King Richard the Second. Duke of Aumerle, Son to the Duke of York. Duke of Surrey. Earl of Salisbury. Earl Berkley. Bushy, Bagot, Creatures to King Richard. Green, Earl of Northumberland: Henry Percy, his Son. Lord Rofs.3 Lord Willoughby. Lord Fitzwater. Bishop of Carlifle. Abbot of Westminster. Lord Marshal; and another Lord. Sir Pierce of Exton. Sir Stephen Scroop. Queen to King Richard. Lady attending on the Queen. Lords, Heralds, Officers, Soldiers, Two Gardeners, SCENE, difperfedly in England and Wales. * Duke of Aumerle,] Aumerle, or Aumale, is the French for what we now call Albemarle, which is a town in Normandy. The old hiftorians generally use the French title. STEEVENS. There was no 2 Earl Berkley.] It ought to be Lord Berkley. Earl Berkley till fome ages after. STEEVENS. * Lord Ross.] Now spelt Roos, one of the Duke of Rutland's titles. STEEVENS. THE LIFE AND DEATH OF KING RICHARD II. ACT I. SCENE I. London. A Room in the Palace. Enter King RICHARD, attended; JOHN of GAUNT, and other Nobles, with him. K. RICH. Old John of Gaunt, time-honour'd Lancaster, Hast thou, according to thy oath and band,4 Brought hither Henry Hereford thy bold fon; Here to make good the boisterous late appeal, Which then our leisure would not let us hear, Against the duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray ? GAUNT. I have, my liege. *thy oath and band,] When these publick challenges were accepted, each combatant found a pledge for his appearance at the time and place appointed. So, in Spenser's Fairy Queen, B. IV. c. iii. ft. 3: "The day was set, that all might understand, The old copies read band instead of bond. The former is right. "My master is arrested on a band." STEEVENS. Band and Bond were formerly synonymous. See note on The Comedy of Errors, Act IV. fc. ii. MALONE. K. RICH. Tell me moreover, haft thou sounded him, If he appeal the duke on ancient malice; Or worthily as a good fubject should, On fome known ground of treachery in him ? GAUNT. As near as I could fift him on that ar gument, On fome apparent danger seen in him, Aim'd at your highness, no inveterate malice. K. RICH. Then call them to our prefence; face to face, And frowning brow to brow, ourselves will hear [Exeunt fome Attendants. High-ftomach'd are they both, and full of ire, Re-enter Attendants, with BOLINGBROKE and NORFOLK. BOLING. May many years of happy days befal My gracious fovereign, my most loving liege! Nor. Each day still better other's happiness; Until the heavens, envying earth's good hap, Add an immortal title to your crown! K. RICH. We thank you both: yet one but flat ters us, As well appeareth by the cause you come; Namely, to appeal each other of high treason.— Coufin of Hereford, what doft thou object Againft the duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray? BOLING. First, (heaven be the record to my speech!) In the devotion of a subject's love, |