Abbildungen der Seite

Hobart, Lord, fpeech of, in reply to fome obfervations made by
the Marquis of Lanfdowne, in his fpeech on the refolutions re-
lative to a Union with Ireland, 1166.

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Hobhoufe, Mr. oppofes the reading the refolutions relative to a
Union with Ireland, 908. Enters at large into the impolicy of

a Union, 913.
Holland, Lord, objects to the motion of Lord Auckland for pro-
ducing certain ftatements of the imports and exports between
Great Britain and Ireland, 959. Speech of, in oppofition to the
refolutions relative to a Union with Ireland, 1174.


India Budget, ftatement of, by Mr. Dundas, 1073.

Income Bill, motion for amendments to the, by the Chancellor of
the Exchequer, 1070. Proceedings on the fame, 1095 to 1099.
1106. 1187. Proceedings on, in the Houfe of Lords, 1119.
Jones, Mr. fpeech of, in fupport of Mr. Sheridan's amendment to
the addrefs to his Majefty on his Message relative to a Union
with Ireland, 691. Objects to the Speaker's leaving the chair,
882. Reply of, to the inferences of Mr. Peel and Lord Temple,


Kinnoul, Earl of, fpeech of the, in reply to the obfervations of
Lord Holland on the refolutions relative to the Union with
Ireland, 1177.


Land Tax Redemption Bill, proceedings on the, 997. 1069. 1088.
1101. 1308.

Lanfdowne, Marquis of, fpeech of the, on the refolutions relative
a Union with Ireland, 1148. Explains to Lord Hobart on the
fame, 1167. Replies to the Earl of Westmoreland, on the fame,

Lawrence, Dr. juftifies the conduct of certain members who op-
pofed the Union with Ireland, 769. Speech of, on the fame,

Lefevre, Mr. Shaw, motion by, for leave to bring in a bill for the
better regulation of the Game Laws, 986. Brings in the fame,
991. Replies to the obfervations of Mr. Coke in oppofition to
the bill, 992.

Lloyd, Mr. withdraws his motion for bringing in a bill to correct
the abufes practifed by the venders and retailers of wines and
other liquors, 986. Moves an amendment to the Income Bill
in favour of clergymen of small income, 1108.


Maroons, motion by General Walpole, for an account of the fums
granted by the affembly of Jamaica, for the fettlement of, 998.
Martin, Mr. fupports the motion for the House going into a com-
mittee on the union, 907.

Metcalfe, Mr. obfervations by, on the high price of copper, 1116.
Meffage from his Majefty relative to making provifion for Princes

Edward and Erneft Auguftus, and the Princefs Amelia, 997.-


Proceedings on the fame in the Houfe of Commons, 1038. 1041.
to 1065, 1066. to 1069. 1105.-In the Houfe of Lords, 1109.
relative to the removal of certain perfons confined for taking an
active part in the rebellion in Ireland, 1308.

Militia Reduction Bill.-Proceedings on 971 to 978. 979. 989.

990. 1103.

Milbank, Sir Ralph, fpeech of in fupport of the motion for the
the abolition of the Slave Trade, 1013.

Millwrights, report of the committee for enquiring into the com-
bination of, prefented by Sir John Anderfon, 1319. remarks on
by Mr. Wilberforce, ib.

Moira, Lord, obfervations of, on the motion for the production of
ftatements of the imports and exports between Great Britain and
Ireland for a certain time, 960. Speech of in oppofition to the
refolutions relative to a union with Ireland, 1167. Further re-
marks on the fame, 1304. Remarks on being called to order by
Lord Kenyon, prefiding for the Lord Chancellor, 1305.
Replies to the obfervations of Lord Sydney on the fame, 1306.
Morpeth, Lord, fupports the union, as the only means of correcting
the miferies and abufes of the Irish government, 941.
Mulgrave, Lord, fpeech of, in reply to the obfervations of Noble
Lords who oppofed the refolutions relative to Ireland, 1177.
Mutiny bill, proceedings on the, 985. 990. 1065.


New Writs, 980. 983. 1035. 1041. 1193. 1303. 1308.

Norfolk, Duke of, objects to the hafty manner of carrying the
amendments to the income bill through the Houfe, 1119.


Offences committed at fea. Motion by the Attorney General
for a bill for the punishment of, 1111. Proceedings on the
fame, 1319.

