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Report of Prudential Committee of the A. B. C. F. M.

Wymai. On the island of Atoci. -Messrs. Samuel Whitney and Samuel Ruggles, Assistant Missionaries; and George Sandwich, Native Assis



The first missionaries arrived at Smyrna in January, 1820. Rev. Pliny Fisk and Rev Daniel Temple, Missionaries.

Most of the foregoing missionaries, and assistant missionaries have wives. At several stations among the Indians, there are unmarried females, laboring as teachers and domestic helpers. Religious Int.


Ceylon is a large Island in the Indian Ocean, lying at the southern extremity of Hindoostan. A mission was established in the district of Jaffna in this Island, by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, between six and seven years since. There are seven foreign ministers and four native preachers, connected with this mission, and they occupy five different stations, as may be seen from the 'brief view' given above.

Station of Tillippally.

The Charity boarding School for Heathen Children, contains 23 boys and six girls. There are seven free schools for heathen children, containing 315 boys, and 14 girls. Five natives are members of the church, having been admitted by baptism, after a public profession of their faith, and evidence of their having received the truth in love.

Station of Batticotta.

The Charity Boarding School contains 22 boys and four girls; and four schools for the gratuitous instruction of heathen children, contain 180 boys and two girls.

The same course of labors is pur

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sued here, as at the other stations, but no details have come to hand as in preceding years.

Station of Oodooville.

The Charity Boarding School contains 11 boys and three girls. Five native free schools contain 250 boys and six girls.

Station of Panditeripo.

George Koch, a youth of Dutch extraction, and a member of the church, assists Dr. Scudder in his Medical services, as well as in communicating religious instruction. The Charity Boarding School of Heathen children contains 16 boys and two girls; and three free schools contain 125 boys and four girls. One native convert, besides Geo. Koch, is a member of the church. The last letter mentions that a lad in the boarding school was a candidate for admission to the communion.

Station of Manepy.

Five native schools contain 244

boys and eight girls.

Thus it appears, that the missionaries in Ceylon, besides performing the general duties of evangelists and pastors, educate 87 heathen children in their families, and superintend 24 free schools, containing 1149 children. The whole number of their pupils is therefore 1236, of whom 49 are females. There is reason to conclude, also, that the number of children received into the families will be greatly increased, when the latest remittances and communications from this country shall have reached the place of their destination.

The great head of the Church, is evidently preparing the way for the establishment of the Gospel in this Island. It is gradually working its way into the minds and hearts of the youth, and in the history of this mission we are already permitted to see

Letter from Mr. Poor-Niles's Letter.


That account was kept seperate. His

interesting than this which I send.
Perhaps he thought I would substi-
tute that for this; but for the reason
above mentioned, I have not done it.
Since I began this letter, Niles has
I told him I was
been to my room.
writing to you, and asked him if he
had any thing to say to you, "Tell

a remarkable example of that procedure of the divine wisdom and Sove-journal for November is much more reignty. "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hath thou ordained strength, because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." The following letter of Mr. Poor, one of the missionaries in Ceylon, with the Journal trans-him," he says in English, "I give him mitted with it, copied from the Missionary Herald, published in Boston, will doubtless prove interesting to our readers.


Tillipally, Dec. 9, 1821.


For two or three years past, I have required five or six of the oldest boys in the boarding school, to keep a journal, that they might acquire the habit of noticing passing events, and the manner in which they spend their time. As I was hearing their journals, a few days ago, it occurred to my mind that it would gratify you to have a copy of Niles's journal translated into English. I accordingly send you his journal for the month of October, translated and copied by Dwight. If Niles had had any idea that this part of his journal would ever been known abroad, he would doubtless have written, in some respects in a different manner, and made it much more interesting. But I chose that you should see him in his every day dress, and not, (as he sometimes dresses,) with a painted cloth. From this specimen of his journal, you will form some idea of the assistance which he renders to the mission, and be able to judge whether the money you have given for his support, has been profitably expended, or not. In his journal he has said nothing of the state of the school which he has visited,

thanks, and pray for him. God pity him;" referring to your weak state. He has been giving me an account of the manner in which he and John* spent the forenoon. They went to one of the bungalows, at which Nicholas or I usually preach. They heard fifty or sixty boys, who belong to two of our schools, repeat the catechism; read two chapters in Matthew, one respecting the birth, and the other, the death of Christ, to twenty-five men, who came to the bungalow; answered some questions and sung twice. One man was disposed to interrupt them, by asking foolish questions; but did not succeed.-Niles will need Scott's Bible by the time you can send it to him; also, some other books, such as Baxter's Saints' Rest, Doddridge's Rise and Progress, Pilgrim's Progress, &c.

