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The Second Prayer.

To remem ber and

Here are fung One or Two Staves of a Pfalm, and a Chapter of the Holy Scripture read; after which, the Minister adds that which follows:

My Brethren,


ET us again direct our Prayers to God, and let as beg of Him thofe Temporal and Spiritual Favours of which we stand in need.

O GOD, who haft been pleafed that thy Word fhould be put into Writing for our Inftruction, Correction and Sanctification, give us pratife the Grace to remember the Inftruction which we receive from it, and ftrictly to obferve all the Duties that are prefcribed to us therein.


For the

LORD GOD, that governeft the World, and that takelt Care State and of thofe that call upon Thee, we implore thy Bleffings upon this Church. State and Church. Be always the Protector of them, pour upon them all thy Favours both Temporal and Spiritual; and remove all those Scourges whereby Thou ufeft to punish Mankind.

For the


For the

BLESS our Lords and Magiftrates, and grant that they may employ their Authority to the Advancement of. Piety, and to the Maintaining of Juftice.

BLESS the Paftors whom Thou haft given us. Infpire them with Minifters. all thofe Lights, all that Zeal, all that Strength of which they stand in need; and make their Miniftry efficacious for the Conversion of Souls.

For all Pri

BLESS us all in general, and each of us in particular. Bless our vate Per- Perfons and Families. Blefs both Great and Small, Old and Young, Sons. Rich and Poor. Affift us in our Employments. Provide for our different Wants. But above all, give us Grace to fear Thee, to love Thee, to ferve Thee, and to fubmit our felves to thy Will, in whatsoever Condition we may be.

For the whole


O GOD, Preferver of all Men, but chiefly of the Faithful; we pray Thee for all People whom Thou haft honoured with the Knowfedge of Thee, and for thofe who are still deprived of it. Strenghten and for all the Churches that are in Being, deliver thofe that fuffer, and raise up every where new ones; to the end that thy Way may be known over all the Earth, and thy Salvation among all the Nations.


For the

O GOD, who art gracious and merciful, we recommend to thy Afflicted. Paternal Care, all Perfons that are in Affliction, whether it be in Body, in Mind, in Estate, or any other manner whatfoever. We pray


Thee in particular for all the fick Perfons that are Members of this Church, and for all others that defire to partake of our Prayers. Be pleafed, our God, to comfort and fuccour them: Grant that they may patiently bear their Trials, and that they may from thence take an Occafion to amend their Faults; and finally, give them a happy Iflue out of all Temptations.

O Almighty God, who haft protected us during this Day, continue For the to take Care of us the approaching Night, and all the reft of our Evening, Lives; to the end that having paft our Days in thy Favour, we may peaceably wait for the End of them, which will be followed by the eternal Reft which Thou hast promised to thy faithful Ser



ALMIGHTY God, who haft given us Grace at this Time A Prayer with one Accord to make our common Supplications unto Thee, of St. and doft promife, that when Two or Three are gathered together Chryfo in thy Name, Thou wilt grant their Requests: Fulfil now, O Lord, the Defires and Petitions of thy Servants, as may be moft expedient for them; granting us in this World Knowledge of thy Truth, and in the World to come Life everlasting. Amen.

After the Lord's-Prayer, and the Apoftles Creed, the People fing
Two or Three Staves of a Pfalm, and then the Minifter concludes
with a Bleffing.

ARTICLES to be inferted into the PRAYERS upon Solemn Occafions. *

For Christmas-Day, and for the foregoing and following Days.

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ORD God, who by an Effect of thy adorable Wisdom, and of thy infinite Mercy, haft fent thy Son into the World, haft cloathed Him with frail Flefh, and haft expofed Him to Death for the Redemption of Mankind, grant that we celebrating the Birth of our bleffed Saviour, as we do at this Time [Or, as we shall do in a Few Days;][Or, as we have done lately,] may endeavour above all,


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Note: That thefe Articles are to be inferted into the Second Prayer of each Day,

after the firft Article which is for pratifing the Word.

to answer the Design of his Coming, which was to destroy Sin in us, and to caufe us to live in Righteoufnefs; that we may embrace with Faith the Doctrine of this our Divine Mafter; that we may pratife his Precepts; that we may imitate his Example; that there may appear in us the fame Sentiments of Humility, Charity, Meeknefs, Patience, which this Divine Saviour fhewed when He humbled Himfelf, and made Himfelf obedient even to the Death of the Cross: Finally, let it no longer be us that live, but Him that liveth in us, until the Time that Thou caufeft us to live and reign eternally with Him.

Before and after Eafter.

Eavenly Father, who haft not fpared thy own Son, but haft delivered Him. up for us, to the hameful and painful Death of the Crofs, to the End that we believing in Him, may not perish, but obtain eternal Life: Grant that in this Time in which we celebrate the Wonders of thy Love, we may answer thereto by a lively Faith, a fincere Repentance, and an inviolable Adherence to thy Service; that we may folemnize the Chriftian Paffover, not with the old Leaven of Malice and Hypocrifie, but with the unlcaven'd Bread of Sincerity and Truth; that in fhewing forth the Death of the Lord, we our felves may die to Sin and to the World; that in publishing his Refurrection, we may rife from the Grave of our Sins, to live a new Life; till that after our Death, Thou draweft alfo our Bodies out of the Duft, to make them conformable to the glorious Body of our Saviour, and that Thou caufe us to live and reign eternally in thy Glory.


