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WITNESS for me, my countrymen; did not every American heart then bespeak for him a rest from his public toils? Did not every patriot pray, that to the length of many years, might be added his so long wished for repose from public cares?

BUT, behold! new dangers arise, and his country calls again. Haughty, imperious France, threatens our happy union with fatal divisions, and our government with destruction. The despoiler of nations denounces our independence, and menaces us with ruin. Like Holland shall ye be plundered! like Switzerland shall ye be subdued! and like Venice will we bring you into market! was their language to the American people.

As if the measure of his goodness could not be filled, the FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY is roused by the indignity offered to his children. The ardor of the soldier is not yet damped; the patriot's pulse still beats in unison with the feelings of his insulted country. He again obeys her call, and is appointed. commander in chief of her armies. He again resolves to risk his life, and his exalted reputation, in the doubtful fields of war. Glorious man! who can do justice to thy merit? Who can find. thy equal? Death! thou hast made a blow which thou canst not repeat.

THIS, my countrymen, is a short, and as you all full well know, a very imperfe& picture of a life spent for your good, and always devoted to your interest. Rut he is no more! Your illustrious general, your wise and patriotic president, your constant and immovable friend, is gone to that bourne from which there is no return. And this his natal day, heretofore a day of joy and festivity, is changed into a day of mourning and bitter grief. Let us not, my countrymen, on this afflictive occasion impiously say, that our God has forsaken us at this eventful and perilous period; let us rather intermingle our sorrows with the consolatory reflections, that his co-patriot Adams lives; that he lives, and now presides with a mind capacious, and a heart sincere to love his country; that many worthies-statesmen-soldiers, still remain a list too long for this days numbering,

Their past exploits are known, and their future conduct, under God, will promote our welfare.

BUT still we must recur to the melancholy truth, that WASHINGTON IS NO MORE. In him all hearts were united, and in the day of danger he was himself an HOSт. He was the choicest gift that heaven could have bestowed, and his loss is the most grievous dispensation.

THEREFORE let all the people mourn! And thou, dear partner of his life, his cares and his toils, let our tears assuage thy


LET the friends of science meurn! He was the patron of learning, and in public and private life, endeavored to promote the encrease of knowledge in his country.

YE American farmers, mourn! The farmer of Mount-Vernon was your friend; to promote the interests of agriculture, was an object of his peculiar attention.

YE merchants of America, mourn! To extend, promote, and protect your commerce, employed his assiduous care.

YE ministers of the holy gospel, and all ye friends of religion, mourn! He was your patron and your friend. Let infidels hear it and repent. The great, the good, the illustrious Washington acknowledged his God in all his ways, The political savior of bis country, loved, worshipped and adored, the


YE venerable matrons, and ye grey haired fathers, mourn! When your sons shall hereafter be called to risk their lives in their country's cause, you will no longer exultingly say, Washington leads.

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ALL ye sons and ye daughters of Columbia, mourn! when dangers from without, or dangers from within shall hereafter

assail us, we can no longer exultingly exclaim, Washington


YE soldiers of America, mourn! The soldier's pride, the soldier's boast, the soldier's friend is gone..


YE veteran soldiers of America; ye who have fought under his banners, and conquered by his side, I know not in what language to address you. Shall I call to your remembrance the days when, with all his country in his heart, he led you forth into the crimson field of war? Recollect the persevering patriotism with which he endured the toils, the hardships, and the dangers of the bloody conflict; recollect the unceasing attention which he always paid to your interest, and the unbounded affection with which he always honored you. He called not on you to fight, to make an addition to the sable list of tyrants; he called not on you to bleed, to encrease the number of slaves. Under his guidance you have reared a fabric of freedom, the most glorious the world hath ever beheld.. Your amiable general; your beloved Washington, is no more. My honored friends, my heart bleeds for you; I will not tell you to mourn.

YE departed ghosts of heroes, who have nobly fallen in' this, your country's cause; we envy you not this great addition to your happiness; receive your illustrious leader; it is enough for you; but if ye can, give us the consolation of a moment's grief for us.

YE angelic hosts but ye cannot weep. O! then pity a weeping nation.

BUT I forbear-words are not necessary to excite our sorrow. Does not every eye bespeak our grief, and every heart with rending anguish bemoan our loss. Let us rather look around for some ray of comfort; and is there any comfort? Yes, my Countrymen, there is: to live, to die, is the lot of human nature. An angel's arm could not have snatched him from the grave ;" but O sweet consolation, ten thousand angels can't confine him there. Already his immortal spirit has been' con

ducted to the regions of joy, and at the sound of the archangel's solemn trump, he will rise, cheerfully rise, to receive an ample reward for all his virtuous deeds, in those realms of bliss, where rivers of delight incessantly flow, and where there are pleasures for evermore,

AND here, my countrymen, let us make a solemn pause.It has pleased the Almighty Ruler of the universe, who doth his will and pleasure in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of this earth, to bereave us of our dearest friend"the first in peace, the first in war, and the first in all our hearts." Let us improve this painful calamity in such a manner, as to evince the sincerity of our grief, and the reality of our sorrow. Let us emulate his many virtues, and constantly set before us his bright example. We cannot all be Washingtons; he was the peculiar favorite of heaven; but we can all be patriots, and all Christians. Like him, let us love our country, and in our different stations, exert ourselves to promote its welfare. While we lament a Washington, dead; let us honor and support an Adams, living. Like him let us love our God, and revere his holy law; by so doing, we shall truly honor his memory, and prove Ito the world that our beloved Washington still lives; that he lives in our hearts. Yes, honored shade! thy name is there engraven, and while gratitude remains on earth it shall live. We will tell our children, and they shall tell their children, of all the good thou hast done for us, for them, and for the world. The aged parent shall recount thy heroic actions, and the lisping babe shall repeat them. From generation to generation, every father shall teach his son to ve nerate thy wORTH, and to honor thy TOMB.

Eulogy on the illustrious GEORGE WASHINGTON-pronounced at Milton. By CHARLES PINCKNEY SUMNER.



pauses from her once cheering labors-the solemn dirge takes place of the song of mirth ;-our country is in tears-her WASHINGTON is no more !

THIS day she would fondly have numbered sixty-eight years, since propitious heaven, regardful of her coming trials, had given him to her aid: proud that he had fulfilled his high destination, and still continued her faithful defender, she would not have turned a melancholy thought to the perils, through which he had conducted her. The lively cannon would have been but the feint echo to her joy ;-the festal board, the sparkling glass and pleasure-beaming eye would have been but the feeble emblem of national hilarity. Henceforth the night of his death will be consecrated to sorrow, and shrouded in gloom congenial with the majesty of her grief. The annual return of this once joyful day will long be sacred to her most tender, loving sensations, and the smile her countenance may learn to resume, will receive a melting charm from the tear she cannot suppress.

WHEN fame with swollen eye, first announced our public calamity; we looked, we heard with a responsive sigh and because she trembled while she spoke, we permitted ourselves the hope that report might prove illusive. But this uncertainty,this painful uncertainty was too dear to endure; the solemn knell, the deepning, universal aspect of woe soon placed beyond the reach of hope, what our boding hearts feared but too


HERE is a subject, my friends, on which you all can be eloquent; it becomes the sacred place devoted to its contemplation; it excites the best, and none but the best feelings of Americans as they prize their country, they cherish the memory of her hero, and love at a respectful, admiring distance, to follow him through the vicissitudes of her fate.

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