Abbildungen der Seite

33° In case that a Catholicke woman should be married to one of the enemies or neuters, soe that all the meanes and goods should be confiscated for the Catholicke cause, it shall be lawfull to the wife to calle for the third parte of her goods, noe more nor noe lesse than as her husband weare dead or banished out of the kingdome.

34° The goods and lands which the false Archbishops, and protestant ministers, or their farmers enjoyed in the beginninge of this warre, are sensured from this present for the goods, lands, and farmers of the Catholicke Archbishops, Bishops, and Clergie: and are comprehended in the above order conserning establishment of possessions. 35° Whosever shall be made prisoner by the authority of any of the counsells, shall not be enlarged but by the approvement of the selfeNoe person whatsoever shall protect or receive the familiars of the contrary parte without permission of the Generall of the place.


36° In whatsoever roade, harbour or bay of this kingdome of dessigne or necessitie, there shall enter any shipp, though a stranger leaden with armes, munitions or other foraigne commodities: those that commands the province or countie, shall protect the inhabitants and conserve their goods and their men: then they will provide cartes for them and conduct them where they please to goe: not permitting any to toutch their commodities, under colour of the chardges of the said cartes, or any other pretence whatsoever, untill such time as they sell the said comodities where themselves will think fitt: and then the Commissioner appointed for this end, will make an inventorie of the goods, and taxe what ought to be paid: and whosoever shall doe otherwise, shall be punished to death as a common enemy to the comonwealth and kingdome.

37° There shall be in every sea porte Commissioners, who shall be burgesses and inhabitants of the place named by one of the counsells for to make an inventorie of the arms and munitions of warre that shall enter in this kingdome, whereby to give advice out of hand to the supreame counsell for many good reasons.

38° The souldiers that shunnes from their garisons, or steales from the armes or from one place to another shall be sent backe to their firste captaines, for to be punished according to their faults.

39° The debts which the enemies or neuters oweth to the Catholickes enrolled in this holly union, shall be deducted out of their goods, before they be disposed of for the subsistence of the publicke affaires.

40° Noe person whatever either souldier or otherwise shall toutch the goods, movables or immovables of the enemies or neuters without expresse order from the county counsell where they shall be.

41° To take away all grudgeing of nationall distinction, which this assembly detesteth and abhorreth, the oath of association and union shall be solemnly sworne after holly confession and communion in all the parishes of the whole kingdome: and the names of all men of note, shall be written in parsment, and kept in the treasury of the kingdome.


RICHARD SHAW, Secretary of the
Supreame Counsell.




Nos infrascripti fidem facimus, notificamus et declaramus nostro subditorumque nostrorum nomine Concilium Tridentinum receptum in nostris territoriis, prout simul congregati etiamnum nos recipimus. unanimi consensu quoad ea omnia quae status temporum practicari patietur.

Datum Waterfordiae hac die 17 Decembris, 1643.
Hugo, Ardmachanus.

fr. Thomas, Dubliniensis.

Thomas, Archiep. Cassiliensis.

Malachias, Archiep. Tuamensis.

Joannes, Clonfertensis.

fr. Patritius, Waterfordien et Lismoren.

Joannes, Laonensis Episcopus.

Emerus, Dunconerensis.

Robertus Barry, Vicarius Apost. Rossensis.

(To this the Bishop of Ossory added) :

Visa et lecta praesenti declaratione subscripta et approbata a tot Archiepiscopis et Episcopis, libenter eam approbo et confirmo meo


Datum Kilkenniae die 23 Janurii, 1643, stylo veteri (i.e. 1644) et hanc meam confirmationem atque approbationem intelligo meo et cleri mei Dioecesani nomine.

DAVID, Episcopus Ossoriensis.

(The following Bishops and Vicars Apostolic subsequently added their names):

Richardus, Limericensis Ep.
Mauritius, Imolacensis Ep.

fr. Boetius, Elphinensis Ep.

fr. Oliverius de Burgo, Vicarius Apost. Duacensis.
Donaldus O'Grypha, Vic. Apost. Finiborensis.




Symbola Christiana quibus in Signis militaribus utuntur Catholici Hiberni :

1. In vexillis albis respersis guttis sanguineis depictus est Crucifixus cum hac inscriptione, aequum est pro Christo mori.

2. In vexillis viridibus, imago Salvatoris humeris gestantis crucem, cum hac inscriptione, patior ut vincam.

3. In vexillis aureis, Resurrectio Salvatoris cum hac inscriptione ; Exsurgat Deus et dissipentur inimici ejus: vel, Rotunditas nigra nube circumdata in qua sol apparere incipit cum hac inscriptione, post nubila phoebus.

