TRANSACTIONS OF THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COLORADO BAR ASSOCIATION. HELD AT COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST DAY 11:00 O'CLOCK A. M. Friday, July 12, 1918. The meeting was called to order in the ballroom of the new Broadmoor Hotel at 11 o'clock. President Devine: Gentlemen-We find that the trains are late, the roads are in bad condition, and that our attendance is very small, and, what makes it worse, is that certain chairmen of committees are not here, and we are hence not prepared to go on with the formal part of this program this morning. I think if we adjourn until 1:30 o'clock, until all the lawyers get here, and then take up the program and rush it through, we would really save time. George F. Dunklee: I therefore move, Mr. Chairman, that we do adjourn until 1:30 o'clock, and take up the regular order of business at that time. This motion was duly seconded, and carried without dissent. TRANSACTIONS OF THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COLORADO BAR ASSOCIATION HELD AT COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST DAY 11:00 O'CLOCK A. M. Friday, July 12, 1918. The meeting was called to order in the ballroom of the new Broadmoor Hotel at 11 o'clock. President Devine: Gentlemen-We find that the trains are late, the roads are in bad condition, and that our attendance is very small, and, what makes it worse, is that certain chairmen of committees are not here, and we are hence not prepared to go on with the formal part of this program this morning. I think if we adjourn until 1:30 o'clock, until all the lawyers get here, and then take up the program and rush it through, we would really save time. George F. Dunklee: I therefore move, Mr. Chairman, that we do adjourn until 1:30 o'clock, and take up the regular order of business at that time. This motion was duly seconded, and carried without dissent. Presidant Devine: AFTERNOON SESSION 1:30 O'CLOCK Friday, July 12, 1918. The first business will be the reading of the minutes, unless there is a motion to dispense with such reading. George P. Steele: I make the usual motion in that regard. President Devine: The motion is that the reading of the minutes, which are contained in the last printed report, be dispensed with. This motion was carried unanimously. President Devine: We will ask now for the report of the Committee on Admissions, if the chairman of that committee is here. I want to say, of course, this is an executive session, when we come to vote on these admissions, and all who are not now members of the Association will retire during the consideration of the vote. Samuel H. Kinsley: The Committee on Admissions begs to report that there have been received and favorably acted upon the applications of the following persons: J. J. Laton, Omar E. Garwood, Alfred Todd, Delph E. Carpenter, F. H. Houtchens, Henry E. Churchill, John W. Henderson, Leonard E. Anderson, Sam Parlapiano, E. F. Chambers, C. C. Rickel. President Devine: Of course, under the rules, the next order is the voting on the admission of the persons named to membership. If there is |