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I am unable to identify any of these objects. II 2274 is described as "pB neb star with two spir branches''; this appears to be three small stars almost in contact. Most of the others appear to be simply very faint stars. The region was carefully checked. Examination with the slitless spectroscope shows no object with bright-line spectrum in this region. O s.n.

Praesepe cluster. Stars not nebulous with an exposure of 2h, 14 s.n.
Planetary. 1 s.n.

A faint, symmetrical, nearly round spiral 13 in diameter; whorls rather open;
the nucleus is faint and almost stellar. 16 s.n.

Described as vF, vS, F st close n. No such object exists in this position. There
is a small spiral (p-type?) at 8h 42m7, +78° 58', with a faint star l' n.f.
Slightly oval; exceedingly bright at center. The main portion is about 1' long;
outside are narrow, very faint spiral whorls; probably 4' in extreme diam-
eter. Curious small hole" on s. side, close to nucleus. 28 s.n.
Bright, very sparse cluster about 16' in diameter. 5 s.n.
Very bright, rather large nucleus, surrounded by bright nebulosity; farther
out, diameter about 0:7, is a strong, nearly perfect ring formed by the union
of two whorls; much fainter whorls outside this ring. 30 s.n.

Vol. VIII, Plate 18. A moderately bright, greatly elongated spiral 10' x 1'
in p.a. 40°. Whorls rather patchy; there are strong evidences of absorption
effects on the n. side. See Abs. Eff. 16 s.n.

A rather bright oval 14 x 0.8 in p.a. 95°. Nucleus nearly stellar; a very compact spiral, but spiral structure quite indistinct. 0 s.n.

A fine, slightly oval spiral 2:1 long; there is a stellar nucleus surrounded by
relatively bright matter; outside this are faint, delicate, nearly merging
spiral whorls. 31 s.n.

A bright patch of nebulosity 0.5 x 0.2; nucleus fairly bright, but not stellar.
A very irregular spiral, much condensed.

Exceedingly condensed cluster of faint stars.

D. O. Mills Reflector, Santiago,

Vol. VIII, Plate 19. A beautiful, very regular spiral, 6' x 1'6 in p.a. 152°. Nucleus almost stellar; central portions quite bright; whorls narrow and compact. See Abs. Eff. 35 s.n.

A bright narrow oval 1.6 in p.a. 165°; faint nucleus; a compact spiral seen at a small angle. See Abs. Eff. 15 s.n.

Vol. VIII, Plate 20. A beautiful, bright spiral 12' x 5' in p.a. 18°. Large,
confused nuclear portion containing five rather nebulous condensations.
Whorls rather open, showing numerous condensations. Traces of the p-type
formation. See Abs. Eff. 7 s.n.

A beautiful spiral 2' long; somewhat elongated; nucleus almost stellar; the
two main whorls are somewhat irregular and patchy; moderately bright.
An irregular oval 12 in length; an irregular dark lane passes down its middle
at one side of the almost stellar nucleus. No spiral structure discernible.
See Abs. Eff. 29 s.n.

Very small, round, bright; almost like a nebulous star; no spiral structure

Quite bright oval 3:2 x 11 in p.a. 33°, with clear-cut edges; numerous almost
stellar condensations. Structure quite irregular; probably a rather compact
and very irregular spiral. 1 s.n.

Slightly elongated; 3' long. There is a bright stellar nucleus; the whorls are
quite condensed and rather patchy near the center, fainter and much more
open farther out.
12 s.n.
Rather bright; 6' x 1'; faint nucleus. An irregular spiral with very clearly
marked absorption effect on the s. side. See Abs. Eff. 41 s.n.
Vol. VIII, Plate 21; M. 81.

This very beautiful spiral is about 16' x 10', and is too well known to require description. Short exposures show that the nucleus is almost stellar. Central part very bright. See Abs. Eff. 10 s.n.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


A very patchy and irregular elongated mass, 7' x 1'5 in p.a. 65°, showing numerous rifts; an irregular lane divides it approximately along the shorter axis. It is possibly a very irregular spiral seen edgewise. Exceedingly bright; the brighter condensations show easily in a 5 exposure. M. 82. See Abs. Eff. 9 s.n.

Very bright; fading out rapidly toward the edges; round, 0:3 in diameter, structureless.

Quite bright; 8' x 1' in p.a. 167°; nucleus elongated and hazy; numerous con-
densations in the whorls. A nearly edgewise spiral, showing evidence of
absorption lane on the east. See Abs. Eff. 34 s.n.

