SPECIAL MESSAGE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, To the honorable the Senate of the State of California: MR. PRESIDENT: I herewith transmit to your honorable body, for such action as you may think proper to take, a letter from James de Fremery, Consul of the Netherlands, in regard to the advisability of having the State of California represented at the International Exhibition to be held at the City of Amsterdam, commencing on the first day of May next. It would, no doubt, prove advantageous to this State, in many ways, to be represented at said exhibition. Such a representation would attract attention to our agricultural, mineral, and other products, and would, no doubt, be the means of bringing a desirable, industrious, and intelligent class of population. I am informed that an appropriation of four thousand ($4,000) dollars will be sufficient to carry out the plan as set forth in the Consul's letter, and that all the products and industrial features of our State may be represented by the expenditure of such sum. I therefore refer the matter to the honorable the Legislative Assembly, hoping you will take such steps as in your judgment may seem necessary to have the State properly represented at the International Exhibition in the Netherlands. GEORGE STONEMAN, T p W h of LETTER. CONSULAAT DER NEDERLANDEN, SAN FRANCISCO, February 2, 1883. To his Excellency GEORGE STONEMAN, Governor of California: ir cl d I desire to call your Excellency's attention to the Internation h Exhibition which will be held during the coming Summer at the s City of Amsterdam, the capital of the Kingdom of the Netherland c and to the interest which California has, in my estimation, in bei it represented thereat. The Exhibition will be held under the high patronage of H. th the King, and under the auspices of the Government. It will le opened on the first day of May, and will continue at least to October first. Buildings and other improvements are being co structed on a scale commensurate with the importance of the unde n taking, and the various measures determined upon will insure R the Exhibition a vast success. The great advantages of participation in International Exhibition e in the large European centers of population are so well underst t that it seems unnecessary for me to refer to them otherwise than f a general way. When the Amsterdam Exhibition was decided upon, Govern i Perkins still occupied the Gubernatorial chair, and I addressed my v to his Excellency, asking his cooperation in bringing the questi p of representation, on behalf of this State, before the Legislatu t Governor Perkins responded by referring to the subject in his message, wherein he also suggested the desirability of "bringing State, by encouraging exhibitions, more prominently before commercial and scientific men of the world, as well as before the E who are seeking to create homes; thus advancing the commonweal a in all its varied interests." I beg to inclose Governor Perkins' paragraph concerning Amsterdam International Exhibition. The European Governments, as well as Japan, the Australi Colonies, and other countries, have shown a deep interest in t Exhibition; and sufficient has been already ascertained to know th the Exhibition will assume large proportions, and will be of exces ing great interest in many departments and of much value. exhibitors. From the United States, also, a large number of exhibits go ward, and there is no doubt but this country will make an imports showing. I understand that Colorado and other Western States avail themselves of this opportunity to set forth their advantages. California, it seems to me, should not be backward in this directi The great need of this State is population, especially intelligent population, and for such the exhibition of the products of this State will be of great importance. Information spread through the press has its uses, but ocular demonstration furnishes indubitable proof of the possibilities of California's soil and climate, such as the individual cannot otherwise obtain. California does not only require laborers and mechanics, whose chief concern is rates of wages and cost of cheap living, but farmers, dairymen, artisans, and enterprising men generally, of fair intelligence and information, who add to the thinking and developing elements in the State. Such population is attracted by what can be accomplished, whether in agriculture, in mines, (gold, iron, copper, coal, sulphur, borax, etc.); in fisheries, (canned salmon, etc.); in horticulture, (canned fruits); in viticulture, in various industries, etc. There is, perhaps, no better way to make resources known than by the exhibition of what can be done or produced. At Amsterdam hundreds of thousands will see for themselves, and each one will spread his impressions among relatives and friends, and he will communicate them to all inquirers. It is not only important in itself that California should not lose the opportunity to be represented on this occasion, but by not doing it the State will suffer to the advantage of such other States and countries that need population and are willing to spend some money to attain so great an object. COL It should be borne in mind, in this connection, that although the le new highway-the direct line of travel which the Southern Pacific Railroad Company will establish, with her line of steamers between New Orleans and European ports-will make it more easy and less expensive for immigrants from Europe to reach California, it confers the same benefit upon Kansas, Texas, Colorado, etc., which are, in fact, nearer to the point of landing, New Orleans, than is California. Hence another reason why this State should exert herself to invite immigration in the most convincing mode, namely, by bringing her ys various products directly before an appreciative and discerning public-a public which disperses itself so as to bring its own personal tu testimony before and among many other publics. It will not escape your Excellency's observation that the City of Amsterdam is very centrally located in Europe, and traveling from all parts is easy and inexpensive. The Scandinavians, Germans, h Belgians, and other nations from which California desires to obtain a considerable portion of her immigration, will be largely represented at the Exhibition. I beg to offer to your Excellency the assurance of my distinguished consideration. JAMES DE FREMERY, |