Abbildungen der Seite

Ceremonies, taught in the academy for politics at Paris, 246.
Chaos, wonderfully described in Paradise Lost, 132.
Chairs to mend, sung in a sad and solemn air, 57.
Chardin, Sir John, story from his travels, 230.

Charixus, brother of Sappho, perishes in the Lover's Leap, 23.
Cheerfulness, the great ornament of virtue, 42. Why preferable to
mirth, 293. Considered as a moral habit, 294. How destroyed
and how preserved, 295. Sources of it, to a good mind, 296.
Considered in its natural state, 300. Promotes health, ib. Motives
to it, in contemplating the works of creation, 301. A virtue in
which our countrymen are deficient, 303. The season of Spring a
source of it, 310.

China, the wall of, its immensity, 352.

Chinese, their genius for gardening, 349.
Chins, long ones, at a dinner at Bath, 286.
Chremylus and Plutus, story of, 437.
Christian faith, the basis of morality, 429.

Christmas, Sir Roger's remark on that season, 211.
Chronicles, old English, for what remarkable, 469.
Church-music, hints for improving, 323.

Church of England, the Spectator's esteem for it, 222.
Church-work slow, according to sir Roger, 298.

Cicero, his remark on ill-natured criticism, 109.

His remark on

his dialogue on old age, 113. Recommended Pompey to the Ro-
mans for three things, 231. His remark on advising and approving
of a crime, 413. A pattern for methodical writing, 455.

Cinædus, why not suffered to take the Lover's Leap, 24.
Citizen, a sober one, extract from his journal, 253.

Clarendon, Earl of, a character finely drawn by him, 390.
Clarinda, her journal, 257.

Classics, new editions of, filled with various readings, 445.

Claudian, more burlesque than sublime in his battle of the giants,

Cleora, a widow of Ephesus, declines the Lover's Leap, and marries
her gallant, 24.

Club-law, or argumentum baculinum, 34.

Coffee-house speculations on the King of France's death, 320. Con-
ference on the rupture between the footmen at Utrecht, 462.
Coining of words, practised by Milton, 105.

Collier, Mr. extract from his essay on music, 281.

Colly-molly-puff, a celebrated performer in the cries of London, 57.
Colours, the eye takes most delight in them, 343. Why the poets
borrow epithets from them, ib. Speak all languages, 356.
Comedy, a species of ridicule in writing, 53. Its decline on the Eng-
lish stage, 401. In what inferior to that of the ancients, 403.
Common people, their wonder at the punctilios of the great, 462.
Compasses, golden, a noble incident in Milton's account of the crea-
tion, 166.

Compassion, refines and civilizes human nature, 312.

Comptroller-general of the London Cries, a new office proposed, 55.

Concave and convex, the most striking figures in architecture, 354.
Conceitedness, a word now obsolete, 234, note.

Conjugal harmony, finely pourtrayed in Adam's speech to Raphael,

Constancy in sufferings, the excellence of it, 31.

Constitution, English, contrasted with that of the Romans, 223.

Consuls, Roman, their office, 224.

Contemplation of the Deity a source of cheerfulness, 296.

Controversy, books of, their tendency, 438.

Conversation, how a means of improving our natural taste, 334.
Copenhagen, a letter from, on the seasons of the year there, 308.

Coquette's heart, dissected, 219. Found to be light and hollow, 221.
Coquettes, a class of female orators, 48.

Cordeliers, their story of their founder St. Francis, 43.

Cormorant, Satan's transformation into, on what founded, 142.
Coronation-chairs in Westminster Abbey, Sir Roger's remark on them,

Corruption, men liable to, unfit for office, 444.

Cattilus, a fortune-hunter, 250.

Cot-quean, account of one, 466.

Cotton library, copy of Ann Boleyn's letter from, 313.

Counsellor at Westminster-hall, thread of his discourse, pack-thread,


Country-life, most delightful to the imagination, 347.

Courtship, the Spectator's failure in, 75. The pleasantest part of a
man's life, 76.

