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that I will also perfevere in my endeavours to obtain an equal, full, and adequate reprefentation of all the people of England.

I do farther declare, that neither hopes, fears, rewards, nor punishments, shall ever induce me, directly or indirectly, to inform or give evidence against any member or members of this or fimilar fociety, for any act or expreffion of theirs done or made, collectively or individually, in or out of this fociety in pursuance of the fpirit of this obligation.

APPENDIX (No. 13.)

So help me GOD.

The Declarations, Refolutions, and Conftitution of the Societies of United Englishmen.


In the present æra of reform, when unjust governments are falling in every quarter of Europe; when religious perfecution is compelled to abjure her tyranny over confcience; when the rights of men are ascertained in theory, and that theory fubftantiated by practice; when antiquity can no longer defend abfurd and oppreffive forms, against the common fenfe and common interefts of mankind; when all governments are acknowledged to originate from the people, and to be fo far only obligatory as they protect their rights and promote their welfare :-we think it our duty, as Englishmen, to come forward, and state what we feel to be our heavy grievance, and what we know to be its effectual remedy.

We have no national government.—We are ruled by individuals, whofe inftrument is corruption, and whofe strength is the weaknefs of the people; and thefe men have the whole of the power and patronage of the country, as means to feduce and fubdue the honesty of her reprefentatives in the legiflature. Such an extrinfic power, acting with uniform force, in a direction too frequently oppofite to the true line of our obvious interefts, can be refifted with effect folely by unanimity, decifion, and Spirit in the People.Qualities which may be exerted moft legally, conftitutionally, and efficaciously, by that great measure, effential to the profperity and freedom of England-An equal Reprefentation of all the people in Parliament.

We do not here mention as grievances the corruption publicly practifed in both Houfes of Parliament; nor the notorious infamy of borough traffic in both; not that we are infenfible of their enormity, but that we confider them as but fymptoms of that mortal difeafe which corrodes the vitals of our conftitution, and leaves to the people, in their own government, but the shadow of a


Impreffed with thefe fentiments, we have agreed to form an affociation, to be called The Society of United Englishmen and we do pledge ourselves to our country, and mutually to each other, that we will fteadily fupport, and endeavour by all due means to carry into effect the following refolutions:

FIRST Refolved-That the weight of corrupt influence in the government

government of this country is fo great, as to require a CORDIAL UNION among ALL THE PEOPLE OF ENGLAND, to maintain that Balance which is effential to the Prefervation of our Liberties.

SECOND-That the fole conftitutional mode, by which this influence can be oppofed, is by a complete and radical REFORM of the REPRE SENTATION of the PEOPLE in PARLIAMENT.

THIRD-That no REFORM is practicable, efficacious, or juft, which fall not include Englishmen of every religious perfuafion.

Satisfied, as we are, that the inteftine divifions among Englishmen have too often given encouragement and impunity to profi gate, audacious, and corrupt adminiftrations, in measures which, but for thefe divifions, they durft not have attempted-We fubmit our refolutions to the nation, as the bafis of our political faith.

We have gone to what we conceive to be the root of the evil-, we have stated what we conceive to be the remedy-With a Parliament thus reformed, every thing is eafy-without it nothing can be done;-And we do call on, and moft earnestly exhort our coun trymen in general, to follow our example, and to form fimilar fo cieties in every quarter of the kingdom, for the promotion of conftitutional knowledge, the abolition of bigotry in religion and politics, and the equal diftribution of the Rights of Man throughout all fects and denominations of Englishmen. The people, when thus collected, will feel their own weight, and fecure that power which theory has already admitted as their portion, and to which, if they be not aroufed by their prefent provocations to vindicate it, they deserve to forfeit their pretenfions for ever.

The fociety of United Englishmen, ardently defiring, that the unawed, unhired, and honeft part of the community, should become one great fociety of United Englishmen, are of opinion, that a general code of regulations is abfolutely neceffary to accomplish that important end. For this purpose, they have, after mature deliberation, adopted the fol lowing conftitution and teft, the adoption of which is necessary for fuch focieties as wish to enter into communication and correspondence with thofe already eftablished.

It is earnestly recommended to facieties, to establish a baronial committee in a central part of each barony, or fuch other diftrict as may be thought proper, for the purpose of correfponding with each other, by deputation or otherwife. The focieties of each barony to be numbered according to feniority, and the number of members to be returned to the fecretary of the baronial committee quarterly.

New focieties fhould be eftablished by a deputation from an old one, who are to fee a fecretary appointed, aad attefted according to the fecre taries' teft.

The blanks in the conftitutional code are to be filled up agreeably to the opinion and convenience of each fociety.


ift. This fociety is conftituted for the purpofe of forwarding a brotherhood of affection, a communion of rights, and an union of power among Englishmen of EVERY RELIGIOUS PER


SUASION; and thereby to obtain a complete reform in the legislature, founded on the principles of civil, political, and religious liberty.

2d. The members of this fociety fhall neither be ordinary or honorary, and fhall not be limited to any defcription of men, but to extend to all perfons who may be deemed eligible.

3d. Every candidate for admiffion into this fociety fhall be propofed by one member, and feconded by another, both of whom fhall vouch for his character and principles, and whofe names fhall be entered in the books of the fociety. The candidate to be balloted for on the fociety's fubfequent meeting, and if one

of the beans be black, he thall stand rejected.

4th. As a fund is neceffary, the better to carry into effect the purposes of this affociation, each member, on his admiffion, shall pay to the fociety the fum of and per month,

while he fhall continue a member.

