Abbildungen der Seite

appear before us, the Dean and Chapter of the said Cathedral Church, on the day and at the hour and place aforesaid, in the forenoon of the same day, and in the choir of our said Cathedral Church proceed to the election of a new Bishop and Pastor in the same Cathedral Church as aforesaid vacant; according to the tenor of the said Congè d'Elire and Letter Recommendatory to us the said Dean and Chapter directed: intimating to you and every of you, as by these Presents we do intimate and signify, that we the said Dean and Chapter then present, do intend on the same day, and at the same hour and place, to proceed in the whole business of the said election, with all its incidents, emergencies, and dependences whatsoever, until the final despatch of the said election, as, God willing, we ought to proceed, your contumacy or absence notwithstanding.

"In testimony whereof, we, the said Dean and Chapter, have hereunto put our Common Seal, the - day of


On the day mentioned in the citatory letters, if the election takes place, a record of it, to the following effect, is entered in the Chapter Register :

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Record of the Election.

"Acts in the Cathedral Church of, on the day of in the year of our Sovereign Lord, &c., between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon of the same day, in the presence of C. D.,

Registrar of the Dean and Chapter aforesaid, and public Notary.

"At which day, hour, and place above written, immediately after morning prayers, the Rev. and the Chapter of the said Church, did, in the South Chapel of the said Church, (his Majesty's Royal Licence of Congè d'Elire and Letter Recommendatory for choosing another Bishop to the See of vacant by the death of being first read,) with one assent and consent elect unto the said See of, the Rev. ——, and him by them so elected Bishop of, did openly and solemnly declare in the body of the said Church, before all the people there, and also before C. D., public Notary and Registrar of the said Dean and Chapter. So I attest, C. D., Public Notary."

Signification of the Election to the King.

"To his most excellent Majesty

-, your most humble and devoted the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of all manner of obedience

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and subjection due to your most excellent Majesty.



We, the said Dean and Chapter, do by these Presents most humbly intimate and signify unto your Majesty, that the episcopal see of vacant by the death of, we, by virtue and authority of your Majesty's Royal Licence, to us most graciously made and granted, for electing another Bishop of the said Cathedral Church, being capitularly assembled in the said Cathedral Church, and there making Chapter (saving to ourselves all

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the privileges that varit u ie sored wah regard to the said election, as cem in the laws of this or famous kingdom of Great Brian as in the ancient and landatie casons of your said Cachedral Church,, and having maturely and seriously considered of a person NEFT TO BE ELECTED thereunto, at length we hare nacimously agreed and given our consent and voices for the Rev.

being nominated and recommended unto us by your Majesty, as a person endued with virtue, learning, wisdom, and gravity, and other good gifts; and by virtue of your Majesty's Letter Recommendatory, we the said Dean and Chapter unanimously, and no one contradicting, have elected the said


be Bishop of ——, and we most humbly beseech your most excellent Majesty that you will be graciously pleased to command and cause to be confirmed, our said election made of the person of the said, as aforesaid. So that, by the favour of Almighty God, the giver of all good things, the said, Bishop of, by us elected, may be devoted to God, and to the service of your said Majesty and your kingdom, and may be able usefully to preside over us the said Dean and Chapter, and to promote the interests of your said Cathedral Church. And so may Almighty God always prosper and protect your most Sacred Majesty.

"In testimony whereof, we the said Dean and Chapter, have hereunto put our Common Seal, dated in our Chapter House in


day of

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in the year of his Majesty's reign, and in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ."

A similar signification is sent to the Archbishop of the province, or "to any other who hath or shall have sufficient authority in this behalf," praying him to confirm the election; and at the same time a letter is addressed to the Bishop Elect, requesting his consent.

Address to the Bishop Elect.

"To the Rev. - -, your humble and devoted the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of — in the Diocese of send greeting.


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We, the said Dean and Chapter, do humbly certify to you that the episcopal See of


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day of

being vacant by the death of ——, we, the said Dean and Chapter did, on ———, the instant, with all due reverence receive his Majesty's Patent of Congè d'Elire, or Royal Licence, under the Great Seal of Great Britain, for electing to us another Bishop and Pastor, and also his Majesty's Letter Recommendatory, under his Royal Signet to us the said Dean and Chapter directed. And then and there, according to the tenor of the aforesaid Licence, we did agree to proceed to the election of a future Bishop of the Church aforesaid, as aforesaid vacant, and for that purpose did cause all and singular of the Canons and Prebendaries of the same Church, and others having or pretending to have any right or interest in that behalf, to be cited to appear on this day of, to give their con

sent and voices respectively: which said — day of

being come, and Prayers to Almighty God before all things being humbly offered up, we the said Dean and Chapter, capitularly assembled in the said Cathedral Church, and making a full Chapter, did there, by virtue of his Majesty's Royal Licence, and according to the Statutes and Ecclesiastical Laws of the famous Kingdom of Great Britain, canonically proceed to the election aforesaid, in the manner and form following: (to wit)—

"First, after mature and serious consideration had between ourselves concerning a FIT PERSON, in that behalf to be elected, (and saving to ourselves, &c.) we did at length agree to give our votes for you, being nominated and recommended to us by his Majesty's said Letter Recommendatory, as a person endued with virtue, learning, wisdom, and other good gifts, and by virtue of his Majesty's said Licence and Letter Recommendatory, with our whole assent and consent, no one contradicting, we did elect you Bishop and Pastor of the said Cathedral Church: which said election of you as is aforesaid made, we immediately published to the clergy and people then and there present in the public and usual place, and all and singular other things of right or by custom in that behalf necessary, we have caused to be done and despatched in the presence of a Registrar or Public Notary, and other credible witnesses, as by Act or Public Instruments, which upon the whole election aforesaid, we have

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