Coverley, Sir Roger de, comes to town to see Prince Eugene, 209. His
remark on Christmas, 211. His reception at the coffee-house, 212.
His munificent courtship of the perverse widow, 238. Recommends
Widow Trueby's water to the Spectator, 261. Goes with him to
Westminster Abbey; the knight's remarks there, 262. His invi-
tation to the interpreter, 264. His conversation about the Mo-
hocks, 265. Goes with the Spectator and Captain Sentry to the
play, his behaviour there, 266. Goes with the Spectator to Spring
Garden, his choice of a waterman, 297. His behaviour and dis-
course, 298, 299. His remark on the morals of the place, 300.
His adventure with an equestrian lady, 385.

Cowards, the most impudent of all creatures, 20.

Cowley, his comparison of a beautiful woman to a porcupine, 290.
His remark on great men, 435, 436.

Creation of the World, Milton's account of it wonderfully sublime,
98, 164. A poem under that title noticed, 189.

Creation, works of, a perpetual feast to the mind of a good man, 311.
Cries of London, 54. Divided into vocal and instrumental, 55.
Criminals, in comedy, often rendered favourites with the audience,


Critic, a true one, his duty, 109, note.

Criticism, its requisites, 108.

Criticisms of Longinus on a fragment of Sappho, 17.

Critics, the best, a perusal of their works essential to the formation of
a good taste, 334. French critics, friends to one another, ib.
Crotchet, Ralph, his letter to the Spectator on the cries of London,


Cuckoldom, the basis of most modern plays, 403.

Cunning, contrasted with discretion, 8.

Curiosity, one of the strongest and most lasting appetites of our na-
ture, 29.

Custom, a second nature, 404. Its effects, 405. Moral hence dedu-
ced, 406.

Cynisca, wife of Æschines, cured of her passion for Lycus, by the
Lover's Leap, 23.


Dangers past, why the reflection on them pleases, 366.
Dacier, Madame, her remark on Sappho's Ode to Venus, 6.
Death, finely personified in Paradise Lost, 131.

Exhibited as
forming a bridge over the Chaos, 191. One of the most ancient
morals recommended to mankind, 229. Determines a man's repu-
tation as good or bad, 273. Remarkable instances of firmness in
that catastrophe, 274, 275.

Debate, several methods of managing one, 33.

Defamatory pamphlets, scandalous to a government, 409. Pleasure
in reading them, whence arising, 412.

Deluge, awfully described by Milton, 200.

Denham, Sir John, beautiful lines from his poem on Fletcher's works,

Depth of sense and perspicuity of style, merits of the Spectator, 433.
Dervise, story of one, calling a palace a caravansary, 230.

Description, the most remote kind of representation, 356. Why pro-
ducing a different relish in different readers, 359.

Despotism, its natural connection with barbarity, 225.

Detraction, many passions and tempers of mind dispose us to it, 66.
Devotion, has occasioned the noblest buildings in the world, 352.
Habitual, its effects, 440.

Diæresis, and lengthening of words, frequent in Milton, 105.
Diagoras, an usurer, not suffered to take the Lover's Leap, 24.
Diagoras, the atheist, story concerning, 470.

Dial-plate of lovers, how to be improved, 39.

Diana, for what celebrated by a heathen, 418.

Dido, in the Æneid, an admirable character, 92.

Difference of opinions on certain things, amusing, 462.

Diffidence in public company, to what attributed, 18.

Dionysius, his ear, 389.

Discord, Homer's description of, celebrated by Longinus, 143.

Discreet man, his character, 9.

Discretion, the most useful quality of the mind, 8. Contrasted with
cunning, 9. Considered both as an accomplishment and a virtue,

Disputable, used for disputed, 429, note.

Distressed Mother, Sir Roger de Coverley's remarks on seeing that
play, 266.

Dionysius Halicarnasseus, his account of Æneas, 177.

Doggett, how cuckolded on the stage, 403.

Doodle, Timothy, his letters on innocent sports and pastimes, 44.

Drama, originated in religious worship, 325.

Dream, on the dissection of a beau's head and a coquette's heart,

Drink, the effect it has on modesty, 424.

Dry, Will, a man of method, 457.

Dryden, said to have copied a fragment from Sappho in his love-
poems, 15. In his translation sometimes misrepresents Virgil, 99.
His celebrated lines on criticism, 109. Considers Satan as Milton's
hero, 113.

