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But another death occurred first, |sion, I shall think my last remains of which, by recalling her to England, life well employed." She did employ probably hastened her own, as she was them, in compliance with her daughsuffering from the agonizing and in- ter's request, in rejoining her to assist curable disease which soon after killed in settling Mr. Wortley's affairs. "I her, when she undertook the long and think it my duty," she writes, "to risk fatiguing winter journey home. my life if I can contribute to the due execution of your honored father's last will and testament." And a terrible letter to her son concludes :

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I went last night to visit her. I found her in a little miserable bed-chamber of a ready furnished house, with two tallow candles and a bureau covered with pots and pans. On her head, in full of all accounts, she had an old black laced hood wrapped entirely round so as to conceal all hair or

Lady Mary had left Lovere for Padua, and Padua for Venice, when she heard of her husband's death in 1761. There can be no doubt of her deep grief; I know not how to write to you, and many little phrases in her letters both scarcely what to say. Your present conto Lady Bute and to himself show a duct is far more infamous than the past. lasting affection which it was not at all It is small sign of reform of manners when in her nature to feign. "I am very you durst disturb an indulgent (too indulfond of the jars," she says to Lady gent) father's dying pangs. . . . You have Bute, alluding to some china she had shortened your father's days, and will perasked Mr. Wortley to forward to her, haps have the glory to break your mother's God give you "which I look upon as a present from heart. I will not curse you. your father." To him she writes: "Ia real, not affected repentance.1 walk in my little garden every morn- Lady Mary's return to England nating; I hope you do the same at Bath. urally excited much attention, not all May you long continue a blessing to complimentary. Walpole, who had your family and those who know you." never forgiven her for satirizing his And, very touchingly, when speaking father, Sir Robert, and befriending his of Lady Bute: "I hope her obedience detested step-mother, "Moll Skerritt,” and affection will make your life agree- wrote to Sir Horace Mann : able to you. She cannot have more than I have had. I wish the success may be greater." Though Mr. Wortley went abroad twice during his wife's long absence from England, and did not visit her (excuses have been made for this on the ground of his age, and the then great difficulties and inconven- her chin a kind of horseman's riding-coat No handkerchief, but up to iences of travel), she expressed no (green I think it had been), brocade, and resentment. When annoyed by the lined with furs; bodice laced, a foul dimity English resident at Venice she warns petticoat sprigged, velvet muffetees on her Lady Bute: "Do not tell your father arms, grey stockings and slippers, her face these foolish squabbles. It is the only less changed in twenty years than I could thing I would keep from his knowl- have imagined. I told her so, and she was edge. I am apprehensive he should not so tolerable twenty years ago that she imagine some misplaced raillery or need have taken it for flattery; but she did, vivacity of mine has drawn on me these and literally gave me a box on the ear. ridiculous persecutions." In reply to is very lively, all her senses perfect, her what appears to have been the last let-languages as imperfect as ever, her avarice ter she received from him, she says it touched her more than she is able or willing to express: "I hope your apprehensions of blindness are not confirmed by any fresh symptoms of that terrible misfortune. If I could be of any service to you on that or any other occadaughter's grateful memory if there had been any foundation for the charge of having neglected her.

want of hair.



She receives all the world and crams them into this kennel. The Duchess of Hamilton, who came in just after me,

1 He seems at this time to have given her some fresh and dreadful offence, as a letter found with

out address among her papers contains these words: "I beg your pardon for this liberty I take. I really feel my head light. I swear to you (so may my soul find peace with God) I know nothing of these infamous libels my son has produced in my name."

was so astonished and diverted that she telligent observation also to be found could not speak to her for laughing.1 there, the touches of serious thought and tenderness which slip out, as it were, almost against the writer's will, may fairly be credited to herself. The extracts from the letters given here have been chosen rather to illustrate her disposition than her intellect. Her character is still somewhat severely judged, but no one calls her wit in question now.

Two months later he records having met her at Bedford House, "dressed in yellow velvet and sables, with a decent laced head and a black hood, almost like a veil, over her face. She is much more discreet than I expected, and meddles with nothing, but she is wofully

tedious in her narrations."

