmes), 398.
Shakespeare (Emerson), 95.
Shakespeare (Longfellow), 245.
She came and went (Lowell), 429.

Shelley, After a Lecture on (Holmes), 364.
Shepherd of King Admetus, The (Lowell), 412.
Shoemakers, The (Whittier), 273.

Shut not your doors (Whitman), 579.

Sight in Camp in the Daybreak, A (Whitman), 574
Silence, Sonnet (Poe), 47.

Silent Melody, The (Holmes), 396.

Singer in the Prison, The (Whitman), 588.
Singing Leaves, The (Lowell), 459.
Sisters, The (Whittier), 339.

Sixty-eighth Birthday (Lowell), 524.

Skeleton in Armor, The (Longfellow), 108.
Skipper Ireson's Ride (Whittier), 296.
Slave's Dream, The (Longfellow), 113.
Sleeper, The (Poe), 43.

Small the theme of my chant, see One's-self I
sing (Whitman), 587.

Snow-Bound (Whittier), 315.

Snow-Line, Nearing the (Holmes), 386.
Snow-Storm, The (Emerson), 72.

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Inscription
proposed for a (Lowell), 524.
Song at Sunset (Lanier), 628.

Song for The Jacquerie' (Lanier), 611.
Song from Al Aaraaf (Poe), 39.

Song of Hiawatha, The (Longfellow), 158.
Song of Marion's Men (Bryant), 17.

Song of Myself, From the (Whitman), 523.
Song of the Chattahoochee (Lanier), 621.
Song of the Open Road (Whitman), 547.
Song: O moonlight deep and tender' (Lowell),


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Songs in Many Keys, Prologue (Holmes), 378.
Songs of Labor, Dedication (Whittier), 282.
Song: Stay, stay at home' (Longfellow), 255.
Sonnet-Scottish Border (Lowell), 508.
Sonnet Silence (Poe), 47.

Sonnets on Columbus (Lanier), 617.
Sonnet To Science (Poe), 40.

Sonnet to Zante (Poe), 46.

Sound of the Sea, The (Longfellow), 246.

Spanish Student, Serenade from the (Longfellow),

Sphinx, The (Emerson), 71.

Spider, A noiseless patient (Whitman), 590.
Spirit of Poetry, The (Longfellow), 102.

Spirit that formed this scene (Whitman), 605.
Spring, The Return of (Longfellow), 103.
Stanzas, see Expostulation (Whittier), 262.
Stanzas on Freedom (Lowell), 414.
Star of France (Whitman), 596.
Statesman's Secret, The (Holmes), 362.
Stedman, see To E. C. S. (Whittier), 352.
Stethoscope Song, The (Holmes), 360.
Stirrup-Cup, The (Lanier), 621.

Stonewall Jackson, The Dying Words of (Lanier),

Storm on Lake Asquam (Whittier), 349.

Summer by the Lakeside (Whittier), 286.
Sun-Day Hymn, A (Holmes), 377.

Sun-down Poem, see Crossing Brooklyn Ferry
(Whitman), 553.
Sunrise (Lanier), 629.

Sunset (Lanier), 628.

Sunset on the Bearcamp (Whittier), 344.

Sunthin' in the Pastoral Line (Lowell), 480.
Sweet Fern (Whittier), 351.

Symphony, The (Lanier), 612.

Tamerlane (Poe), 36.

Tampa Robins (Lanier), 620.

Tarrytown, In the Churchyard at (Longfellow),

Taylor, To Bayard (Lanier), 627.

Tears (Whitman), 587.

Telepathy (Lowell), 528.

Telling the Bees (Whittier), 300.

Terminus (Emerson), 101.

Thanatopsis (Bryant), 1.

Thanks in Old Age (Whitman), 608.

'There is no great and no small,' see The Inform-

ing Spirit (Emerson), 73.

[blocks in formation]

(Poe), 41.
(Poe), 39.

To- - (Whittier), 293, note.

To a Certain Civilian (Whitman), 579.

To a Locomotive in Winter (Whitman), 604.

To an English Friend (Holmes), 365.

To an Insect (Holmes), 356.

To a Waterfowl (Bryant), 3.

To Bayard Taylor (Lanier), 627.

To Beethoven (Lanier), 619.

To Charles Eliot Norton (Lowell), 500.
To E. C. S. (Whittier), 352.

To Ellen (Emerson), 59.

To Ellen, Lines (Emerson), 59.

To Ellen at the South (Emerson), 59.

To F (Poe), 46.

To F-s S. O-d (Poe), 46.

To Foreign Lands (Whitman), 604.

To Helen (Poe), 41, 52.

To Holmes on his Seventy-fifth Birthday (Lowell)

[blocks in formation]

To One shortly to die (Whitman), 564.
Too Young for Love (Holmes), 404.

To Science, Sonnet (Poe), 40.

To the Dandelion (Lowell), 417.

To the Editor of the Atlantic Monthly, Mr. Hosea
Biglow (Lowell), 486.

To the Fringed Gentian (Bryant), 16.

To the Man-of-War-Bird (Whitman), 603.

To the Muse (Lowell), 463.

To the Spirit of Keats (Lowell), 411.

To those who 've fail'd (Whitman), 607.

To W. H. Channing. Ode (Emerson), 80.

To Whittier, on his Seventy-fifth Birthday (1
ell), 523.

To William H. Seward (Whittier), 303.

To William Lloyd Garrison (Whittier), 260.
To Zante, Sonnet (Poe), 46.

Trailing Arbutus, The (Whittier), 347.
Translations, Quatrains and (Emerson), 4
Triumph, My (Whittier), 337.

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