In common worldly things, 'tis call'd-ungrate. For, by the way, I'll sort occasion, ful, Ris. Madam, bethink you, like a careful Of the young prince your son: send straight And plant your joys in living Edward's throne. Enter GLOSTER, BUCKINGHAM, STANLEY, Glo. Sister, have comfort: all of us have cause To wail the dimming of our shining star; As index to the story we late talk'd of, Glo. My other self, my counsel's consistory, SCENE III. The same. A Street. Enter two CITIZENS, meeting. 1 Cit. Good morrow, neighbour: Whither away so fast? 2 Cit. I promise you, I scarcely know my self: Hear you the news abroad? 1 Cit. Yes; the king's dead. 2 Cit. Ill news, by'r lady; seldom comes the better: But none can cure their harms by wailing 1 fear, I fear, 'twill prove a giddy world. them. That bear this mutual heavy load of moan, 3 Cit. Woe to that land, that's govern'd by a 2 Cit. In him there is a bope of government; That, in his nonage, & council under him, No doubt, shall then, and till then, govern well. Though we have spent our harvest of this And, in his full and ripen'd years, himself, king, We are to reap the harvest of his son. The broken rancour of your high swoln hearts, fetch'd Hither to London, to be crown'd our king. Ris. Why with some little train, my lord of Buck. Marry, my lord, lest, by a multitude, The new-heal'd wound of malice should break out; Which would be so much the more dangerous, vern'd: Where every horse bears his commanding rein, In my opinion, ought to be prevented. Was crown'd in Paris but at nine months old. 3 Cit. Stood the state so? no, no, good friends, For then this land was famously enrich'd 1 Cit. Why, so hath this, both by his father 3 Cit. Better it were they all came by his Or, by his father, there were none at all : Glo. I hope the king made peace with all This sickly land might solace as before. Which, haply, by much company might be When the sun sets, who doth not look for 4 Min Cusserse. 2 Cit. Marry, we were sent for to the jus- | Duch. Who hath committed them! tice's. 3 Cit. And so was I; I'll bear you company. SCENE IV. The same. -A Room in the Enter the Archbishop of YORK, the young Arch. Last night I heard, they lay at Stony- And at Northampton they do rest to-night: Duch. I long with all my heart to see the prince; I hope, he is much grown since last I saw him. York Hath almost overta'en him in his growth. York. Ay, mother, but I would not have it 80. Duch. Why, my young cousin; it is good to grow. York. Grandam, one night, as we did sit at My uncle Rivers talk'd how I did grow Small herbs have grace, great weeds do grow And since, methinks, I would not grow so fast, Because sweet flowers are slow, and weeds make haste. Duch. 'Good faith, 'good faith, the saying did not hold In him that did object the same to thee : He was the wretched'st thing, when he was So long a growing, and so leisurely, Arch. And so, no doubt, he is, my gracious madam. York. Now, by my troth, if I had been re- I could have given my uncle's grace a flout, Duch. How, my young York? I prythee, let York. Marry, they say, my uncle grew so That he could gnaw a crnst at two hours old; York. Grandam, his nurse. York. If 'twere not she, I cannot tell who Q. Eliz. A parlous boy: Go to, you are too shrewd. Arch. Good madam, be not angry with the child. Mess. The mighty dukes, Q. Elis. Ahl me, I see the ruin of my The tiger now hath seiz'd the gentle hind; Duch. Accursed and unquiet wrangling days ons Blood to blood, self 'gainst self:-0 preposter- Q. Eliz. Come, come, my boy, we will to Duch. Stay, I will go with you. Arch. My gracious lady, go, [To the QUEEN. АСТ II. [Exeunt. SCENE I.-The same. -A Street. The trumpets sound. Enter the Prince of Buck. Welcome, sweet prince, to London, to your chamber. Glo. Welcome, dear cousin, my thoughts' sovereign: The weary way hath made you melancholy. Have made it tedious, wearisome, and heavy: Glo. Sweet prince, the untainted virtue of Have not yet div'd into the world's deceit : Seldom, or never, jumpeth with the heart. Your grace attended to the sugar'd words, Prince. God keep me from false friends! but Can from his mother win the duke of York, Prince. Richard of York! how fares our loving brother ? York. Well, my dread lord; so must I call Too late he died, that might have kept that York. I thank you, gentle uncle. O my lord, You said that idle weeds are fast in growth: Buck. You are too senseless-obstinate, my The prince my brother hath outgrown me far. Glo. He hath, my lord. York. And therefore is he idle ? Glo. O my fair cousin, I must not say so. York. Then is he more beholden to you, York. What, will you go unto the Tower, my lord ? Prince. My lord protector needs will have it so. Come, let us sup betimes; that afterwards York. I shall not sleep in quiet at the Tower. SCENE II.