Mrs. Montagu, like Walpole, found Lady Mary looking no older than when she went abroad:

She has more than the vivacity of fifteen, and a memory which perhaps is unique. Several people visited her out of curiosity, which she did not like. I visited her be

cause her husband and mine were cousins-
germans. Though she has not any foolish
partiality for her husband's relations, I was
very graciously received, and, you may
suppose, entertained by one who neither
thinks, speaks, acts, nor dresses like any-
body else.
Her domestick is made up of all
nations, and when you get into her drawing-
room you imagine you are in the first story
of the Tower of Babel. An Hungarian
servant takes your name at the door; he
gives it to an Italian, who delivers it to a

From The New Review.

H.R.H. THE DUKE OF YORK, K.G. THOSE of the present generation whose memories are able to go back twenty years or more may remember how as young people they used to watch on a summer afternoon in the Park the Princess of Wales pass by in her victoria with the two little lads in white sailor suits, sitting vis à vis to their mother. Many also will recollect how on that February day, when the Prince of Wales went to St. Paul's to return thanks for his great escape from death and restoration to health, the same two little lads in their bright Highland costume attracted no small attention both in the church and in the procession through the streets of the

Frenchman, the Frenchman to a Swiss, and the Swiss to a Pole; so that by the time you get to her ladyship's presence, you have changed your name five times without the expense of an act of Parliament.2 How indomitable must have been city. Now "one has been taken and the other left," and he who still rethe courage and energy of the woman who could thus visit and receive visit-mains with us of the twain is close ors, entertaining them with vivacity upon thirty years of age. During the time that has elapsed and passed over and jesting over the cramped accommodation of her apartments, whilst his head since those far-off days of his suffering tortures! For, in six months boyhood he has not been much seen or after her return to England, on the known in England by the public gen21st August, 1792, Lady Mary died of erally. He has been away from us upon the seas, and in the British lands beyond the seas, where he is, perhaps, almost better known than at home.


If one looks in her letters for scandal and coarseness, for occasional flipPrince George of Wales entered the pancy and an affectation of cynicism, these blemishes are easily discovered; navy as young as it is possible for any they were faults of her time, training, boy to do so, when he was barely and circumstances. The breadth of twelve years old. He has steadily apview, freedom from prejudice, and in-plied himself to his profession from

[blocks in formation]

that day to this; and the years have been full of work for him, and of the healthiest discipline, as well as of manifold education in the widest sense of the term, in all parts of the world.

their progenitors. Over and above the sailor aptitudes which come instinctively to those who are called by nature

