Abbildungen der Seite

sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine: passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus: descendit ad inferos: tertia die resurrexit a mortuis: ascendit ad coelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis: inde venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam. Sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatotum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeterAmen.


B. cum m. sits on faldistorium before middle of Altar. Each of the Ordin. kneels before him.

B. places both hands on the head of each, and says: Accipe Spiritum Sanctum, quorum remiseris peccata, remittuntur eis; et quorum retinueris, retenta sunt.

B. then unfolds the chasuble for each, saying: Stola innocentiae.

B. takes the folded hands of Ordin. between his own, and asks: Promittis, etc., to which they answer: Promitto.

B. kisses each, saying: Pax, etc.; Ordin. answer: Amen.

B. cum m. b. says: Quia res . . . accedatis.

B. rises cum m. b.: Benedictio; then continues Mass. After the Benediction in Mass, B. sits cum m. and gives the penance. See page 14.


After the Ant. of the third Nocturn has been intoned, B. has his pontifical stockings and shoes put on; the book-bearer and candle-bearer go to throne. B. reads Ant. Ne reminiscaris, Psalms, Versicles, and Orations preparatory to Mass. The assistants at Mass should vest in sacristy. B. sings ninth Lesson, saying before it: Jube Domine benedicere, to which choir answers: Amen. B. intones Te Deum, then takes off cape, washes his hands. and vests (Deacon and Subdeacon of Mass assisting) in amice, alb, cincture, pectoral, stole, and cope. B. sings: Dominus vobiscum, the Oration, and again: Dominus vobiscum. Choir then sings: Benedicamus Domino and Deo gratias.

B. then takes off cope and vests for Mass.

In Abbatial churhes all is done as above, with the following additions: The Prior sings the ninth Lesson and gives the Benediction for the twelfth Lesson. After the Te Deum the Abbot reads the Gospel, intones the Te decet laus, sings the Oration, etc., as above.


The blessing of candles takes place on the second of February, even if the feast of the Purification is transferred.


On the Altar: amice, alb, cincture, pectoral, violet stole, violet cope, mitre (auriphrygiata); crozier near the Altar; processional cross.

In the sacristy: surplice, amice, violet cope for the Assistant Priest; violet plan. plic. for the Deacons of Honor; violet plan. plic. for the Subdeacon who is to carry the cross in the procession; vestments for the Celebrant of the Mass and his assistants. If the B. celebrates, the remaining vestments should be on the Altar.

The table with the candles to be blessed is placed between the throne and the Gospel side of the Altar; near this table: holy water and sprinkler; censer and boat; ewer, basin and towel; violet cloth to be spread over the knees of B. during the distribution of candles.


B. does not wash his hands before vesting. B. being vested rises sine m., then turning somewhat to table, with folded hands, sings: Dominus vobiscum and the five Orations (tono feriali).

B. sits cum m.; thurifer kneels before him; Presbyter ministers boat, saying: Benedicite Revedissime Pater; B. puts in and blesses incense; then rises sine m. and sprinkles the candles with holy water towards middle of table, then to the right, then to the left; he incenses similarly. — B. sits cum m.-Dignior, kissing candle and B.'s hand, gives candle to B., who gives the candle to one of the assistants.

Cloth is spred over B.'s knees. B. then distributes candles. Choir in the meantime sings Ant. Lumen.

B. washes his hands; choir sings: Exsurge and the Psalm, then repeats the Ant. Acolytes with their candles go to throne.

B. rises sine m., turns to Altar, sings Oremus; first Deacon of Honor sings Flectamus genua (unless it be a Sunday or before Septuagesima); second Deacon sings Levate. B. Exaudi quae


B. sits cum m., puts in and blesses incense; first Deacon of Honor sings: Procedamus in pace; choir answers: In nomine Christi. Amen. Procession is formed in the following order: Chanters, thurifer, Subdeacon in plan. plic. carrying the cross (accompanied by two acolytes), clergy, crozier-bearer, B. with his assistants, mitrebearer, book-bearer, candle bearer, all carrying burning candles (except those otherwise engaged).—Celebrant of the Mass and his assistants

go to sacristy to vest, then towards end of procession go to their seats.

When procession returns, the candles are extinguished.

B. at foot of Altar changes his cope (if necessary) and Mass is commenced.

The candles are held lighted during the singing of the Gospel and from the Sanctus to the end of Communion. During the Gospel the Celebrant also holds a candle.

If the second of February is a privileged Sunday, the candles are not thus held.

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