'Dying for love,' a metaphor, illustrated, 290.


Each, ungrammatically used, 95, note.

Earth, before it was curst, represented as an altar breathing incense,
180. Its changes after the fall, 186. Why covered with green,

Editions of the Classics, their faults, 445.

Edward the Confessor, Sir Roger de Coverley's remarks on, 263.
Egypt, a short sketch of its plagues in Paradise Lost, 202. Its pyra-
mids, 352.

Elisions, used by Milton, after what example, 106, note.

Elizabeth, Queen, her medal on the defeat of the Armada, 233.

Eloquence, an art most proper for the female sex, 47.

Elzevir, the printer, more famous than any pensioner of Holland, 285.

Emblematical descriptions in various poets, 371.

Eminent persons, accounts of their death, instructive, 228.

Employments, how changed into diversions, 405.

Enemy, rule respecting our behaviour towards one, 7.

English, allowed by foreigners to be naturally modest, 326. Prevail-
ing taste for epigram and conceit in writing, 335. Their thirst
after news, 413. Bashful in all that regards religion, 426.
English tongue, improved by Hebraisms, 324.

Enmity, its good fruits, 317.

Envy, the abhorrence of it, denotes a great mind, 58. Monuments
raised by it, glorious to a man's memory, 278.

Epaminondas, his remark on posthumous reputation, 273.

Epic Poem, its three qualifications, 86, 87, 88. Requisites of the
language, 101. The actors, not the author, to engross the discourse,

Epictetus, his rule for considering the reproaches of an enemy, 277.
His precept on condolence with a friend, 312.

Episode, its use in epic poetry, 87, 90.

Epitaph, on the Countess Dowager of Pembroke, 260.

Erasistratus, his mode of discovering the passion of Antiochus for
Stratonice, 17.

Erasmus, his remark on the Universities in his time, 34. His compa-
rison of Sir Thomas More to Democritus, 274.

Essays, the Spectator's mode of writing them, 455.

Eunica, a maid of Paphos, takes the Lover's Leap a second time, and
recovers, 24.

Euphrates, river contained in one bason, 351,

Eve, exquisitely described in Paradise Lost, 145. Her speech to
Adam, 146. Her dream, 149. Her domestic employments, 152.
Account of her formation, in Adam's dream, 174.
Her parting
from Adam, 180. How addressed by Adam, after her transgres-
sion, 181. Her pathetic address to Adam, 190. Her complaint on
hearing she was to be removed from Paradise, 196. Her dream
during the visions of Adam, 205.

Evergreens, their use in gardens, 460.

Evremond, (Mons. de St.) his remark on the death of Petronius Ar-
biter, 274.

Example, more improving than precept, 239.

Expletives, their 'feeble aid' exemplified, 61.

Ezekiel, his vision, of what use to Milton, 151. In poetical spirit,
much above Homer, 160, note.


Fable of epic poem, divided into simple and implex, 111. Should
be filled with the probable and the marvellous, 136.

Fable, Persian, of the drop of water and the oyster, 234. Of the
traveller and the grasshoppers, 279. On Prayers, 304. Another,
relating to Menippus and Jupiter, 305. Of the gay old woman
and her looking-glass, 409.

Fair sex compared to basilisks and porcupines, 290. A hint to, 386.
Fairy way of writing, requisites for it, 368. Not much practised by

the ancients, 369. English poets much the best, 370.
Faith, wherein its excellency consists, 428. Means of strengthening

and confirming it, 438.

Fall of the leaf, how a pun, 398.

Fallen angels, seek a respite from their torments in metaphysical dis-
putes, 30.

Fame, the desire of it, an incentive to great actions, 63. Considered
as a meanness and imperfection in a great character, 65. Exposes
its possessor to envy and detraction, 66. More difficult to be main-
tained than acquired, 68. Injurious to happiness, 69. The pas-
sion sometimes cured by disappointment, 70. Why an impedi-
ment to our attaining the happiness reserved for us in another
world, 72. The proper object to which it ought to be directed,

Fame, her palace as described by Ovid, 387.

Fancy and imagination, loose sense of those terms in the English
language, 337.

Felix, or Fortunate, a title of several Roman emperors, 231.
Female oratory, the excellence of it, 47.

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