Meeting of the Imperial Parliament at an earlier Period than usual.
-His Majesty's Speech from the Throne, announcing the Adjust-
ment, by Convention, of the Differences with the Northern Powers of
Europe-and of the Preliminaries of Peace being signed with France,
c.Addresses of Thanks moved in the Lords and Commons.-Debates.
-Address carried in both Houses.
Copies of the Convention with Russia laid before the House of Lords-and
Commons.-Motion by Mr. Grey for Papers-by Mr. Whitbread on the
second Article of the Preliminaries.-Inquiry by Lord Grenville on the
Subject of Portugal.- Address to the King moved for in the Lords on the
Debate. Speeches of Lords Romney-Limerick-Spencer-
Duke of Clarence-Pelham-Grenville-Chancellor-Moira-Mulgrave
-Duke of Bedford-Fitzwilliam-St. Vincent-Nelson-The Marquis
of Buckingham-Carnarvon-Hobart.-Division.-Address carried.