Abbildungen der Seite

Luth. Your Reverence's most devoted. I beg to-morrow, at 10, to be honoured.

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Hoft. I hope your Reverence have met the companion you wifhed for, who will restore the good fellowship, in lieu of Calvin, your late colleague.

Luth. Idiot, blind buzzard, how could you have it in idea, or the like of that, that a long, tall, meagre, flim, thin, lank, squeezed, lean, pale, and aukward figure, that gives general disgust, wherever he pops his deathly long wizard's face: how could you, buffoon, think, a coincidence could poffibly cement and fubfift betwixt two two oppofites or extremes, or the like of that; a fkeleton and a Hercules; a fearful, timorous, cowardly and fcrupulous nin com-poop, and a great, large, ftrong, bold, daring, big, fat, and, moft fubftantial ftout man, or the like of that? Who would dare wreftle with an elephant, as David with Goliah. A niggard, that is frightened, and fhrinks from a tuftle with the Goddefs, and one that braves death, hell, and every horror, to be folded in locks of the beauteous and enchanting Queen. Be gone, or the like of that; do, ye mungea. To-morrow, at ten, I will know who this rogue is.

Hoft. I told your Reverence, he was from Liege, that is, the College of the English Jefuits. Luth. I apprehended he was a Church-man, one of his Majefty's liege-fubjects; but I am gone too far to go back. I muft receive him to-morrow, according to appointment. Bring

me a mug of brown nappy.




Luther and Priest.

YOUR Reverence's most humble fer

Priest. Yvant.

Luth. I am your Reverence's most obfequious. Will your Reverence be pleased to be feated? I hope you are refreshed after your journey from the English College at Leige, I underftand; I fuppofe the late Jefuits. Do your Reverence, mungea; or the like of that.

Prieft. Your Reverence is perfectly right in your conjectures.

Luth. I will affure your Reverence, or the like of that, as the faying is, I warily watch, to pre vent knavery, or any other illufive arts the crafty may contrive; fo that, or the like of that, your Reverence will excufe my ftritnefs, as the faying is; do you, or the like of that, mungea.

Prieft. I confider your Reverence a candid, open, frank, liberal, fincere, free and hearted Gentleman.


Luth. Your Reverence is exceedingly polite, and am anxious to faddle me with vanity and empty titles, that brings no grift to the mill. If your Reverence, or the like of that, would wish to enjoy my friendship and protection, you can with permanency claim it.


Prieft. Your Reverence fpeaks mysteriously it will give me pleasure to be brief.

Luth. To come to the point: You are one of the late Society, filletted, under the name of Jefuits, by Paul III. and loofed by lement XIV. both feated, each his turn, in the Chair of Peter. Prieft. Your Reverence speaks with candor.

Luth. No doubt as men in fo exalted a sphere, in which the Society of Jefus moved, it must be irksome to be disbanded naked, or the like of that; it being an axiom in law, that the parties be prefent at the Tribunal of Juftice; and, according to the merits of the caufe, let the Judge deliver an impartial fentence.

Pr. The Society was compofed of the fubjects of various Catholick nations, and it was by the fupreme power of thefe nations, who make up the One, Holy, Catholick, and Apoftolick Hierarchy, that they were drove from the lands of their nativity, and with one general voice cried first to Benedict, who died before, the grace called for was executed. His fucceffor, being deaf to their demand, irritated the different powers, who confidered the non-compliance to their repeated remonftrance, as a fupineness by no means anfwerable to the force and weight of their demand, and gave alarming fymptoms, which indicated, that unless their request was complied with, the Church must be rent by fchifms; and the fchifin had actually began, when Clement XIII. was fucceeded by Clement XIV. under whom the commiffion granted by


Paul III. was withdrawn, and the Society naturally fell into the common priesthood of the Church. By this timely precaution, the general peace of the Church was restored, to the univer fal content of the whole Church.

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Luth. The Society demurred, as I understand, or the like of that, as the faying is, do ye mungea, and thought themselves dealt with very cavalierly by Clement XIV. who has been ever fince the common butt and ridicule of the So ciety; and I heartily join them. To reduce men, who had made it their study to gain riches and a name of refpect in the world; and when they had, with manch labour, obtained their wifh, to be unfairly robbed of their birth-right, by a man who was not cordial with them. I now hope, or the like of that, as the faying is, do ye mungea, that you will, with one confent, put your truft in our Chair of Supremacy, and affure your felves, you will be more kindly treated. You have nothing more to do, on your fide, than take the proper Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy, and place your Temporals in my hands, where they will be as fafe as the Bank. By thefe wife teps you will have it in your power, or the like of that, to make the Pope and Catholick Princes tremble; do ye mungea, and fhall be free to villily, and cut up, or the like of that, as you would a duck, do your Reverence, mungea, Clement XIV. or Ganganelli, from whom you have re ceived all your injury. Your Reverence must call on all fides for affittance and fupport, to raise


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