Most landsmen, perhaps, still imagine | or understand any other matter except the naval officer of the present day to a strictly nautical one, or to converse resemble more or less the pictures of in any but nautical phrases - all these their predecessors, which they laugh picturesque accessories that were supover and enjoy in Marryat's novels; posed to be only the natural and invaor, when they contemplate the proba- riable concomitants of the ward-room bility of our having another Sailor and the lower-deck alike are gone, as King, imagine he might possibly, in irrevocably gone as the old three-deckers mental characteristics and ways, re- and frigates themselves, whether we semble William IV., as portrayed, for lament over or rejoice at their deinstance, in the "Greville Memoirs." parture. One great reason for their Traditions die hard; but one thing is disappearance is that the naval offiabsolutely certain, the present genera- cer and the seaman of to-day have tion of naval officers resemble their to submit to a much more rigorous predecessors at the beginning of this and a very different mental traincentury about as much as the battle- ing than that which was sufficient for ships they go to sea in resemble in outward appearance those of our grandfathers' days. Service afloat, indeed, for men of British blood in whatever to do business in great waters," to craft they set sail, will ever require and live continually with and on the sea, to tend to develop the same general quali- watchfully forecast its shifting moods ties of simple, hardy manliness and that they may avail to turn its apparent self-reliance, of alertness in eye and enmity to robust friendship, and by hand, of constant readiness to obey and combating and curbing the restlessness turn at a moment's notice with cheer- of the winds and waves bring them to ful vigor of mind and body to any one be the helpmeets of their wise resolve of a hundred different details to which and purpose -over and above these on emergency they may be called for essential qualifications a knowledge of the welfare of their ship, while the the latest developments of science and habits of routine necessary for the of mechanics has nowadays to be added proper accomplishment of his various as of no less primary importance. A drills and tasks will always generate in naval officer has not only to study but the man-of-war's-man a love of punc- also be able to apply the laws that tuality and orderliness; and the mere govern the action of electricity, the fact that he is constrained to share a dynamics of steam, of various explocommon life night and day for months sives, projectiles, and resisting surfaces. and years together in closest contact Every man-of-war to-day is an agglomwith the same messmates and comrades eration of elaborate mechanical appliwill inevitably cause him, now as much ances, skilfully, deftly, ingeniously as ever, to thoroughly appreciate tact, combined. But if the whole is to effect character, and kindliness, and will tend its object, and be properly handled, the to evoke a feeling of genial good fellow- competent executive officer must thorship and brotherhood not incompatible oughly know the exact power and capawith the good-natured giving and re- bility of each part and portion of the ceiving of many a plain-spoken home- same; for an ignorance of any one may truth. But the careless rollicking fun, jeopardize the action of all the rest. the rough manners, the boisterous blus- And what is true of the officer applies ter, the free and easy ways into which also to his subordinates. The boatofficers and men alike lapsed when swain, the gunner, the torpedo-man, ashore through their comparative igno- the armorer, the artificer, the carpenrance of the wiles of the crafty, and so ter, have now to qualify for all the were rendered a ready prey for the de- grades and ratings of their several spesigning; the narrow-minded martinet-cial crews by a strict and searching exship, the inability to sympathize with amination which tests their theoretical

and practical knowledge of their duties, | turn no less readily to cricket or golfing and so there results throughout the service an average keenness of intellect, soberness of judgment, vivacity of parts, and appreciation of persistent brain power that not only would have considerably astonished naval men of the last generation, but which also may fairly be said to be much beyond that evinced to-day by the ordinary landsman of the same class in life. The mere chacer" is worthless (his worthlessness is even sooner demonstrated afloat than ashore) but the combination of the intelligent student and the hard, practical sailor-man results in the production of as fine a national type of virility in mind and limb as can well be conceived.

as the case may be; while others again find their pleasure in organizing extemporary entertainments of private theatricals, or part-singing, or in making more elaborate preparations for an afternoon dance, if any opportunity be afforded for it. These surely are no signs that either youth or manhood has been enervated or emasculated by the harder brain work they have had to undergo than fell to the lot of the old British tar of traditional story. It has been demonstrated again and again in all parts of the world quite recently and past all question that their real worth and prowess in action, their staying power, resourcefulness, and adventurous daring have not in any wise In proportion also as the faculties of degenerated from that shown by their a seaman's mind are developed by his ancestors, spite of the enormous changes work, so too does that mind seek its that have come over ships and men and appropriate recreation and solace. Lit- the service generally. It is hoped that erature in some shape or form is far these remarks in connection with the more than used to be the case the nec-personnel of the navy may not seem essary companion of his leisure hours. wholly superfluous. For though all The most cursory inspection of the Englishmen are more or less proud of books (novels, travels, history, or what the navy in a vague way, yet the manot) that are read by the members of jority live inland and away from the the ship's company in their messes, or sea and have of necessity only rare opthat are taken to sea by the officers in portunities (if any) of becoming directly their private cabins, is sufficient to make acquainted with its component parts. evident the radical difference that has And on the seaboard itself, except at in this respect also come over the ser- Portsmouth, Plymouth, or Sheerness, vice during the last twenty years. It little is known or perceived (beyond is far, indeed, from being a case where the glimpse of an occasional coast "all work and no play makes Jack a guardsman) of those upon whom it falls dull boy." With no less zest than of to man and hold England's chief line old do officers and men take part in of defence, not only against foreign insuch recreations as come within their vasion, but also for the protection of reach when off duty or ashore. Hear her food supplies and commerce. a ship's company singing together on Among such surroundings as these, the forecastle of an evening when the then, has Prince George of Wales, by day's work is over, and, if there be a his own choice and selection, passed fiddle or accordion in the capable hands the greater portion of his life hitherto. of any of their number, watch them His experience, also, has been more enjoying the nimble evolutions of rival than usually varied. He has served on competitors in the step-dance or horn- nearly every naval station, the East pipe; see how no sooner has the ship Indian, the Australian, the South Africome to an anchor than the junior offi- can, and the South American, three cers are as eager as ever to start away times on the North American and West when off watch on fishing and shooting Indian, and as many more in the Medexpeditions if the neighborhood near iterranean and in the Channel, and on the port be at all propitious for such board ships of pretty nearly every sort proceedings; and if not, then how they and kind. The messmates of his early

