There, my Lyfander and my self shall meet; t So I, admiring of his qualities. eyes, Things bafe and vile, holding no quantity, Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; thefis to Emptying: and frange Companions our Editors thought was plain English; bur ftranger Companies, a little quaint and unintelligible. It may be neceffary, in Proof of my Emendation, to fhew, that our Author elfewhere ufes the Subftantive Stranger adjectively; and Companies, to fignify Companions, King John. Act. 5. de Wherein we step after a ftranger March go Rich. 2. Act. 1. But tread the ftranger Paths of Banishment. Beaumont and Fletcher have used it in the like manner; Spanife Cu rate, A&t. 3. To bring into my Family, to fucceed me, The ftranger fue of another's Bed. 2 Hen. V. A&t. 1. Since his Addiction was to Courfes vain, And fo, in a parallel Word, Merry Wives of Windfer, Alt. 3. My Riots paft, my wild Societies. As As waggish boys themselves in game forfwear, SCENE changes to a Cottage. [Exit. Enter Quince, Saug, Bottom, Flute, Snowt, and S all our company here? Quin. Is Bot. You were beft to call them generally man by man, according to the fcrip. Quin. Here is the fcrowl of every man's name, which is thought fit, through all Athens, to play in our interlude before the Duke and Dutchefs, on his weddingday at night. Bot. Firft, good Peter Quince, fay what the play treats on; then read the names of the actors; and fo grow on to a point. Quin. Marry, our play is the moft lamentable comedy, and moft cruel death of Pyramus and Thisby. Bot. A very good piece of work, I affure you, and a merry. Now, good Peter Quince, call forth your actors by the fcrowl. Mafters, fpread your felves. Quin. Anfwer, as I call you. Nick Bottom, the weaver. Bot. That will ask fome tears in the true perform- ing ing of it; if I do it, let the audience look to their eyes; I will move ftorms; I will condole in fome measure. To the reft; yet, my chief humour is for a tyrant; I could play Ercles rarely, or a part to tear a cat in: To make all fplit(3)" the raging ❝ rocks, and fhivering fhocks fhall break the locks of "prifon-gates-and Phibbus carr fhall fhine from far, and make and mar the foolish fates"— This lofty. Now name the reft of the players. This is Ercles vein, a tyrant's vein; a lover is more condoling. Quin. Francis Flute, the bellows-mender. Flu. Here, Peter Quince. Quin. You must take Thisby on you. This Flu. What is Thisby, a wand'ring Knight? was Flu. Nay, faith, let not me play a woman; I have a beard coming. Quin. That's all one, you fhall play it in a masque; and you may fpeak as fmall, as you will. Bot. An I may hide my face, let me play Thisby too; I'll fpeak in a monftrous little voice, Thifne, Thifne ah, Pyramus, my lover dear, thy Thisby dear, and lady dear. Quin. No, no, you must play Pyramus; and Flute, you, Thisby. Bot. Well, proceed. Quin. Robin Starveling, the taylor. Star. Here, Peter Quince. Quin. Robin Starveling, you must play Thisby's mother. (4) (3) The raging Rocks And Shivering Shocks, &c.] I prefume This to be either a Quotation from fome fuftian old Play, which I have not been able to traces or if not a direct Quotation, a Ridicule on fome bombaft Rants, very near refembling it. (4) you must play Thisby's Mother.] There feems a double Forgetfulness of our Poet, in relation to the Characters of this Interlude. The Father and Mother of Thisbe, and the Father of Pyramus, are here mention'd, who do not appear at all in the Interlude: but Wall and Moonshine are Both employ'd in it, of whom there is not the leaft Nopice taken here. |