Before and after the Afcenfion.

REAT God, who after the Humiliation and Sufferings of thy dear Son Jefus Chrift our Lord, haft powerfully raifed Him up, haft given Him a Name above every Name, and haft caufed Him to it down on the Right-hand of thy Majefty in the higheft Places, grant that we confidering the glorious Afcenfion of our Divine Saviour, which happen'd as about this Time, may always pay Him that Honour and Obedience which is due to Him; that we may acknowledge Him for our King; that we may labour to promote his Kingdom; and that we may place all our Happiness in his Communion; that being raifed again with Him, we may think no longer upon the Things of the Earth, but that we may feek after the Things on High, where he fits at thy Right-Hand; to the end that when He fhall appear in the Great and Laft Day, we may be of the Number of thofe that thall appear with Him in Glory.


Before and after Whitsuntide.

God, that didft formerly fhed thy Holy Spirit upon thy Apoftles, and upon all thy Church, and who didft thereby give an illuftrious Proof of the Truth of thy Gofpel, grant that that great Event, of which we celebrate the Remembrance at this Time, may make a lively Impreffion upon us; that it may ferve to ftrengthen our Faith, to fupport our Hope, and to confirm us in the Practice of all the Duties of Chriftianity: Let not thy Spirit, O our God, thy Spirit of Light and Holiness, thy Spirit of joy and Comfort; let Him not forfake us for ever; let Him always dwell in our Hearts, and let us always follow his Motions through the whole Course of our Lives; let Him produce in us the Fruits that are agreeable to Him; Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodnefs, Faithfulnefs, Meeknefs, Temperance; to the end, that after having been the Temples of thy Spirit upon Earth, thou mayeft receive us one Day into the Temple of thy Glory, where we thall praife and bless Thee for ever.


Before and after the September Sacrament.

ND fince Thou calleft us at this Time, to the Remembrance of the Sufferings and of the Death of thy dear Son Jefus Chrift our Lord, in the Sacrament of the Holy Supper; grant us the Grace, O our God, to be deeply affected with the Senfe of that his Death, to celebrate it by our Praifes, and to put our felves into a Condition to receive the wholfome Fruits of it by a lively Faith, a fincere Repentance, an ardent Love for Thee, and a true Charity for our Neighbours. So that the holy Symbols of the Body and Blood of our Saviour, may be truly in refpect to us, the Seals of thy Grace, and the Earnefts of thy Promifes, till we fhall receive the full Accomplifhment of them in thy Heaven.

For New-Year's Day.


O GOD, who art always the fame, and whofe Years fhall have

no End, receive the Homages that we offer to Thee at the Beginning of this Year. We praife Thee, we blefs Thee for all the Favours that Thou haft bestowed upon us during the Course of the laft Year: And we beseech Thee to continue them during the enfuing Year, and all the rest of our Life: But above all, O our God, fo teach us to number our Days, that we may apply our Hearts unto Wisdom. Make us to know our End, the fhort Duration, the FrailQ 2


ty, the Uncertainty of our Lives; to the end that we may wean our Hearts therefrom, and that we may turn all our Thoughts towards a better Life. O God, fill us with thy Bounty every Morning: Pour out thy Joy in our Souls: Give thy Church more peaceful Days than thofe fhe has had till now: Above all, protect the Church of this Place, and all thofe that are Members of it. Let thy Work appear upon thy Servants, and thy Glory upon their Children. Holy Father, keep us from all Evil. Bless our Going out and Coming in, our Employments and our Callings, and grant that by our applying our felves to Piety and good Works in this frail and mortal Life, we may be enabled one Day to partake of that bleffed and im mortal Life which Thou referveft for us.

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Before and after Fafting-Days.

God, in whofe Prefence we are about to humble our felves after an extraordinary manner in a few Days, [Or, we did humble our felves Tefterday] by celebrating a folemn Day of Fafting, of Prayers, and of Thanksgivings, behold with a favourable Eye this Act of our Devotion, and infpire us with all thofe Thoughts and all those Motions that are agreeable to it: That in confefling our Sins to Thee, we may be under a holy Confufion for them; that we may deteft them with all our Heart; and that we may truly and without Referve, renoance them all the rest of our Lives.. Thou difplayeft thy Judgments,, O God; thy Rod ftrikes, thy Scourge walks over the Face of the whole Earth: Let us not remain infenfible at thefe Things, but let us appease thy Anger, and let us ftop thy Judgments by a ferious Repentance. Lord, enter not into a Reckoning, nor into Judgment with us. Lord hear; Lord pardon.; Lord fhew Mercy, and Favour. Keep this Church in Peace, and restore it to fo many other Churches that are in Defolation. Let thy Compaffions prevent us, and accompany us always; and let thy Face fhine upon us for our Comfort and for our Salvation. Let not this Faft, O our God, be like unto fo many others, after which every one of us did return to his evil Way; but let the Effects of it be conftant; and let nothing in the World be able to turn us from thy Service.


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