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disclaimed any partiality.

'Kill 'im look of scorn, before which the laughter soon died out; but there was some little excuse for the poor fellows. None but those who knew the princely salary poor Wan had been receiving since the day he came on board the Delaware

cock, break 'im plate, smell 'im bookallee same, allee good ways,' averred this Celestial Broad Churchman; so it was finally decided to let him 'smell 'im book,' on the ground of economy.


"On being sworn, his tale was as Fair change for a nickel, counting rags simple as his opponent's. and bones,' as the boatswain judicially expressed it could feel the full force of this assertion.

"He was a poor orphan, the honorable court was his father and his mother; he had bought his wife, and paid for her with good silver, and he could not imagine why Lung Sien should charge him with the crime he was accused of. The magistrate pointed out that the charge did not rest on Lung Sien's evidence alone; he was corroborated on all points by independent testimony; the officer swore to the bars being sold, and the silversmith, a respectable tradesman, had testified to their baseness. Would the prisoner like to have it tested by another expert? No; the prisoner was quite willing to accept the honorable witness's statement; but still the fact remained that he had paid good silver, and he could only imagine that Lung Sien had changed the bars to be revenged on him for insisting ou an immediate marriage.

"But though the court must have been unable to appreciate the beauty of the defence at its full value, it was clear it had pretty well made up its mind, and that the only question in debate between its members was the amount of the sentence. Poor Wan Lee, however, was fumbling about in the lining of his round hat, and at last produced a carefully folded piece of paper, which he held out towards the judgment-seat, explaining that it was Lung Sien's receipt for the bars, and entreating that it might be compared with them. As he held it out I happened to be looking in Lung Sien's direction, and what I saw there startled me. Could those staring eyes, that pallid, ghastly countenance, belong to the smug, oily merchant? I drew Morley's attention to it, and for a moment he stared as hard "This line of defence seemed very as I did; but the next a light seemed strong to Wan's friends, the sailors, in to break in on him. Though young, he the body of the court, and a loud mur- had had more service in the Chinese mur against Lung Sien arose which, seas than I had; his local knowledge alas! was destined to die out before and general shrewdness gave him the the magistrate's matter-of-fact sugges- clue, and in less than a minute he was tion that he should call the person he over by Sing Ooh's side, trying to make got the bars from, to testify whether her understand something in his Pidgin they were the same or not. But this, English. So far as the words went, he however willing to oblige the honorable might just as well have tried her with court, the prisoner declared his inability pure Boston; but his gestures were to do, because because he had saved unmistakable, and the poor girl began the silver up little by little, and had to look up with a little hope brightening cast the ingots himself! I must con- her features. The magistrate, after fess with shame that this artless plea examining the paper, had given some produced a considerable amount of orders, and the officials were busy 'loud smiling' among the very sailors weighing the bars. A dramatic scene who had backed up the prisoner a few it was to the mystified spectators, comminutes before. prising all of us Delaware men except Frank.

"The good old captain, who had about as much humor in his composition as an overloaded camel, and whose honest heart was full up with pity for the poor bride, turned on them with a

"The magistrate and mandarin were conversing in an undertone, and evidently trying to conceal their amusement at something. Morley was boiling

over with exultation, Lung Sien and and astonished air with which he com

his cashier were looking the picture of misery, and the good old captain was glaring at the lot.

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pared the two papers would have made a Bowery actor's fortune; carefully did he examine them ere he handed "At last the fiery old man could them over to his cashier with some restand it no longer, and, slipping round marks which evidently bore reference behind me, he laid his heavy hand on to the differences. Had there been but the shoulder of Frank, who had come one bar he would doubtless have claimed back after his partially successful effort a mistake in his receipt, but four ingots, to cheer up the poor bride. What's each with different errors, varying from in the wind, you young scapegrace ?' three to six ounces, and all in his own he whispered hoarsely. You seem to favor, were too much for even Chinese be having some nice little joke all to effrontery. Sadly did he hand them yourselves. Is there any chance for back to the usher, and gravely did he the poor fellow — girl, I mean ?' admit that he had misjudged an inno'Nothing particular that I know cent man, that some one of his clerks of, captain,' answered Morley in his must have abstracted the ingots from most provoking drawl, only it crossed his safe and replaced them with the my mind that if Lung Sien should hap-base metal in hopes of delaying the pen to have taken advantage of Wan discovery. So he freely withdrew from Lee's eagerness, and our young friend the prosecution. here's innocence, to cheat a little in the weight of those bars, it might be awkward for him just now.'