Roughly oval; 3' x 2'; nucleus double. The central portion is quite bright;
there are several "holes," of which one near the center is crescent shaped.
Quite patchy and irregular; probably a very irregular spiral, though the
traces of spiral structure are very vague.
3 s.n.

Vol. VIII, Plate 22. An exceedingly bright spindle 4' x 1' in p.a. 45°, with an
almost spherical central portion; no stellar nucleus apparent in short ex-
posures. There are no traces of spiral whorls, but it is doubtless a spiral
of the Andromeda type seen edgewise. 16 s.n.


+51 0 Described as "*7 in photosphere 2' or 3' d". Probably non-existent. unable to distinguish any nebulosity visually, and an exposure of 50m showed no trace. 16 s.n.

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Bright oval 1' long in p.a. 45°; slight traces of spiral character.
A faint, patchy oval 15 long; probably an irregular spiral.

A nearly round, rather symmetrical and open spiral 3' in diameter; numerous
almost stellar condensations. The nucleus is almost stellar and very bright,
showing well in 10m exposure. There is now no trace of the suspected nova
noted by Mrs. Roberts in A. N., 4708, 197, 1914, 5′ 16′′ west and 1′ 58′′
north of the nebula. The position given is far outside of the faintest ex-
tensions of this spiral. 2 s.n.

Bright, elongated nucleus, surrounded by bright matter 1' in diameter, showing spiral whorls. Outside this to a diameter of about 4′, very faint matter. 31 s.n.

Rather irregular, patchy spiral 4' x 1.7 in p.a. 55°. Nuclear portion oval and quite bright. An absorption lane on the s.e. See Abs. Eff. The

A beautiful, very regular, open spiral, nearly round, 6' in diameter. nucleus is bright and almost stellar; numerous almost stellar condensations. 16 s.n.

A small, moderately bright, slightly oval spiral 0:7 long; stellar nucleus; most of the matter is in one whorl.

Vol. VIII, Plate 23. A beautiful, moderately bright spiral 9' x 3' in p.a. 40°. Small, almost stellar nucleus and numerous almost stellar condensations. 28 s.n.

Slightly oval, 0:2 long; no structure discernible.

Small oval 0:7 long; bright center; no spiral structure discernible.
Vol. VIII, Plate 24. The bright stellar nuclei of this interesting pair are 138"
apart in p.a. 159°. Two nebulae close together, rather than a double nebula.
3226 is bright, nearly round, about 1' in diameter; no spiral structure
discernible. 3227 is 3' x 12 in p.a. 155°, a patchy, compact spiral without
clearly marked whorls. 25 s.n.

Planetary. 1 s.n.

Coddington's new nebula in Ursa Major, cf. Publ. Astr. Soc. Pac., 16, 123, 1893.
Exceedingly faint, scattered condensations covering an area perhaps 12' x 4'.
Probably an open, extremely faint spiral. 4 s.n.

An oval 2' long; nucleus very bright, and outer portions quite faint. Indis-
tinct traces of spiral character. 1 s.n.

A symmetrical spiral 4' x 1' in p.a. 45°; nucleus bright and small; the whorls
are narrow, faint, and show no condensations. 4 s.n.
Bright oval 0:5 long; probably spiral.

Somewhat elongated; 0:3 long; not very bright; doubtless spiral.
Nearly round, 1' in diameter; bright stellar nucleus. In the central portion,
about 04 in diameter, the whorls are quite bright, and compactly arranged;
the outermost whorls are very faint and well separated. 22 s.n.
Coarse cluster. D. O. Mills Reflector, Santiago, Chile.

A rather open spiral 3' x 1.5; nucleus faint and stellar; whorls rather faint. 1 s.n.
A beautiful, rather open, nearly round spiral. Nucleus is small and very
bright; the whorls show many almost stellar condensations. The diameter
of the main portion is 4', but there are a number of small patches in the
vicinity which may be more distant portions of the spiral. 20 s.n.

[blocks in formation]


Quite faint; nearly round, 25 in diameter; stellar nucleus. A very open spiral with numerous condensations, and some approach to the p-type at the center. 6 s.n.

A beautiful object; nearly round; 3' in diameter. The whorls are rather faint
and form an almost complete ring; a wide band of matter extends across
the nebula from one side to the other; an example of the p-type spiral.
The center is exceedingly bright, and of unusual structure. It is about 12"
in diameter, and appears trinuclear; the center of the disk is not marked by
any condensation, but on its periphery are two stellar nuclei, and a short,
very bright, slightly curved mass. 10 s.n.

