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181 As he, who with panting breath has escaped from the deep sea to the shore, turns to the dangerous water and gazes.

Inferno, i. (Carlyle's translation).

182 (1) Soverchio di dolcezza.-Vita Nuova.


(2) But thou lingerest: the day is going: young bride, come forth.-CATULLUS: In nuptias Juliae et Manlii.

(3).. Vision.-DE QUINCEY: Confessions of an Opium Eater.
Quella man già tanto desiata

A me parlando e sospirando porse;
Ond' eterna dolcezza al cor m' è nata.

PETRARCH: Trionfo della Morte, c. ii.

186. . a holy-hearted Poet'.-KEBLE: Christian Year.

187 SHELLEY: Adonais.

191 What are these words? or where am I? and what deceives me except I myself and paramount passion?

193 A. TENNYSON: Maud.

PETRARCH: Canz. xvii.

194 So thou wast then received into Paradise, as if worthy of the ever-blessed life: no wish remained, no hope, no desire; here was the goal of thy deepest aim; the source of regretful tears was dried up at once before the vision of that only Fairest.-GOETHE: Elegie.

No reader can be more conscious than I of the utter inadequacy of this or of translations in general. It is given solely in obedience to the commonsense rule that in an English book the knowledge of no other language should be anywhere required. But I am unable to follow this rule for the lines quoted on page 223. Heine is even more beyond translation than Goethe.

197 I did not weep, so stony I grew within.-Inferno, c. xxxiii. 204 the playthings of Providence'.

[blocks in formation]

206 Ah were it only for a moment, how gladly would I feel hope again! but it is over, the desert hears no prayer, the drop is dried like the river, and the happiness of one day is as much beyond control as the destiny of a lifetime.-Corinne.

211 on Duty'.-CICERO: De Officiis.

212 Like the generation of the leaves.-Iliad, vi, 146.

213 SHAKSPEARE: Venus and Adonis.

217 Like a good and faithful servant of Christ, dispose thyself to bear manfully the cross of thy Lord.

221 Exiit ad coelum ramis felicibus arbos.-Geor. ii, 81.

Felix has, however, here a further more specific horticultural sense, not amenable to the purpose of the quotation.

[blocks in formation]

235 Without prescience of death and ready to leave the light.

SOPHOCLES: Electra, 1078.


Page 11, line 12, for public education, read public school education.

Page 39, line 3, for dazzling, read dazzled.

Page 120, line 23, for engangen, read entgangen.

Page 137, line 14, the broken word is absolute.

Page 147, line 3, for flash! What, read flash: what,

Page 151, line 15, for sécret, read secret.

Page 164, line 33, for no, read not.

London:-Printed by G. BARCLAY, Castle St. Leicester Sq.: April, 1858.

A Catalogue of Books,




APRIL, 1858.

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