Abbildungen der Seite

videatis bona Jerusalem omnibus diebus vitae vestrae, et habeatis vitam aeternam.

R. Amen.

After Confirmation B. and others should recite the Credo, Pater and Ave.


The days assigned for the conferring of Holy Orders are: Saturday in the Ember weeks, Saturday before Passion Sunday and Holy Saturday. Our Bishops have the faculty of conferring Orders "extra tempora".

The vestment for the Ordinandi should be of color of the Mass.

During ordinations the Choir kneels, sits, or stands when the Bishop does so, except during the Litany when the Bishop rises to bless the Ordinandi, the Choir remains kneeling.

Before the conferring of Holy Orders the Archdeacon should read the interdict:

Reverendissimus in Christo Pater, et Dominus, Dominus...

Dei et Apostolicae Sedis gratia Episcopus.. ...........sub excommunicationis poena praecipit, et mandat omnibus, et singulis, pro suscipiendis Ordinibus hic praesentibus, ne quis forsan eorum irregularis, aut alias a jure, vel ab homine excommunicatus, interdictus, suspensus, spurius, infamis, aut alias a jure prohibitus, sive ex aliena dioecesi

oriundus, sine licentia sui Episcopi, aut non descriptus, examinatus, approbatus, et nominatus, ullo pacto audeat ad suscipiendos Ordines accedere. Et quod nullus ex ordinatis discedat, nisi Missa finita, et benedictione Pontificis accepta.

If Orders are conferred on the days assigued, the Mass must be of the Feria, no matter what feast occurs. To the Oration of the day must be added "sub una" the Oration "pro ordinandis." The second and third Orations are said, as given in the Mass of the Feria; no commemoration is made. If Orders are given "extra tempora," the Mass is of the feast, with the Oration "pro ordinandis" added to the first Oration "sub una;" then follow the other commemorations, if any.

After the Offertorium has been said, B. sits on fald. cum m. Ordin. approach and offer the candle, first kissing the candle and then the hand of B. (If the B. pontificates, this offering may take place at the throne.) B. then takes off gloves, washes his hands, and rising sine m. continues Mass.

Pax is given only to those ordained to Major Orders. They approach, genuflect, kiss the Altar, and receive the pax, answering: Et cum spiritu tuo. If there are too many Ordin., only the first of each grade receives the Pax, and gives it to the uext of his grade.


Communion should be received by all the Ordin., therefore, a sufficient number of particles should be consecrated during this Mass. having taken the Precious Blood, gives communion to newly ordained priests, saying: Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat te in vitam aeternam. Each answers Amen, kisses B's hand, and receives. If customary, Ordin. then go to side table and take the purification. Newly ordained Deacons and Subdeacons then recite the Confiteor (or, if the Office is chanted, one of the Deacons sings it). B. then says: Misereatur, Indulgentiam, Ecce Agnus Dei, Domine non sum dignus, then gives communion as above. · If only priests are ordained, B. simply gives communion, saying: Corpus etc.

When penance is imposed, Ordin. should signify their consent, saying: Libenter.


Tonsure may be given on any day, at any time, and in any place. If given during Mass, then on the Saturday of the Ember weeks and on Holy Saturday it is given after the Kyrie. On the Saturday before Passion Sunday and "extra tempora" it is given after the Introit.


A pair of scissors and a plate. The person to receive tonsure has a surplice over his left arm,

and a lighted candle in his right hand. For the Bishop: outside of Mass a stole and a simple mitre; at Mass the sandals and all the pontifical vestments.


The Bishop cum m. sits on the faldistorium in front of the Altar.

Archd. says: Accedant qui promovendi sunt ad primam clericalem tonsuram. The notary calls the Ordin. by name, and each answers: Adsum. They go before the Bishop, make the proper reverence, then kneel.

B. rises cum m. and says:

Sit nomen Domini benedictum.

R. Ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum. B. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.

R. Qui fecit coelum et terram.

B. Oremus, fratres

[blocks in formation]


Choir intones Ant., continues

Ant. Tu es Domine, qui restitues haereditatem meam mihi.

Ps. 15. Conserva me Domine, quoniam speravi in te * dixi Domino: Deus meus es tu, quoniam bonorum meorum non eges.

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