Yours affectionately,



Translated by Dwight.

Oct. 1, 1821.-I began to-day to visit a school at a village called Punnarly.

2. About eight o'clock in the evening, Porter, Jordan, Onesimus, and myself, went to Mr. Poor's room to be conversed with, as we are proHe read and fessedly Christians. explained to us the first chapter in

*John Lawrence.


Niles's Journal, continued.

the first epistle of Paul the Apostle

to the Thessalonians.

3. Though I did not feel much about the word of God, yet I talked to twelve persons about Christ.

5. I read a letter, which Mr. Poor wrote to the people, to nineteen persons. Mr. Poor wrote this letter because he could not personally talk with the people at their houses.

talking to another company of men, one of them said, I was employed in that business with a view of supporting myself, and that should I carry any books to them, they would take them from me, and throw them into a well.

14. I was happy in God to hear the news, that many of the inhabitants of some islands who were formerly 6. Having opportunity of talking idolaters, being convinced of their folwith two men about their souls, I gave ly, have received Christ as their Sathem a copy of the letter to read. I viour.* then went to the village of Punnarly and found there in one place about 17 or 18 persons, with whom I talked about the salvation of their souls. But one of them blasphemed Jesus, who humbled himself to be a man, altho' he is the King of kings, and Lord of lords. I went with Mr. Poor to a cock-fighting place, where a great number of people were collected, and read to them the fifth letter which he wrote to the people; but fearing that they would hurt me, I went and stood by Mr. Poor.

8. After I read Mr. Poor's letter to some persons, and gave a few copies to others, I talked with them concerning their souls.

10. I had opportunity to talk with twenty-four persons concerning the salvation of their souls.

11. I conversed with twelve persons, and gave a copy of the letter for them to read.

12. I spoke with so few persons as three, not exerting myself much.

13. I had opportunity of speaking about Christ to a number of people amounting to thirty-three. One of them speaking against Mr. Poor, said that he ought never to speak to them, being a widower, but the rest of us might go and speak with them. In another place, when I was talking with some men, one of them said that he would persuade many of the people to embrace our religion, if we would give them any thing for their support. When I was

15. When I was at the monthly meeting of the native assistants of the mission at Panditeripo, having heard in their address, that, as our life is very short, we should all be much concerned for our fellow-creatures, I was affected with the thought of the importance of my attending to the concern of my soul as I ought, and of the necessity of performing my duty to God, and to my fellow-creatures in regard to their souls.

[On the five succeeding days he conversed with 13, 20, 18, 10 and 14 individuals. On the 22d, he "talked to 25 persons about their souls.” There is no abatement of his zeal and


24. When I was going to some place, having met a man in the way, I asked him what would become of his soul when he dies, and several other questions. He then said, that the vegetables cannot grow without their sowing seeds. I asked him why it was not in his own power to call rain upon them. He replied, that they give their gods rice, plantains, cocoanuts, &c. and they make it rain.

Finding another company of persons, I told them the importance of their loving Christ. One of them ask

*It is probable Niles refers to the great moral changes in the Society Islands, the account of which is not in our possession at present.


Remarks on Niles's Journal

ed me in what way they should love Christ. I answered that they could not love him by their offerings of fowls, sheep, plantains, and rice; but by repenting of their sins, and giving themselves up to him. They got displeased, and went away mocking me. 25. When I was going to a certain place, some persons in the way desired me to say to them something concerning their souls, and I talked with them. I went to another place, and read some of the letters to seven persons, one of whom asked me, if there was any one on the earth that went and saw heaven. I replied and told him, that our Lord Jesus Christ, when he was in this world, revealed all these things. They said they believed that Jesus Christ was one of their gods, and that they went to see him in their temples.

27. When I was speaking with some persons about the character of Jesus, one of them said, that before I was a boarding scholar, under the care of the missionaries, I was a heathen, and believed that their god Caderayandavee had made them. They then asked me if their god Caderayandavee was not their creator. I denied, and said he was not the being that made us; and that I would never speak any thing against their pretended god Caderayandavee, if I believed on him. They all, as though it was a strange thing, put their hands on their faces, and exclaimed three times in succession, "alas!" and mocked at me.