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"The old man stared a moment as the idea slowly filtered into his mind, and then, He's done, by Jove!' broke from his lips, as his mighty hand rose and fell again on Morley's shoulder, like a twenty-ton steam-hammer with patent grip attachment.

It was the only time I ever heard him swear, and I believe that his shame at it caused him as much pain as his impetuosity did to poor Morley. For the rest of the time they spoke not. Poor Frank busied himself with tenderly trying to raise and straighten the crushed bones of his left shoulder with his right hand, while Captain Roberts was mainly occupied in hiding a twofoot blush with an eighteen-inch handkerchief.

"There was a quiet smile on the magistrate's face as he ordered the prisoner's release, but that was about all the quietness there was in that court. Wan Lee was instantly surrounded by a shouting crowd of sailors, and the poor injured innocent was partly dragged and partly carried out of court, along with the happy Sing Ooh.

Poor Lung Sien had a longer stay, for he had to pay the different court fees, and by the time he left his purse was a good deal lighter than when he came in.

"We dropped down the river next day, and as we passed Chefoo we put the happy pair ashore within twenty miles of Wan Lee's home, with a nice little sum collected for them as a start for housekeeping. At dinner-time that day young Morley tried very mildly to chaff the captain on the inconsistency of a church member encouraging fraud ; but the old man turned on him rather You young scamp,' he ex

By this time the weights had been taken and handed up to the judges, and I must say the gravity with which they savagely: compared the two papers did them claimed, would you blame a dog for credit, as also did the calm tone in which the magistrate drew Lung Sien's attention to the discrepancy and asked for an explanation.

"Highly creditable, too, was the manner in which the latter took the blow. He had had time to somewhat recover from the shock, and the eager

barking, or a Chinaman for swindling? they must act according to their lights. The next man of you that tries to jolly me, I'll stop his shore leave as long as we are in Chinese waters.' So, as he was a man of his word, we dropped the subject."

From The Speaker.

along the ladies' mile of Central Park. GIRLS, AMERICAN AND FRENCH, He has seen her practising the great THERE is, of course, no product of art of flirtation at Newport and Bar the Great Republic which the male for- Harbor. He has seen, or he has heard eigner of any taste who visits Chicago (for this is not quite so true as it is will be more anxious to study than the supposed to be) that it is the young girl American girl. It is doubtless with who queens it over society. He has this fact in his mind's eye that Mon- come back profoundly impressed with sieur C. de Varigny has just presented the freedom and power she enjoys and his countrymen with a timely volume, the ability with which she manages "La Femme aux Etats Unis" (Paris: her position. His chapter on flirtation Colin), a volume in which, as is fitting, rises to the level of a philosophical the girl rather than the woman plays treatise. Flirtation, "which is to love the leading part. Every adventurous what the preface is to a book, to pasFrench traveller will now be able to sion what fencing is to the duel," he manœuvre by the light of this work declares to be the finishing of the when he carries his fascinations into American girl's education, and he dethese new realms of the fair. Let us scribes her going in for her course of hope that the American girl will prove flirtation with the most serious purpose. adequate in defence against him. We Other girls may flirt for fun (they have fancy she will. We have read M. de been known to do so), but she takes in Varigny's observations with anxiety to hand this two-edged sword “with the discover if he has any really straight tip sagacity of a precocious experience and to reveal for conducting the siege of the conviction that on the use she her, and we can safely say he has not. makes of it, on the choice on which her He does not once mention Huylers; fancy settles, will depend the happiness and as well expect to take Paris with- of her life." No one dictates that out gunpowder and shells as to capture choice for her and she is fully aware of an American girl without Huylers. her responsibility. She takes care in (Huylers, perhaps we ought to explain forming her court to eliminate whomfor the unlearned, has now passed into soever it may seem fit to her, to admit usage with the maidenhood of Fifth no one to the number of her followers Avenue as a generic term for "can- who does not seem to possess the condies" or sweetmeats, derived by me- ditions she would like to see united in a tonymy from a fashionable emporium husband. She then, by means of flirtain Madison Square where these confec- tion, skilfully draws out her suitors and tions are sold.) O venusta filia Samueli informs herself of the various qualities avunculi nostri! (American Latin can of each-the harmony of tastes and alone do justice to the feelings here ideas which may exist between her and inspired.) O bewildering and candid him, the depth and sincerity of his sen(not to say candied) enigma! O so- timents, his intellectual and moral phisticated innocent! How thou art value. "La flirtation pourvoit à tout misunderstood! One day a devoted cela et lui permet tout cela." It is a knight must break a lance to thy glory, truly wonderful thing in such hands: for of a verity these casuals know thee "Sous une forme mélancholique ou not and present a portrait which, as enjouée s'échangent aveux et contithou wouldst put it in thine own ver- dences, entretiens tendres et sérieux, nacular, is "out of sight" for injustice. se dessinent les charactères, les volonM. de Varigny's views are, neverthe- tés, les aspirations." While she, "an less, very interesting. He has seen the able tactician," excels in calming American girl through a refracting me- impatiences, in encouraging without dium the prejudices and susceptibili- binding, in discouraging without rupties of an intelligent foreigner-and turing." She even makes a prudent this in itself is piquant. He has seen sounding on the money question. Flirher galloping in Amazonian cavalcadestation provides for that also.


