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Sept. 12, 1608. In the name of God, Amen, I, Christopher Conyers, of Horden, in the County of Durham, Esquire. To be buried under the blew marble stone before the church porch dore at Easington. I give unto my sone, John Conyers, one guilded salt with the cover and my signet. I give unto my daughter, Frances Conyers, wife of the saide John, one silver peece having the madens hand graven on it, and one pair of virginalls. I give unto Marie Conyers, my youngest dawghter, one winde Milne near Easinton commonly called Easinton Mille, with the lease and all other my claime, interest and tithe thereto belonging. I give unto my Brother, John Hedworth, his wife, one angell in golde. I give unto my brother, John Catherike, his wife, one angel in golde. All the rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my debts, legacies and funerall expences discharged, I give unto my three daughters, Anne, Isabell and Marie Conyers, whom I make executors of this my Will and Testament, whereof I do appoint my brother, John Catherike, and Cuthbert Conyers, gentleman, supervisors, and desiring them [to see] the same faithfully executed, and to either of them I give 10s., provided I give unto my said youngest daughter, Marie Conyers, the said Wynd Milne in consideration of ten pounds given unto her by her grandmother's will, which I received to despose of to her use. Witnesses, Abraham Robinson, the Elder, John Dixon. Proved, 8 Oct., 1608.

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He mar., firstly, Elizabeth, dau. of Cuthbert Conyers of Layton, she died without issue; he mar., secondly, Anne, dau. of John Hedworth of Harraton, 14 Nov., 1586, at Chester-le-Street, she was bur. at Easington, 19 Jan., 1597/8. With other issue they had John, bapt. at Easington, 8 July, 1593, created a Baronet, 14 July, 1628, bur. 6 Dec., 1664, at Easington, whose marriage is entered in the Easington registers as follows: 1608, John Conyers and Francis Graves, did acknowledge that (wth theire owne most willinge consent, as alsoe wth the consent of their parents Expofer Conyers, Esq., John Hedworth, gent., and An, his wife) the sayde John and Francis were solemnly married att Yorke about towe years before the registringe hereof. In the prsence of us, witnesses of this acknowledgment as alsoe of the givinge and recevige of one peece of gould for the further confirminge of this acknowlegmit, test. Thomas Bambridge, Cuthbert Conyers, Expofer Bainbridge, John Dixon. Abraham Robinson, Clric-" John Hedworth had mar. Ann, widow of Thomas Graves, alderman of York, the mother of Frances, at Skelton, 1606, Frances was bur. at Easington, 24 Jan., 1634/5. The testator's daus Isabel, mar. Charles Hall, 19 Dec., 1610, at Easington, and Maric, bapt., 18 Sept., 1597, mar. 14 July, 1624, Samuel Hessell, also at Easington, where the testator was bur. 23 Sept., 1608. His Ing. p.m. was taken at Durham, 12 Jan., 1608/9; his son John, aged 15, is his son and next




Jan. 10, 1608. In the name of Gode, Amen, I, John Richardson, of Bp Auckland. I give unto my wyfe, Magdalen, my nowe dwellinghouse unto such tyme as my eldest sonne, Richard, shall come to the full age of 21 yeares, and if it please gode that my wyfe doe live longer and doe not marrye, I geve unto her duringe hir lyfe the house which Richard Slater now dwelleth in. I give unto my sonne, John, my tenement in L. Hunwick, if it may stand good with the favour of the Deane and Chapter; if it may not stand good my will is that whether soever of my executors it shall lawfullie come unto, that they paye unto my sayd sone, John, the sume of foure score poundes within one whole yeare after my decease. Also I gyve unto my said sonne, John, all that my free house and lands in Barnard castle to him and his heires for ever. I give unto my sonne, Ambrose, my burgage that Martyn Todd dwelleth in and all my land which I bought of Bryan Downes to him and his heires for ever, and 207. in money. give unto my daughter, Anne Richardson, and to her heirs for ever my two burgages in Newgate which John Willson and Robt. Crokelt dwelleth in, and 301. in money. To my daughter, Susanna, and her heires my burgage which Willm. Frissell dwelleth in, and 307. in monie. I give to my daughter, Cicely, the sum of 57. I give to my daughter, Phillis Richardson, three score pounds. To my daughter, Margaret, three score pounds To every child which I did christen, 5s. a piece. To the stock of the parish of St. Andrew's, Auckland, for the poore, 40s. I give to my mother in law, 40s. To my Brother, Bartholomew Mason, 40s. To Christopher Martyndale, 67. 13s. 4d. To my base sonne, Symon Richardson, 6l. 13s. 4d. To my sister-in-law, Margaret Trinkle, 40s. To Mr. Fell, the Curat, 40s. To the children of my cosen, Hugh Hyendall, 20s., to be equally devided. amongst them. I give to my brother, Gawen Ratclife, 5s. To the mending of the high wayes, 10s. To the three youngest of Henry Bayles' children 5s., to be equally divided. The residue of all my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, I give to Magdalene, my wief, and Richard Richardson, whom I make executors of this my Will and Testament. Lastlye, I make supervisors of this my testament Henry Bayles and Roger Bradley, desiring them to see it fulfilled and kept accordinge to my true intent and

