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The twelve Fruits of the Holy Ghost. 1. Charity. 2. Joy. 3. Peace. 4. Patience. 5. Benignity. 6. Goodness. 7. Longanimity. 8. Mildness. 9. Faith. 10. Modesty. 11. Continency.


The two Precepts of Charity.


1. THOU shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, with thy whole soul, with all thy strength, and with all thy mind.

2. And thy neighbour as thyself.

The Precepts of the Church.

1. To keep certain days holy, with the obligation of resting from servile works. 2. To hear Mass on all Sundays and Holidays of obligation,

3. To keep the days of fasting and abstinence appointed by the Church.

4. To confess our sins to our Pastor, at least once a year.

5. To receive the blessed sacrament at Easter or thereabouts.

6. Not to solemnize marriage at certain times, or within certain degrees of kindred, nor privately without witnesses.

The corporal Works of Mercy.
1. To feed the hungry.

2. To give drink to the thirsty.
3. To clothe the naked.

4. To visit and ransom captives.
5. To harbour the harbourless.
6. To visit the sick.

7. To bury the dead.

The spiritual Works of Mercy.
1. To correct the sinner.
2. To instruct the ignorant.
3. To counsel the doubtful.
4. To comfort the sorrowful.
5. To bear wrongs patiently.
6. To forgive all injuries.

7. To pray for the living and the dead. The eight Beatitudes.

1. BLESSED are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

2. Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.

3. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.

4. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

5. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall find mercy.

6. Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.

7. Blessed are the peace-makers: for they shall be called the sons of God. 8. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


SIN is twofold; original and actual: actual is divided into mortal and venial. The seven capital Sins, commonly called mortal or deadly Sins.








Contrary Virtues,

Humility, Liberality, Chastity, Meekness, Temperance, Brotherly-love, Diligence.

The six Sins against the Holy Ghost. 1. Despair of salvation. 2. Presumption in God's mercy. 3. Impugning the known truth. 4. Envy at another's spiritual good. 5. Obstinacy in sin. 6. Final impenitence.

Things necessary for a penitent Sinner.

Contrition of heart. Entire confession to an approved priest. Satisfaction by works.

Contrition consists in a hearty displeasure at past sins, for the love of God, and a firm resolution not to sin any more.

Four Sins crying to Heaven for Vengeance.

1. Wilful Murder.-2. Sodomy.-3 Oppression of the poor.-4. Defrauding labourers of their wages.

Nine Ways of being accessary to another Person's Sins.

1. By counsel.-2. By command.—3. By consent-4. By provocation.-5. By praise or flattery.-6. By concealment. 7. By partaking.-8. By silence.-9. By defence of the ill done.

The three eminent good Works.

1. Alms-deeds, or works of mercy.2. Prayer.-3. Fasting.

The three evangelical Counsels.

1. Voluntary poverty.-2. Perpetual chastity.-3. Entire obedience.

The four last Things to be remembered. 1. Death.-2. Judgment.-3. Hell.4. Heaven.

A Profession of Catholic Faith, extracted out of the Council of Trent, by P. Pius IV.

I, N. N., with a firm faith believe and profess all and every one of those things which are contained in that Creed, which the Holy Roman Church maketh use of, viz., I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible;

and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God; and born of the Father before all ages; God of God; Light of Light; true God of true God; begotten, not made; consubstantial to the Father, by whom all things were made. Who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, AND WAS MADE MAN. Was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; he suffered, and was buried; and the third day he rose again according to the scriptures: he ascended into heaven sits at the right hand of the Father, and is to come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; of whose kingdom there shall be no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and life-giver, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who, together with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified, who spoke by the prophets. And (I believe) one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church I confess one baptism for the remission of sins: and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.


I most stedfastly admit and embrace apostolical and ecclesiastical traditions, and all other observances and constitu tions of the same Church.

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