viewed and valued by Cuthbert Nicholson. John Forster of Balmbrough, Thomas Child of Belforth and William Walton of Lementon, four indifferent men, viz.: Oxen, ewes, sheep and Implements of husbandry, 125. In the parlor, one paire of hanginge read all furniture belonging to a bed, 4 chaires, 4 lesser stoles, and one litle table with a carpet, a court cupbord in all valued 21. 10s. Od. The Greane Chamber, one bedde with greane hangings, a court cobbard and furniture belonging to a bedd in all valued to 17. Os. Od. The outer Chamber, one bed with yellow hangings valued 10s. The Read chamber, 2 beds, 2 chares and a stoull with furniture thereunto belonging, valued to 12s. The kitching and all things thereunto belonging, valued to 17. Os. Od. The Hall, six chaires and stoules XII, and two tables and two carpits, 17. The Declaration of the account of John Ourd, administrator of the goods, chattells and creditts of John Gray, Esqr., late of Bradforth of the parish of Balmbrough and Countie of Northumberland, deceased, made upon his administration the said goods as followeth : Impris the said administrator by way of account doth charge himself with all the goods and chattels and creditts of the said deceased comprised in an Inventorie thereof remayning on record in this court being duly apprized, amounting to the sume of one hundred and thirtie two pounds twelve shillings and tenpence.-1327. 12s. 10d. Paid for the funeral charges of the said deceased with other charges, 301. Paid fees for letters of Administration and commission with administratrix of counsell and other charges, 40s. Paid to Faith Winell the sume fifteen pounds twelve shilings, being due unto her by the deceased, his bond 157. 12s. Od. Paid to Alexander Smyth the sum of forty pounds being due unto him upon the deceased bond, 40l. Paid to John Forster the sume of three score and five pounds being due to him upon deceased bill, 657. Paid to William Wilson the sume of ten pounds twelve shillings, being due unto him upon the bill of the deceased, 107. 12s. Od. Paid to servants their severall and respective wages, to Adam Anderson and his wife, five pounds, to Matthew Johnson, fiftie five shillings, to Jane Bowdon, twenty shillings, to Elizabeth Stephenson, twentie shillings, to Henry Younger, thirty six shillings, to James Ellott, twenty five shillings, to Richard Winley, thirtie five shillings, to Mary Carver, eighteen shillings, to John Ourd, foure pounds, in all, 197. 9s. Od. Ireland. He mar. Mary Orde and by her had issue, Ralph Grey, who mar. Elizabeth Burrell and was bur. in Chillingham Church, 22 Apl., 1670 (Bamburgh Regs.); Thomas, bur. at Bamburgh, 2 June, 1655, and Margaret. AVERY : ROBINSON.1 April 14, 1648. In the name of Gode, Amen, I, Avery Robinson of Gateside, within the County Palatine of Durham, Gent., sick of body. To be buried in Gateshead Church, and my goods as followeth I give and bequeath unto Sir Thomas Riddell the Elder, my Draught and all that belongeth to it, upon condition my servant, John Shanks, still goe with it and be not removed, and to lead every twenty days a load of coles to my servant Mary, att my house. I give all that money that my Maister, Sir Thomas Riddell, senr., oweth me, to be divided amongst his sons, Sir William, his children, upon condition he free me of the Bond wherein I am bound to Mr. Collingwood. I give a dozen of silver spoones to Sir William Riddell, to be at his owne disposing. I give to my Brother Michael all things of mine at Renton, except what my sister Jaine hath, which I will she enjoy for her life without molestation. I give to my Brother Martin that part of my house in Gateshead in the possession of Widow Howe, and the other part in my owne hands, to my maid Mary, with that part of the Garden I reserved to my selfe, and all the furniture as it standeth in the said part which I kept in my owne hands. I give to my maide Mary, 201. in gold and two stints or gates in St. Eleanor's Close, Also I give her my three Kyne. I give that part of my house wherein I live after my maid's death to George Robinson, my brother Michael Robinson's second son, to him and his heires for ever. I give to Ann Barkas, 5l., whereof one piece to be that which her father gave me att his death. I give to my sister Jaine, 201. I give to my sister Johnson, 5l. I give to Doctor Willescott, my Phisitian, 57. in gold, with my watch, upon condition he keep it in remembrance of me. I give unto Christopher Robinson, half of the waggon horse which William Comyn and I have betwixt us, and the reckoning between me and William