The Plays of William Shakspeare ... |
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Seite 9
... drama ; and complain , that the people heard a comedian with much more pleasure than a preacher of the gospel . " Warton's History of English Poetry , Vol . I. p . 244 , n . bishop , a poet , and one of the fathers OF THE ENGLISH STAGE . 9.
... drama ; and complain , that the people heard a comedian with much more pleasure than a preacher of the gospel . " Warton's History of English Poetry , Vol . I. p . 244 , n . bishop , a poet , and one of the fathers OF THE ENGLISH STAGE . 9.
Seite 37
... Shakspeare and his fellow- comedians , authorises them to play comedies , tragedies , histo- vies , interludes , morals , pastorals , & c . See also The Guls year 1570 ( the 13th year of Queen Elizabeth ) OF THE ENGLISH STAGE . 37.
... Shakspeare and his fellow- comedians , authorises them to play comedies , tragedies , histo- vies , interludes , morals , pastorals , & c . See also The Guls year 1570 ( the 13th year of Queen Elizabeth ) OF THE ENGLISH STAGE . 37.
Seite 41
... comedians , nor am I able to more apprehensive , taught the unlearned the knowledge of many famous histories ; instructed such as cannot reade , in the disco- very of our English Chronicles : and what man have you now of that weake ...
... comedians , nor am I able to more apprehensive , taught the unlearned the knowledge of many famous histories ; instructed such as cannot reade , in the disco- very of our English Chronicles : and what man have you now of that weake ...
Seite 42
... comedians in Eng- land ; but this is a mistake , for Heywood informs us that similar licenses had been granted by her father King Henry the Eighth , King Edward the Sixth , and Queen Mary . Stowe records , that " when King Edward the ...
... comedians in Eng- land ; but this is a mistake , for Heywood informs us that similar licenses had been granted by her father King Henry the Eighth , King Edward the Sixth , and Queen Mary . Stowe records , that " when King Edward the ...
Seite 48
... not published or shewen in the tyme of com- mon prayer , or in the tyme of greate and common plague in our saide citye of London . In wytnes wherof , & c . by the puritans , twelve of the principal comedians of 48 HISTORICAL ACCOUNT.
... not published or shewen in the tyme of com- mon prayer , or in the tyme of greate and common plague in our saide citye of London . In wytnes wherof , & c . by the puritans , twelve of the principal comedians of 48 HISTORICAL ACCOUNT.
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
acted actors ancient appears ascertain Aubrey audience Augustine Phillips Ben Jonson Blackfriars Blackfriars theatre Burbadge called Charles children of Paul's church comedians comedy Curtain daye death drama dramatick Drury Lane Earl edition Elizabeth England English stage Enter entertainments epilogue executors exhibited George Buc give and bequeath Globe hath Heminge Henry Chettle Henry Herbert Histriomastix interludes Item John Heminge John Shakspear Jonson King Henry King James king's company Lady license London Lord Chamberlain Lord Chamberlain's Majesty Majesty's March masques Master mentioned musick Mysteries Nicholas Tooley night parish Paul's performed persons piece play playes playhouse poet poet's pounds present printed probably prologue publick theatres Queen Red Bull reign representation represented Revels Richard says scenes servants Shakspeare's shillings Sir Henry Herbert STEEVENS suppose testament theatrical thereof Thomas Thomas Dekker thou tion tragedy verses Wentworth Smith William D'Avenant writer written