chattells and cattell whatsoever not before bequeathed, my debts, legacies being paid, and my funerall expences honestly discharged by my said sone, Ralphe, I give and bequeath the same to him, I order and make him my full executor. Witnesses, Charles Sanderson, Gabriell Wharton and Michael Walker. Proved, 7 October, 1609. THOMAS SALVEN.1 Oct. 15, 1609. In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Salven, of Thorneton, in the County of Durham, gent. To be buried, if it shall please almightie gode to call me to his mercy, within the Bishoprick of Durham, to be buryed within the Quere at St. Oswold's, in the suborbs of Durham, so nye as maie be to my first wife, my brother, and nephew Salvin, givinge the daie of my funerall to every poore bodie that shall come to demande the sume, a peny, and five pounds within the said pish to be distributed by my executors or friends putt in trust for the same to the poore sorte within the said pish at their discretions, and to the poore prisoners there at their discretion. I give to my loving wife, Rebecca Salven, the coch and horses with all furniture for the same And all the bedds and bedding in the Chamber called the gallerie chamber att Thornton Also two silver boules, one of the greater sorte, the other of the lesser, A dosen of silver spoones with round ends, half a dosen of throwen work stooles, and two chares, one of velvet, other of greene, as she liketh best, also a gylt boule, a gilt salte which was hers A good horse for a servinge man neather best or worse. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary Salven, 5007., and to each of my other children 4007. apece, to be yearley taken and had of the rents of my lease of Thorneton under Rysebrough, the rent for the first halfe yeare after my decease to be paid to my daughter, Mary, the second halfe yeare to my sonne, Robert, and for every halfe yeare after to others of my children as they are in aige, and when everie of them have had 1007., then the next to Mary and soe to the rest till they have received the said severall sums, and to be maynteined with 107. a peece till they have received each of them 1007. as each of them shall receive 1007., then to have after but 57. a peece till 2007. for each of them respectively shall have been And 1 Thomas Salvin, son of Gerard Salvin of Croxdale, by his wife Eleanor, dau. of William Wren of Billyhall, was bur. at St. Oswald's, Durham, 15 Oct., 1609, where his first wife Jane was also bur., 9 Aug., 1592, his second wife, Rebecca, 7th dau. of Sir Cuthbert Collingwood of Dalden and Eslington, being also bur. at St. Oswald's, 10 Jan., 1655/6, aged." In the Inq. per br. de mand. taken at Durham, 22 June, 1610, John, aged 13, is his son and next heir, received 2001. apeece, and after not to have any allowance for and in lew and full satisfaction of there filiall and child's porcons of all my goods and chattells whatsoever The said summes of monie as they shall arise to my said children I most hartely intreat my loveing and kind friendes, William Wicliffe, of Wicliffe, Esq., my nephew, Jarrard Salvin, Esquier, and my brother, Robt. Collingwood, gent, to take special caire of the disposcinge thereof for the good of my said children. And if anie of my daughters be not ruled in there marriage by consent and advice of there mother if she be livinge, or if deceased, by the advice of the other three or the survivors of them, then she that shall marrye in other sorte to lose halfe hir porcon, to be divided equally amongst these that shall marrye with consent and allowance aforesaid. I doe give unto my eldest sonne, John Salvin, all my plate not before bequeathed to my wife, or that were not given to my other children as godbarne gifts, which my wife knoweth in particular. I give to Edward Wright, sone of Richard Wright, 201., if I doe not in my life tyme disburse the same to him or for his use. I give and bequeath to my servant, George Man, all the interest I have in the walke mill close, and to his wife a 20s. peice in gould, and to his sonne, Thomas Man, 67. 13s. 4d. I give unto Christopher Bulman 37. 6s. 8d. by yeare dureing his life, to be paid halfe yearly by equal porcons. I doe moreover given unto George Man and Christopher Bulman, to each of them, a suite of apparell, reserveing the best to my eldest sone, vizt., to each of them, dublett, hose and Gyrkin. I give to Henry Davis, my man, 67. and a dublett and hose. To all my other servantes I give and bequeath a quarter's wages over and besides there dew wages. I give unto the poore of Coniscliffe parish, 40s. And to the poore of Ayckliffe pish, 37. 