4. In vexillis sanguineis nomen JESUS cum hac epigraphe: In nomine Jesu omne genu flectetur, (Id factum videtur ad obviandum Puritanis qui nuper per actum parlamentarium, honorem et reverentiam nomini Jesu vel genuflexionem vel capitis inclinationem aut apertionem, exhiberi prohibuerunt, et papisticam id abominationem

idololatriamque vocaverunt): vel, duo brachia ex nube prominentia quorum alterum portat calicem cum hostia superposita, alterum gladium in eorundem defensionem cum inscriptione, pro Deo, Rege,

et Patria.

5. In vexillis coloris aerii, imago Beatissimae Virginis gestantis in ulnis Infantem Jesum, et serpentem pede calcantis, cum hac inscriptione, solvit vincula Deus.

6. In vexillis coccineis, brachium argenteum armatum ex nube prominens lanceam ejusdem coloris tenens, cum inscriptione, fortitudo mea desuper.

7. In vexillis argenteis, eques undique armatus manu ignem supponens Institutionibus Calvini, cum hac inscriptione, Sic pereant haereses.

8. In vexillis purpureis, imago Salvatoris liberantis patres e Lymbo, cum hac inscriptione, victor redit de barathro, (opponitur hoc nuper illi facto, quo in Parlamento astitantibus et urgentibus ministris, Calviniano more a Puritanis disputatum fuit, ut e Symbolo Apostolorum posthac deleretur articulus ille: Descendit ad inferos : quod Papistae eo ad adstruendum Lymbum Patrum et Purgatorium uterentur): vel, imago Judithae gladium in capulo aureo tenentis, et fatalem ictum Holoferni dantis cum hac inscriptione, Dominus vindicat populum suum.

Nota quod in parte dextra cujuslibet vexilli posita sit crux Hiberniae in cujus circuitu color ruber in campo viridi. Sub cruce vivat Rex Carolus; et super, has literas, C. R. et corona Imperialis.




§ 1. Brief to all the Faithful people of Ireland.

Universis Fidelibus per regnum Hiberniae constitutis, Salutem et Apostolicam Benedictionem.

Quanta sit vestra in tribulationibus constantia, atque inter per

secutionum pressuras animi magnitudo, quae per universas praedicatur Ecclesias, laeto excepimus corde, et paterno exultantes affectu gratias reddimus illi cujus vicem gerimus, qui dignanter vobis concessit, non solum ut in illum credatis, verum et ut pro illo patiamini. Omne gaudium existimate, Filii dilectissimi, cum in tentationes varias incideritis, scientes quod probatio fidei vestrae patientiam operatur, patientia autem opus perfectum habet ut sitis integri et perfecti in nullo deficientes. Qui vos tot calamitatibus concuti permittit, sane fidei qualitatem explorat. Nam haereticorum tormentis Christianorum virtus probatur, et cum exurimur persecutionis ardore, tum examinamur de fidei tenore: nam tribulationes bonorum flabella sunt inimici per quae ustio fidei et conflatio charitatis administratur. Id prorsus intellexit patientiae Magister quando interrogavit ubi est fortitudo tua et patientia tua et perfectio viarum tuarum ? Quia etenim perfectio de patientia nascitur, statim post patientiam, viarum perfectionem adjunxit. Quando itaque nos terrenis tentationibus probat Dominus, et his saeculi malis Scrutator Christus expendit, gratulandum nobis est atque laetandum, quod non illis nos perennibus reservat exitiis, sed gaudet ab omni contagione purgatos, atque in fide integros, et in virtute perfectos in nullo comperit defecisse. Multa ex tribulatione patienter perpessa bona proveniunt, peccata purgantur, fides solidatur, virtutes accrescunt, et animus ad divina dona capessenda dilatatur. Propterea viae impiorum prosperantur et iniqui, ut habet propheta, sublevati confortatique sunt divitiis, domus eorum securae et pacatae, et non est virga Dei super illos. At de suis servis inquit Dominus: delicati mei ambulaverunt vias asperas, ducti sunt enim ut grex direptus ab inimicis; et alibi: beatus homo qui corripitur a Domino. Sed non capiunt omnes verbum hoc: malum est, malum est, dicit omnis emptor, et cum recesserit tribulatio tunc gloriabitur: est aurum, et multitudo gemmarum, est vas praetiosum. Aurum certe et gemmarum multitudo, persecutio, quia mentes virtutibus ornat, at mundi prosperitas vitiis deturpat. Qui non est tentatus, inquit Sapiens, quid scit? et qui implanatus est abundabit nequitia. Vineae suae minatus est Dominus: non putabitur et non fodietur; et quid inde sequatur, adjunxit: ascendent in ea vepres et spinae. Felicia sensim corrumpunt, adversa tandem praetereunt et qui percussit, Ipse sanabit. Obducam, inquit, cicatricem tibi, et a vulneribus sanabo te. Juxta est Dominus iis qui tribulato sunt corde. Ipse Jacob justum, profugum irae fratris sui,

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