Nebulosity around Carinae; only a portion of this nebula is shown on the
plate. D. O. Mills Reflector, Santiago, Chile.
Nearly round; 2' in diameter; a beautiful, rather bright spiral, showing across
its central portion of the band of matter characteristic of the p-type.
Nucleus bright, and stellar. Whorls are rather open and show a few almost
stellar condensations. I can not locate 3371 and 3373 in the positions
given. 30 s.n.

A fine strong spiral; brightest part 2:6 long. Bright stellar nucleus; the outer
whorl of the brighter structure forms a nearly complete oval ring; a much
fainter whorl outside this brings total length to about 7'. A clear-cut rift
goes in to nucleus on n.p. side. Reproduced in Publ. Astr. Soc. Pac., June,
1913, frontispiece. See Abs. Eff. 20 s.n.

2' x 1', with a rather large and very bright central portion; no spiral structure discernible.

This, with 3384 and 3389, forms a striking group, a right-angled triangle whose shorter sides are 7' long. 3379 is nearly round, 2' in diameter; very bright; no spiral structure discernible. 33 s.n.

A replica of 3379 except that it is more oval; 3' long. Nucleus very bright and elongated; no whorls can be distinguished, but it is probably a spiral of the Andromeda type.

A fine, moderately bright, somewhat oval spiral 2' long; quite irregular; numerous condensations; weak nucleus. See Abs. Eff.

A very narrow spindle 16 long in p.a. 82°. Nucleus nearly stellar and fairly bright; it is displaced to one side of the central line, suggesting absorption effects; doubtless an edgewise spiral. See Abs. Eff. 11 s.n.

25 x 1' in p.a. 70°; very bright center with an almost stellar nucleus; the whorls are rather indistinct; are most prominent at the ends of the minor axis, and fade out at the ends of the major axis.

2' long, somewhat oval; a p-type spiral with a very bright, round nucleus. 9 s.n. A small, rather regular, rather faint spiral, 1' in diameter, with a sharp stellar nucleus.

A rather faint oval 0:8 long in p.a. 50°; a compact spiral with a faint nucleus. Vol. VIII, Plate 26. An irregular, patchy spiral 8' x 1'5 in p.a. 84°; quite bright. Has a faint nucleus and shows a number of condensations, three of which are almost stellar; a star of magn. 11 near the nucleus. See Abs. Eff. 35 s.n.

Planetary. The "Owl" nebula, Vol. VIII, Plate 27. 107 s.n.

A small oval, 0:3 long, with much brighter center; no spiral structure discernible.

Slightly oval; 13 long; quite bright at center, with an almost stellar nucleus;
indistinct traces of whorls, and evidence of an absorbing lane on the n.
See Abs. Eff. 4 s.n.

0.5 in diameter; bright center and almost stellar nucleus; structureless.
Bright, narrow oval 18 long in p.a. 95°; no whorls distinguishable.
Nearly round, 1' in diameter; center quite bright and almost stellar; whorls
very faint and almost form a ring. 12 s.n.

Vol. VIII, Plate 28. A beautiful, bright spiral 8' x 2' in p.a. 174°. Whorls
rather indistinct, with one almost stellar condensation; bright, almost
stellar nucleus. Absorption lane on the east. M. 65. See Abs. Eff. 26 s.n.
A faint, considerably elongated two-branched spiral, 1' long. Faint, almost
stellar nucleus.

Vol. VIII, Plate 28. A very bright, beautiful, spiral 8' x 2'5 in p.a. 180°. Bright, slightly elongated nucleus; the whorls are somewhat irregular and show numerous condensations. M. 66.

Moderately bright; 12' x 15 in p.a. 100°. There are no well marked condensations. A wide dark lane runs down its entire length; the southern portion is the narrower and fainter. An edgewise spiral. See Abs. Eff. 19 s.n. Described as "vF, vS, annular?." A very faint small, oblong patch, perhaps 0:5 long; not annular.

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[blocks in formation]


A rather open spiral 3' x 1' in p.a. 0°. Nucleus stellar, and appears displaced to
one side of the central mass because of a well-marked dark lane on the east.
The whorls show a number of very faint, almost stellar condensations. See
Abs. Eff.

A spiral 1' in diameter. Whorls form a nearly perfect ring.

