Abbildungen der Seite



On the Altar: the vestments for the Bishop. Cross of Altar is covered with white cloth.

On the credence table: chalice prepared for Mass, with two large hosts; another chalice, with paten, palla, veil and silk ribbon; benediction veil, Subdeacon's veil, Communion cloth, two censers; chalice with wine for purification.

A special chapel or Altar is to be prepared as repository.

Canopy, candles for the procession; procession cross covered with violet cloth.

In the sacristy: the usual vestments for the assistants. A sufficient number of white stoles should be prepared for the Priests and Deacons (not parati) to receive Communion.

For the consecration of the oils: In the sacristy —the vessel containing the oil for Sacrum Chrisma should be covered with a white veil; the other with veils of another color; a paten on which to mix the oil and balsam, and some 'wooden instrument to mix them with; three veils for those that are to carry the oils; vestments for the assisting priests (12), deacons (7), subdeacons (7). In the centre of sanctuary: a table decently covered, with a faldistorium facing the

Altar; sufficient number of chairs for the assistants. On the credence table: a chalice, in which the Bishop is to purify his fingers.


While Non is said, the B. puts on stockings and shoes, and says the preparation for Mass, kneels at the proper time; after the Respice he vests for Mass.

The Mass is said as usual, except: the Psalm Judica is omitted; Pax is not given.

In the Mass, in which the oils are blessed, the Subdeacon does not hold the paten.

At the Nobis quoque peccatoribus the chalice for ablution is prepared at the Epistle corner. B. before saying Per quem haec omnia, genuflects, goes to Epistle corner, has wine and water poured over his fingers, wipes them with towel, goes to center, genuflects, goes down one step, then cum m. b. goes to fald. before special table, and there sits cum m. The special Priests, Deacons, and Subdeacons also sit. B.'s assistants stand.

Assistant Priest standing near B., says (in tono Lectionis: Oleum infirmorum.

One of the special Subdeacons, accompanied by two acolytes, goes to sacristy, takes the vessel with oil in his right hand, holding it to his left side and encircling it with his left arm, and thus goes to table, presents the vessel to Presbyter, simply saying: Oleum infirmorum. Presbyter,

saying the same, shows it to B., then places it on table.

B. cum m. rises and says: Exorcizo te

saeculum per ignem. R. Amen.


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B. sine m.: Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. Oremus. Emitte, quaesumus Domine . . . In nomine D. N. J. C. The oil is then carried back in the same manner.

B. sits cum m., washes his hands, then rises and cum m. b. goes to Altar and continues Mass. After B. has received the Precious Blood, Deacon presents the extra chalice, into which B. puts the extra consecrated Host; Deacon covers it with palla, paten, veil, which he ties with the silk ribbon.

B. gives Communion to the Deacon and Subdeacon of the Mass; they then go to side table to receive the Purification.

B. turns to Altar; Deacon sings the Confiteor; B. turns, says Misereatur and Indulgentiam. Deacon goes to Gospel side of Altar, Subdeacon to Epistle side. Deacon takes the Ciborium, holding his right hand infra cuppam, his left under foot of Ciborium; Subdeacon takes the paten. B. saying: Ecce Agnus Dei, and Domine non sum dignus gives Communion to all. The clergy take the purification at side table.

B. then takes the purification as usual, also the first ablution, and washes his hands.

B. descends the first step of Altar, receives m. and cum b. goes to table; sits cum m.

Presbpter assist. says in tono lectionis: Oleum ad Sanctum Chrisma, and then: Oleum Catechumenorum.

B. puts in and blesses incense.

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Procession goes into sacristy in the following order: Thurifer, two acolytes with their candles, the seven Subdeacons (two and two, in last row three), the seven Deacons, the twelve priests. Coming from the sacristy the following order is observed: Thurifer, a Subdeacon carrying the cross between the two acolytes, two chanters singing the O Redemptor, etc., six Subdeacons, five Deacons, a Subdeacon carrying the balsam and the paten; two Deacons, the one to the right carrying the oil for Holy Chrism, the one to the left carrying the other oil; the twelve priests. The cross-bearer and the acolytes stand near the Altar at the Epistle side; the Presbyter, Deacon, and Subdeacon near the Bishop; the twelve Priests range on either side near the Bishop; the Deacons stand behind the Bishop, and the Subdeacons behind the Deacons. - The Deacons carrying the oils and the Subdeacon carrying the balsam stand near the table, until all have taken their places. - The Deacon carrying the oil for Chrism gives it to the Presbyter, who shows it to Bishop, and then places it on the table; the same is done with the balsam; the other Deacon stands aside near the table.

B. sine m. rises, says: Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. Oremus. Deus mysteriorum

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B. cum m. mixes oil and balsam on the paten, saying: Oremus Dominum . saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.

B. cum m. sits and three times breathes over the mouth of the vessel of oil for S. Chrisma (in modum Crucis). The twelve priests, making the proper reverences to the Altar and to the Bishop, breathe over the vessel in the same manner.

B. cum m. rises and says: Exorcizo te . . . Spiritus sancti.

B. sine m.,


with hands extended before breast,

Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

R. Amen.

Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. Sursum corda. R. Habemus ad Dominum. Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro. R. Dignum et justum est.

Vere dignum et justum est . . . esse consortes; then submissa voce: Per eundem . . . saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.

B. puts the mixture of oil and balsam into the vessel of oil, saying: Haec commixtio cula saeculorum. R. Amen.



Deacon who brought in the vessel with oil, now takes off the white veil from the vessel.

B. bows profoundly to vessel, saying (in tono lectionis): Ave sanctum Chrisma; he does this

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