Abbildungen der Seite

and fortune-hunters to be paid at the day of marriage. I inftract perfons of bright capacities to flatter others, and thofe of the meanest to flatter themselves.

I was the first inventor of pocket looking-glasses.


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Wednesday, March 15,

Vel quia nil rectum, nifi quod placuit fibi, ducunt: Vel quia turpe putant parere minoribus


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Hor. Ep. 1. l. 2. v. 84.

You'd think no fools difgrac'd the former reign,
Did not fome grave examples yet remain,
Who fcorn a lad should match his father's skill,
And having once been wrong will be fo fill. Pope.


Hen a poem makes it first appearance in the world, I have always obferved, that it gives employment to a greater number of critics, than any other kind of writing. Whether it be that most men, at fome time of their lives, have tried their talent that way, and there. by think they have a right to judge; or whether they imagine, that their making fhrewd obfervations upon the polite arts, gives them à pretty figure; or whether there may not be fome jealoufy and caution in bestowing ap plaufe upon those who write chiefly for fame: what ever the reasons be, we find few difcouraged by the des licacy and danger of fuch an undertaking.

I think it certain, that most men are naturally not only capable of being pleafed with that which raises agreeable pictures in the fancy, but willing alfo to own it. But then there are many, who, by falfe applications of fome rules ill understood, or out of deference to men whofe opinions they value, have formed to themselves certain fchemes and fyftems of fatisfaction, and will not be pleafed out of their own way. Thefe are not critics themselves, but readers of critics, who, without the labour of perusing authors, are able to give their characters in general; and know just as much of the feveral fpecies of poetry, as thofe who read books of geo

graphy do of the genius of this or that people or nation. Thefe gentlemen deliver their opinions fententiously, and in general terms; to which it being impoffible readily to frame compleat answers, they have often the fatisfaction of leaving the board in triumph. As young perfons, and particularly the ladies, are liable to be led afide by these tyrants in wit, I fhall examine two or three of the many ftratagems they ufe, and fubjoin fuch precautions as may hinder candid readers from being deceive ed thereby.

The firft I fhall take notice of, is an objection commonly offered, viz.. That fuch a poem hath indeed fome good

lines in it, but it is not a regular piece.' This for the most part is urged by thofe whofe knowledge is drawn from fome famous French critics, who have written upon the epic poem, the drama, and the great kinds of poetry, which cannot fubfilt without great regularity; but ought by no means to be required in odes, epiftles, panegyrics, and the like, which naturally admit of greater liberties. The enthusiasm in odes, and the freedom of epiftles, is rarely difputed: but I have often heard the poems upon public occafions, written in heroic verse, which I chufe to call panegyrics, feverely cenfured upon this account. The reafon where of I cannot guess, unless it be, that because they are written in the fame kind of numbers and spirit as an epic poem, they ought therefore to have the fame regu larity. Now, an epic poem confifting chiefly in narrati on, it is neceffary that the incidents fhould be related in the fame order that they are fuppofed to have been tranfacted. But in works of the above mentioned kind, there is no more reason that fuch order should be observed, than that an oration should be as methodical as an hiftory. I think it fufficient, that the great hints fuggefted from the fubject, be fo difpofed, that the first may naturally prepare the reader for what follows, and fo on; and that their places cannot be changed without disadvantage to the whole. I will add further, that fometimes gentle deviations, fometimes bold, and even abrupt digreffions, where the dignity of the fubject seems to give the impulfe, are proofs of a noble genius; as

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winding about, and returning artfully to the main defign are marks of address and dexterity.

Another artifice made ufe of by pretenders to criticifm, is an infinuation, That all that is good, is borrowed from the ancients.' This is very common in the mouths of pedants, and perhaps in their hearts too; but is often urged by men of no great learning, for reafons very obvious. Now, nature being ftill the fame, it is impoffible for any modern writer to paint her otherwife than the ancients have done. If, for example, t was to describe the general's horse at the battle of Blenheim, as my fancy reprefented fuch a noble beast, and that defcription fhould resemble what Virgil hath drawn for the horse of his hero, it would be almost as ill-natured to urge that I had ftollen my description from Virgil, as to reproach the Duke of Marlborough for fighting: only like Æneas. All that the most exquifite judgment can perform, is, out of that great variety of circumftances wherein natural objects may be confidered, to felect the most beautiful, and to place images in fuch. views and lights, as will affect the fancy after the most delightful manner. But over and above a just painting of nature, a learned reader will find a new beauty fuperadded in a happy imitation of fome famous ancient, as it revives in his mind the pleasure he took in his first reading fuch an author. Such copyings as thefe give that kind of double delight which we perceive, when we look upon the children of a beautiful couple; where the eye is not more charmed with the fymmetry of the parts. than the mind by obferving the refemblance tranfmittedfrom parents to their offspring, and the mingled features of the father and mother. The phrafes of holy writ, and allufions to several paffages in the infpired writings, tho not produced as proofs of doctrine, add majefty and at, thority to the nobleft difcourfes of the pulpit in like manner, an imitation of the air of Homer and Virgil raises the dignity of modern poetry, and makes it appear ftately and venerable.