A slightly oval, rather patchy spiral 12 long; fairly bright nucleus.

A fine, rather open, nearly round spiral, 2' in diameter. Stellar nucleus magn.
12-13; the two main whorls show numerous almost stellar condensations.
In addition to the four larger nebulae, there are many small nebulae on this
plate; one-sixth of these are clearly spirals. In the case of the smaller and
fainter objects it is, of course, impossible to pronounce as to their spiral
character, but the proportion of spirals is doubtless a much larger one.
69 s.n.

A moderately bright oval 0:8 x 0.5, crossed by a streak of brighter matter; a com-
pact p-type spiral.
Faint and irregular; total diameter about 3'. Bifid; an edgewise spiral with
a wide absorbing lane. Fairly bright and sharp nucleus from which the
matter on the n.f. side extends in a faint fan. See Abs. Eff. 19 s.n.
Vol. VIII, Plates 30A and 30B. A bright spiral 4.6 x 3.5 in p.a. 5°. Bright
stellar nucleus; whorls are somewhat irregular, open, and show many almost
stellar condensations. p-type at center. 18 s.n.

A moderately bright spiral 1.5 x 0.6, with most of the matter in a single whorl
which forms an irregular oval ring; almost stellar nucleus.

A fine, bright, nearly round spiral, 2′ in diameter; bright, almost stellar nucleus. The two main whorls are rather open, and show numerous almost stellar condensations.

A moderately bright, binuclear patch about 0:3 in diameter (two very small nebulae close together?).

A beautiful, nearly round, rather open and symmetrical spiral, 4.5 in diameter. Stronger central portion, and an almost stellar nucleus. Many almost stellar condensations. 39 s.n.

A narrow oval 2' long in p.a. 0°; large nucleus; an irregular spiral.

A beautiful, slightly oval spiral 7' in length. Bright, almost stellar nucleus;
whorls are rather open and show a number of faint condensations; the
central portions show traces of the p-type formation.
20 s.n.

A faint spindle 1' long in p.a. 150°.

An exceedingly faint, narrow oval 2' long in p.a. 160°. No spiral structure discernible.

A moderately bright, very narrow edgewise spiral 4' long in p.a. 70°. There is a clear-cut dark lane down the middle in which is a star of magn. 12. See Abs. Eff. 20 s.n.

A compact, rather faint, somewhat patchy oval 1'5 long; no nucleus apparent. There is evidence of an absorption lane on the east. It is not binuclear as described in the N. G. C. 42 s.n.

A narrow, bright spindle, 3' long, in p.a. 176°, with a very bright, somewhat enlarged center. Evidences of spiral character very indistinct, but it is doubtless an edgewise spiral. 10 s.n.

A rather bright, slightly oval spiral 2' long. Nucleus almost stellar; numerous almost stellar condensations in the rather open whorls.

A very bright narrow oval 4' x 1' in p.a. 83°. Nucleus bright, but not stellar. Evidence of a short, curved, dark lane on the south. A spiral, though the whorls are indistinct. The nucleus just shows in 2m on S23. 12 s.n.

A nearly round spiral 2' in diameter. The outer whorls are rather open; the center is occupied by compact, bright, somewhat irregular disk of matter about 05 diameter; no true nucleus can be seen.

A fine, rather bright spiral 4' x 2' in p.a. 122°. Very bright stellar nucleus. There are numerous almost stellar condensations. It is a two-branched spiral, and each branch is bifid. 15 s.n.

A rather faint, compact, regular spiral 3' x 1' in p.a. 95°. The whorls are rather patchy; faint stellar nucleus, which just shows in a 10m exposure.

11 s.n.

A narrow spiral 6' x 1' in p.a. 18°. The whorls are distinct, but irregular.
Bright, rather large nucleus, considerably to the n. of apparent center of
the nebula; numerous almost stellar condensations.
12 s.n.

A fairly bright, rather irregular spiral 4' x 1' in p.a. 162°. Nucleus bright,
but not stellar; whorls uniform in texture showing few condensations. 16 s.n.
An open, patchy spiral 5' x 3.5 in p.a. 90°; shows numerous almost stellar con-
densations and a very faint nucleus. The nebular matter is faint, and the
description "B" of the N. G. C. seems unwarranted.