28. I found about twenty-eight persons, and spoke to them concerning the character of Christ, and what they must do to be saved. One of them said, that, by only feeding a cow, they could be saved.


(which was written by a body only 13 years old,) as furnishing a specimen of what has been accomplished in the education of the youths, supported in the charity boarding school in Ceylon by individuals and societies in this country. Niles seems to have become a faithful, active, and useful assistant. Having enjoyed good instruction as to the doctrines and duties of the Christian religion himself, no doubt he daily imparts much of divine truth to those with whom he converses. Nor

is it according to the ordinary course of divine providence, that the truths of the Gospel, imparted so often, and to so many, should be wholly lost.

The friends of missions should render devout thanksgivings to God, and take courage, with respect to the mission in Ceylon, when they see how he is raising up and qualifying young, intelligent, enterprising natives for preachers of the Gospel to their countrymen. The fact of his providing such laborers, at so early a period, (only four years from the opening of the school,) and in such numbers, (there are at least eleven males, and several females, hopefully pious,) seems to indicate that he has designs

of mercy towards the whole people. The mission has indeed been signally blessed, and the missionaries are pursuing their work, with increasing zeal and animation.

We cannot close our remarks, without directing the attention of our readers to the translation of Niles's journal by Dwight. It should be remembered that this boy, on entering the school, commenced the study of English, as a foreign language. What attentions he must have received from his instructors, and with what assiduity and success he must have applied himself, those can best judge, who have attempted the acquisition of a language as unlike to the English, as the English is to the oriental languages. Dwight was 15 or 16 years of age, We have given the above journal, when he made this translation, and

The editor of the Missionary Herald makes the following very pertinent and judicious remarks upon the above journal.



Renunciation of Idolotary in the Island of Rurutu.

we have no hesitation in saying, that but very few youths of his age, in this country, can write so correctly in a foreign language; and that comparatively few can write so much English as this journal contains, with so few


bor; when they arrived we found they were natives of Rurutu. They had come from Maupiti, touched on their voyage at Borabora, but could not get in for the contrary wind. They had been drifted about the sea for three weeks, and laterly, without food and water, except sea water, which they were obliged to drink. Contra


winds drove them from their own Island; but the Lord, to whose merciful designs, winds and waves are subservient, protected and guided them to these Islands. Maupiti was the first Island they could make.

[The following statement is from the missionaries at Raiatea, employed by the "London Missionary Society," and communicated by them to the Society. All the facts are deeply interesting to the Christian world. It being lengthy, we are unable to present it all to our readers this week. The remainder will ap-ciety, their dances, and every lascipear in our next.]

From the Missionary Magazine.


An account of the renunciation of Idolatry, and of the reception of Christianity by the natives of Rurutu, an Island in the South Seas. 150° 51' E. long. 22° 29′ S. lat. called in the charts, Oheteroa.

RAIATEA, Oct. 18, 1821. The whole of the circumstances relating to this event having been peculiarly interesting and encouraging to us, we are desirous that all who are anxious for the universal spread of divine truth, and feel interested in the success of Christian Missions, may be acquainted with it, that they may be partakers with us of our joy. On March the 8th last, we saw a strange sail at sea, which made towards the reef, and appeared to be determined to hazard running on it instead of bearing up for the proper harbor, a practice resorted to by the natives, when in extremity. Perseiving their imminent danger, the chiefs manned our boats and went off to pilot the strangers safely into the har

They were exceedingly astonished at the difference of customs, men and women eating together; the Areoi So

vious game completely put away. When they heard of the new system of religion, and saw the people worshipping the living and true God, they were convinced of its propriety and superiority, and immediately began to learn to read.

The Chief, with his wife and a few others, went ashore at Borabora. Mr. Orsmond, the Missionary of that station paid every attention to them during their short stay; gave them books, and began to teach them to read; but as the canoe and the greater part of the people were at Raiatea, they soon followed. They were 25 in number, men and women. We set apart a certain time for their instruction, supplied them all with elementary books, and gave them in charge to our deacons, who were very much pleased with, and delighted in the discharge of their new office. Their language being somewhat different the deacons could make themselves understood better than we could.

Auura, their Chief, paid particular attention, as well as his wife; the greater part of the others were rather slothful. He appeared to appreciate the worth of knowledge, and the value of good tidings of salvation; his attention was great and his questions

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