6s. 8d. To Mr. Thomas Chaytor five pounds in twenty shillings peices if I die before him; if he dye before me I am to have the like of him. I give to my neice, Ellenore Salven, to whom I helped to given Christendome, 57. I give to my niece, Anne Salven, widow, one old angell which hir husband did give to me. Lastly I make, constitute and ordaine my loveing sonne, John Salvin, my sole executor, and until he come of age I desire my said trusty and well beloved friends, William Wicliffe, Jerrard Salvin and Robt. Collingwood, to have, receyve and take the disposition of all things during the minoritie of my said sonne. And for that my said wife is not capable of dower thirdes or jointure, being not obedient to the lawes, yet my heartie desire to my said friends is dureing the minority of my said sonne she be found with all things necessarie for her and in as good sorte as she haith been maynteyned in my time, and after my sonne shall come of aidge, I bequeath him to doe the like, as in all dewtye and nature he is bounde. And I doubte nothing but he will. I give to each of my said friendes, Willm. Wicliffe, Jerrard Salven and Robt. Collingwood, 5l. a piece in gold for a remembrance of me and myne, desiring them in this my last request to have care of the education of my children and disposing of that which [is] to befall them. In witness whereof to this my psent will, revoking all former Wills, I have putt my hand and seale the 15th of October, 1609. Sealed and delivered in the psence of us, William Blakeston, Richard Salven, Henry Davis. Memorandum. That my mynde is that Thomas Man shall have 20 markes to bind him apprentice againe, and that his father, when his lease ends of the Walke Milne, shall have 40s. every duringe his naturall life, and that my executors shall paie the same and my sonne when he comes of yeares. My minde is if my Cooke be in my service at my deathe then my mind is that my Cooke shall have a yeares wages and a dublett and a piece of hose. THOMAS WAYLES.1 Nov. 3, 1609. In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Wayles, of Sandgate, nighe unto the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, shippe carpenter. To be buryed after my departure from this lieffe in the Church of All Sts. in the towne of Newcastle aforesaid nighe unto my father and other my children there already buryed. Secondly, I give and bequeath to the poore of All Sts. tenne shillings. I give and bequeath unto my sonne, Robt. Wayles, my great celler and howse wherein Jenkyne Pottes now dwelleth. I give and bequeath to Thomas Collyer and his wiffe, Barbarie, and their eldest sonne, John, and to the longer liver of them, three of my howses wherein they nowe dwell, they and the longer lyver of them paying yearly to my sone and his heyres or assigns three pence lying money at the feaste of St. Martyn the Bishopp in winter, and after the decease of the longer liver thereof of them three, then I will that the sayd howses shall retorne to the possession of my sonne, Robt., and his heires, and for wante thereof to his next of kindred. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Jane Wayles, the head howse where now Peter Bowton dwelleth, and after her decease to the heyres of her body lawfully begotten, and in want of such her heyres, I will that the sayd howse shall retorne to the possession of my aforesayd sonne, Robt., and his heyres or next of kindred in want of him and his heyres. And I will that my daughter, The testator was bur. at All Saints', Newcastle, 5 Nov., 1609, his widow being also bur. there, 16 Feb., 1635/6. Their son Robert, bapt., 13 Mch, 1602/3, mar. Barbary Crawforth. 13 Oct, 1625, she being bur. at All Sts., 27 Dec., 1628. Jayne, and her heyres, so long as they enjoye that house, shall yearly payre to my sonne, Robt., or his heyres three pence at the feaste of St. Martyne the bishoppe in winter as a knowledge pennye. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Margaret Wayles, and her heyres of her bodye lawfullie begotten, the howse wherein wydowe Chamber now dwelleth, my said daughter Margaret Wayles, and her heyres yelding and paying yearlie to my sonne, Robt., and his heyres three pence yearlye at the feaste abovesayd as a knowledge penny, and after her decease or wante of such heyres, then I will that the sayde howse shall retorne to the possession of my sonne, Robt., and his heyres or next of kindred. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Elizabeth Wayles, and the heyres of her bodye lawfully begotten the howse adjoining to thee howse wherein Thomas Richardson, Keylman, now dwelleth, she and her heyres aforesaid paying at the feaste of St. Martyne aforesaid to my sonne, Robt., and his heyres three pence as a knowledge penny, and after her decease and want of heyre of her bodye lawfully begotten, I will that the said house shall returne to the possession of my sonne, Robt., and the heyres of his bodye lawfully begotten or next of kynred. I give and bequeath to my wyffe, Margery Wayles, my now in dwellinge and the other two howses adjoininge to my daughter Jane her house adjoining during hir lyffe naturall, my said wyfe paying all outrents belonging to the said howses, and after the decease of my said wyffe, then I will the possession of the aforesaid howses to retorne to my sonne, Robt., and his heyres and he to pay all outrents. I give and bequeath to my sonne, Robt., the new howse yett to builde and the outrente which are dewe unto me and myne, viz., out of the lands and tenements of Burtromes howses, 6s. 4d.; out of the howse of Henry Brantingham, 5s. out of Thomas Reedes house, 9s. 4d.; and out of John Sotheranns howse, 7s. And for as much as I have alreedye endowed and payd to Ann Moulde, my daughter, and wyffe to John Mould, according to my promise, 207., and her husband craveth 207. morre I think that in money and household stuff at dyvers tymes geven (as is not unknowen to my wiffe) I have fully satisfied the same and done more to my sayd daughter then I can do to any other of my daughters yett to marrye, yet I give and bequeath to every childe that she now haith one angel apiece and to her selfe thirteen shillinges and four pence as tokens. I give and bequeath to Thomas Collyer his three children, to either of them, one angel. I give and bequeathe to my man. Richard Ellezone, a newe siute of apparell, one axe and a theecke and a sea chyste. The rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my debts, legacies, children's porcons yet unmarried, and funeral expences dyscharged, I will they be ordered at the discretion of my wyffe, as my special trust is in her, and of my sone, Robt., when he cometh to discretion. And I will that .; my sayd wyffe shall have the tuition and education of my sayd sonne and his other sisters yett unmarried. And I constitute, ordeyne and make my sone, Robert Wayles, sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. Witnesses, John Wood, Curate, Mary Wilkinson, wydowe, Thomas Collyare, Barbary Collyor, with others. Proved, 1609. RAPHE FETHERSTONHAUGH. Nov. 27, 1609. Will of Raphe Fetherstonhaugh, of the par of Stanhope, County of Durham. To be buried within the church of Stanhope. To the poor people of Stanhope, 20s. To Cuthbert Emmerson, son of my sister, Joan Emmerson, £4. To Esabell and Ann Emmerson, my said sister's daughters, either of them, £3, and to every one of her other children, 50s. I give to Elizabeth Todd, my aunt, 20s., to be paid unto her in fower yeares next after my death, and if it please God to take her out of this life before she be fullye paid, etc. To Thomas Emmerson, my servant, one yow. To Janet Robynson, my maide, one lambe. My will is that my wife shall withal convenient speed that may be, renew the lease of my tenement of the Newpark in my daughter Phillisse' name, if it please my Lord of Durham so to grant it, and if my said daughter happen to marry, then my will is that ther be so much of my tenement bestowed on her as to the discretion of John Featherstonhaugh, Esquire, my kind friend, Mr. Ralph Featherstonehaugh, Mr. Anthony Pagge, George Emmerson of Ludwell, and William Stobbes. I give to John Featherstonhaugh, one young mare. I give to George Hall, Curate of Stanhope, 10s. I give to John Fetherstonhaugh, parish clerk, one yow. The rest of all my goods, movable and unmovable, I give to Elizabeth Featherstonhaugh, my wife, and to Philisse, my daughter, whom I make executrixes of this my will. Will proved 11th Jan., 1609, by Elizabeth Featherstonhaugh, Widow, the Relict for her use and also that of her daughter, Philisse Featherstonhaugh (now a minor), the other executrix. Sum totalis, £527 10s. 11d. Proved, 1609. ROGER WAILES. Dec. 15, 1609. In the name of God, Amen, I, Roger Wailes, of Throckley, within the parish of Newburn. To be buried within. the parish church of Newburne, willing my executor to discharge all dewties and dewes thereto belonging. I bequeath and give to my daughter, Jane Wailes, foure oxen and two kye with calfe of the best. I have and withall one stote and one qui and ten sheepe, five ewes and five hoggs. And also I bequeath and give to my daughter, Jane Wales, the third of all my household stuff |