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Bright, small cluster 2' in diameter. Probably of globular type.
The nucleus is almost stellar, very bright, nearly equivalent to 10 magn. This
is surrounded by a bright central portion which shows traces of spiral forma-
tion. Outside of this is a vacant ring. The outer whorls form an oval
2:6 x 16, and these are brightest at the ends of the major axis.
It some-
what resembles the planetary type, and the observations of Messrs. Camp-
bell and Paddock show that the nucleus has bright lines in its spectrum.
It is undoubtedly a spiral, however. 40 s.n.

A small, rather bright spiral 1' long, slightly oval. Nucleus bright and almost
stellar. Shows traces of the p-type formation in the central portions.
Faint, nearly round spiral, 0.7 in diameter.

An open, elongated spiral 8' x 2' in p.a. 150°. Bright stellar nucleus; numerous
almost stellar condensations. Absorption effects on east side. Figure in
Vogel I, No. 6 (Leip. Beob., Bd. 1). M. 98. See Abs. Eff. 30 s.n.

A greatly elongated spiral 4' x 0.6 in p.a. 5°. Quite faint; there is a faint nucleus, and evidence of an absorption lane at the east of the nucleus. See Abs. Eff.

A faint, narrow spindle 2' long in p.a. 120°; doubtless a spiral seen nearly edgewise.

A faint disk 0:2 in diameter; no structure discernible.

A compact, moderately bright spiral 2' x 1' in p.a. 65°. Bright, almost stellar
nucleus; the whorls are somewhat patchy and irregular. See Abs. Eff. 26 s.n.
A very irregular aggregation of nebular matter and nebulous stars, which is
about 8' x 4', with the very faint outlying condensations.
There is ap-
parently an almost stellar nucleus. The general appearance of the nebu-
losity is of the spiral type, but it is exceedingly irregular; not a nebulosity
of the diffuse type. Quite bright. 13 s.n.

A greatly elongated spiral 7' x 1' in p.a. 18°. The central portion is very bright,
showing well in a 10m exposure, nucleus is not stellar. Well marked evi-
dence of absorption lanes on the east. This, with 4206 and 4222, forms
an interesting group of three almost edgewise spirals in the same field.
See Abs. Eff. 41 s.n.

A very irregular oval patch 0:7 long, with a line of brighter matter down its
center; moderately bright; no nucleus discernible. Perhaps a very irregular
spiral. 22 s.n.

A fairly bright spiral 25 x 0.4 in p.a. 135°. Bright, almost stellar nucleus.
Absorption effect along the n.e. side. See Abs. Eff.

Edgewise spiral 3' long in p.a. 60°; rather faint; no definite nucleus.

Very faint; 10' to 12' long by about 2' broad; p.a. 165°. A few faint con-
densations, but no discernible nucleus. Quite irregular; probably an
S-shaped spiral seen nearly edgewise.

Rather faint, nearly round, indistinct spiral 0.5 in diameter.
Faint oval spiral 0:7 long, with faint, almost stellar nucleus.
Vol. VIII, Plate 31. A fine, quite bright, edgewise spiral, 13' x 0.9 in p.a. 50°.
An irregular dark lane runs down the middle. A few almost stellar con-
densations. Apparently no nucleus; though there is a star of magn. 14
in this position. See Abs. Eff. 10 s.n.

This is a faint, almost linear strip of nebulosity 1' x 0.1 in p.a. 110°; doubtless
the central portion of an edgewise spiral.

A rather faint spindle 12 long in p.a. 47°; spiral.

This is a small p-type nebulae with a fairly bright, almost stellar nucleus, and

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a very bright " cross-arm, which gives it a Saturn-like appearance; this

line of matter is 0.5 long, and from its ends proceed very faint whorls.
Vol. VIII, Plate 32. A very bright, approximately round spiral 4.5 in diameter.
Nucleus almost stellar. There are two main whorls, rather open, which show
many almost stellar condensations. M. 99. 47 s.n.

Narrow oval with brighter center, 0'8 long; traces of spiral structure.
Vol. VIII, Plate 33. With the very faint extensions this spiral is nearly
20' x 6' in p.a. 165°; very bright, elongated nuclear portion, on the west
of which is a short dark lane; there are numerous almost stellar condensations
in the two principal spiral branches. See Abs. Eff. 11 s.n.

Similar to 4257, but brighter.

Very bright; slightly oval, 1.6 long; large bright central portion, but no nucleus or spiral structure discernible.

Moderately bright; nearly round; 0.5 in diameter; a small p-type spiral.

A faint spindle, 1.5 long; spiral. See Abs. Eff.

[blocks in formation]
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