The Publications of the Surtees SocietySurtees Society, 1932 - 183 Seiten Report of Society appended to many volumes. |
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Seite xxxix
... Fox shared authority with him until in or about the year 1516. Fox's retirement from court and official life was then voluntary , and Wolsey still from time to time drew upon his ripe experience1 ; he had held the privy seal for thirty ...
... Fox shared authority with him until in or about the year 1516. Fox's retirement from court and official life was then voluntary , and Wolsey still from time to time drew upon his ripe experience1 ; he had held the privy seal for thirty ...
Seite xli
... Fox's register : " It seems that the religious lous houses in this diocese began to lose their independence after Incent's ap- pointment as vicar - general in 1523 . At the same time it should be noticed that , while Fox was bishop , no ...
... Fox's register : " It seems that the religious lous houses in this diocese began to lose their independence after Incent's ap- pointment as vicar - general in 1523 . At the same time it should be noticed that , while Fox was bishop , no ...
Seite xlii
... Fox's translation to Winchester . There is no reason to doubt the bishop's assurance given to Wolsey , " And as for the religiouse men , they have be put to lesse costis and chargies in my days then other be , aftre the common maner of ...
... Fox's translation to Winchester . There is no reason to doubt the bishop's assurance given to Wolsey , " And as for the religiouse men , they have be put to lesse costis and chargies in my days then other be , aftre the common maner of ...
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
2º fo Anglie Auckelande episcopi bishop cantarie capellano christo christo patris church COLLACIO collation collegiata conferrimus intuitu caritatis continuo et personaliter curam animarum parochianorum Datum December dicte ecclesie dicti Reverendi patris dictus reverendus pater dignitate in omnibus dilecto diocese diocesis ad titulum domini mlimo ccccmo domino plenarie committendo dunolmensis diocesis Dunolmensis episcopi Durham Dykar ecclesie parochialis Edwardi Edwardus eiusdem vacantem episcopus Exeter formam et effectum Fox's gracia huiusmodi instituimus et investimus institution ipsius Inductione Iunii iuribus et consuetudinibus iuribus et pertinenciis Johannes Letters litteras dimissorias LITTERE DIMISSORIE magistri mensis Aprilis mensis Decembris mensis maii mlimo ccccmo nonagesimo monasterii necnon Nykke omnibus semper salvis parochia patris et domini permissione divina Dunolmensis pertinenciis universis canonice predicta prefertur presencium presentes register RICARDUS permissione divina Richard Fox sancti sanctum petrum Scaccario Sigillum sive spiritualibus Teque theologia Thomas Thome tibi conferrimus intuitu tibi in domino titulum domus translacionis ultimi universis canonice instituimus vicarie vicarium Winchester