Overfeers affiftant bill. Proceedings on, 964. 982. 994, 995. 1031.
1005. 1100. 1192, 1193.


Peele, Mr. fpeech of, in favor of the refolutions relative to an
union with Ireland, 935. on the bill for reftricting the Slave
Trade within certain limits, 1093.

Percival, Mr. reflects upon the evidence given by Mr. Sheridan on
trial of Mr. O'Connor, 891. Replies to the oppofition to
taking into confideration his Majesty's meffage relative to a
union with Ireland, 892.

Petrie, Mr. produces documents to prove the good treatment of
feveral planters to their flaves, and the injury that will be fuf-
tained by the abolition of the trade, 1011.

Pitt, Mr. replies to Mr. Sheridan, on his objecting to the taking
into confideration the meffage from his Majefty relative to a
union with Ireland, 654. Speech of in anfwer to Mr. Sheri-
dan's remarks prefatory to his amendment to the addrefs to his
Majefty on his meffage relative to the union, 692. Obfervations
by, prior to fubmitting his refolutions on the union with Ireland,


709. Obfervations of, on the refolutions fubmitted by Mr.
Sheridan, relative to the fame, 787. On the propofition for the
inftruction of the committee, moved by Mr. Sheridan, 851.
857. Reply to the obfervations of General Fitzpatrick on the
final adjustment of 1782, 870. 879. To thofe of Mr. Wilber-
force Bird refpecting the relolution relative to future commercial
arrangements, 920. To General Fitzpatrick on the final ad-
justment of 1782, 952, 953. Obfervations of, on the petition
of Colonel Defpard, 968, 969. Speech of in fupport of the
motion for the abolition of the Slave Trade, 1025. In reply
to the request of Mr. Tierney for the production of certain ac-
counts from the civil lift, 1038. States the expences of the
civil lift, previous to moving for a grant to Prince Edward,
1042. Replies to the obfervations of Mr. Tierney on the fame,
1055. Moves feveral amendments to the income bill, 1070.
Speech of, on the fame, 1098.

Portland, Duke of. Reply of the, to the Marquis of Landfdowne
on the refolutions relative to a union with Ireland, 1183.
Porterage of parcels, petition from the merchants of London, for a
regulation of, 979. Bill brought in for the fame, 1184. Pro-
ceedings on the bill in the House of Commons, ib.

Provifional cavalry, proceedings on the bill for the reftraining the
operations of the 1103.

Pulteney, Sir James, obfervations by, on the Bill for reducing the
militia, 977.


Raw hides, motion by Lord Hawkesbury relative to the fale
of, 1318.

Rofe, Mr. moves for the continuance of the duties on the Scotch
diftilleries, 1100.

Ryder, Mr. reply of, to the fpeech of General Fitzpatrick, relative
to the final adjuftment with Ireland, in 1782, 864. Speech of,
in the committee for enquiry into the high price of cop-
per, 1113.


St. John, Mr. obfervation of, on the impropriety of a union with
Ireland, 794

Scotch diftilleries, motion relative to, by Mr. Rofe, 1100. Report
of the committee for enquiry into the, brought up, 1308.
Secret committee for enquiry into the letters and papers relative
to certain focieties in Ireland, balloted for, 708. list of, 709.
Report of, brought up by Mr. Dundas, 1101. The report at
large, 1194. to 1302. Proceedings on the report of the, 1317.
Sedition laws of Scotland. Obfervations of the Lord Advocate of
Scotland, prefatory to his motion for a bill for the regulation of
the, 1313. Proceedings on the bill, 1317.

Sewell, Mr. fpeech of, in oppofition to the motion for the abolition
of the flave trade, 1014.

Sheffield, Lord, objects to the embodying the fupplementary mi-
litia, 976.


Sheridan, Mr. objects to taking into confideration the meffage from
his Majefty relative to a union with Ireland, 653, 655. States
his objections and moves an amendment to the addrefs, 657.
Replies to the obfervations of Mr. Canning on the fame, 692.
in explanation to Mr. Pitt on the fame, 706. Speech of, on
Mr. Pitt's moving for a committee of the whole house to take
into confideratiou his Majefty's meffage on the fame, 745.
Moves fome refolutions in oppofition to those submitted by Mr.
Pitt, 762. Speech of in fupport of the fame, 777. Condemns
the conduct adopted to enforce the union, 792. Replies to the
fpeech of Mr. Dundas on the fame, 826. Prefatory observations
on fubmitting a propofition for the inftruction of the committee,
843. makes an alteration in the fame at the fuggeftion of the
fpeaker, 855. warm reply of, to Mr. Ryder on the mifapplica-
tion of certain parts of his fpeech, 865. Speech of, in fupport of
the obfervations of General Fitzpatrick, relative to the final ad-
juftment of 1782, 883. Speech of, in oppofition to the House
going into a committee, 904.