gun-room days, when he was a middy | rate shot. He is said to be very fond on board the Bacchante, the Inconstant, of whist, and to play a good hand. He or the Canada, and those who were in is never unmindful of the welfare of class with him when afterwards he was those committed to his charge. In passing through the college at Green- Portsmouth, where it so happens that wich, or in the Excellent, testify to his nearly every one of his ships has geniality and popularity with officers chanced to be commissioned, many an and men. More than one story is cur- anecdote is told of the care he has rent illustrative of his sense of humor shown for, and the help he has renand of his good nature, and it is be- dered to, the blue-jackets who have lieved that it was his diary that fur- served under him. nished the greater part of the naive and Though he has lived hitherto in boyish remarks that were published greatest measure in and for his profesin the two-volumed "Cruise of the sion, yet the horizon of his outlook Bacchante" in 1882. The strenuous upon the world has by no manner of diligence with which he has devoted means been narrow or restricted. He himself to his studies, and the ability has visited every one of the British which he has displayed in mastering colonies; he has met face to face and the subjects which he has had to tackle conversed with most of their leading for the series of examinations which he statesmen. He has journeyed throughhas had to undergo, have been evinced out the length and breadth of Canada by the manner in which he has acquit- more than once; he has been up counted himself, and by the places he has try in each of the five states of the won in the class lists, inasmuch as they Australian continent. Japan and China are incontestably far above the average. he saw under peculiarly favorable auYou cannot play at being a sailor and spices; so, too, Singapore, the Straits get on in the service. With Prince Settlements, and Ceylon. When travelGeorge of Wales there has been no ling in Syria, Egypt, and the East he nonsense or half-hearted pretence in enjoyed the advantage of being accomthe matter. He has well earned each panied by those who had made a lifesingle step of his promotion. From long study of the history of the sites and the first day that he went to sea his peoples; and by the recorded testimony position by birth has been, and ever is of more than one of these he exhibited for the time that he is afloat, completely an interest and intelligence regardignored. As midshipman, sub-lieuten- ing them beyond his years. His two ant, lieutenant, or commander he has months' stay at the Cape of Good Hope, executed the duties that fell to his lot and the time spent in the countries with simple zeal and straightforward- | about the river Plate, in South Amerness. He has thrice been in command ica, appear to have been equally well of his own ship; and on each occasion occupied. As for Europe and the has won unqualified meed of praise countries round the Mediterranean, his from his superior officers for the man- lot from boyhood has been to visit his ner in which he has handled her in relatives in Denmark, Russia, Greece, difficult and trying positions, and for and Germany; and it is only last month the discipline and effectiveness he has that he returned from Rome, where he always maintained. The fact is, it has represented her Majesty at the silver ever been abundantly clear and evident wedding of the king and queen of Italy. that his heart has been in his work, he By intercourse - even of a passing has loved the navy, and what he has kind with those who are making hisdone he has done thoroughly well. tory, a young man who has his wits When off duty he has ever participated about him may learn much. By quiet freely and heartily in the open air observation of character, under ever amusements of his brother officers, varying influences, he has the opportucricket, polo, or lawn tennis; he is well nity of laying up stores of invaluable known as a keen sportsman and first-experience. By reason of the training

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