Comyn I give to my maide Mary. I give 20s. to my maid, Mary Lever. Whatsoever is betwixt Thomas Barkas and me I freely forgive, and for the carriage my Maister, Thomas Riddell, senior, is owen me when the Scotts came first in, I remitt it. I give 5l. to the poore of Gateshead parish, to be distributed as Thomas Potts and John Bulman shall think meet. Concerning moneys due to me for foure oxen which went to Tinmouth Castle, I remitt it until Sir Thomas Riddell, junior, receive money of the King, and then it to be left at the disposal of his father, Sir Thomas, my Maister. I give 20s. a piece to my Brother Michael and Martin's children, except George and Margaret, who have picular legacies. I give Sir William Riddell power to dispose 57. (out of that moneys which is in hands of Sir Thomas, his father, and above mentioned to be given to Sir William's children) to the 1 The testator, son of Edward Robinson, was bapt. at Gateshead, 2 Oct., 1625, and bur. there, 20 Apl., 1648. I servants of Gateshead house. I constitute and appoint my Maister, Sir Thomas aforesaid, my sole and onely Executor of this my last Will and Testament, and my Brother Ralph Supervisor thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and sett my seale unto this my psent Will and last Testament the day and year herein before written. I give to my Brother Ralph, 57. I give to my Brother Michael's sonne, George Robinson, 51. I give to Martin Robinson's daughter Margaret, 57. I give to my Ladie Katherine and my Ladie Barbara Riddell, 40s. (viz.), each of them, 20s. I give to Thomas Potts, 10s. give to Thomas Colt, 10s. To John Bulman, 10s. I give to eight God children, 5s. a piece. To William Blakey, son of William Blakey, 5s. To Isabell Grame, widow, 5s. I give to Mrs. Avery, 20s. I give to Edward Simpson, 10s. To Percivall Potts, 10s. To Mr. William Riddell, 5s. To Mr. Thomas Riddell, sone to Sir Thomas Riddell, Junior, 5s. To Thomas Riddell, Mrs. George Riddell's sone, 5s. To Mr. Henry Riddell, 5s. To Mr. Robert Riddell, Sir William's sonne, 5s. To Mr. Henry Forcer, 5s. To Edward Ellison, one suit of clothes. I give to my maid Mary, the cropp of corne sowen in the Paddock adjoineing to the Salt Meadowes, she paying the rent, And also that part of the Lease of a garth betwixt me and Thomas Compton, she paying my part of the rent. Witnesses, Ralph Robinson, Michaell Robinson, Martin Robinson, Mary Tweddell, Margaret Robinson, Alice Johnson, and Jane Robinson. Proved, 1648. JOHN TAYLOR.1 May 31, 1649. In the name of God, Amen, I, John Taylor of Langton in the County of Durham, Yeoman. To be interred in Gainford Churchyarde. I give to my sonne, Cuthbert Taylor, my farme in Langton, part of which I bought of James Hilton, provided he paye to his Ant Eleanor Taylor one hundred poundes out of this farm, and so long as it is unpayed he shall pay her the sum of eight pounds per annm. I give to my sonne, John Taylor, my land in Ingleton, and one close which I bought of Ralph Singleton, which is in Langton and Betson house and garth. I give to my daughter, Eleanor Taylor, three score pounds, to be paid out of my goodes. If my wife be with childe, I give to it ten poundes, and, if not, it shall redound back to my daughter, Eleanor Taylor. Residue of all my goods to my wife Eleanor and appoint her Executor. Witnesses, George Marley, William Marley, Cuthbert Marley. Proved, 1649. 1 The testator was buried at Gainford, 5 June, 1649, mar., first, Elizabeth Iley, 15 June, 1634, at Brancepeth (bur. 8 May, 1639, at Gainford); by her he had a dau., Eleanor, bapt., 22 Jan., 1636/7, at Gainford, and secondly, Eleanor Marley of Hilton, 8 Oct., 1639, at Staindrop, who was bur., 13 Jan., 1664/5, at Gainford, where their two children were bapt., Cuthbert, 21 Jan., 1640/1, John, 5 July, 1646. Index of Wills and Inventories IN VOLUME IV. A ALDER, EDWARD, 1634, W., 256. B BAINBRIDGE, CHARLES, 1637, W., 273. 127. BRABBANT, HERCULES, 1612, W., 58. C CHAITER, THOMAS, 1614, W., 82. CLAVERING, EDWARD, 1635, W., 263. COLLINGWOOD, CUTHBERT, 1632, I., COLLINGWOOD, CUTHBERT, 1634, W., COLLINGWOOD, DOROTHY, 1628, Dec., COLLINGWOOD, GEORGE, 1622, W., COLLINGWOOD, HENRY, 1620, W., 142. COLMAN (see LAMBERT), SUSANNA. CONYERS, THOMAS, 1625, W.I., 190. HOPPER, NICHOLAS, 1617, W., 118. HORSLEY, ROBERT, 1613, W., 73. FENWICK, LIONEL, 1631, Dec., 231. G GAGE, JOHN, 1614, W., 80. GREENWELL, JOHN, 1637, W.I., 273. GREENWELL, ROBERT, 1626, W., 198. 116. GREY, ANN, 1637, W., 272. H HAGTHROPPE, PHILIP, 1611, W., 51. HEDWORTH, JOHN, 1622, W., 153. LAMBERT, SUSANNA, 1624, W., 183. |