Sinclair, Sir John, gives notice of a motion of Finance, 985.
Slave Trade. Proceedings on the Bill for restricting of, 963. 970,
971. 979. 983. 998. to 1030. 1092. 1117. 1185. 1189. 1309,
Slave Carrying Bill, motion by Mr. Smith for the taking into con-
fideration he, 1034. Proceedings on 1069. 1087. 1091. 1312.
Small Note Bill, proceedings of the committee on the, 1118.
Solicitor General, fpeech of in reply to Mr. Sheridan, relative to

the final adjustment of 1782, 890. In fupport of the refolutions
relative to a Union with Ireland, 942.

Speaker (Mr. Addington) the fpeech of in a committee on the
Union with Ireland, 919. Obfervations of, on the petition of
Colonel Defpard, 965. 969, 970.

Supply, committee of, proceedings in 981. 983. 997. 1041. to
1065, 1066. 1103. 1312.

Sydney, Lord, expreffes his approbation of the spirit of Lord Ken-
yon in preferving a due obfervance of the rules and orders of the
Houfe, 1306. Oppofes the bill for granting certain exemptions
to Volunteer Corps, 1307.


Temple, Lord, warmly fupports the refolutions relative to a Union
with Ireland, 935.

Thornton, Mr. fpeech of, on the bill for reftraining the Slave Trade
within certain limits, 11

Tierney, fpeech of, on the Union-with Ireland, 838. On the ob-
fervations of General Fitzpatrick relative to the final adjustment
of 1782, 880. Objects to the paffing the refolutions on the
Union with Ireland, 954. Remarks on the neceffity of pro-
ducing certain accounts from the Civil Lift prior to taking into
confideration the allowance to be made to the Princes Edward
and Erneft, 1038. 1040. Obfervations by, on the expences of
the Civil Lift, in reply to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1045.


to the explanation of the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the fame,
1063. to Mr. Abbot on the fame, 1068. Complains of the im
propriety of the conduct of affeffors under the Income Act, 1097.
Townshend, Marquis of, fpeech of the, in fupport of the refolutions
relative to a Union with Ireland, 1164.

Tunnel under the Thames at Gravefend. Petition for, 904.


Union with Ireland, meffage from his Majefty relative to a, 653.
Proceedings on, in the Houfe of Commons, 653. to 902. 904. to
956. 963. Refolutions relative to, paffed in the House of Lords,
655.6. 957. to 962. 965. 1087. 1121. to 1184. 1303. to 1307.
Lift of the minority in the Houfe of Commons, 842. 922.


Volunteer Corps, motion by Mr. Dundas, relative to the, 1036.
Bill for granting certain exemptions to. Proceedings on in the
Houfe of Lords, 1307. 1316.

Ways and Means. See Supply.


Wet Docks, proceedings on, 843, 903. 956. 962. 1311.
Petitions on 903. 962. 1184. 1192.

Weftmoreland, Earl of, fpeech of the, in fupport of the refolutions
relative to a Union with Ireland 1181.

Wilberforce, Mr. objects to delaying the proceedings on the Slave
Trade, 970. Obfervations prefatory to his motion for the abo-
lition of the fame, 998.

Williams, Mr. Reply of, in explanation to the observations of Mr.
Ryder on the high price of Copper, 1116.

Windham, Mr. fpeech of, in reply to the obfervations of feveral
members in oppofition to the Union with Ireland, 834. Propofes
fome amendments to the Mutiny Bill, 985. Oppofes the motion
for the abolition of the Slave Trade, and recommends the
Houfe to refer the amelioration of the Slave Trade to the colo-
nial affemblies, 1025.

Wood, Colonel, objects to the reduction of the Militia force,
976. 1104.

Young, Sir William, fpeech of on the bill for the regulation of the
Game Laws, 993. on the motion for the abolition of the Slave
Trade, 1008.


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