5th. The officers of this fociety fhall be a fecretary and treafurer, who fhall be appointed by ballot every three months, viz. on every first meeting in November, February, May, and Auguft.

6th. This fociety, in manner aforefaid, fhall appoint two members, who, with the fecretary, fhall act for the fociety in a baronial committee, which members fhall receive

night of their attendance on faid committee.

on each

7th. This fociety fhall, in manner aforefaid, appoint members, who, with the treasurer, fhall form a committee of finance, &c.

8th. At the request of either committees, or any

members figning a requifition, the fecretary, or if he fhall be abfent, the treafurer, fhall call an extra meeting of the fociety. 9th. This fociety fhall meet in ordinary, every fecond

evening, at

o'clock, the prefident to be chofen by a majority of the members prefent, of whom shall be a


10th. Every refpect and deference fhall be paid to the chairman. On his rifing from his feat and taking off his hat there fhall he filence, and the members feated. He fhall be the judge of order and propriety: fhall grant leave of abfence at pleasure; shall not enter into debate. If any member behave improperly, he is empowered to direct an apology, or if refractory, fine him in any fum not exceeding and on refufal to do as directed, he fhall therefore be expelled the fociety for

11th. No member fhall fpeak more than twice to one question, without leave from the chairman.

12th. Every perfon elected a member of this fociety, whether ordinary or honorary, fhall, previous to his admiffion, take the following TEST, in a feparate apartment, in the prefence of the perfons who propofed and feconded him, and one member appointed by the chairman; or in case of abfence of one of the two perfons, the chairman fhall appoint another member to act for


the abfentee; after which the new member fhall be brought into the body of the fociety, and there take the TEST in the ufual form TEST.

"In the awful prefence of God, I, A. B. do voluntarily declare, That I will perfevere in endeavouring to form a Brotherhood of Affection among Englishmen of EVERY religious perfua fion; and that I will alfo perfevere in my endeavours to obtain an equal, full, and adequate Representation of ALL the People of England.

I do farther declare, That neither Hopes, Fears, Rewards, nor Punishments, fhall ever induce me, directly or indirectly, to inform or give Evidence against any Member or Members of this or fimilar Societies, for any Act or Expreffion of theirs, done or made collectively or individually, in or out of this Society, in purfuance of the fpirit of this obligation.”

13th. A member of any other acknowledged fociety being in. troduced to this fociety by a member, fhall, upon producing a certificate figned by the fecretary, and fealed with the feal of the fociety to which he may belong, and taking the foregoing teft, be admitted to attend the fittings of this fociety.

14th. No member shall have a certificate but by applying to the Committee, who fhall not grant it unless the member is leaving his place of refidence, which certificate fhall be lodged with the fecretary on his return.

15th. When this fociety fhall amount to the number of thirtyfix members, it fhall be equally divided by lot*; that is, the names of all the members fhall be put into a hat or box; the fecretary or treasurer, fhall draw out eighteen individually, which eighteen fhall be confidered the fenior fociety, and the remaining eighteen the junior, who fhall apply to the baronial committee, through the delegates of the fenior fociety, for a number, and that this divifion fhall take place only in the months of October, January, April, and July. The fund fhall also be equally divided. 16th. That no fociety fhall be recognised by any Committee, unless approving of, and taking the telt, and amounting in number to feven members.

Order of Bufinefs at Meeting.

1ft. New Members read Declaration and Teft, during which Subfcriptions to be collected.

ed. New Members take the Teft, all Members ftanding and sxcovered.

gd. Minutes of preceding Meeting read.

4th. Reports of Committees received.

5th. Communications called for.

6th. Candidates balloted for.

7th. Candidates propofed.

8th. Motions made and determined.

9th. Place and Time of next Meeting appointed.

*Societies in country places to divide as may best fuit their local situation.



ift. When any barony or other diftrict fhall contain three or more focieties, three perfons from each fhall be elected by ballot conformable to the fixth article, to form a baronial committee (for three months;) their names to be returned to the fecretary of the fenior fociety, who fhall request a deputation from the neareft baronial committee to conftitute a committee for the said barony or other district.

2d. When any barony or diftrict fhall contain eight focieties, they may form another committee, to be called the fecond committee of faid barony or district, provided each contain three or more focieties.

3d. Baronial committees fhall receive delegates from focieties of a contiguous barony, provided faid barony do not contain three focieties.

4th. That the baronial committee fhall correfpond with focieties or individuals who have fubfcribed the declaration, and taken the teft of the prefent affociated societies.

5th. That all questions fhall be determined by a majority of the members prefent.

6th. That the baronial committee being regularly fummoned the one-third of its members shall be deemed a quorum, and capable of proceeding to bufinefs.

7th. That any bufinefs originating in any individual fociety, fhall, at the inftance of fuch focieties delegates, be by the baronial committee laid before the other focieties.


ift. When any county fhall contain three or more baronial committees, two perfons fhall be elected by ballot from each baronial committee to form a county committee (for three months.)

2d. County committees fhall receive delegates from baronial committees of adjacent counties, if faid counties do not contain three baronial committees.


ift. When two or more counties fhall have county committees, three perfons fhall be elected by ballot from each to form a provincial committee (for three months.)

2. Delegates from county committees in other provinces will be received, if fuch province do not contain two county committees.


That when two provincial committees are formed they fhall elect five perfons from each by ballot to form a national committee.

Societies firft meetings in November, February, May, and Au

No. 32.

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