The testator was bur. in the Church of St. Andrew, Auckland, 12 Jan., 1608/9; his widow, Magdalen remar., 27 Nov., 1610, Emanuel Grice, also at St. Andrew's, from which registers the following dates are taken. His son Richard, bapt., 28 Oct., 1595, mar. Joan Wright, 6 Jan., 1617/18; John, bapt., 11 Mch., 1598/9; Ambrose, bapt., 10 Apl., 1603, bur., Mch., 1609. of the plague "; Cicely, bapt., 15 Feb., 1600/1, bur., 29 Sept., 1619; Anne, bapt., & Oct., 1605; Susanna, bapt., 20 Mch., 1007/8. In the Ing. per br. de mand. taken at Durham, 9 Mch., 1610/11, his son Richard, aged 13, is his next heir.

meaning. And I give unto eith of them 5s. for their paynes. In witness whereof I have sett my hand this 10 day of January, 1608, in the presence of John Fell, minister, Henry Bayles, Bartholomew Mason, Christopher Martindale. Proved, January, 1608.



Feb. 26, 1608. In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Otwaie, of Preston, of the pish of Tynmouth. To be buried in the parish Church of Tynmouth aforesaid. I give to my wife, Jane Otwaie, all my houses and free land in Tynmouth during her life naturall. I give to my said wife one cottage house in Preston next adjoining unto the nowe dwelling-house of Robert Speerman on the east side and all my free land in Preston during her life naturall. I give to my said wife three kyne, one baye fillie and thirteene sheepe. I give to my sonne, Thomas Otwaie, eight oxen and foure horses, with all my husbandry geare, also foure kie and thirteen sheepe. I give to my daughter, Katheren Otway, foure kyne, twenty sheepe, one black meare and the three score pounds which Richard Hodgson, of Whitley, is bound to pay unto me if his sonne and my said daughter do not agree to proceed in marriage according to the covenants agreed upon betwixt him and me. I give to my said daughter Two oxen and fower stotts. I will that my executors shall give to my said daughter her wedding clothes and a bridwaine according to the custom of the country. I give to my said daughter two howses and two garthes in the west end of Tymouth in the South Rowe, and an other howse and a garthe situate and next adjoining unto the now dwellinghouse of John Pearson on the west side, and one howse and a garth in the back Rowe next adjoining unto the ladies howse on the east side and the free land belonginge to that howse. After the decease of my wief, my will is that my wife shall have (dureinge her widowhood) my farme at Backworth, with the corne on the grounde. And my sonne, Thomas, to have my farme in Prestone, with the corne on the grounde. I give to Robert Otwaie, of Preston, one boule of malt and a boule of wheate. I give to Robert Otwaie, of Tynmouth, seven shillings. I give to my sister, Elizabeth

His son

'Thomas Otway was bur. at Tynemouth, 28 Feb., 1608/9. Thomas, mar., 18 Nov., 1610, Elizabeth Mills, and making his will, 17 Nov., 1634, was bur. at Tynemouth, 6 Dec., 1634; Katherine does not seem to have mar. Richard Hodgson as their marriage has not been found, but we do find a man of this name marrying, 24 May, 1612, Margaret Errington, and also on the 27 Oct., in the same year, Katherine Otway marries Roger Morton; there is a pedigree of this second Thomas in the New County History of Northumberland, viii., 346.



Hyndmers, of Tynmouth, nine Bowle of wheate, to be delivered at Mychellmass next, and to her youngest daughter seven shillings. My will is that my executors shall give twenty shillinges to the poore of the parish. And all the rest of my goods I give to my wife, Jane, and my sonne, Thomas, whom I make joint executors of this my last Will and Testament. Witnesses, John Hyndmers, Robert Spearman, Tho. Bell, Robert Potts.

INVENTORY, 1457. 11s. 4d. Proved, 1609.