tween two sentimental phrases pied Not less entertaining in its own way with quotations from Tennyson or is the manner in which M. de VaLongfellow she will glide a question rigny's disquisitions on the American as a sister, a friend who is interested in girl have been received by the brothers, him and in his future on the actual lovers, and fathers of the French jeune situation of the young man, his chances fille. They are dreadfully shocked. of fortune, his expectations. In a few M. de Varigny is a traveller, he has sittings she will know all it is important been under the spell of the American for her to know, and she can decide girl, and consequently his opinions are whether she ought to encourage him or a bit tainted with heresy. He admires not." With such a perfect system of the young lady, and has even ventured selection, the only wonder is that there upon the suggestion that one day the are any unsatisfactory marriages in jeune fille may come to adopt some of America at all, or that the "divorce her ways. To stay-at-home Frenchmill" has any occupation. Flirtation men a more awful subversionary idea under these circumstances is, of course, could not be propounded. “What!" a national institution-it was guaran- exclaims one of M. de Varigny's critteed to America, says M. de Varigny, ics, M. Adolph Brisson, "French by the Declaration of Independence; mothers abdicate their authority and for one of the rights of man therein their surveillance! Let go their hold defined is that of the "pursuit of hap- of these tender fledglings whom they piness." "Flirtation being one of the have taken so much trouble to bring means of attaining this end, the tempo- up, whom they have protected with so rary intimacy which it creates between much zeal against exterior dangers, young people is accepted and respect- whose innocence they have so jealed." One need not, therefore, be sur-ously guarded! Never! You will prised to hear that "some ingenious never abolish that immemorial prejutradesmen at Newport, Atlantic City, dice which wishes that the mother Bar Harbor, and Long Branch, have should take her daughter by the hand founded on this national institution a and lead her, without quitting her for a profitable speculation. It consists in single step, until the threshold of marletting to young couples in quest of riage is crossed." M. Brisson grows seclusion a vast parasol, whose long very warm indeed on this theme, and handle, armed with an iron point, may incidentally his language is an interestbe stuck into the sand. This parasol ing revelation of one of the strongest protects them against the rays of the sentiments of the French people one sun and discreetly shelters them from of those which observers who derive the gaze of the curious. Beneath this their notions of France chiefly from its gigantic mushroom you generally per- politics or its Parisian boulevards are ceive only two little feet daintily shod apt to overlook-for M. Brisson is a and two masculine extremities; some- typical Frenchman; he is the editor of times also, but more rarely, a supple a weekly review, and a son-in-law of waist encircled by a manly arm. Encouraged by success the Atlantic City speculator has levelled, on a platform overlooking the beach, a long terrace of sand, where the lovers may behold, without being seen themselves, the panorama of the sea rolling at their feet." We should like to hear some American girls of our acquaintance discussing these impressions of their country over a little repast (to which they might allow us to bid them) of Huylers and ice-cream.