The last observation I fhall make at prefent, is upon the difgult taken by thofe critics, who put on their cloaths prettily and diflike every thing that is not written with cafe. I hereby therefore give the genteel:

part of the learned world to understand, that every thought which is agreeable to nature, and expreffed in language fuitable to it, is written with cafe. There are fome things which must be written with strength, which nevertheless are easy. The ftatue of the Gladiator, tho' reprefented in fuch a pofture as ftrains every mufcle, is as eafy as that of Venus; because the one expreffes ftrength and fury as naturally as the other doth beauty and foftness. The paffions are fometimes to be roused, as well as the fancy to be entertained; and the foul to be exalted and enlarged, as well as foothed. This often requires a raifed, figurative style; which readers of low apprehenfions, or foft and languid difpofitions, having heard of the words fuftian and bombast, are apt to reject as ftiff and affected language. But nature and reafon appoint different garbs for différent things; and fince I write this to the men of dress, I will ask them, if a foldier who is to mount a breach, should be adorned like a beau who is fpruced up for a ball ?

N° 13.

Thursday, March 26.

Pudore et liberalitate liberos

Retinere fatius effe credo, quam metu.

Ter. Adelph. A&t. 1. Sc. 1.

Ieftéem it better to keep children in awe by a fenfe of Shame, and a condefcenfion to their inclinations, than by fear.

HE reader has had fome account of the whole fa

Tmily of the Lizards, except the younger fons.

Thefe are the branches which ordinarily fpread themfelves, when they happen to be hopeful, into other houses, and new generations, as honourable, numerous, and wealthy, as thofe from whence they are derived. For this reafon it is, that a very peculiar regard is to be had to their education.

Young men when they are good for any thing, and left to their own inclinations, delight either in those accomplishments we call their exercife, in the fports of

the field, or in letters. Mr Thomas, the fecond fon, does not follow any of these with too deep an attention, but took to each of them enough never to appear ungraceful or ignorant. This general inclination makes him the more agreeable, and faves him from the imputation of pedantry. His carriage is so easy, that he is acceptable to all with whom he converfes: he generally falls in with the inclination of his company, is never affuming, or prefers himself to others. Thus he always gains favour without envy, and has every man's good wifhes. It is remarkable, that from his birth to this day, tho' he is now four and twenty, I do not remember that he has ever had a debate with any of his play-fellows of friends.

His thoughts, and prefent applications, are to get into a court-life; for which, indeed, I cannot but think him peculiarly formed. For he has joined to his complacency of manners a great natural fagacity, and can very well diftinguish between things and appearances. That way of life, wherein all men are rivals, demands great circumfpection to avoid controverfies arifing from different interefts; but he who is by nature of a flexible temper, has his work half done. I have been particularly pleafed with his behaviour towards women.


has the fkill, in their conversation, to converfe with them as a man would with thofe from whom he might have expectations, but without making requests. I don't know that I ever heard him make what they call. a compliment, or be particular in his addrefs to any la dy; and yet I never heard any woman speak of him but with a peculiar regard. I believe he has been often beloved, but know not that he was ever yet a lover. The great fecret among them is to be amiable without defign. He has a voluble fpeech, a vacant countenance, and easy action, which reprefents the fact which he is relating, with greater delight than it would have been to have been prefent at the tranfaction he recounts. For you fee it only your own way by the bare Rarration, but have the additional pleasure of his fenfe of it by his manner of representing it. There are mixed in his taik fo many pleafant ironies, that things which deserve the feverelt language are made ridiculous inftead of odious, and you fee every thing in the most good

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