April 11, 1609. In the name of God, Amen, I, Ralph Trolop, of Elvitt, within the suburbs of the Cittye of Durham, Gentleman. To be buryed in the parish churchyarde of St. Oswald's in Durham. I give and bequeath unto my sone, John Trolop, 107. for his child's porson. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Jayne Trolop, 107. for her child's purson. I do give to my daughter, Elizabeth Trolop, 107. for her child's porshon. I give unto my wief, Margaret Trolop, 57. All the rest of my goods, moveable and unmovable, my debts and funeral expences, to be discharged, I doe give it to my wief, Margarett Trolop, whom I doe make my executor of this my Will. For my now dwellinghouse I doe give it to my wief, Margarett Trolop, during her life, and then for to come to my daughter, Elizabeth Trolop, and defer back to my sone, John Trolop and his heirs, and for lack of issue to come to my daughter, Jane Trolop, and her heires. Witnesses, Robert Pearson, Thos. Atkinson. Proved, 15 December, 1609.


Sept. 7, 1609. In the name of God, Amen, I, William Sanderson, of Barnard Castle, in the Bishoprick of Durham. To be buried in the Church of Barnard Castle in or near my stalle where my wife lieth, the dueties thereto accustomed, contented and paid. I give to the poore of Barnard castle tenn shillings. Whereas my nephew, Charles Sanderson, by a bill under his hand acknowledged, is owing to my daughter, Elizabeth, the sume of seven pounds, six shillings and four pence,

Ralph Trollop was bur. at St. Oswald's, Durham, 13 Apl., 1609, and his widow Margaret at the same place, 3 Nov. 1612, where their children were bapt., viz. :-John, 10 Apl., 1603, Thomas, 28 July, 1606, and Elizabeth, 17 Jan. 1607/8.

The diary of Christopher Sanderson is printed in this Society's publications, vol. 118, pp. 35-42, and William Sanderson's will amplifies the pedigree printed in that vol. on page 36.

which formerly I did give and grant to her to be set forward to her use; over and beside the said sume, I give to her soe much more money to be taken forth of my goods as will make the same tenne pounds, and I give to her beside all such implements of householde as are conteyned in one Schedull in the custody of Michael Walker, and also my second cloke to make her a cote, and my best hatt and my best band, and my will is that the premises to her given and bequeathed as aforesaid shallbe unto her a full satisfaction contenacon and paymentt of all her filiall and child's pporcon of goods. Whereas I have formerly given to my son, Christopher Sanderson, the sum of tenn pounds which is imployed to his use over and above the same. I give to him my best cloke, two fuschian dubletts, three paire of breeches, and my new Deune, third stockings, my shirts, and the rest of my shert bands, and my seate in the south porch of the Church. And my will is that the said legacies and premises shallbe to him a full contentacon and paymentt of all his filial and child's porcon of goods. I give to my Brother, Thomas Sanderson, my best Jackett; and to his sonne my second hatt, and to Bartholomewe, his second sonne, twelve pence. And whereas I have been at great charges in education of my sonne, George Sanderson, in respect whereof he of his good will hath given me his consentt that whatsoever was his right by me, I should bestowe the same on his Brother, Ralphe, yet my will is that iny said sonne, Ralph, in respect thereof and as a remembrance to confirm his former consentt shall give my sonne, George, foure angells of gold, which I hertily pray my said sonne, George, to accept in good part in respect to the premises. I give to my sone in lawe, Gabriel Wharton, the fogging and wintering of one cowe, from St. Michaell's day next to the third day of May then next after. And I give to his thre children, each of them, 6s. 8d. I give to my said nephew, Charles Sanderson, my best dublett. I give to Isabell Sanderson, his sister, two shillings to buy her a Lynnen aprone. I give to my sister in lawe, Mary Thorpe, and my daughter in law, Phillis Thorpe, a french crowne as a token of rembrance between them. I give to the youngest children of my brother Bartholomew Sanderson, Robert, Reynold and Arthur, each of them, two shillings. I give to my said sonne, Ralph Sandersone, the seate in the Church in the stall with Ralph Rowlandson. And I give to my said sone-in-law, Gabriell Wharton, my seat in that stall in the Middle of the Church beside the Middle pillare. In respect of some household implements not given to my daughter, Elizabeth, which my will is shall remayne to my sonne, Ralphe, that is to say, all the sealed work in my house, one stand bedd in the chamber, one arke, a presser, one iron chimney, my gowne, one table in the Hall house with a forme theire to belonginge, I will that if my said daughter do marry, my said sone, Ralphe, shall give my said daughter 6s. 8d. The rest of all my goods,

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