M. Sarcey. M. de Varigny praises the energy of young American women, who are ready to pack up their trunks and leave father and mother, possibly never to see them again, in order to follow a husband from city to city, or from country to country. This may be favorable to the struggle for life, but in M. Brisson's eyes it evidences an indifference which freezes his heart. "No doubt,” he says, "Greuze's little girl who bursts into tears when she is carried away by her husband as she casts a last look at

From Good Words.



requite Studious regard with opportune delight.

her virginal chamber, is rather foolish and sentimental; but to me she is more sympathetic than the virago who goes forth, whip in hand, song on lip, without glancing back at the paternal THE Greek anthology has always posgarden (!!) . . I love the French sessed a considerable fascination for fashion; I love the uneasy solicitude scholars. The finish, the grace, the of our mothers, the precautions of our epigrammatic neatness, of these little good fellows of fathers; their circum- scraps of verse are so marked that they spect and important airs, once a matri- do indeed monial project is on the tapis; their anxiety not to be too far away from their children, and to secure for them a well-feathered nest. That may be ridiculous; but it is sweet, warming, consoling. Perish the positivist philosophy, perish colonial politics, but long live the sentiment of family and the religion of the hearth! And mark you, it may well be said, we have these instincts in the blood!" This is very touchingly expressed, and assuredly the sentiment has been the preserving salt of French national life.

There is but little of this polish in the gnomic fragments, partly because of the narrow limits which the moral sayings, sententious dicta, and sacred hymns imposed upon the collection which bears this title. But under the trite exterior of well-worn moral advice there is much to attract and repay with interest him who will carefully examine it. And assuredly not the least source of its interest and attractiveness lies in We only hope the partial and often half-obscured parM. Brisson's belief in its indestructi-allelism to the loftier teaching of the bility is well-founded. Other observers Holy Scripture, and especially of the of French symptoms, we are sorry to New Testament, in many of the wise think, are not so confident. Gyp's and pithy sayings of those heathen Loulou, a sort of gamin of a girl, know-worthies. ing, sophisticated, and considerably This parallelism often lies, as has emancipated from parental control, is been remarked, in a line, a phrase, an nowadays a type-a type which fre- allusion, an undercurrent of thought, quently takes the place in the Faubourg running as a sacred stream under barSt. Germain of the somewhat stately ren reaches of sandy desert. It is a jeune fille trained in a former day in the proof, not needed indeed, but yet worth aristocratic convents. Even Ouida en- dwelling on, of the perfectly sympacountered and noted this type before thetic teaching of the Bible, of its Gyp did. According to M. Anatole adaptedness to all moods of the human France the ingénues of Greuze are pall- soul, to all yearnings of the human ing on the French palate. He declares spirit, and of the partial preparation of that parental authority is weakening, the soil for the better seed Jesus and even amongst the famous bourgeoisie. his apostles had to sow. The bourgeois family has ceased to be the great educator in vigorous virtue that it once was. "We no longer bring up our children well. We no longer know how to impose or to submit to obedience." With his usual perspicacity he lays his finger on the cause. "In losing the ancient faith we have lost the wont of that long look backward which is called respect." The religion of the hearth and the religion of the altar manifestly go together.

It was the recognition of this fact that led the earlier masters of Christian apologetics, such as Clement of Alexandria, to make large use of heathen poets, and laid them open to the unjustifiable accusation of neo-platonizing Christianity. It was the effort, too hastily pushed sometimes, to find a common ground of premises from which to lead unbelieving readers to the conclusions of Christian thought. The whole range of heathen literature was thus laid under contribution for the

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