-Before Lord HASTINGS' House ghost; My grandam told me, he was murder'd there. fear. But come, my lord, and, with a heavy heart, [Exeunt PRINCE, YORK, HASTINGS, CARDINAL, and Attendants. Buck. Think you, my lord, this little prating York Was not incensed by his subtle mother, Bold, quick, ingenious, forward, capable; + As closely to conceal what we impart: Enter a MESSENGER. [Knocking. Mess. My lord, my lord,- Enter HASTINGS. Hast. Cannot thy master sleep these tedious nights? Mess. So it should seem by that I have to say. First, he commends him to your noble lordship. Hast. And then, Mess. And then he sends you word, he dreamt To-night the boar had rased off his helm : Therefore he sends to know your lordship's pleasure, And with all speed post with him toward the north, Thou know'st' our reasons urg'd upon the If presently you will take horse with him, way; What think'st thou? is it not an easy matter In the seat royal of this famous isle? Cate. He for his father's sake so loves the prince, That he will not be won to aught against him. Buck. What think'st thou then of Stanley? will not he ? Cate. He will do all in all as Hastings doth. Buck. Well then, no more but this: Go, gentle Catesby, And, as it were far off, sound thou lord Hastings, How he doth stand affected to our purpose; If thou dost find him tractable to us, Glo. Commend me to lord William: tell him, Catesby, His dangerous knot of adversaries Cate. My good lords both, with all the heed Glo. Shall we hear from you, Catesby, ere we sleep? Cate. You shall, my lord. Glo. At Crosby-place, there shall you find us both. [Exit CATESBY. Buck. Now, my lord, what shall we, if we perceive Lord Hastings will not yield to our complots ? Glo. Chop off his head, man;-somewhat we will do : And, look, when I am king, claim thou of me The earldom of Hereford, and all the move To shun the danger that his soul divines. Tell him, his fears are shallow, wanting instance:⚫ And for his dreams-I wonder, he's so fond t chase. Go, bid thy master rise and come to me; kindly. Mess. I'll go, my lord, and tell him what you say. [Exit. Enter CATESBY. Cate. Many good morrows to my noble lord ! Hast. Good morrow, Catesby; you are early stirring: What news, what news, in this our tottering state? Cate. It is a reeling world, indeed, my lord; And, I believe, will never stand upright, Till Richard wear the garland of the realm. Hast. How! wear the garland? dost thou mean the crown? Cate. Ay, my good lord. Hast. I'll have this crown of mine cut from my shoulders, Before I'll see the crown so foul misplac'd. But canst thou guess that he doth aim at it! Cate. Ay, on my life; and hopes to find you forward Upon his party, for the gain thereof: Hast. Indeed, I am no mourner for that Cate. God keep your lordship in that gracious mind! Hast. I thank thee, good Sir John, with all my heart. Hast. But 1 shall laugh at this a twelvemonth hence, I am in your debt for your last exercise; That they, who brought me in my master's hate, When men are unprepar'd, and look not for it. it out With Rivers, Vaughan, Grey and so 'twill do safe As thou and I, who, as thou know'st, are dear Enter BUCKINGHAM. Buck. What, talking with a priest, lord Your friends at Pomfret, they do need the The men you talk of came into my mind. Buck. I do, my lord; but long I cannot stay Cate. The princes both make high account of I shall return before your lordship thence. And never, in my life, I do protest, Was it more precious to me than 'tis now: from London, Stan. The lords at Pomfret, when they rode [sure, Were jocund, and suppos'd their states were And they, indeed, had no cause to mistrust; But yet, you see, how soon the day o'er-cast, This sudden stab of rancour I misdoubt; Pray God, I say, I prove a needless coward ! What, shall we toward the Tower? the day is spent. Hast. Come, come, have with you.-Wot you what, my lord ? To-day, the lords you talk of are beheaded. Stan. They, for their truth, might better wear their heads, Than some that have accus'd them, wear their Hast. Nay, like enough, for I stay dinner it not. Come, will you go? Hast. I'll wait upon your lordship. [Exeunt. SCENE III.-Pomfret. Before the Castle. Rat. Cone, bring forth the prisoners. this, To-day, shalt thou behold a subject die, Grey. God keep the prince from all the pack Fatal and ominous to noble peers ! When she exclaim'd on Hastings, you, and I, Then curs'd she Richard:-0 remember, God, [Exeunt. SCENE IV.-London. A Room in the Tower. BUCKINGHAM, STANLEY, HASTINGS, the Bishop of ELY, CATESBY, LOVEL, and others, sitting at a Table; Officers of the Council attending. Hast. Now, noble peers, the cause why we Is-to determine of the coronation: Stan. They are; and want but nomination. • Crosy + Know. |